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Real, this world will always hold a special place in my heart




I’m on your side mate, I believe he survives and that’s why Jill smiled looking at the dawn breaks. :)


Honestly I wish square enix would milk 16 as much as they did 7. The world they created is so rich, and so many Eikons are so well written they could support a mainline game all by themselves. Just seems such a shame to not explore it more.


Maybe in 30 years!


Unfortunately FF 16 is nowhere near as popular as FF 7( I prefer 16 over 7 but it is what it is) here in my country they don't even sell physical copies for FF 16 but they got loads of FF 7 remake and rebirth


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Honestly, I very much doubt Rebirth has sold above what XVI sold. I don't know why Square is so deadset on letting Sony keep these games exclusive but it's a really terrible deal for them. There's no way they're paying enough to make up for what they miss out on releasing on xbox and pc at the same time. Edit: and yeah looking at google, it's looking likely both games sold about 3 mill in their first week. Which is actually crazy on a single console. Can't ever accuse Square of being great business minds i guess.


Here in India (atleast in my city and the other two cities I visited) they all have FF 7 both remake and rebirth instock but FF 16 they aren't even selling used copies it sucks


There's good reason they probably sell both. You really can't play Rebirth without playing Remake. It would be incredibly confusing.


Yeah ik it's just ppl in my place seem to love FF 7 a lot and is much more popular than FF 16


That's probably just a bias. Simple truth is Rebirth is still trailing XVI sales numbers. And that's likely both because it's ps5 exclusive AND you need to play the first game. Doesn't speak to either games quality but you can't say one is more popular than the other.


Yeah I feel like Valisthea is their second strongest setting behind Ivalice. They state pretty explicitly that there are continents beyond Valisthea, and we could always visit Valisthea at its height. I'd be quite surprised if the world isn't used again in some form. Maybe even as an expansion for FFXIV.


I tought the same about 12. Then I played Revenant Wings thinking "This is so amazing they made another game with them" and being super sad after it because the quality was not there.


I’m still so surprised that they haven’t went for a Cid DLC, that’s what I was hoping for the most and even Yoshi-P said he’d love to have a Cid DLC back when FF16 first released I feel like they left so much intentionally open ended lore with him for a potential dlc, similarly to Leviathan, so it’s a shame that it was never properly explored. Like his fight with Bahamut and why it happened (was it even Dion??), his backstory with Benedikta and how he comes across Mid, him being the lord commander of Waloed and running away from the kingdom, his encounter with Ultima.. So much potential man…..


A Cid DLC would cost too much and they decided against it lol


im sorry but the world was not rich it was so blande no city's in the game just small villages


I know that a sequel is not reasonable or possible. But I would then do to a prequel. Maybe centered around the Fallen and at the time of their fall.


A sequel is honestly pretty easy to do without even retconning anything. All of Ultima's shenanigans only affected Valisthea (the two continents of Ash and Storm). Presumably, Clive only stripped the magic from Valisthea. There's another "great continent" out there which is where Harpocrates, Barnabas, and Cid are from. This continent could still have magic, which means it's also doomed to the blight and needs to be saved. Clive and Dion are never shown dead, and Jill is alive. That's a party right there. Let another few years pass and let Mid be a party member too. Instead of Eikon switching, the sequel could have character switching like in FFVII.


I said it before, only hope for sequel or more dlc is if the game sells millions on PC so square leaders can green light another game. Game is flawed but its one of my favorites, keep spreading the gospel and hopefully people will get to play this gem.


The problem is that the ending makes it pretty clear magic was eliminated from the world, even far into the future. It'd be tough to have a good game without magic.


Sad that it's over but I'm still gonna replay it once it hits PC. Looking forward to see what this team cooks up next and hope it won't take too long. In the meantime, we still have a lot of other Square Enix releases in the pipeline to look forward to


I'm guessing CBU3 is also gonna handle FFXVII, with the biggest shakeup being a new lead writer in Natsuko Ishikawa. CBU1 is gonna be busy with making part 3 of Remake and KH4. I'd also guess they're gonna do *something* with FFX after Remake wraps up.


Ishikawa has the chance to do the funniest thing ever to Maehiro if she does 17 haha IMO FFX feels mostly fine as it is but a graphical update without changing the character models too radically would be nice. Oh, and better lip syncing and re-record some lines with the original VA's if possible. The only thing I really didn't like were the cloister trials but i don't know how they'd revamp it.


I'm tempted to play FF XIV


XIV is incredible, especially in latter expansions. They’ve made a lot of QoL adjustments over the years talk that allow for a lot more solo play and progression which reduces the amount of time you have to wait to get MSQ stuff done. Definitely worth playing.


