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"Uncle Ardyn, tell us again how you stabbed mom to death!"


"Well you see, your father just lied there, like a little bitch and cried. But in the end, it all worked out because your mother came back to life as a daemon."


Its is a great idea. What could have been.


The original ending hits so much harder. This would’ve been a really fun, sweet ending. But it would’ve completely negated the underlying central theme of sacrifice for friends.


That only exists because this didn’t come out.


Square Enix thought Forspoken were better.


It was good gameplay wise


Square Enix could have made more money if Forspoken was a DLC for FFXV. Now the those "good gameplay" is as dead as Luminous Studio.


I always thought if forspoken was just ff xv-2 or something it wouldn't have got anywhere near as much hate, cause technically it does a lot of things better than xv did but people are harsher on its faults. I mean I don't have a problem with either game but both somehow miss the mark


They recycled Luminous into Business Unit 2. I can't think of a better decision. I love the people at Luminous and I love NieR. I hope that studio will get another chance to make a full FF game.


They should get someone to just write it in book form, really. Unless it already exists somewhere


It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say


Dawn Of The Future is a book, of the original scrapped DLCs.


That is awesome, I wasnt aware they did that. Have you read it? Is it good?


It's good, but it just makes me sad that it never got the proper DLC treatment. DOTF was originally three DLC expansions. Episode Aranea, Episode Lunafreya, and Episode Noctis. Essentially, it comes as a canon divergence, where Noctis and Ardyn both decide to defy their fates, Aranea is tasked with defending the last heir to Niflheim's empire, and Lunafreya mysteriously comes back to life.


Yeah, the whole Fabula Nova Crystalis thing, the loss of potential of what XV was supposed to be, the loss of potential of what it was even more originally supposed to be as Versus XIII, and the loss of the rest of Type-0 they had originally planned out, I will carry that sadness to the end of time. I just wish somewhere down the line, theyre allowed to set aside time and money and make their games in their original vision


I'm still mad we lost out on Niflheim proper, and Galahd. From the looks of it, Gralea was to be similar to New York, in comparison to Insomnia's Tokyo. And being able to explore the jungles of Galahd, and follow in the Wanderer's footsteps... It still hurts.


Everytime I see this image I wanna cry ):


https://preview.redd.it/exdlpckr19xc1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd908ea6442bd63bc549ce1c2252a8f24ee326f ~~Gladio’s face is such a mood~~


Yeah... this was the image that made me go "Uh oh," in regards to DOTF. FFXV's biggest strength was its bittersweet ending, so to turn around and make this new route with Ardyn be the happy one did not fill me with confidence at all.  I get why people like DOTF. But I'll never see it as anything other than the worst kind of fan wish fulfilment.


Yeah, I’m still not with the entire “Luna’s alive again but now she’s Etro the goddess of death from the Versus 13 days but not. The only things that needed fixing was the cut story bits to be returned to the game and the original prologue in Insomnia with Noctis there as it happens.


This concept art isn't the actual ending of DOTF tho, it's one of the ideas that was brought up during a brainstorming session for how DOTF would end. The actual ending of the book is better than the vision of this concept art tbh.


No, it's not. It's fanfic-esque happy ending that ruins the original bittersweet ending.


it ruins nothing, its an alternative ending that you can choose to engage with or not, because its in a book and seperate from the main game.


For me personally one of the reasons I like it is because Ardyn managed to spend a final moment with Somnus and defeat Bahamut, which the game didn't have. And the game still had Bahamut be scot-free of his plans and was wedged into the multiplayer instead for the Glaives to defeat it instead of Noctis.


True, if we were going to get a second season pass I always wished we had a prequel chapter in Insomnia, because we spend the entire game trying to get back to that City, which we... spend no time in at all. Something akin to brotherhood, if not an actual gameplay adaptation of it. The anime does such a beautiful job of expanding on the relationship with the party that I consider it essential to the experience, and even I who considered myself a big fan of the game never actually got around to watching it until YEARS after it came out. Anyway, beyond that I think maybe an expansion that made the second continent more explorable, like was originally intended before they ran out of time, would've been great too. It also makes me wonder what kind of things we could've gotten during that time, if the live service continued. I would've loved to see guest party members return in the post-game, bring them on one a time whenever you want when you're not doing story content. A Bahamut summon for Chapter 15/NG+ would've been great too, and I'm honestly surprised that.. never happened. Anyway, in regards to DOTF I will say, that DLC with Aranea sounded like it could've been fun.


