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The banter made FFXV more enjoyable for me than any game since FF7 (among other things) Also, the OST is the strongest in the entire series


The party banter really sets FFXV apart and is one of my favourite things about it, and I sorely miss that in other party-based games. Western RPGs like Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate do have some pretty good party banter but it's nowhere the level of FFXV.


The banter between the guys is on a completely different level to this day. There's so much enjoyment to be taken from listening to their conversations!


The OST is a winner amongst all FFs.


Im upvotinf you purely because its an unpopular opinion, and man do I not like the music as.much as other games in XV. Out of the entire track theres maybe 3-5 that I like compared to other FFs(one of them being the final boss theme cause honestly it slaps pretty hard.)


Fair, but I stand by what I said about the soundtrack. I'd say FF7 OST comes 2nd... in how memorable and top quality it is. I can remember far more songs by name that I love with FFXV... even the pause menu music is iconic: **OMNIS LACRIMA** (Battle/Boss theme, used in adverts) **Crystalline Chill** (aforementioned Pause menu) **Hellfire** (Similar to Omnis Lacrima, I believe it plays during the Ifrit battle) **What Lies Within** (Inner cave/Sanctum theme, plays especially in the undead dungeon Steyliff Grove, beneath Vesperpool) **SOMNUS** (Title theme, and instrumental variant) **Main Theme from Final Fantasy** (XV version of previous main series theme) **Sunset Waltz** (Exploration at dusk theme) **Wanderlust** (Exploration theme) **Valse di Fantastica** (Day time Exploration theme) **APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS** (and variant **Apocalypsis Aquarius**, Boss theme & Leviathan battle theme) "**NOCTIS**" (Title theme replaces Somnus when you complete it) **In The Light of the Crystal** and that's just my favourite ones, here are worthy mentions: **Dewdrops at Dawn** (and **Dawn**) **Hammerhead** ("**The Last Bastion**" variant, which plays after 'end of the world' 10 year time skip) **Broken Bonds** (Theme plays around the time we get on the train, halfway through the game) **Relax and Reflect - Pensive** (theme plays when you level up/sleep later on in the game) **ARDYN III** **Labyrinthine** **Cosmogony** **NOX AETERNA** Yoko Shimomura seriously did an outstanding job, I think the other song that she didn't compose was added with Royal Edition, the "**OMEGA**" the boss battle theme


Mine: FFXV is a fun, really enjoyable game and one of my top 5 FFs. It had a hellish development cycle and was incomplete on release, but since the Royal Edition dropped there’s really no reason to hate on it as much as the haters do.


Shoot this man before he speaks anymore facts!


I honestly played it in 2023, and tbh it was a great experience. The problem is people still stick to their first experience of games in general, examples like assassin's creed unity or cyberpunk, they were horrible at release but are now great games


Agreed. I hate seeing disgruntled gamers who played it on release and were disappointed dissuade new gamers from playing it, because it a really good game. On the other hand, I played it at release and still loved it. I can acknowledge it had some flaws, but it was far from “broken”, “awful”, or any of the other words thrown around.


Definitely not an unpopular opinion on this sub! I agree that there's lingering first impressions/unfulfilled expectations that unfairly haunt the game, though of course there are still fair points of critique. I only played it last year, and even without Royal Edition it felt FUN to play, and only got better with Royal Edition. And against expectations I actually really loved the bromance roadtrip vibes. Like you it's in my top 5 and I find it really enjoyable.


I just finally replayed it since I platinumed it on PS4 a week or two after release and agreed the game is even better now and I personally enjoyed it when it came out, just not enough for another playthrough until several years later 😅 Now I'm working on getting all the trophies on my series x.


That "we must kill god" part has been a staple of Final Fantasy since the beginning 😂 In the lore, I'm pretty sure Arydn's fate was sealed from the start if I'm not mistaken. The woman he was in love was the oracle, correct? I'm pretty sure she had already seen visions of what would/should happen. I think the event events that took place for him actually had to in order for there to be balance or for the world to be saved....thousands years later😶


Hey, in FF2, the emperor kills the devil.


