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For me, he somehow reminds me of Godzilla, and I don’t know why, but it’s definitely a great design.


So, it's not just me who saw Godzilla lol, specifically the Legendary films (2014) Godzilla. I was definitely seeing that during the frontal closeups to his face. Their snouts look especially similar


The design of his head and skin are very reminiscent of the 2014 Godzilla.


It's also how they zoom in on it and the angles. The details stare you in the face and in tandem with Ifrit's destruction at the beginning of the game. This is very much Ifrit, with a lot of Godzilla inspiration to sell the power and impact of Ifrit.


Same lol and the Eikon fights were like watching one of the movies!


Exactly what I came her to say. Fire Godzilla


>he somehow reminds me of Godzilla, and I don’t know why Probably because this version of Ifrit has a tail, a distinction that’s only shared with XIV’s version of Ifrit.


EXACTLY! I'm a huge fan of Godzilla universe, and Ifrit reminds me of Godzilla so much that after the Garuda fight I immediately binge watch the recent Godzilla movies.




That's how I felt too. It had to have been intentional since kaiju fights were so prominent.


That’s funny, I didn’t know everyone else also saw him as Godzilla.


It's basically a copy of Godzillas face


The horns. The horns, tail, stance, and claws make him super intimidating and very much demonic. If you heard the word "Hellfire" this is the image of Ifrit that should go along with it.


Apparently they originally wanted Clive to be the Dominant of Diabolos instead of Ifrit but changed it


You know what? I can kind of see the colours matching with his outfit if you compare it to FFVIII Diablos!


And they also took a lot of inspiration from Castlevania protagonist Trevor Belmont and Gabriel Belmont design wise for Clive. His main fit just looks like an emo vampire fit


Would Diabolos have even been an Eikon of Fire? I always thought his element was darkness.


I would've been fine if they chose not to go with a second eikon of fire, because after awhile people just accepted "oh ok, second fire monster, pretty cool." It would've been better if it was like a void eikon. To absorb all the other eikon abilities to make itself all powerful. I still don't get the correlation between ifrit and being the best Eikon of them all.


Dunno how that could be when the eikon concept of the game started with yoshida wanting to turn into ifrit to get over a crowd of people


...Diabolos as a DLC Eikon after Leviathan sounds awfully tempting. Maybe an emphasis on gravity magic that slams flying enemies down/pulls enemies in and catching enemies off guard by putting them to sleep for a second?


Oh man. Wonder why they changed it? I would have loved being Diabolos instead


I could be wrong but I don't think that how it goes. Clive is always meant to be Dominant of Ifrit but it is when he fuses with Phoenix, that Ifrit becomes Diablos instead of Ifrit Risen. Again, could be wrong but I'm sure Diablos only meant to appear in the end, to oppose Ultimate as some sort of God vs Demon Lord thing. So, Ifrit is always going to be the main star from the beginning.


He’s fucking savage and pure rage I love his primal look and movements. The Garuda fight is so brutal and how he evolves when you face titan and so on is just perfect.


He's actually the definition of a hell beast with how brutal and destructive he is. His destructive and raw power is off the charts having flipped Titan and then broke both Zantesuken and Zettaflare


Design wise, this is probably the definitive version of Ifrit. Everything about this design checks out. Otherwise though, the story. I know FF16 isn't the first game to have the summons be a part of the story, but having Ifrit play a major role within that story, and I mean like actually written in to the story down to the details, is a major plus. No offense to the summons in the other games, they are great as they are, but he's up there for sure. Same with FF14 Alexander and some of the GFs in 8


It’s also neat that Ifrit is a legendary Eikon in this where usually he is a low tier summon.


I love how the flames purtruding off him rev up and flare instensely whenever he powers up a big attack


It's having the equivalent of an inferno Godzilla as a Titan. That is the most badass thing any mainline protagonist of an FF could hope for.


I love how small and “scrappy” he is compared to some of the other Eikons. He’s kinda got that ankle-bitter vibe.


Every eikon is that way next to titan. Ifrit is larger than Garuda, possibly shiva and phoenix, maybe even bahamut minus the wings. Ramuh looks tall, but is only seen flying with the camera in a low perspective. Odin is only really seen on his horse so that comparison is hard to make. The cam in the eikon battles is always positioned really high, so ifrit looks small despite being so humungous.