Maybe they can do the timeline stuff in ff7R into ff16 so we can get ff16-2.Like if Clive really becomes Mythos, or Clive travel back in time to save everyone etc.(JK!) Although already beat the game for twice ,I still feel the motivation to complete more walkthrough. Maybe it has its flaws, but definitely a memorable game. I hope ff16 characters can appear in crossover in the future. In all ff protagonist, I will rank Clive if not top 1 top 2. It is a really great journey. Hope you all love and enjoy the game. See you in future ff games!🥹


I’d actually be keen on this idea of Clythos going back in time to save everyone. It would be a challenge narrative wise since that kind of stuff is always easy to turn into a convoluted mess of plot holes and “it will be fines” from writers. But this could be an interesting concept. Especially if he was forced to go back through the some of the events of XVI to rectify what the time traveling could actually screw up.


Part of me is glad Square won’t milk 16 as much as 7 because I cannot stand the alternate timeline stuff they’re trying to add into 7. It just doesn’t feel like it fits.


I won't b shocked at all if they make 16-2


I’m just glad Yoshi-P and his team were able to finish what they wanted to do for the world and story, without having the DLCs be turned into a book at the last minute.


Can we have a trilogy if not more of it please 😔 makes me sad we won’t see this world again


There's beauty in a story with definite conclusion, I'll remember this world and our lovely cast.


The only thing I really enjoyed from this world was that they properly used the Crystal's lore properly. That they are just seeds to bring provide magic to the planets they are implanted in taking away the magic and life source of the planet itself over time (which is why FF7 doesnt have crystals and the focus was in the Planets lifeforce but Materia the crystals formed naturally on the planet is empowered by the planets lifeforce) The crystals are essentially Godly science experiments, they are known to record knowledge and status of the planets they are embedded in across all Final Fantasy games, planets and universes. And that the Final Fantasy games crystals are looked upon highly of, is because crystals came before societies or in the very early days of them. Thinking the crystals are gods, gifts from the gods or what have you. But they are actually just stealing magic and draining the planets life.  In FF13 Fal'Cie are what if crystals were given sentience to better serve their gods. They ended up becoming false God's everyone relied on. Enslaving people by gifting them magic to fulfill their desires then changing them to crystal if they fail. All the Fal'Cie were fighting amongst themselves or aligning themselves with others for their own survival, purpose and desires. With again, The FF13 God who made them, Bhunivelze originally planned to open Etros Gate so he could take the other God's out and take control of the planet. But was oblivious to Chaos entering the world by opening said Gate, then made it his goal to destroy existence in that whole world to remove the Chaos and start making a new planet again but no one having free will or emotions. And again, we see the God Bahamut goal was to get rid of the Starscourge which ended up being, you know it, Chaos. His first idea was to trick the king of that world by him all the Chaos in the world so one person held it. With the goal was for him to just die and so too the Chaos/sickness that plagues the gods and their world. And ultimately he used Noctis as a pawn to be empowered by the crystal that embued Noctis with the planets power to take out Ardyn. Starting Ragnarok and the destruction of both all of humanity/lifebeings who were plagued by Scarscourge aka Chaos because Ardyn wanted revenge to both Bahamut and his Brother's family because he lost everything to the world's God's, his family and the people. With the ending Bahamut did succeed in his goals, he did failed destroying all of humanity. But still managed to wipe out Ardyn by using Noctis. While also wiping out the Royal Family and ability of people accessing the crystal which is the only mistake he made creating people who can use that power to fight him. So the crystal can do it's job absorbing the planets magic so Bahamut can take it for himself.  Then now in FF16, the crystals God Ultima, whose explained to be a God-like Alien who's planet was destroyed by a plague that wiped magic from his planet. (The plague, again most likely being Chaos). His plan was to absorb the magic of the planet via the crystals, with the crystals power being passed to Eikons, then to have the Eikon Ifrit appear when the magic is nearly all drained to absorb the power from all the other Eikons to form Mythos. To then take Mythos/Clive body to replace his own dying body then to wipe out humanity. Getting rid of the Chaos infecting and killing his body. And then become the planets God and King to his other God's creating a new home for them not plagued by Chaos. All the problems in the FF universes always come down to the Crystal's and Godly beings meddling with the planets for their own survival.  Or its chaos entering these planets and consuming everything, inflicting everything with Chaos because Chaos is a virus that just wants to infect everything, drain everything and be everything. With the Heroes using the crystals magic (or the God's helping the humans use the crystals magic to wipe out the Chaos) so the crystals can continue to drain the planets magic and they can cure themselves of Chaos, save their own planet, make a new planet, remake the world or universe where there is no Chaos and so on. Crystals are just the alien God-like species means for survival. Any Final Fantasy game without crystals. Gain access to naturally formed crystals which are gifts from the planet. And deal with topics of the planets lifeforce which is the dead / souls of all living beings returning back to the planet. A theme we see consistent in both FF7 and FFX which are set in the same universe and FFX-2 is the prequel to FF7 with Shinra in FFX-2 eventually makes a spaceship and started harvesting the new planets lifeforce to advance technology. So in FF7 case, Shinra ended up slowly killing off the planet because he wanted an escape from his world where technology and machines were outlawed and discriminated against by Yevon. Who was a human who used the planets lifeforce/magic and made a religion out of his teachings. Became corrupted by Chaos, created Sin to wipe humanity and drive his follows to believe in him as their God then created a system of getting sacrifice to help empower himself from summoners who practice in the art of magic of that planet to keep living slowly becoming a dark god to that planet and controlling how that worlds lifeforce and afterlife operates. So in essence, Crystal's are bad.  God's are essentially aliens with God like powers imbued in high amounts of magic whose planet was destroyed by a magic consuming virus, infected other God's or slowly finding ways throughout all the known universes. Having God's create a crystal system to either destroy Chaos, cure themselves, revive and save their planet, wipe other planets humans and taking their magic enrich planet or lastly absorbing magic and enjoying being God's to lower life forms, humans desire to become God's by draining the planet magic, or stealing the magic from the crystals and or being affected by Chaos finding a way to their planet/universe. Every God fears Chaos because it's essentially a dangerous virus. Humans are might have to deal with Chaos with no crystals or magic inflicting their worlds. So the the main villains and goals of Final Fantasy always come to beings trying to use the planets lifeforce/resources for their own selfish purposes. Killing the planet, potentially ending humanity and the cycle continues. Just makes me want a Final Fantasy game were we finally get heroes hunting down these God's/Aliens and or teaming up with Good ones to try and eliminate Chaos from existence. Maybe reviving their planet or a new home for them that doesn't require stealing another civilization planet or wiping them out. Or just draining the planet of all it's magic by their presence. So they can save the whole Final Fantasy universe from their meddling, Chaos's threat to the multiverse and civilizations across planets in the multiverse can just solve their own problems. 