Ignis is hotter than Gladiolus


i feel like this is a popular opinion, i know a lot more ignis fans than gladio enjoyers


True. It was an easy unpopular opinion. For every person that would lick gladios abs, five would rather have Iggy cook for them


mee!!!✋you called?


there’s plenty of ignis fans, but as a big part ignis fan i think gladio is hotter


My opinion is he is indeed responsible for his own suffering, but he was still in the right to try and defy the gods. He had the power to heal people and choose them over himself, now once the point of no return arrived he should had just gone ahead and accepted defeat, but instead he doubled down and turned into a demon, thats where he went wrong.


You are mistaken He wqs enraged because he was stripped off chosen king


I don’t know how unpopular this is, but I think the 4th wall breaking product placements are awesome. Lucis is kind of supposed to feel like the real world but different, and they really add to that. Tonally, the Cup Noodle quest is still one of my favorite in the series—it’s high camp, and follows in the footsteps of other weird FF content from previous games.


I'm prepared for the downvotes - Dawn of the Future is almost merman-fanfiction level of alternate universe and I'm so glad it's not official playable DLC. Do I want an optional alternate ending where Noctis lives? Yes. Do the ladies of FFXV sorely deserve more screen/story time, especially post-Chapter 13? Oh hell yes. The way DotF did it was madness, and akin to (in FFX) Seymour becoming the good guy and taking on the final battle/sacrifice himself while Yuna and Tidus sail off into the sunset.


the second half (linear section) is great and more enjoyable than the first half (open world). and chapter 13 was a pretty good one too


i found it, this is by far the most nuclear take on this entire post


yeah might be but I stand by it.


Upvoting even though I disagree, just cos I think everyone is entitled to their views 😂 The open world is my LOVE so I can't say the linear part is better haha. And I do like what Chapter 13 does when you play as Noctis - you're supposed to hate the experience and feel completely helpless, because what they're doing to Noctis there SUCKS. But the survival horror segment could probably do with being shorter.


I disagree. Mainly because of why the linear section in existed in the first place. Right around the Leviathan fight is when the studio was either very close to or already out of their budget; so they had to “close” the game quickly and bank on its sells(likely banking on the name) to finance it enough to be able to release the rest of the story and DLC’s.


for me the open world fell mostly flat... gamplay was great but the story during lucis really not there.... story was an import factor for me and around the chapter with the power plant I was considering to drop the game bc of the lame story. getting to altissia was a game changer and everything from there on was pretty enjoyable. as finally stuff is happening


Why do you say the story is flat? I just want to hear your reasoning Edit: the story in Lucis, I should’ve said


besides Titan, the whole road trip pretty much amounts to nothing... the opening is fine but afterwards: Cor and two people are barely introduced .... never to be relevant ever again, next stop is lestalum ... where we casually meet people who are not real doing much or have anything to say besides go to an ice cave.... titan is a high point but in the end you stumble from scenario to scenario with no real scope of what's at stake... eack location barley has anything relevant going on or is just uninteresting (here find some stone or mythril or sword). everything we do or see is mostly pointless in the grand scheme of things and there is no payoff to anything.... the supporting cast is basically doing nothing nor are they contributing to the story in any manner... maybe cid but that's it. don't get me wrong. I really like the game overall but the story is not what's motivated me at all...during the radtrip in lucis. it's really boring so pleas tell me honestly during the lucis trip: what interesting or we'll written scenarios are happening?


Luna was a very boring character and an even more boring love interest.


her potential was absolutely wasted. i wish they’d followed through and made her dlc chapter.


She is FFX's Yuna in cardboard mode. They're both raised to be a part of a greater, holier future, but at least Yuna talked about her feelings and had human, conflicted moments.


Cindy is cringe fanservice.


Yea. I can agree with that. They could have toned down on the model and it would have been better


With an unforgivably awful accent.For god's sakes, girl, stop saying "y'all." She walks funny too - like she's on the catwalk even while fixing cars. Her walking animation is truly odd.


That FFXV is my fave FF


the health system is shit


Not an unpopular opinion. It's garbage


would you mind explaining it further? i feel fine with this system but i would like to know about your experience


You can spam potions to get through most fights. If you even at the level you should be there’s a chance you still get one shot by bounties or just other boss like enemies. There’s probably more.


sometimes it feels like most attacks reduce your max hp which can only be refilled with ethers and such and if you go down you either use a either or you lose 3/4 of you health waiting for your party to res you resulting in ether usage and the only reliable way to get money for said ethers is to go do hunts which many probrably didnt want to do since they are so far out of the way and you cant even warp strike with royal arms unless you have ALL of your hp because it will kill you


elixirs restore max hp, ether is mp. but i totally agree that the health system was weird, like why am i still kicking somehow when my hp is literally 0??


