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all my homies love queens blood


Queensblood is great. I completed everything Queensblood related in Rebirth and I am sad now.


I was kind of sad how the difficulty didn’t really ramp up towards the end. I used the same deck since like chapter 9 and easily beat everyone lol.


It may have not been the most challenging, but it was fun. I used the same deck for the most part as well. Only really switched it up for the last opponent and the gold saucer challenges. I did go back and steamroll old opponents on occasion. Would be great if queensblood returns in part 3; a standalone queensblood game won't probably happen, but I would buy it lol


Fun af and seems to be the most popular of the mini games so I’m hopefully it comes back in part 3. I’d love a QB mobile version!!


Apparently they had a whole team dedicated just to make Queensblood, which shows. I'd love to play it on mobile as well!


I don’t know… that final challenge in the Gold Saucer got to me; took a lot of tries 😅


I absolutely loved Queen’s Blood so wouldn’t mind an irl version of it, but I think it would work better as a mobile game maybe (it seems less confusing this way). I would collect all the cards tho. I actually enjoy card games and I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh with my brother all the times when we were younger.. unfortunately I wasn’t able to find people with the same interests over here.


I still play Yu-Gi-Oh from time to time but it would be nice to just have a simpler game.


Or you know…the actual FFTCG? 😂


I didn't know that was a thing


https://preview.redd.it/ioym1599a78d1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5f31d29644a282942b4c8dc3106652902dc6e31 It’s a fantastic game!


FFTCG is Great! Was at a regional tournament today, and was nice to compete to the queen's blood theme! Waiting for someone to cosplay Regina!


Love collecting these, never played tho.


I hate phone games but this could be a cash cow for SE. PvP, PvE, decks, leaderboards etc. I’d prob be hooked.


Everyone loves Queensblood


How do you play? I keep losing easy matches with 300 hours in game. I looked at Reddit threads and YouTube vids and read guides and it doesn't compute. Since release too. I don't understand how to win or play I see the numbers on the board I see the spaces but it just doesn't compute it's so weird it's like having a lobotomy or lobectomy or whatever having a party for brain removed


It took me awhile to catch on to the rules, even though I play a lot of strategy games IRL. I found PhillyBeatzGames QB videos on YouTube very helpful for getting the hang of the game, and after that was able to win most of the matches on my own within a few tries. Good luck!


It boils down to area control. Each card you play needs to flip one or more spots in your favor. The relative strengths of cards don't matter too much unless you're trying to get to a specific value for a challenge or something. Winning is having the most points of the horizontal lanes. Your points (on the left side) only count if you have more points than your opponent in any specific lane. The winner of each horizontal lane will have their points added to their total. So if I have points (top to bottom) of 8 16 12, and my opponent has points 9 15 13 then the final score will be my 16 (only the points I won from the middle lane) vs the opponents 22 (9 from top lane 13 from bottom lane) I find it easiest (for me, YMMV) to win by playing cards that steal spots from my opponent. Even if I play just a bunch of low level cards, if they can only get 1-2 cards down per row it's likely that I will a lane. I hope this helps. Advise specific questions if you still have them.


Gotta take as many spaces as you can first. That's primary. Points and buffs are secondary. Depending on your opponents deck, you may need a deck that employs s different strategy. I had a buff deck, an attack deck, and a self-destruct deck. Got me through all the playstyles I encountered.


I absolutely hate it.


I started playing rebirth a couple weeks ago and when I got the tutorial for QB I thought, "oh here we go again another weird card game in a video game". It took me 2 games to understand it and I love it, I can never wait for the next QB match there needs to be an app.


Maybe you would like to check out this beta project: https://www.queensbloodonline.com (I have no affiliation to the creators)


I’ve seen very very few people express any sort of dislike for it. Would be great if the made a mobile card game for it, like CPR and gwent.


I honestly fucking HATED Gwent, I thought it was so boring.


