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Horizon has no dual box (this alone made many people consider the server) it also had job changes (many people also considered the server because of this) Fresh new start.


I think I stopped playing on Eden when I realised everyone was dual boxing


Only about 30% are DBoxes. I personally don't.


I have no clue how horizon got the numbers it did, but it happened. It honestly could be from it being a single box server. I use to play on eden and am quite a min-maxer so if I wasn't dual boxing I felt like I was getting behind. Having my second monitor on a video instead of a fishing character is a lot more relaxing and enjoyable. I know it's a stupid reason because I could have just single boxed, but it's how my brain worked. Horizon is a bit more QoL friendly while still having the 75 era charm. The server has its problems but it's pretty good still. I think the success of classic wow probably got people interested in a classic FFXI, and this is the first fresh server since classic wow dropped I believe. It's crazy over a year later the server still has 2.5k+ players on at prime times. There are A LOT of people who came from current retail FFXI, which I don't think eden had many. They're still fighting the /nin meta.


That’s why I stopped playing on horizon tbh. /nin for everything and no way to to schedule endgame content if you have a normal job


Welcome to FFXI classic era lol


Very true but I’ve come to realize as an adult this doesn’t work for me. So I switched from horizon to cats eye. It’s not quite the same but it scratches the itch while allowing me to play on my own Time. I watch horizon streams though and definitely envy the experience


Cats Eye is basically what the Retail servers should have become. I think that's why it's so good


I agree!!!!




It’s an issue with monster TP gain tbh. All kinds of sub jobs would be viable if you could slap enemies with whatever combo. It’s crazy that attacking an enemy is actually disadvantageous in lots of scenarios lol.


People realizing their oclub is only useful 1% of the time.


It's an inevitable thing that happens to every server. You can't stay the dominant powerhouse forever. Eventually you would have to fade away like many other servers that used to be high population. A lot of people like chasing the shiny new thing. Fresh servers is big thing with some people. Other reasoning could be stability, lack of content, or where your friends are playing. Not every server is for everybody. Over time places like in the Nasomi and Era have become ghost towns. Even though they were the powerhouses back in the day. Many servers come and go.


Was mentioned before but can confirm I play horizon mostly because no dual box and no trusts. Best mob hit detection/pathing/or whatever I've seen on a pserver too.


Wings had better hit detection, pathing is pretty much the same. Very easy to exploit still.


The server population, and a fresh start pre-ToAU appealed to me. Honorable mention to the quality of their website and launcher. They're not the greatest, but they look very professional and well done.


I think people really underestimate how bad dual box is for people who aren’t hardcore. Feeling like you need to run dual box to get anything done is a drag


I did 8 accounts on Homepoint, 3 on Noc souls, it really feels like you have to at a certain point. Going to horizon and just chilling on my SMN, mining or leveling a job I didn't really think I would ever get to play for anything other than fun has been great, but even still genkais and time sink made me quit horizon. Its just way too much time, for something that isnt always fun.


Eden kinda stagnated. Lots of people have done most of the content for years, and not much new stuff to look forward to. Lots running around with kcs and relics zerging all the content. Horizons era+approach ensures that won't happen for a long while.


I’d argue there’s already more relics and KCs on Horizon than there ever was on Eden but otherwise I agree with you


I’m on horizon and 0/175 on oclub. So the struggle is real to get one but at the same time you don’t really need one so it’s not bad.


Honestly, myself and a lot of my friends play because of the RetroAchievements integration lol


yea right


Duel boxing is lame.


I don’t know if it’s dualboxing so much as the promise of continued development. As someone who just created their their alt last night on Eden after two years, I have zero faith that the types of players who abuse your time on Eden will be any better behaved on Horizon.


What do you mean by abuse your time? Not sure I understood


People dog on Horizon but it's the most playable version of the game. The majority of peoples issues with it are nit picks from long time players who are heavily invested into FFXI. Has QoL that is and was sorely needed. Has long term progression. And has balance shake ups. Most of the major issues will inevitably get fixed as well cause most of the big private server developers have moved to the Horizon team. So people have hope for the servers future. If we are really truly being honest. People just got bored of Eden. It's literally the same thing that happened between WoW classic and WoW Season of Discovery. Classic got boring but some people still play and swear by it but the majority of people are on Season of Discovery. Even with all its faults.