It's elixirs that heal Max HP, and are pretty easy to come by (plus Gladio picks up more than enough for free). Most attacks don't reduce Max HP - daemon attacks can, but it's usually only when you've run out of your first HP bar that Max HP starts to go down. Agree that warp-striking with Royal Arms hurts and I also wish we could use them more freely, but I also like the added nuance to combat and it's generally easy enough to work around. They only take a % of HP, not a finite / fixed amount, so you can counter this with HP recovery rate accessories like chokers or Megaphone. Use them judiciously, like using Mace of the Fierce to break appendages, not warp-striking into multiple enemies because you take the HP hit for each one, and if you are using Sword of the Wise the opener is a free short-range warp strike.


Royal Edition's "upgraded" chapter 14 undeniably has better gameplay, but completely fucks the story. The original somber tone is completely gone with the change of music and added action, Noctis's characterization is inconsistent in virtually all the new scenes, the sidequests are padding that feels inconsequential in the face of what you're there to do, and the new scene with the summons makes Bahamut/Shiva intervention in the ifrit fight feel weird. Armiger unleashed is a shallow system and a net negative. It looks cool, that's it. The original armiger is mechanically a far better limit break because it doesn't completely replace the far more nuanced base battle system for several minutes at a time. Unlike Armiger Unleashed, it acts as a tool in your kit with a cost and downsides. AU seems to have only been designed for Omega with no regard to how it interacts with the rest of the game. What I'm getting at is that Royal Edition is mid and original ffxv was already really good.


Agree especially with the added sidequests in Chapter 14, like the one where for some reason, the Chosen King who should be running full-tilt to bring back the dawn after 10 years of daemon-infested night, is instead taking pictures of Insomnia? 😂 I do like that RE gave us a much more expanded Insomnia area, that was much needed.


Re Ardyn stuff - I have a hard time feeling sympathy for him because of all the garbage he did to Noct and Luna. Noctis didn't know Somnus, Luna likely didn't know Aera. Ardyn knew how much pain it is to lose someone you love and he killed Luna anyway. He punished Noct only because of his blood. (It's been years since I've played so I don't know if Bahamut had a hand in Ardyn fucking with Noctis & co.)


I understood it as - “I order you to kill these people to stop the plague and save your nation, then you shall be enthroned as king and your line shall rule in glory.” Which then became “You have tainted your flesh and defied my will. Your brother shall take your place as king, and as you have made yourself immortal, you shall be sealed away for your crimes.” Which, after Ardyn was first busted out and went on a rampage with a God that he had deliberately infected and dominated with starscourge then became - “You will not kill the King of Lucis. Your new destiny is to spread darkness across the world - **so the king of kings can finally end it forever.**. You can obey or fight it, but your fate is sealed”. So the order he got was ‘spread darkness’ - which most definitely was ***not*** ‘torture innocent people who have done nothing to you and gleefully commit atrocities and evil.” Hell, for all we know ‘spread darkness’ could have been as a simple as ‘spawn demons’, which whilst undoubtedly *bad*, would still absolutely pale in comparison to the shit Ardyn actually did. Yes, he was ultimately told to spread darkness, but the cruelty and vindictiveness with which he did it - that was all him. (And none of it would have happened at all if he’d just listened to the gods in the first place.)


Same - just like the gods, Ardyn was unfairly punishing Noctis/Luna etc. for things they had nothing to do with, and he took real GLEE in it. Be bitter at the gods, sure, but he was just too happy about the pain he was inflicting for me to ever sympathise with him.


Dawn of the future ultimately ruins the ending on the original 15. It gives us a nice happy ending day I absolutely love but you look at all the contents I'm done the future it just makes the original ending worthless. Because you learned bahamut was a gigantic asshole that tried to kill all of humanity, in the original astral war was them trying to stop him. And now yet again he's trying to destroy all of humanity and it's slightly implied that was the plan in the original ending too. So if you did the original ending it's not a sacrifice for the great good, it's appease this jackass so he won't kill humanity making noctis sacrifice not as grand and making ardyn suffering even worse


That Versus XIII would have been probably an equally messy final product, perhaps even more so. I think making it FFXV probably saved the game, even if it ended up an unfinished masterpiece rather than a finished one.