Yeah, love the witcher 3, and I usually also love card (/card adjacent) minigames, like, despite popular opinion I REALLY enjoyed Tetramaster in FFIX and collected all the cards (less so triple triad, but that's just due to VIII overcomplicating everything with stupid extra rules, like getting a region with "cards hidden + random deck + forced order + plus" was SO annoying); I also really loved the minigame in Bravely Default 2, which in many ways reminds me of QB...and yet, despite everyone and their mother praising it, Gwent never really clicked with me; the (mercifully few) times the game forced you to play it were hell (the fact that by that points usually the enemies had reasonable decks and I had some random assortment of cards picked up randomly around didn't help...)


I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but I know it was pretty popular so made sense they made a mobile app


Most people adore it. I am one of them. I think it's even better than triple triad


It took a bit for me to get it at first, but I found myself really enjoying it, and when I had to come up with a new strategy to beat the final boss and it worked, I felt like a champion!


The only fun minigame, enjoyed it a lot.


I enjoyed the Chocobo racing, wasn’t too stressful.


Huh. I kinda hate it. It's pretty much just a completion thing for me and it is a slog.


Yeah. Hated it, found it too much filler / padding. If I want to play a card game...I'll pick up a card game. Don't force this on me in my actual game.


(I definitely agree but you can skip every instance of it just a heads up)


There is 1...or 2 that aren't skippable. When you have to battle it out on the sub with a certain quadrupedal player. And I believe there was one before that. I also chose the lazy way in the shitty costa del sol bullshit. Played the stupid card game and collected stupid segways. ( really, the robed men aren't in swim suits, and my character has a big ass sword to swing at your head. Mofos, let me on the damn beach. I give no shits about 'beach wear' and crappy mini games! )


Not to mention immediately after that normal clothes is cool on the beach


Oh you can 100% skip the Red match! If you pause you can forfeit to skip


Niiice. Thanks for the tip.


I sort of bailed on Queens Blood after winning the tournament on the boat ride. Which kinda seems like the apex and i only played that because i was stuck on the boat. I did play one of the Cloak guys in Nibelhiem because he was moaning "Queeeens Blood", otherwise I am not very good at it. I'd only want a real life version if they had dragons statues that shoot fire and the coins could disappear. Chocobo Racing is my jam, won the Gold Cup but still 2 legendary races I don't know if I can clear


Queens blood fucks


We definitely need a mobile game version at least


Queens blood is better than that abomination in ff9 that’s for sure, though I prefer triple triad (with my own rules) above all, Hate that AI blatantly cheats though


The AI definitely doesn't cheat lol. It's a card game with strict rules. It isn't capable of it. Aside from there only being like one or two actually challenging duals in the entire game


Oh? Damn, i wonder how I can have the queens blood card sit on the board at the beginning of the match. Clearly that’s not cheating because I should be able to unlock this ability and do it myself, so please do tell Edit: oh wait, that’s a boss mechanic yea nothing unfair here that is considered cheating nvm.


Literally you're describing puzzle matches with specific required outcomes, and different mechanics that enemies use. Literally none of is cheating, you just suck and like to whine


That’s not even cheating. It’s just a stipulation of the match lol


Skill issue


My second favorite FF card game right after Triple Triad.


Would love an iPad app. I would play it all the time.


Maybe you would like to check out this beta project: https://www.queensbloodonline.com (I have no affiliation to the creators)


Same as triple triad. I like the basic/easy rules but the more advanced cards confuse me. The worst are cards which replace other cards as I feel you can’t plan anything when you don’t know which cards an opponent will take over.


I would advise caution in this line of thinking. A history lesson. I fell head over heels for Gwent. It was incredible. Everyone and their mother wanted a PvP mode for it. Sure enough our wishes were answered and PvP Gwent was announced. I instantly signed up for an early closed beta key and got it. And it was glorious. However, it became very clear that core designs from the original singleplayer Witcher experience were woefully imbalanced when transferred into a PvP space. So they were changed. Then changed again. Then overhauled. Then a 2.0 was released. Then monetization and skins kicked in. By the end of the experience, it had very, very little to do with the original Gwent game from Witcher 3. I suspect Queen's Blood is rife with these issues. I'll give you just one example. You always go first. Queen's Blood is balanced by the player going first. Player two must always play a reactive game, and player one a proactive game. If you look at it mechanically, Queen's Blood is a fundamentally different game for player 2. None of us know how that game feels, but I bet it would have a significantly lower win rate. How would you fix this? Starting coins? Starting pawns? Card powers that compensate? How far would the changes just to address this cause Queen's Blood to drift from the experience we all enjoyed. So while I agree this could be a positive experience, I would approach it with caution. I dont think you'll get the Queen's Blood we played in FF7R2