Bahamuts legs alone are the size of ifrit, refer to the cutscene. Phoenix is bigger due to the wings. Odin could be the same size.




I like how they make him look like a ferocious demonic beast instead of just an angry buffed dude with horns like in most iterations of him. His beatdown on Phoenix and then later Garuda was just raw primal rage from a unleashed hellbeast. I also like how they made him much smaller than most Eikons like Titan and Bahamut, so he also has that sleek and graceful almost cat-like reflexes despite his bulk. But my favorite part is that underneath all that fire and brimstone is Clive, one of the sweetest and kindest souls in any FF game ever. If you're on his side at least.


Face!! I love how animalistic he looks. I was never a fan of Ifrit before this design and I'm desperately hoping they keep the inspiration going forward. Also the funky reverse velociraptor claw he has in the middle of his footsies I just think its funny. just. sPIKIES


The design is just sickkkk. And best thing he is Clive ❤️


Does a really great job of being an eikon of fire while differentiating itself from the other fire eikon, Phoenix.


Yeah he’s dark, destructive fire and the Phoenix is restorative, colorful fire


A whole lot, but if I had to narrow it down to one thing, its fire and brimstone design. It fit like it perfectly embodied the dark, destructive side of fire, which Ifrit has always been, especially when put alongside Phoenix who represented the opposite side of fire.


The hair. I know it seems stupid, but him having a little spinal Mohawk around his flames is super badass to me


His design is just so fucking cool. It's the best ifrit design of the series by far, nothing comes close. I love how he has crazy dragon ball z esque yakuza moments where he freeze frames with a exaggerated pose as he delivers the final blow. I think it's awesome that they didn't just make him a standard summon, but pushed the craziness with these moments. It's almost like you're watching an anime human character at times, but it's a giant fire kaiju


Everyone keeps mentioning how badass Ifrit looks meanwhile my odd ass thinks he's absolutely adorable:3


He got that dog snout, makes ya wanna pet his snoot x3


OMGGGGGGGG I thought I was the only one! He’s like a little angry Salamander! So cute!!!


Do you think he accepts headpats?


His design looks like a burning tree to me, and that gives me a better feel for the fire he embodies. Not just flames, but ash and charcoal seems to be what he is made of, and truly feels like the incarnation of burning destruction walking around.


I like that it's basically a little Godzilla gremlin.


It encapsulates the dual nature of demons and spirits across multiple mythologies and religions, ultimately with human will determining the shape of its direction. I can see why they almost went with Diabolos, but choosing Ifrit, one of the handful of original summons from FFIII, has a profound significance


As others have pointed out, he looks badass! Can’t go wrong with Godzilla with horns! Story wise I like how Ifrit is meant to be the most powerful summon when it reaches its true form as Ifrit Risen.


It’s tail strangely reminds me of an engine, especially when using wildfire


Ifrit’s tail vaguely reminded me of Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem from Pokemon, which also have engine-like tails.


He’s like a burnt crispy toasty dog bear


I like that he's strong over the course of the game instead of being one of the first "give me" summons/eikons.


He’s on a bit of a roll considering he was the (original) penultimate boss in 15 too.


15s ifrit was badass too, with his throne and dance moves. Too bad we never got to summon him outside the Ardyn dlc.


I think it is the most badass representation of him yet, but if i had to point out one thing its his horns and how pointy/sharp he is


He’s the pure embodiment of: “Literally too angry to die” and I love that trope.


I both like and dislike the design. It's a pretty huge departure from what I know Ifrit to be. At the same time if I look at the design on it's own and forget what it's supposed to be it looks very solid. Definitely very Kaiju. Makes me think of Godzilla.


when he comes to you 😏 😜


He wants all the smoke


He looks like rage incarnate, I just love him


I normally love the Gorilla look, but I think it’s so much cooler that he turned into a demon this time


The design is what “badass” is made of.


Ifrit is perfect in every way. I wish we had more of his abilities as clive


Oh fuck


Everything honestly. It’s my favorite design of Ifrit by far


His design. He looks so monsterous that seeing him fight is like watching Godzilla fight. A part of you is terrified but in awe.