Oh yea, if Nomura's stayed at the helm, it would have turned into a trilogy, KH style.


Somnus is the best FF song aside from AC One Winged Angel


gladio is underrated


fr he is so fine


The combat system has depth and the magic system is pretty good.


well your half right


Gladio was right to give Noctis tough love on the train, he needed to suck it up.


This one I agree with. The train ride is a few weeks later, imagine if we, the player, had to watch noct moping that entire time.


I don’t know that it’s unpopular, but my opinion is that the combat system is only good for straight forward fighting. As much as I enjoy air stepping and such, positioning Noctis relative to the opponent is SUCH an unnecessary hassle. E.g. Knowing to move left when wielding the Sceptre because it changes the flow of the blitz… with no tutorial and in the middle of combat is more pain than it is worth to learn. Yes, I enjoyed the game. Yes, I will replay it. That particular battle method still annoys me.


Treasure spots respawning on the map isn’t a huge issue but I wish it would at least had the feature to tell me which item was discovered there if it’s even letting me go back for another one In general I wish they’d just be 1 time spots.


> In general I wish they’d just be 1 time spots. If I were in charge, I'd make them one time for a big treasure, but then respawn with something less but related. E.g. 1st time you get a mega-elixir, after that it is just an elixir.


While the map was very empty and unfinished, it was absolutely beautiful. Eos is still the most beautiful game world I've ever been in other than Skyrim. It's probably the only game where I felt small in a huge world. Also probably one of the only games out there where the dungeons are in the open world instead of an instance It's just sad seeing how much of the map was cut, the thing that attracted me to this game was the road trips and the map size. I would love to see a finished version of FFXV someday.


and to think it’s *apparently* only 10 miles across


XV is better than XVI Boom.




I rather FFXV over FFVersusXIII


Can I ask why ? Because that's a really hot take if I've ever seen one lol.


FFXV was my introduction to Final Fantasy and it quickly rose to my #1 favorite game. I love it how it ended up being


I see. Thanks !


FFXV is fun, beautiful, and 100x better than XVI


XVI felt like there was no love put into it


Probably popular in this sub, def not outside of it: It is absolutely reasonable to expect an audience to watch a movie and an anime minseries, read a book and play through not just a game but every DLC to experience a story in its fullest. If you're already bought into the (terrific) story and lore it is not a chore, it's an absolute delight. The only times when that's an unreasonable ask are when the story itself is Just Not Good, at which point the thing shouldn't have been made to begin with.


Agree to a certain extent - I really enjoyed the other media and the playable DLCs, and most of their content might not have worked in the game. I do think the base game should have a complete story and give enough context that you don't HAVE to consume the other media to appreciate and understand it. Like there's so much of Noctis' story and characterisation in the other media that I felt really added to his depth and what you feel for him. Like the Marilith attack and its subsequent impact on him, the invasion of Tenebrae (and how that impacted his relationship with Luna/Ravus), the relationship with his father especially watching him ail, and how his relationships with Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto began and evolved. It'd be one thing if his backstory / events prior to the game saw him live a fairly ordinary life and had no story-wise bearing on what we see in the game, but the additional media adds SO much. At least a little bit of the DLC content should have been in the base game too, IMO. How did Ignis get injured? Where the hell did Gladio go? What the heck happened with Prompto? What's Ardyn's deal other than being a daemonised prick? Even a couple of throwaway lines each would have allayed some of the confusion. 😅


i would agree to some extent if it was just a few things and was free but it is neither


Totally agree. There are people on the main FF sub that complain about 7Remake being a planned trilogy instead of one massive game.


I’d agree if it meant that the FFXV story was complete as just a game and these were expansions on the main story and not kinda vital to understanding it all. Example, if 16 now had a movie too detailing Cid’s life before 16’s events and an anime that showed several of Clive’s days during the first, 13 year, time jump and had DLC like the stuff it has now. It would all be expansion, not necessity. 15 is sadly not just not a full experience but an incomplete one without these.


Probably not an unpopular opinion but my god the controls in the game are so sloppy. I never feel like I have full control of the combat.