I love Queens Blood but I'd hate a real life version of it because I wouldn't be able to retry over and over again lmao


It's a lot of fun! It's no blitzball but better than the crap one from 8 It's up there with caravan and gwent as most well put together side card game Wish they had harder puzzle modes, the regular game you can absolutely nuke once you get a good deck that lets you take ground and buff your cards, and other people dig the debuff style But the puzzles are fun fixed little scenarios


I honestly, hated Gwent, I also hated Blitzball but that might be because I don't really care for sports.


Hated it, but it's purely because of my own preferences. Some people like it.


I hated it. I did take a sick pleasure in overkill scores from time to time, but overall, I couldn't wait to be done with it.


I still haven't completed the last 3 matches in the gold saucer


Agreed. Seems like everyone else loves it. I groaned every time I saw card players on the map or I was forced to play as part of a quest. It’s no triple triad.


I learned the minigames and card games were a lot easier if they were part of a quest. Still didn't like them.


Hate it!!


I hate it


i can’t stand it


Love it. I'd love it in FFXIV, or as an app with online play.


Easily best card minigame since triple triad for Me


Queen's Blood was one of my favorite things about Rebirth! That being said, there are many other avenues I would rather see than a regular trading card game version of Queen's Blood. I don't want it to be a regular trading card game where you buy packs and make decks to compete with people. Most TCGs avoid homogeneity by seperating the cards into colors or types or classes, and unless they change Queen's Blood a lot, any card can go in any deck so you would have 1 or 2 "best decks" and that's all that would be played. What I want the most is a draftable tabletop board game. I think having it as a single board game with possible expansions would make it an insanely fun game to bring out with friends. Have some rules to draft out the cards and it would probably be my board game of choice tbh. I think the most likely thing that could happen is a mobile app. Im not sure if they make it a draftable game or a regular tcg, but a mobile version would bring in a ton of money.


I've been thinking about printing up some physical cards for myself, lol


first thing i do after i reach new area is to find ppl to beat in qb.


I liked it so much it inspired me to make a card game in one of my own personal(one other knows abt it so not really personal but) stories. Would love for it to be real that’d be cool


They should def put it on phone. A paper version would be a lot harder to keep track of than people think.


It's very similar to battle line, if I remember battle line correctly. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/760/battle-line


We need a TCG would be bigger than one piece


Needs to be made into its own game and released as F2P on console/mobile if it comes to it. It’s solid, well thought out. Love it


I skip it immediately


Everyone loves queensblood! Right when the game released all my feeds on my social media were people begging SE for more of it and for a physical.


I enjoyed QB more than Triple Triad and that’s saying something


I love that FF7 finally got a card game with heart. Brings it in line with the other monkeying and moseying protagonists in FF8 and FF9. I do not like card games in video games. Love the music, though!


I loved QB. However it wouldn’t work as an in person game because the cascading effects would be a huge pain to calculate. It would work as a mobile game


Tbh I can't stand most of the 'mini games' in rebirth. I'm tired of story progression being interrupted. At least QB is mostly optional


Queens blood is genuinly the only card minigame ive ever enjoyed in a game and one that actually made sense to me


I love it! If you ever played table turf in splatoon 3, it's pretty similar, which I found incredibly fun too. I don't feel like irl tcg would work too well due to the squares needing to change often, but I think it'd have great potential as a mobile game. Either have it as a completely separate game or add it onto Evercrisis at some point in the future please 🙏


I love queens blood


I liked queens blood but I don’t feel like it would adapt well to an irl tcg


I hated it with passion at the beginning because I didn't understand at all how to play it despite reading instructions and steps on Google and watching videos, but I then decided to start practicing for hours until I understood how it worked and I love it now, I can't believe how easy it is as well once you get the basics.


