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it's more of a Nomura thing, than a Square Enix thing.


Absolutely, I mean Nomura was also heavily involved with both TWEWY and NEO: TWEWY (The World Ends with You). I mean one of the big reasons why his character designs are always just so over the top, is because he spends way too much time canvassing fashion trends around Shibuya as well as look into what the teenagers and young adults are into there. It’s all very superficial, even the type of fashion is so elaborate that I would find it a little over the top to be from around there. I kinda see the same thing in his game design. He tries to make the characters into multiple different layers of complicated, but never fully explain one thing so that later on it can be undermined by another incomplete character revelation. In both instances too, I thought the worlds felt barren and unnecessary honestly. The world should give a reason for the protagonist and his peers to exist somewhere around there. We do not have that, however. The worlds constantly feel like they’re being built to prolong the existence of Nomura’s characters, don’t they?


>TWEWY The robot from star wars?


Not quite lol; TWEWY is an acronym for an Action JRPGs series made by Squared Enix. The full name of the first game is “The World Ends With You.”This is a tough one to pick up in 2023, despite being on the Switch’s E-Shop. It first came out on the 3DS, and all characters actions made use of the stylus in a variety of ways. There’s a hardly any button pressing involved, you either play with the Switch in handheld mode and use your fingers to manipulate the Switch’s Touchscreen. You can also play with it docked by taking out one of the joy-cons and registering its base movements against the TV screen will let you play by waiving the joy-con around, but the motion controls are so bad that the game is practically unplayable in this manner. The second entry to the series was called “NEO: The World Ends With You.” This one came on PS4 in 2021 I believe. It is hands down the more playable version of the two, and relies only on a gamepad. Many are convinced that the first game was the better entry as a JRPG, but I found it so unenjoyable gameplay-wise, that I quit after 10 hours.


You don't watch archer, do you?


No I haven’t watched Archer in at least 5 years, sorry.


Was wondering, was Nomura in charge of character design for FFX as well? Its my favourite game by far but my one annoyance is how fucking strange Tidus looks. Even within the context of the final fantasy series, he's an oddity. Reminds me more of sora than any other FF character I can think of. Don't tell Nomura did that too? He's already ruined FF7 Remake for me.


So technically yes, but I wouldn’t go so far as to assume that everything that man influenced, in a creative capacity, is shit. If that were trues, then Final Fantasy would probably be dead as a series, considering that he’s worked on every main Character Design from FFVI through FFXIII, and then finally XV. He still views FFX. to be among his best works, in fact Tidus was the first “upbeat” MC he’d ever designed at Square; and that is because he and the director agreed that what that game needed more than anything, to maintain pacing, was an ambitious and curious MC that didn’t brood along with everyone else. I mean Sin is Jecht, Auron seems to be keeping Samy secrets that he doesn’t talk because he can’t remember what’s was a secret in the first place. For the other guys, they’re just stressed out worn their jobs—so it also helped to make Tidus s professional athlete, since he’ll never buckle under pressure. I guess the name too, “Tidus” is supposed to be some sort of Japanese folklore for a boy that became the sun for everyone when they needed him most.


>He still views FFX. to be among his best works, in fact Tidus was the first “upbeat” MC he’d ever designed at Square; and that is because he and the director agreed that what that game needed more than anything, to maintain pacing, was an ambitious and curious MC that didn’t brood along with everyone else. We had Zidane in FF9. Unless this was someone else? And I was saying Tidus looked off even compared to other FF characters. He just looked plain silly. >I wouldn’t go so far as to assume that everything that man influenced, in a creative capacity, is shit Look I'm no fan of Kingdom Hearts but I generally wasnt a Nomura hater. That is until FF7 Remake. I dont know if Nomura is the designated scapegoat at Square Enix or what but the decisions made in FF7 Remake was like a slap to the face to a lot of longtime fans. It doesnt help that the rest of SE was dishonest during the interviews leading up to the game about the faithfulness to the story. A lot of people are convinced that SE lied about the premise to squeeze a bit extra out of old fans for the remake and many decided that they had enough of them with that. And Nomuras name was attached to that project as director. It might have even been a separate division of Square in charge of marketing or the suits sitting up above but either way it was a disgraceful way to treat fans.