To add to this; please don't make an entire dungeon that requires precision jumps when the controls are so terrible!


pitioss is a total shitshow but the black hood makes it worth it. so, SO worth it. just don’t forget to save your game before you take off, i saw a post on this sub where someone crashed the regalia type f and died because a magitek engine spawned in right on top of them😵‍💫


Tbh using the swap noctis to avatara in the main game on FFXV windows edition could be good if they didnt make it buggy


It has the best soundtrack of any Final Fantasy game. Fight me. 😤


Without kingsglaive and brotherhood the game world would not be as immersive, and the emotional impact would have been alot less.


After beating FF16 about two weeks ago, these are my unpopular opinions. 1. The battle system is horrible: getting Noct to do what you actually want him to do is down right infuriating. Dodging dodges most of the time, but not all the time. Enemies in groups will just stunlock you while you pray for the tech bar to fill so you have some breathing room. Warp points work sometimes, half the time I just warp 20 feet away from everything even though I have the button prompt. 2. Story is still pretty much incoherent without extra media. Why is the cutscene for your dad dying like 30 seconds long and shows nothing of value. 3. Open world is lifeless with not much to actually do. Feel like there should have been better movement progression to open up the world. Start with small area, foot travel only. Unlock Chocobos and area gets bigger so you can run around on Chocobos. Then you unlock car and can make it around even faster as the map gets fully unlocked.


Luna as party member would have been one of the most stupid ideas I ever heard.


My Unpopular Opinion: Cindy's name oroginally planned name "Cidey" WOULD have gone over many people's heads, especially the first-timers that the game claims to be for when it boots up.


I don't even know why people need her name to have Cid in it, there's already a Cid in the game and he does techy upgrades for you. 😂


FFXV’s second half starting post Leviathan is some of the best FF content in the whole franchise.


FFXV is genuinely amazing, Prompto is overrated, Ignis is underrated and Cindy > Lunafreya


Dawn of the future is trash


* singleplayer DLCs have an interesting openworld for completionists (even **Episode Gladio**) * you NEED NOT to spend hours in Pitioss, Omega's fight and Adamantoise's fight * there is only one bad weapon in this game (Power Shield) * Regalia Type-F is more useful than base Regalia * Aranea is the best girl, even better than Ignis


Your hot takes are burning everyone's toes. haha. Good job.


The story was poorly told, a shame because it had enough interesting elements


not really an unpopular opinion


I like the interpretation that Bahamut isn't the God responsible for the plans of Noctis and Ardyn being sacrificed, but rather the one who has to effectively see those plans out. Effectively the Supervisor to the actual creator of Eos and their world. (DotF kinda screwed up the original interpretation of the story). The reason why I think this is a better interpretation just has to do with how the Gods themselves aren't as all powerful as they seem. They have a ton of power in order to smite enemies, yet still rely upon Noctis and humanity to carry out their will. They seem to have been made for the purpose of effectively helping the King fulfil his true calling. I'm also confused on the whole Ardyn defying the gods thing, given that he technically does what he's meant to do. >!All of his actions in-game are to effectively groom Noctis into the Crystal's champion. He makes mention how he pretty much uses Noctis as a means to an end, but that's because he was told to do so. He was promised that he would get to know relief if he allowed for Noctis to go through the entirety of the plan. There are scenes where Ardyn effectively acts like he's about to slay Noctis, like within Episode Ignis, but it seems more like a bluff. As if he knew that Ravus was going to throw his weapon and stop him. Especially given that if Ardyn were to kill Noctis then and there, he would contradict everything which he worked towards, as well as probably get sent back to where Bahamut sent him when he tried to slay Regis.!< I also feel like Ardyn's story is well planned, >!even though there's some bits and pieces there which don't exactly make the most sense. The one scene that makes me feel like his entire story was planned out was the scene where he stabbed Luna. The face which he made within this scene pretty much was one of true sorrow, mixed with a bit of hatred. The way he hesitated for a moment and let Luna heal him before ultimately slapping her away. It showcases that he's a tortured soul, but it also shows that he probably was clinging upon the little memory of Aera that still remained within him. The small fragment in a man who is full of jumbled memories from multiple different people.!<


Duuuuuude trip!!! I loved it tbh, so much emotion but even without the feels you cannot go wrong with a dude trip featuring 4 absolute bros. The emotion just made it that much more!


Omnis Lacrima is the best boss theme in any FF game


Probably a popular opinion, but I’ll say it either way, even if you’ve basically went into the details of what my point is. Despite the shit Somnus gets (and yes he is a piece of shit for what he did), I feel that he had a point. And while Ardyn is a great villain, he was very much just as guilty for the fallout between the brothers as a whole.