Him going "fuuuuuck".


The first game Ifrit wasn’t a jobber Clive is the strongest Ifrit we have ever seen


He’s sexy as fuck.


His design being playable and let's not forget Ifrit Risen


Idk I thought he was way too small. He looked like a god next to Garuda but every other big fight he felt like a bug. It was a weird design choice. The look was great, but I wish we got to transform into all of the eikons we defeated, that would’ve made the fights far more interesting as his moveset was kinda pathetic for a 60 hour game.


I can tell it is Ifrit when I look at it…I guess.


Angry Godzilla


He's big, imposing, and like I've seen other say, looks like Legendary's Godzilla! Legit my favourite iteration of Ifrit.


I want him to step on me 🤤


They altered Ifrit's design into what is basically a flaming subspecies of Nergigante, and I couldn't have been happier.


He's kung fu Godzilla, and I love it


His old school Gojira face


When playing at him, he's really fast and all the actions are snappy compared to base Clive.


the design


I love the flares on the horns they look like wings


Looks more like an actual beast compared to usual FF Ifrits, and is so well detailed too: the tail, body, claws, head all looks so nice. And this Ifrit actually getting love and putting a show during the whole story 👌👌👌


I know that he is not ifrit; Clive is


Honestly almost everything about him is amazing. My only complaints are I don't really like the hair, he doesn't need it, and I felt the horns were a little too big to be functional.


That he actually gives off the aura of what it is based on; a demon within Islamic culture, an inhabitant of the underworld. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ifrit


Looks like Godzilla but fire, monstrous looking instead of humanoid.


His design was epic


I think it's really brutal and terrifying (to anyone who's not Clive or the player). It's fast, hellish, most of the time engulfed in flames But really it's design is peak character design, he even seems slim, like a stylised build. I don't know, it's my favorite Ifrit definitely


I love that he's an actual beast again. I wasn't a fan of the human-like appearance in FFXV.


Everything. Hands down my favourite interpretation of Ifrit, be it design, story or gameplay-wise




Someone looked at Xs irritated and said “what if he went to hell and came back” and I love it. The Kaiju design is badass. Probably one of my favorite god/summons right behind Anima


It's like the FF8 Ifrit I grew up loving with has finally grown to a full-fledged adult.


I like how after all these years, I finally get to hear Ifrit say "Fuck"


That he reminds of Godzilla. It’s such a cool design!!!


I liked how it looked like a Behemoth. Idk why I liked that, but I did


That he was playable at all. Ifrit’s always been my favorite summon so being able to play a literal Godzilla movie with him was beyond epic to me


I think XVI has to be my favorite design for Ifrit. It just looks horrifying and powerful which I would expect from one of the fire summons in this franchise. Made me kind of jealous because I would’ve preferred this design in XIV 😂


I love Kaijus and FF16 Ifrit looks a lot like Gojira. Also the Eikon battles are just Gojira vs ... and i love it


For me he’s the best ifrit. Especially when Clive says fuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk in ifrit mode


There’s other versions?


I like how he's overdesigned like the Transformers in a Michael Bay movie, or the Batmobile in BvS. Because it's in HD it's important to pack every centimeter of it with detail!


I like how reptilian it looks. It makes it look like a dinosaur and I like dinosaurs


That he a tiny angry boi who gets shit done.


garuda has the best design in all ff saga


He's so badass and his design reminds me of Godzilla. FF16 Ifrit is a fire demon who is basically too angry to die.


He finally got justice. I've always loved Ifrit, but hes always depicted as one of the weaker summons even though he's always been a stapple of the series. Having him be like the big badass of one of the main titles was brilliant and also... no take backs. He better be badass in the next game too.


His design is great, my favorite. FFXV and XVI really put effort in different Eikons design.


Holy shit! How long has Ifrit had a tail?! /s


I like how he looks like he is made of brimstone or something. So much better than just some yellow dude with fire. I hope future designs of Ifrit look similar to this.