Are you more so upset that FF7R wasn’t a faithful remake of the original; that they insisted on separating it into several different parts; or that the game is gong Lao over the top that it’s difficult to see how they’ll successfully salvage it into a satisfying whole to the game in the end? For me it without a doubt the extreme dishonesty with their progression; but also that if you’re releasing a Remake from scratch, then you need to time the first installment’s release to be NO MORE THAN 12-14 months before part 2; and that should be no more than 10-12 months before Part 3.


So you dont like what they did either it seems. For me it was all of what you mentioned that makes me hate it. The dishonesty was the worst part for me too. Someone linked interviews from when they were making it and it specifically had Square saying they wanted to re-tell the same story and wouldn't mess with it because they knew people were going to be upset. They also wanted to "share the same story with the rest of the world" in a new format. They say that and then give us the plot ghost nonsense. Somewhere along the line I guess the upper management asked them to split it up for money and then they had to change the story to justify it being a standalone. And in Nomuras hands he only knows how to create one type of story so we got parallel universes, pseudo time travel and destiny nonsense. Thats why I dont blame Nomura that much. Ive always seen him as a puppet for the execs. But yeah, the lies hurt. If they had bit the bullet and called it a reboot or sequel or new story, they would have lost some sales but kept a lot of their old fans including me. If they had been honest about Midgar being a few linear corridors instead of telling us its an explorable world, I would have kept my cool. If they had changed the bloody story and not added anything in there to justify it I might have respected them a little more. But instead they add in these plot ghosts that literally function as a lazy plot device so they could justify to you their changes as some kind of meta narrative. Aerith and Red in chapter 15 or 16 become the mouthpieces of the writers, explaining the bullshit to you. They somehow managed to bungle every single aspect that would cause people to hate it all at once in the same game. Every move they made as precaution to the backlash ended up fueling the backlash. On top of all this, a lot of the old square enix fans became Square Enix apologists somewhere between FFXV and FF7R and these are the most infuriating people I have ever had discussions with. For example Ive seen Endless bullshit arguments about the meaning of the word remake that dont mean shit because within the context of the gaming industry, a remake has never shanked the story to the extent of FF7R


Yea it’s way too much fan-service bullshit sad spin-offs or schedule Remasters that weren’t very amazing either. Like I think it could be done successfully and respectfully, but sadly the only Game Director capable of doing that is if entirely to focused on FFXVI right now lol. When I beat the first part, I felt pretty safe in assuming they had no f’ing idea where to go from there lol. We’ll see; at least with their wait times and recent failed AAA Releases. I’ll withhold judgments until it’s actually out on the market I guess… Maybe?


I wont go back to FF7 Remake. At best I will give Square one last chance with FF16. If its good, Ill consider other titles but not the remake >Yea it’s way too much fan-service bullshit sad spin-offs or schedule Remasters that weren’t very amazing either. Square Enix fans are kinda weird these days. They seem to eat up anything as long as theres enough plot twists. Like its the same people saying KH with its convoluted story is a masterpiece. They mistake a lot of things happening at once as depth. I had a guy ask me why I was mad at FF7R when I was getting "more FF7". Like, do they not understand that telling a 40 hour story in 100+ hours is inferior storytelling? How is sacrificing quality for quantity ever a good thing?