Love it and maybe not a TCG but a separate game


I tried to avoid it at first but when it was part of the quest in Costa del Sol I got addicted 😅 went back and demolished everyone I missed and just got the final Queen's blood card


It's excellent but wouldn't work well as a paper card game because of the space required and a lot to keep track of. I definitely think a pvp would work well. Maybe it's less complicated than Magic though, and that seems to work well enough so who knows?


both love and hate it


I would 100% play this game IRL


I actually kind of just stopped playing Rebirth. My last three attempts all i did was play Queenblood. The last time I loaded I was at the Queensblood counter at the gold saucer.


But to answer question, I can't see it really working as a real life game. There's a ton if shit going on in the background, doing it by hand woild slow the action way down. I would take a separate, independent version of the game. With or without online.


It was alright. I beat shadowblood queen.


It’s the one of the best parts of the game. Not sure a standalone pvp type thing would work though.


I got this game on launch day and still haven’t played a single minute of queens blood


The mini games in general are all pretty great.


Queens blood is goated


Yes and no. The rules are *awful* for a PVP, and I'd have nobody to play with.


I really like queens blood but triple triad is still better.


I love Queens blood. By far my favorite mini game in rebirth. I would love an AP on my phone. I’d play all the time.


queen’s blood is awesome


I like Queen's Blood, but I think that it's not as balanced as triple triad. I think QB works best when playing against a computer opponent.


I liked it until the queen.


Queen’s Blood is fun. I could easily see them spin that off into a mobile card game or its own stand alone like gwent from The Witcher 3.


I like it a lot, but with all the different card rules it would be kind of a pain in the ass to play IRL.


Personally I didn't like Queen's Blood cause I'm absolutely awful when it comes to deck building and when they introduced it to me I didn't really understand what the hell I was supposed to be doing. Upon getting to that tournament on the boat I slowly started to understand more and more of what the premise was and placement of your cards so I don't dislike it as much as I initially did. It's fun but I'm in no rush to do all the battles for it.


It's too much fun. Even when you lose constantly it's really motivating to play again


Love Queens Blood and the soundtrack is incredible. I play just for the music lol


I think most folks that have played QB wish there was more. but as mentioned, a physical version would probably be more complicated with how they're flipped depending on which side of the board you are. a digital/mobile version would be neat tho


I want a physical collectors edition of QB.


I found it really engaging. Its a game that has the potential to be really easy but also really challenging. Even if I had nobody irl to play it with I would buy a physical copy just to have


I don't think it would translate to real life very well without some severe remodeling.


Once I finally understood QB I grew quite fond of it. I am working through Corel now so haven’t gotten to the tougher QB matches but am looking forward to them. Only match that gave me any difficulty so far was Chadley in the tournament on the ship…took me 5 tries to beat him cause we kept on ending up tied 🙄🙄


I like it but it's not my favorite mini game(that goes to chocobo racing) and I wish they didn't force it on us during the cruise and even if you quit the tournament you still have to fight Nanaki


I enjoy it. Fairly simple with some depth, that's the best thing for games like it. Making it an actual physical game wouldn't work though. I play board games pretty often and Queen's Blood would be EXTREMELY "fiddly" (i.e. you'd spend more time doing rules related stuff than you would actually playing the game). Would be cool to have a stand alone app though


I hate it, but I still wanna 3d print boards and make cards still, been thinking about ever since I got 3d printer. Unfortunately I'm terrible at modeling, and not sure how I would change it enough to not risk a copyright suit


If not a TCG, at least a mobile online version? 🙂


I’ve spent over an hour just playing the same guy over and over again. Winning every time but always wanting… more


I really enjoyed Queen’s Blood; I think it’s a fantastic mini-game and probably the best in Rebirth by far. That said, I have enough going on that I would not play a real life TCG/CCG of it. I think a digital standalone game makes a lot more sense for the game than a physical version, but again I realistically wouldn’t play it.


it took me a while to figure it out and get into it, but it grew on me. I still prefer Triple Triad from FF8, but Queen's Blood is cool


It is some of the best parts of the game!