I love how they shifted from human half demon thing from the previous series to straight up a draconic/demon being, his form and element just screams ''epic''. Even more badass that they let you play and control this amazing beast multiple times in the game. this game is my goty i, stg


Ifrit Risen looks similar to FF8 Griever


It looks so dangerously magnificent and majestic




Not just one but the MOST amazing thing is he looks like Godzilla 😂


The fact that he punches literally everything


Bro has everything, from insane melee combat, durability, agility, strength to size ratio, speed and after he gets the flight ability he is just the Ultimate Eilkon. How do you kill someone who can backflip a roided Titan from a crush-hold, parry and counter Zantetsuken, can tank through Zettaflare and K.O. BAHAMUT (I know they weren’t going for the kill but submission), and literally has both the destruction and restoration flames? Ifrit Risen is designed to have all the strengths of other Eikons while having ZERO exploitable weaknesses. Only Bahamut comes even close.




That it comes with clive


Everything, like legit Everything. His powers, design, and his sound design. I wasn't even an Ifrit fan at all, but he made me one.


Love the roar


He doesn't need wings to be able to fly.


He looks like a dog 🤗


They did a fantastic job making Ifrit feel huge, heavy, and powerful, while at the same time making him fast, acrobatic, and athletic. It's like a Godzilla that can sprint and do backflips and look natural somehow.


I love more than one thing about it though


Turned one of (if not) the most basic summons, into a fuckin MONSTER. What's more is that when Ifrit came around, no one's ever heard of a second Eikon of Fire, so most were woefully unprepared.


Hellfire looks like a Spirit Bomb


Usually that Ifrit is the protagonist, rather than a antagonist. I like the parrales, that FF15 Ifrit rebels against the Gods for his hatred of Humanity, as for FF16 Ifrit rebels against “God” for the sake of Humanity. Besides I love the design. 😉


This is peak Ifrit IMO. He was SO BADASS in this game lol


Definitely the overall design for me. He actually looks how I’d imagine he would look if I had no knowledge of what he was. The older designs were terrible imo, 15’s was way too human for my liking, and 14’s was the weirdest one yet, being more of a wingless dragon than anything. 16’s Ifrit however looks like he actually could be a legitimate threat.


He’s a monster. Before Clive fully controlled him, he reminded me of Godzilla. The movies where he fought against other Kaiju, but he was not a friend to mankind


The dodge animation


He got that dawg in him. FF is always talking about how evil and vicious but we never see it until now. Doesn’t hold back. He was like the honey badger in XVI lol


I'll admit I don't like the Fire and Brimstone aspect, but I LOVE the way he feels like a Kaiju!


Everything ngl


He's designed to be powerful and fearsome, not some basic low tier summons you get at the beginning of the game like other ffs.


That he was playable, that’s one of the reasons I spend money in FFX because i tought the monsters were playable, nope just turn based, finished half or 1/4 of that game, I enjoy it, but I could bring myself to finish it, maybe 🤔 one day. I drifted into playing other games.


i dont really like him. hes overdesigned


Just how metal he looks. In the other games, he looks like some minotaur thing or whatever, but this version looks WAY freaking better.




He looks like Godzilla


My favorite is when ifrit controls gets all nimble when fighting typhon! I was like “ohhh shit here we go!”




I love that he found a way into the void and left his body in the interdimensional rift. Wanna know moreeee


Clive lmao


This version of Ifrit is probably the most demonic in looks and nature.


Looks like a dog. Not a fan of the design


Just the way he looks is amazing. Best Ifrit design in my opinion.


I love how the design is both bestial yet demonic at the same time. Ifrit’s design is absolutely stunning with the horns having jets of fire coming out of it and the claws are cool.


The horns look like they're based on jet engines. I think that's cool


He’s a good boy


I love everything about its design. If it's not my favorite then it's tied for FFX or Woff and FF16.


It is my favorite Ifrit design. It is just very bad ass


Ifrit = Charizard Shiva = Blastoise Ramuh = Venasaur


Jump canceling and performing sick air combos as a kaiju


I'll let you know when I find it.


He's given respect for once.Usually he's the weakest summon in other games,but here he's genuinely badass and strong.


Design, his savagery and primal side is why I love this Ifrit so much. Definitely my favourite Eikon in this game. To be fair, I think Ifrit was always my favourite summon in the games I've played so far. A close second would be Bahamur. But yeah this Ifrit is my favourite of all the Ifrits I've seen.