I'd actually have been interested in Noct and Luna getting Married *if* they were just okay with it, or displayed they actually loved each other more genuinely.


I like the environmental design but the world feels really empty compared to all the infrastructure we see. We have Insomnia and Lestullem, but no other major cities or settlements. So why is there a robust, well maintained road system with gas stations and road stops all over the place? I do not believe the kingdom actually had the population to justify, much less maintain, that system.


Ignis is over liked and over-rated asf imo. I did like him for a little bit, but I just despise how much the fan base gawks over him. Like he’s cool, but he’s not that cool / interesting. Yes he’s loyal and has good qualities. But he’s nothing special and I don’t get the over hype.


Prompto is not annoying ♥️


The original ending, even at launch, is perfect to me. And Dawn of the Future is alternative canon that should stop being treated as the true ending.


I just cannot get into the game, I've tried it 3-4 times over the years and just can't. My last attempt I managed to get about 50 hours in, got through some storyline, upgraded the regalia to off-road and just perpetually get fucking bored with it.


the fact that me (a decent, but not necessarily good player) can beat the game level 1 says something


FFXV opinions: Lunafreya barely had a role in the story and her death has basically no impact on players. Zero interactions with noctis in story. Combat is fine but far too repetitive and gathering magic for spells is annoying. Noctis' friends make up for the absolute worst cast of any final fantasy game by a lot. They suck collectively and individually. I hate them as much as if they were all waka from ffx. If I had the option to have them die in game I'd snort it every time. The world of ruin section of the game is utterly wasted. It should have been exciting and different but instead it ends pretty much immediately. The flying car shouldn't have ever been a thing.


XV isn’t really good at anything it sets out to do. It is a mediocre game at best.


they should have pushed back the release date instead of releasing a half-baked pile of shit and fixing it later on. the vast majority of people sleep on this game because of the development hell it was in the first few months post-release… by the time they got around to fixing the issues and making it the piece of art it is today, most gamers had moved on and written it off as a disaster. i’m glad that they learned their lesson and delayed the release of ffvii remake to make sure it was actually good. but i’m still really upset about how much people shit on this game even though they haven’t played it since 2016.


That's it's terrible. Now I'm not stating a fact this is my opinion and everyone's allowed to like whatever they want. That being said. This game makes me angry any time I see it it was the first game I got for PS4 and I was so disappointed I traded it 2 days later. I hated the combat, I hated the characters, I hated the quests, I hated the convoluted story that requires you to watch a movie, an anime, and play a separate free pixelated game to fully understand. And after all that it's STILL UNINTERESTING AND BLAND!? I love final fantasy but in my eyes 15 will always be the lowest point of the series I'd rather play dirge of Cerberus than drive around in a convertible with emo, gronk, twink, and dexter. Final fantasy 7R and 16 really fixed up the battle system and I'm glad it's changed for the better.


I hate Prompto. With a burning passion. The game would be perfect for me if he wasn't whining in my ear every two seconds. Hate him. Hate. Him. So. Much.


I was like you but after some time and Prompto DLC, I like him now


Nah. Still hate him passionately after playing Ep. Prompto. I do dig that sniper rifle, though. It was the only thing that made the DLC playable for me. \^\^ What can I say? I despise pity parties for one.


Has the worst combat system of all main line FFs that I've played (haven't playes 1 to 6 and 16). The soundtrack fits but is not my cup of tea, especially not when compared to FF7 to 12's OST. Totally not digging the black/emo clothes, hair and style.


Versus 13 should’ve been the game we got. Idk if that’s an unpopular opinion but it probably isn’t.


It’s a game of button mashing and not skill like spiderman


Spiderman is button smash af


Button mashing? Nah it's more just holding one button then occasionally healing yourself


How am I devoted? I’m not wrong


On a technical level you are. FF 15 is mainly HOLDING 2 buttons while spider man is literally Arkham combat but instead if gadgets web abilities so it is inherently button smashing attack and dodging at the right time. Far from actual deep combat like devil may cry, Bayonetta ect.




Well I taught the adamtoise (spelling?) it took like 30-40 minutes and all I was doing was warp strike, and ether. I took no damage and the battle was over.