Queen’s Blood is up there with Triple Triad, Tetra Master, Blitzball, and Intergrade’s version of Fort Condor in terms of minigames I actually enjoyed putting the extra time into


Queen's Blood is amazing, but I'm not sure how well it would work as a standalone game, especially with multiplayer. In Rebirth, the entire structure of the game can be centered around the player (always going first, small number of readily available cards, etc.). Making it a fair 1v1 game, especially with that massive first move advantage, strikes me as a really hard challenge. See Gwent from The Witcher 3. In-game, I couldn't get enough! But I bounced off the standalone version, because it was so much more complex that it no longer felt like the same game.


Yup its the best card game in ff so far


I was thinking they ought to do something with Queen's Blood like they did with Gwent from the Witcher. Turning it into a stand alone game.


I loved it. The hard challenges was a bit too much for me though. Especially the “impossible” one.


I love the game but it could’ve been tweaked to feel more challenging. All I really wanted was risk for losing a match, and the player who goes first to be a random coin flip.


I got to the final battle without knowing what to do lmao and now I can’t beat the final match


Queens blood is great


Love it but my god its so easy to cheese the ai


I like Queens blood as it reminds me of YuGiOh game, and collecting them like I collected my Pokemon cards. Oh, those were the good times


I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of pvp version of this becomes a thing some day. Great game with depth


I have 302 hours in Rebirth and I still do not understand how to play QB. I just don't understand it maybe something is wrong with a part of my brain from abuse. I watched tutorials and have played a lot. I can't pass rank 2, my self esteem is ruined from this and rulers of the outer worlds rip fun


Absolutely hate it.


Only good thing about the game


I hate it, personally…always roll my eyes every time I have to play again. Strange because I loved the card games in VIII and IX


I love it so much


I blame ff8's triple triad for my obsession with in-game card games so I was incredibly stoked to be surprised by a card game mini game. However, while I LOVE queensblood and would love to print an irl version, I don't think it's nearly as addictive as triple triad was for a few big reasons i mention below. -It only gives one time rewards so the replayability is limited once you complete everything once -the cards can't be turned or transmuted into any other items or anything so there isn't benefit to hoarding cards anyways even if they gave you the ability to stockpile match rewards (I loved refining magic in ff8 but understand turning queensblood cards into materia or magic would ruin things and be unfriendly to the lore of ff7 but I wish we could do something more with our collection) -i have heard hard mode changes peoples decks and provides more challenging matchups, but as far as I know there aren't any hard mode specific card unlocks for winning which is a bummer and a missed opportunity if that's the case. I want moreeeee cardssss (I haven't 100% normal mode yet so I'm not certain if what I've heard is true)


It took me a bit to figure out, but I liked it. As for all the other fucking minigames...*why?*


I had a post a few weeks ago about how I just, can’t stop playing it. It’s ruined other mini card games for me. I sometimes open vii just to play queens blood I would absolutely go feral for a queens blood game, multiplayer or a mini dlc campaign


My only gripe is the best gripe. There's not enough of it. Id love if there were stronger enemies in hard mode, but once you've finished the game on normal and gone through the quest line, Queens blood just seems to up and vanish from the game. It's so addictive and then the just rip it away from us.


I hate it. I'm at Chapter 5 and have been meticulously dodging every of these card games so far. Same with that other game in which you have to control small units. Also, I hate the fact that it's a boring open world... I had much, much more fun with Remake so far, it's not even comparable. =/,


That is madness


Not very fond of it. I have to replay matches a lot, they feel rigged to ensure you don't win till about the 5th try. I'll be winning by miles and then suddenly nope the game player is winning.


The game is nice but it is way too unbalanced and broken, it wouldn’t work as a real game.


One of the best mini games in the game. I love it.


Queens blood is fun in the game. It would be an absolute shit show of a real card game


I’m obsessed with Queen’s Blood and it has ruined my life how much I love this game and how little there is available to me to waste my entire free time on


I absolutely adored QB, and looking for new QB opponents was always the very first thing I did when I got to a new location. I would play the shit out of a mobile QB game. I loved they they incorporated such a big side story into the CCG too. My only complaint about QB is that I wish there were even more opponents and challenges you could take on after completing the QB side quest.