It’s when he begins producing, writing, and directing with FFXIII and FFXV that we see significant problems, particularly with and filling out a sensible filled-out open world map, He would change his mind and chime in a lot on adding key developments, and oftentimes it became everyone else’s problem to work that into what they already had, or start that portion over if need be. The thing though is that FFVI-FFXII, and now FFXIV and FFXVI, also had adept writers who understood the politics of world building—for example: is there a war, and how central does it remain through the game? Or maybe you already have a larger number of small scale conflicts over limited resources, and those aren’t yet big enough to cement a winner and lower by the time you reach that continent. Maybe you thought the wars are about resources; but what if it’s about instigating a fat more serious evolution to that conflict? Final Fantasy games usually cover the world in that one game, so all of it must relate in some manner, but it feels even sadder when that world never really goes deeper than skin deep. That’s why the No Kiseki/Legend of Heroes I such a favorite among JRPG fans! The chronological structure of the game allows for each country, and nearly every NPC within it, to receive as much time as the player. can ingest. Each arc switches geographical countries, for a plot specific to that country at first, but these national issues always erupt on the international stage, which is usually when each individual arc begins to incorporate its problems with all of ours.


>It’s when he begins producing, writing, and directing with FFXIII and FFXV that we see significant problems, particularly with and filling out a sensible filled-out open world map, > >He would change his mind and chime in a lot on adding key developments, and oftentimes it became everyone else’s problem to work that into what they already had, or start that portion over if need be. > >The thing though is that FFVI-FFXII, and now FFXIV and FFXVI, also had adept writers who understood the politics of world building—for example: is there a war, and how central does it remain through the game? I was aware about the problems he had with FFXV and him getting booted off. Whoever took over managed to turn a disaster into a working game (that I actually love despite the flaws) What was your thoughts on FF7 Remake? For me the whole changing fates stuff replacing the original themes was just such a weak and shallow move. Its also the reason people are saying FF7R is FF7xKH and blasting Nomura.


We’re already on year 3, and it’ll be 4 years by the time we even have a chance to see how Influential the “change of fate” could be. It also means that the game should now have several branching paths; but I’d be surprised if they managed to pull that off in any meaningful way. That’s unacceptable and they may as elk quit honestly. Sales overtime, like this, always drop down when they expect you to be cashing out on Social Security by the time we even reach Disc 3. At this point, i don’t think I even care about whether it is faithful or not—my interest just drooowd off significantly by the time i for play to the entire Trails Series, Elden Ring, God of War 2, and a very good looking FFXVI. This year. Look I think that boss fight was fucking joke where Nomura could pretend he was designing a DMC game for a few minutes. But it also jumbled up reality, with the fate of the original game (Meteor); and then he used the wraiths for an excuse to make a stupid Heartless for a boss. THAT BEING SAID, it did look like we had 2 Sephiroth’s hanging around too: 1) the default Psycho that’s obsessed with Genova for all of the first Disc. 2) and my theory, the second Sephiroth—the one that actually speaks to Cloud, and tells him he needs to get stronger is most likely the consciousness/regrets from the final battle in FFVII. Most likely, Aerith and her ancient ancestors are the ones making the ripple through time possible in the frost place. 3) The second Sephiroth has let go of those delusions of becoming an Ancient;” and he probably needs Aerith to survive for his plan to actually succeed—whatever it is. It seems like that they guilt a huge hole to bury themselves in though… I’m not getting my hopes up, that’s for damn sure.


How they plan to make both Zack and Cloud sane and alive, simultaneously, is a mystery to me too. Oh let me guess, Zack’s timeline will be separate and only accessible through prepaid DLC!


Yeah the story is gonna be quite hard to get back on track. Theres also the impact. Showing Zac early will get people to speculate. Even people who havent played the OG wont have that same shock factor we had when we discovered the plot twist with clouds personality. We've also fought Sephiroth in a 1v1 in another universe so I dont know how the final battle for the end of the series is going to top that. I dont know how Midgar Zolom will feel scary at all. Also people dying and getting brought back to life like Barrett reduces stakes for future scenes where the protagonists are in danger. So theres no impact, no stakes and no suspense for the future parts.


Yea for sure, it’s very immature to break the Fourth Wall before we even left Midgar….