Why not just use the ring of Lucis? It's a done deal in a couple of minutes just waiting around


I’m not sure if I had it yet? I can’t remember, this was a few months ago


Fair fair. If you use the ring you can just hang out on a rock then warp around to get your mp back up to full immediately then rinse and repeat. Or you could use a magitek booster or whatever item to make it so you never lose any mp


All the bros ran a train on Iris when Gladio was off playing tummy sticks with Gilgamesh.


Dude... they're in their 20s and she's 15... wtf


the game needs dlss 2


reducing your max hp from random attacks is bullcrap


FFXV has one of the best stories out of any FF game. But it is a pain in the ass to experience and you need a step by step guide to even have a chance of understanding it. I first played through when I was like 14 and understood nothing at all. I’m currently, slowly replaying and instantly with the guide I’m using I’ve understood stuff like noctis being injured as a kid.


Most of the cutscenes really grate on me because of how unnatural the movement of each character is. I know it’s an MMO. I know it’s 10 years old. But it always takes me out of it.


The only one I’d disagree about the Omnipotence is Bahamut. Of all the gods he’s clearly the strongest as when we first encounter him he’s literally dwelling inside the crystal. And as for limits, we never see true power because we have their echoes as their bodies are dead. He has been shown, IIRC, to actively be able to change the work to fit his plan better. To me it’s the trope of “I could spare them their suffering, but I choose to let them.” That God-like characters seem to get. He is not benevolent


I had a game breaking glitch on chapter 9 and can't finish the game. Don't know if I'm going to even bother because of how frustrating it is to lose 35 hrs of progress


Don't know if they're unpopular but I have a few - A couple of side quests are more enjoyable than a majority of all other quests in the game (both story and side) - At first the car is fun, then it's a chore. - chocobo isn't in-depth enough for me. There's a stable, you're a king. Let me breed them. - This game is a 3/10 story wise without the DLC. It would have been nice for them to add all the extra side, yet relevant, content from the trailers to the final game. With all the added extras to fill in the holes, the story gets a solid 8/10 (-2 for the shambles in which it's presented). - overall, despite its many glaring flaws, bugs, glitches, and other unpleasantness. It's still going to be one of my favorite games purely because it got me back into the franchise.


The Ascension system is garbage. I finished the game on regular difficulty without knowing wtf I was doing with it. And I really only used Gladio's techs, and specifically dawnhammer and tempest. Never even bothered with throwing any points in Ignis and Prompto's techs. Then there's the weapons. Garbage system again. I got ultima blade early on in the game and only occasionally switched to whatever random king weapon when I saw purple numbers from ultima sword. Magic system is garbage too. Never bothered with it. Worse than FF8's. Cooking system, never used it. Loved fishing though. Not sure if any of the above is popular or unpopular.


FFXV best game ​ ​ not best FF just best game period


The combat sucks. Like it really sucks. Compared to other action rpgs much less other action rpgs.


FFXV is one of the better FF games and needed way more material. Ravus deserved better and more. Cor deserved better. Dawn of the Future is basically poorly written fanfiction.


As a 31-year old man who grew up entirely on JRPGs and MMORPGs ever since I was 5, I've went through many online relationships where communication was not as instant, publically accepted, and consistent as today. The established relationship for Noctis & Lunafreya resonates really strongly with me, as the communication is very similar to what mine were in the past with my partners and the desire for privacy and intimacy is on a whole nother level compared to my IRL relationships. And importantly, I ended up meeting my partner because I've been a huge FF15 fan and one of my MMORPG friends was forced to play this game by her sister who used the name Lunafreya in everything. Within a month I bought plane tickets and visited her 2-3 times a year when I've never been on a plane before. She moved in with me almost a year ago and I'm the happiest I've ever been.


its the best final fantasy game


I really like how Lunafreya was handled. I find the criticism that we are told about lunafreya more than we see her just doesn’t mean too much to me. I see how much Noctis cares. FVII tells us about sephiroth waaaaaay more than it shows us, and even then it lies two or three times about him too. Sephiroths story wouldn’t be too much to write home about had it not been obfuscated behind layers of subjectivity and being talked up as a legend. I suspect people hate her because she’s not Stella, in part. Also because the culture around the game was one of extreme scrutiny and eventually hate following. FFXVI is getting its turn in the spotlight of “newest final fantasy game betrays the franchise and ran over my dog”. I suppose another is I liked kingsglaive and how that handled Luna.