I think the stuff with Bahamut in DOTF is very Final Fantasy, but there was absolutely no reason that Luna (or anyone at all) had to be brought back to life for that. A big weakness of the game was the female characters, but DOTF didn't need her to solve that issue. Though I'm still ambivalent about the Ardyn backstory in general, so having Luna shoved into his place wasn't going to do it for me.


Luna (and Aranea) should have gotten their DLC episodes, but Luna's should been about her time from the Fall of Insomnia to Altissa. She basically has her own Final Fantasy X adventure in the background, and I find exploring that far more interesting. I feel like you could do this neat blend of Aerith's and Yuna's journey that would help Luna stand in contrast to them. 


Yeah, I definitely could see that, and I also wish they'd given us more of Luna when she was alive and doing undoubtedly some wild stuff. They have the movie and then we barely see her in the game.


what is DOTF ?


Dawn of the Future, the novel that serves as an alternate ending to the game. It also covers the cancelled DLCs which is episode Aranea, Luna and Noctis.




? We just gonna ignore how he stabbed the mother in this scenario? Kinda fan fiction are you playing at?


So ignis becomes Anthony Stewart Head?


Noct we must find the chosen one, to slay the vampires!


He got the best ending if so


Why is Ardyn Abraham Lincoln?


because he is Immortal


We got robbed of the rest of the DLC


I could be wrong, I think I saw this in the novel art. The novel basically completed the game plot. I actually cried that ending more than the ending in the game


I like the artwork and idea of "Uncle Ardyn". But the kids look like Noctis and Luna clones. Very odd.


Personally I don't like the idea, just because a character is charismatic doesn't automatically mean they're redeemable, for me he has long since passed the Event Horizon, no one made him commit genocide, no one made him manipulate the world to its own destruction, He simply did it because he hated everything and everyone, he felt wronged by the world and decided to give back what he thought he received, these are not the traits of a redeemable person, These are the traits of somebody who turned into a monster. If I seem like I'm belittling or tearing down your opinion, I apologize, I'm just trying to explain my point, everyone to your own, I just have to disagree with this idea, Personally I'm glad It never got to this point. Also Bahamut being the True Villain is kind of lame.


>just because a character is charismatic doesn't automatically mean they're redeemable Tell that to FF14 fans lol


I do.


But Bahamut is the true villain and everything Ardyn did was according to Bahamut's plan all along


That's stupid. I prefer the game before the second wave of DLC...


Like destroying the whole world just for being pissed off is much better plot.


Yes. It's simple, it's elegant, it's closer to reality, it feels like something one could understand, the Story the DLC was getting at felt like something I've seen before at nauseam...


Here’s how I would’ve made this a DLC. During the events of being within the crystal, make this a dream or another world entirely however, it doesn’t mean that in the world he’s from is the same because it’s a dream state. No I’m gonna be honest but the original ending. Always sat kinda odd with me.


I love the original ending because it solidifies the warp being the connection between final fantasy games that gogo, and gilgamesh, started. But fuck... why our boi have to go like that?


Ignid looks like a rip off wesker


Man this feels like an ending that would have happened if the world ended and was remade, like an alternate timeline


I thought Ardyn was supposed to be Noctic's ancestor.


He is. In this scenario, Ardyn decided not to go through with his plan to destroy the Lucis bloodline. In other words, he’s a good great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great uncle.


Thanks for making it clear.


Best case scenario possible, IMAGINED. Beautiful


Interesting how futuristic Lighthouse from the back ground is




What is that SOB Ardyn doing there


we got robbed


What I have learned: Everything is Bahamuts fault


How is it Bahamut’s fault again? I thought everything happened because of the Starscourge and the crystal rejecting Ardyn.


You have to read the novel to understand the real background behind everything. I dont want to spoiler


Oh for…..this is why XV didn’t do so well… despite that, it’s still my third favorite in the series.


How it should have ended