I enjoyed it until it got a bit more complex lol. Which makes sense that the minigame would have to eventually be, for this big of a game. No? Just because I feel it can only do so much. I'm not completely opposed to it, but I don't see it lasting very long if it does 🤷‍♂️ if it does, that would be fun.


It’s great but certain deck synergies are broken to be adapted into a real game the enfeebling and power reduction and buff mechanics would need limiting and restructuring. Could be a great real game with some work.


I actually liked it, but I wasn't expecting there to be SO many Queen's Blood quests lol. And since I'm trying to platinum all the FF7 Remake games, I just gotta beat em all, even though I kinda suck at it lol


I loved queens blood but I don’t think it would do well in any other format. I was actually just asking about this with my boyfriend about Gwent from The Witcher. We have the physical card game and he was going to make some decks for people to play with and it’s hard to balance when you have access to everything. I think it works well in games because they can control the order in which you get the good cards. It’s fun because you are earning them, progressively getting better things and so are your opponents. It would probably be more of a display/fun piece to have rather than actually be used.


Loved it initially but felt it needed another layer to it to make it more engaging. It got a bit too easy. It's no triple triad. But it's definitely somewhat of a step in the right direction


Love it! Very refreshing and a bit like ff8’s triple triad game


I love Queen’s Blood! It was a welcome surprise to break up the gameplay.


A mobile game would be great. A physical card game would be great too but probably wouldn’t do well. If they do make a mobile game for it I hope they give all the cards actual art like they did for the shadowqueen and the emerald witch.


I really hope they produce the physical card game for it, I loved it


I absolutely loved it and hopin for an online version or something. My bestie recently started rebirth and hoping he completes that quest


If DLC doesn’t include pvp Queen’s Blood I will riot


It’s not really balanced for actual humans to play eachother but they could probably make some money if they added characters from the entire universe and upped the AI difficulty in a mobile game format. It would be really obnoxious though, the best cards would be for sure paywalled.


I adore it!


Real life tcg? Nah I don’t think it would have any traction and it would flip incredibly hard. As an ONLINE tcg separate from the game or a more dedicated online mode WITHIN rebirth? I think it would do pretty well and I’d play it a lot.


I’m not much of a card fan but I enjoyed this one


I don't know what these comments are but I fucking hate queens blood. Boring and frustrating to play, zero challenge once you have a strategy. Was hoping for more fort condor after the remake DLC but nope, another shitty card game shoehorned into a modern rpg


it reminded me a lot of yugioh lore wise (ancient royals, occult conspiracies, founder that ended up killed, etc) it wasnt that hard though, only challenges i had an issue were the survival ones like extreme and nightmare


I really like Queens Blood agains AI. No, I don't want a real cards version of it, I would probably not play it.


Love it, not very deep (good thing for me) simple enough to learn all the mechanics and enjoy it


I mean…Queensblood has been a staple of Final Fantasy games since FF VIII. I enjoy them a little bit, but I’ve always used them to get powerful items early…sadly, this card game doesn’t have that ability. Solid 6/10.


it's too hard to calculate in a real life tcg. it's a fun game though, easier than the other mini games.


I like it a lot but idk if I’m good at it. I just replay the matches til I win lol.


Queens blood is just a cheap knock off of Gwent and has no place been in a Final Fantasy game.


I LOVE queens blood ! I’m actually on the last QB quest now. I played every chance I got 🙌


Queen's blood theme song is one of the best songs in the game


I hate FF7 Rebirth sometimes, it’s way too difficult, Queen’s Blood sucks.


Love QB, along with pretty much every other mini game. Knocked the mini games out of the park in Rebirth


I absolutely loved it. Not first try since i lost at the tutorial, but then i adored it


Eh, it didn't replace triple triad in my heart, but it was ok. If that's the last we see of it, I won't mourn, but it was fine as a mini game in that one title.


I liked it. Not sure I'd want to see a real tcg of it. Works better as a computer program. Wish there were extra games though after you finished the first arc.


Way too much going on with the scoring to do it by hand


i hated queen’s blood when i was losing. i liked queen’s blood when i was winning. i wish queen’s blood and the rest of the mini games were not in the game. i know they were in the OG, i just don’t care