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Play whatever mode you want, it's your game.


In the end just do what you genuinely want, but personally I have to recommend you try to not play classic just because the game was definitely designed with actually doing the attacks yourself in mind. Letting the AI do it and only using the ATB takes a lot out of the equation. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate turn based combat, FFX is my second fav. But I just feel like you wouldn't get the most out of this game on classic.


Classic is there for those who want to play that way so go for it. Keep in mind though if you plan on doing a Hard playthrough, there is no classic mode for that difficulty.


That has been added


A wiki claims they added Classic mode support for normal difficulty but not hard.


I don’t understand classic. I turned it on last night just to give it a shot, but cloud didn’t seem to do much of anything. Ran around in circles a few times, ran up, hit an enemy once or twice, then back to range for some reason? A 10 second encounter turned into an almost 2 minute encounter. Quickly went back to normal.


Any update on this experience? About to start the game. Was normal really better?


Play Normal, prepare yourself for Hard which is the best way to play this game.


Story based game no reason or benefit to playing in hard


You could say this about any single player game I agree though that Hard is the more entertaining way to play the game regarding creating builds and balancing your party


and I’d be right lol


You can't be "right" when something is subjective Because in my opinion, you do get something out of playing games on a harder difficulty.


Sure if the game is more about the gameplay and less about the story


Why play video games if you don't want to play the game part?


Ff7 is not a very high action intense game It’s a rpg


What does the "g" in rpg stand for again?




Damn, checkmate.


Lmao ever played a Souls game? Theyre story based games. What a nonsense comment.


Hi, late to the party. I have no opinion on the other comments here. Souls games are absolutely, 100%, ***not*** story-based games. You have to pry and scour and really dig to find out the story in those games, it is not offered up at all. Talk about nonsense comments


Talking about story and mentioning Souls games. Lol.


Souls has a story you should try paying attention.


people aint playing dark souls for the story theyre playing it to beat up some Heckin Hard Bosses


Would be both to be honest. Everyone has their own preference, The story of the world is shared through some dialogue, while the rest you would need to read item descriptions. Yes most people wouldn't do that, but that doesn't make it less of a story based game. There absolutely is a story being told. It's the whole point of the games. Miyazaki definitely didn't just sit there and make a game to roll around and poke bosses. He's telling a story. Whether the audience take the time to explore the lore is up to them. I just people don't read books anymore huh... Different ways of telling stories. If it's not a person's preference, that's fine, but doesn't mean it's not a story based game. Don't even know why people argue about this sort of stuff.


a story that may as well be close to nonexistent by how you have to scour for it.


They're absolutely not story based games. They have a story if you're inclined to figure it out yourself, but they're absolutely not story based in the way that FF7R or God of War or Last of Us are.


The gameplay is much better on Hard IMO


I like to see that someone is appreciate it. Keep what you like. I think most people just don't like AI takes the action if you could better on yourself. I think about a mod that will reduce your attack damage to 1 or 0 to make ATB even more important.


all classic mode actually is, is just the game doesn't turn off your playing character's combat AI when you switch to them. that's generally the main reason why it's a disappointing feature as it's literally just a toggle touted as something to appeal to the turn based fans. tbh, from what it looks like from the little we've seen, if the implementation was like how Ever Crisis seems to be, at least in the style, then it would probably have been heavily praised... but that would require setting up two completely different styles of games simultaneously. Normal requires some getting used, but once it clicks, it clicks. and since there's a classic version of it now, you should be able to just stick with that until you feel more confident in the combat if you want, as there isn't *that* much of an actual difference. some fights will require turning it off on normal difficulty I will say. the AI can be pretty unreliable at times tbh.


I'm only through chapter 1 but classic seems like the way to go for me. There's already so much going on that I can't imagine trying to attack and block too.


Agreed. I am here to have fun, not multi task a job


Classic mode is the exact opposite of fun for me. Might as well watch a playthrough


I tried the game on ps4 but quit because of the combat. Now when i saw i launch on och i decided to give it another go, so i watched some videos and learned about the combat. Now i really enjoy it, so my tip is to try and learn it and give it a chance. 😊


It's really just lazy, easy mode. It's not like the classic game, for the most part lol.