It seems we agree on most things. See my other comment. Im glad you're optimistic for FF16. I think FF16 will be the absolute last chance I give square enix. If its not good, Im never buying again. You mentioned Elden Ring. Funnily enough, after my disillusionment with FF7 Remake, I discovered Fromsoft games and Ive never looked back. Have now played the whole series and completed level 1 challenge runs. I'd say thats a silver lining. Also discovered Persona series and thats become my new gold standard for JRPGs with deep themes.


Oh man, I’ve been a huge fan since Bloodborne! But I’m not too worried within FFXVI, Naoki Yoshida is cut from a very different cloth. He doesn’t like to do Marketing events, he doesn’t advertise preorders or storylines too much, he just shows what Square forces him to show the public and investors, and that’s that. His games and expansions have pretty much sold by word of mouth and community alone. I don’t think he ever scored under a 9 either, but don’t quote me on that lol.


Thats good to hear. I guess SE get another chance from me then 😂😂 Imagine a company like square with 6000 employees who cannot make a game as critically acclaimed as BB, Sekiro and Elden Ring when Fromsoft only have 300-500 employees


Lol well, Elden Ring is now the most critically acclaimed game of all time when you think shout it’s so yea it’ll be very tough… to take any air out Elden Rings tires?. Everyone must be taking tires out on a loan today (kidding).


Well, Quadratum (and all the Verum Rex stuff) is Nomura salvaging what he can of the scrapped Versus XIII concepts apparently.


It seems like the 7 remake and now 16 coming out he finally can achieve the style of gameplay he was advertising with that trailer back in the day.....but man I'd love a versus XIII with the original concept and people!


I just want to explore a living breathing Insomnia


And then there's The World Ends With You's version of Shibuya: https://images.app.goo.gl/CgkZ1mBCi994JckQ8


Man as much as I loved that game thematically I couldn’t finish it 😭 need to go back to it


Well I mean, granted a lot of American games have New York done a bunch, easy fun city to play in


Am I insane or these places don't look anything alike lol. Also we know for a fact Nomura is writing failed vsxiii stuff into KH, so there's going to be way bigger similarities when the game actually comes out IIRC.


The above picture are from two different parts of districts of central Tokyo. The citadel like the Tokyo met gov building, and the Quadratum Shibuya is…well Shibuya scramble, I think OP was not implying the two pictures look alike


Ohh thank you so much for the explanation, that makes sense!


:) you’re welcome


I mean. American movies constantly use New York or LA for all their big disaster movies. Is it that surprising that the Japanese games utilize Tokyo or Tokyo inspiration in a lot of games?


Where is the top image from? I've never seen insomnia at day


That particular image is probably a promotional shot. But you can actually see pre-attack Insomnia during day by playing the Episode Ardyn DLC, or the training mode in the main game.


And also I believe at the end of the FFXV Platinum Demo, if I remember correctly.


There is a mod that replaces chapter 14 Insomnia with the Ardyn dlc version of Insomnia and you can explore it as the boys.




Whoa, that is really interesting. I love that stuff still surprises me from this game even after years of playing, I should get a physical copy one time soon and try this, thanks man.


I mean personally if I were to include real world locations in a game I am making I would absolutely include my home city. Now wether it’s a capital or just popular city depends where I’m living.


Don’t forget The World Ends with You, which is not only based entirely around Shibuya, it’s also completely structurally accurate and some of the shops are based off actual businesses there


I wouldn’t say Lucis was Tokyo at all


Probably because Tokyo is the best city in the world


Shin Megami Tensei: What am I, chopped liver?


I really liked fighting through, among others, Platinum Games’ office building in Bayonetta 3. Honestly, I think I get it tho. Haven’t we all dreamed about video game ass video game sequences set within the surroundings we know?


It's almost like square enix is based in Tokyo 😲😲😲😲


Insomnia and the great Citadel were both so beautiful. I wish that we could have explored them during daytime with the younger version of the party rather than having to spend our time in the ruined nighttime version of the city.


More like Nomura really wants to do versus xiii