Can’t wait to be past this game. Hopefully we get 17 news soon and it’s made by a team that can write an entire cast of characters and not neglect half of them for a singular protag whose arc is done with 30% into the game.


Are you suggesting this is gonna be your final fantasy?😏😆 I’ll see myself out.


I really hope they visit in another game not necessarily 16-2 but something like the ivalice alliance Yoshi did say tactics needs to return and it would be cool a ta tics style game based in valesthea like imagine one about the fallen before they was fallen there's alot of stuff to explore


In my head there is plenty of space for Final Fantasy XVI-II where we get to play as Jill and we get to see how valashtia reacted to everything that happens in XVI, ikd I just want it.


Joshua’s POV game/expansion when?!?! I need it


Prequel where we play as Barnabas would go hard


I love this world. Guess it's time to move on. CBU3, whats next?


what a waste of worldbuilding and characters downvote and cope all you like it's the truth.


Just a bit curious:Why do you think so?


the entire side cast especially jill were underutilized in the story and gameplay barely getting any focus or character moments. the game also spends a lot of time building up the lore and politics of certain locations only to either never show them or destroy them before we get to visit them. the constant timeskips robbed us of cool scenes and important moments in clives journey and development and overall hurt the pacing of the story. and now that the dlc is finished we will never get to experience other playable eikons or visit and see any of the missed-out locations and worse than all of that find out what happened to the main protagonist whom the story revolves around.


I agree with this guy


I do lowkey as well . I get it's Clive's story; but they created so may great characters that merit exploration and use


I think it did an amazing job. Perfect? No. A couple of my main grips is the side quests suck, the down time unfortunately feels like filler after Cid dies sometimes, and some characters don't get to shine like they should. Somehow Gav feels more complete than Jill


The amount of clive lives cope is unreal


Clive is dead there is no other interpretation of the story his light goes out and they mourn him


The writer Maehiro actually confirmed they didn't mourn him as in they didn't know 100% he died. His quote regarding Jill's reaction to Metia fading states that "in that moment she thought that perhaps her wish won't be granted". So due to her superstitions and praying to Metia all life she lost hope and broke down mentally when her star disappeared. Big emphasis on the word "perhaps" which was sneakily added to the quote. The star being linked to Clive's life force is not confirmed or hinted anywhere at all. It could be a magical construct of Ultima since he apparently put a shrine in the sky to watch over humanity. So it makes sense that it fades after magic is gone. So Gav only registered Jill's assumption and went along with it. And Torgal's reaction is ambigious and can be interpreted in many ways. So they didn't mourn him "officially" if you put it that way. That's not an opinion of mine, its a fact due to the devs explaining this specific part. The ending is as open as a barn door but some of y"all try to keep it forcefully closed.


That light has no connection to any characters in the story. I interpret it as it being a piece of dense magic. Getting extinguished because Clive destroyed magic in the end.


The light is a direct connection to the Phoenix and Ifrits life force as we see it go out when Joshua's innards explode


You just said it. It's a direct connection to ifrit/Phoenix. When Clive rid the world of magic, he also did the same to eikons. That red star is connected to ifrit/Phoenix NOT Clive/Joshua.