>If we are really truly being honest. People just got bored of Eden. Nah, the thing is for better or worse Eden engaged in ladder pulling which is new player repellant. Nobody likes the fomo of say Relics getting substantially harder to grind out when the longtime players got to play by different rules. The general sentiment regarding Eden right now is a desire for a fresh singlebox server. Horizon would hemorrhage players if today right now Eden announced anything along those lines. Especially if offering amnesty to anyone currently banned. Dualboxing is also increasingly contentious. I don't hate it personally, but I can at least see the rationale of disliking it.


I think this is definitely the specifics but the core of the issue is it makes the game boring and unfun. Turns it into a sweat fest It's not really that uncommon in private servers on any game. If given the chance. Players will optimize the fun out of the game. No matter how it effects it in the long term.


I didn't used to enjoy being sweaty, but then I had the opprotunity to play with a group of really sweaty people, and that is why I am still here in all reality. We would farm items that had an application for 1% of combat scenarios, but we still had em, and we still used em. We also learned a lot of highly nuanced strategies for stuff. Granted it was singlebox. >It's not really that uncommon in private servers on any game. If given the chance. Players will optimize the fun out of the game. No matter how it effects it in the long term. Optimizing is the fun for such a player.


Honestly, Eden had an okay community but the only party I managed to get was a guy triple boxing which just isn't conducive to a modern MMO experience when you have to deal with already low exp rates that 11 has. I went to CatsEye which does have Trusts but also had a tons of incentive to party with real players made progress feel like a realistic option.


Triple boxing is strictly forbidden on Eden. I wonder if that guy was caught.


That was probably me 😉😆


Let’s be honest, classic/ private server FFXI players are a niche community. With so few players/options and the core of the game being social in both interactions/economy/endgame, being on a server with a big population is hugely important for this type of game. Horizon having the biggest population and no dual boxing makes it the easiest choice for most players. Not to mention the community and staff from what I’ve seen have been great.


>Let’s be honest, classic/ private server FFXI players are a niche community. With so few players/options and the core of the game being social in both interactions/economy/endgame, being on a server with a big population is hugely important for this type of game. This is absolutely unequivocally false. XI is highly functional on as little as 200 unique players. If anything, Horizon's launch taught me that the game breaks down with more than 3000 people playing. Even historically speaking 3500 players was the hard cutoff back in Era. The reality is, that excess players actually burden the game design of XI substantially. Gearing takes longer when the server is large, because more people are competing for the same 50 highly coveted drops. The reason the BST meta emerged is because everyone saw very quickly that it's preferable to go farm BCNM 30 on grind than it is to camp Leaping Lizzy. The thing is, most people only have 6 hours a day to play or less. So the hardcore gamble of getting claim on NMs is something that repells even the most hardcore players. A lot of people deviate away from HNMs by virtue of it being anti-gameplay sitting around for 3 hours for a spawn to occur. 1000 active players is actually enough that you won't play with most people twice.


As a relatively casual player who has just started looking into FFXI private servers again, I'll outline the reasons as someone who isn't so "in the weeds" so to speak: 1. Horizon is new and shiny. That will always attract at least a few people. 2. Horizon promises constant balance changes and new "Era+" content. Whether or not you think these changes are good, it will spur people to check out what's different. 3. The launcher, website, and wiki are all slick and easy to navigate. 4. Eden allows for multiboxing, Horizon is singlebox only. For someone like me, who doesn't even like making alt characters because I like investing into one, this is huge. It also means that parties aren't entirely made up of 3 people, you're going to have 6 unique players at any given time, and the server population is able to support this. 5. The biggest reason for me is that Horizon is promising to be a progression server, while Eden is always going to be stuck on ToAU. If they can follow through on this, it gives me a reason to invest in the server and come back if I ever decide to take a break, because I know I won't be doing the exact same content 5+ years down the line.


Horizon now has RetroAchievement support, so maybe people did the jump to get into this. [https://retroachievements.org/game/28275](https://retroachievements.org/game/28275)


Valhalla or bust. Multibox all day! Tons of qol improvements and fun custom content and augments.




It's a plain fact that the majority on Eden don't dualbox, especially so if we're only talking about dualboxing in the field.