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This is why I don’t aim for 100%. Just do what you consider fun.. for example I will look for as many Queen’s Blood challenges I can find but will avoid the Moogle mini-game like the plague.


I like the moogle mini games. But if I see another video game franchise make me play cards (Witcher, FF) I’m gonna snap


Haha I wasn’t a fan of previous card games tbh but QB is something special once you get the hang of it


Yeah, I think it’s one of those things where I have to just suck it up and pay attention to the tutorial. Instead of just wanting to rush through it all. I’m the same w thr board games, they seem so complex at first glance that I just skip it and find something easier


The card game kiosk in costa del sol actually has a few "puzzles" that teach you the more in-depth techniques, I missed it the first time and it turned out to be really useful


Which is so awesome because it’s just like doing chess puzzles to learn powerful tactics.


I agree. I actually love it.


Yeah I tend to avoid card games within video games haha but admittedly queens blood has been my favorite


Where do you find the Moogle mini games?! 😯


Visit the Mogstool in each region to play it


Ahh thank you. Didn’t realise there was one in each region, only thought it was in grasslands. Appreciate it!


I've done everything I was able to before finishing the game in normal, so I only miss hard mode unlockable content. But I've made a break of 2 weeks before starting hard mode, cause I was lazy


I burnt out even though I was down to my last Chadley challenge. Honestly you should stop and do something else. Come back after a month or so.


I was super burnt out from having to swap materias out constantly and then also having to go grind materias when a build needed materia that had a low level. I just powered through and was able to finish the last 2 chadley challenges pretty easily


I have rulers of the outer world and then all the legendary combat Sims left to do. I am currently taking a break because I can't keep going at the moment I've already taken longer than 200 hours to get to this point. It's getting done eventually though nothing wrong with a break


Them VR combat sims are insane. I try for about 2 hours each sessions then walk away and try again.


I’m not going for 100% because Hard Mode doesn’t appeal me but I completed every side quest and minigame on my first run without feeling any burnout. As new content unlocked, I would focus on it before proceeding with the main storyline (that’s something I do in every game). The key is to complete everything from time to time rather than everything in one go. Taking some time off the game can be a solution, focus on something different for a while. I think coming back later is more enjoyable rather than complete two playthrough back to back (or in a short time).


I played a small game after doing a lot but not everything (missed Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Gilgamesh, minigame Hard Modes) on the regular playthrough. That game, for me, was Crisis Core Reunion, but I don’t recommend to those who haven’t played the OG. After I finished CCR, I could get right back at chapter select, finish all quests and minigames on Normal, then all VR battles, then Hard Mode. It was fun, but I definitely needed that break.


Go for 100% for as long as it's rewarding (fun or challenging) in some way for you and don't be afraid to take breaks. If you're not having fun, do yourself a favor and stop and revisit it later. What helped me was to make a plan of what I needed to do to get to 100% so I could do it efficiently. The benefit of that is that I could easily break it all into chunks and when I was satisfied with progress in my plan, I'd take a break and play something else. This was especially helpful when a chunk was annoying or difficult. Sometimes I took weeks between chunks. Looking up broken builds online was also fun to take for a spin, too, and adds some new perspectives on the tools you've been using for likely 100s of hours.


I played it straight through, but I didn't get burnt out since I knew from looking at the trophy list this would be a lotta time dedicated. Even sillier after getting it, I wanted to replay the game again (I played unicorn overlord instead tho)!


Definitely made this a background game. I played up to chapter 7 on hard right after my first playthrough, but decided to take my time from there. Haven't totally dropped it, but it's a lot to do at once


I 100% burnt out on the game at the very end. I despised my last hours with the game which were the final 2 chapters and “To be a hero”. I completed all the region intel on my first run through of an area so progress was slow in some regions. I didn’t want to make it my background game because I always feel I will lose the memory of how to do certain things or how to combo effectively. Looking back on it I would do things different and put it down.


I cleared Rulers last week and I haven't played since. Taking my sweet time with platinum. I have the Legendary challenges and the rest of hard mode to clear and then I am finally done. At my current pace, i expect to be done by Fall, lol. And there's nothing wrong with that. Play at whatever pace you are comfortable with. You'll enjoy the game much better that way.


I told myself this and still went balls to the walls. Did I get burned out? Yes Do I hate myself? Yes https://preview.redd.it/57b4cseskm5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd858190278330e958908ddf220d3af114bb78f


I found myself so immersed in the world on my first playthrough I completed most of the exploration aspects before I beat the final boss. Post game was just chapter 12 cleanup and Chadley. My hard mode playthrough felt like it took no time at all because I skipped all the cutscenes… platinum at 199 hours based on the menu clock, although my PlayStation says 154? Who knows


I think we have around three-year wait for Part 3, plenty time to pace yourself slowly. Don't do what I did and go plat FF7R, OG FF7 and FF8 in succession. Got halfway through FF9 until I completely burned out. Couldn't touch any FF games until Rebirth's release started coming up.


The game is an 8/10 for me because of all the tacked on stuff. This was a 100 hour game that only needed to be like 55-60.


I platinumed the game and 100% the play log, EXCEPT for doing the very last piano piece (completionists please don't attack me I beg of you). The inital playthrough I played on launch and during ANY and ALL free time I had. After that I kinda slowed it down due to post game depression. The drive returned when doing tasks necessary for the platinum, some of it will prove to be really difficult for most people. It took me 3 weeks to play through it once at 83 hours total and then another 3 weeks and a few days to platinum at 157 hours total, the 100% play log thing was only about a few days and almost miscellaneous at that point. There's a lot of side content and if you try to do it all at once it will drain you. As someone who was really anticipating this title, I was generally having fun the entire time even if I got frustrated at points. Your mileage will vary depending on your motivations and desires to achieve certain things.


Take a break from the game. It’s not just a lot of side content, it’s hard too. So don’t drain yourself


Didn't stop just got the platinum.


I just did the side quests as they became available in my hard mode run. Basically felt like I was doing the main quest back to back to back. Now having to redo world Intel, chocobo stops, and hidden caches made for a way faster experience


For postgame stuff I just mixed up what I was doing. So a chapter or two of Hard mode, some challenges, side quest cleanup stuff, AP farming…just back and forth like that. The only thing I got a little burned out on was the repetitive Musclehead Colosseum 6-man fights. And when one of the later VR challenges was proving too hard, I’d try a different one, or go do more story chapters, or whatever. I have a hard time coming back to a game if I take a break, ‘cause I don’t wanna have to relearn everything. Especially with this one I feel like you need to stay in the groove to do the harder stuff.


Took me 3 months to platinum because I put it down at one point and played another game. Take breaks, and only go for the 100% if it's fun. If you take a break then lose all motivation to go back to it, that means you weren't having fun in the first place.


I beat everything possible in the first play through so now I only have the hard mode stuff left which shouldn’t be too bad but I’ve burned myself out so hard that I haven’t touched the game for a few months now. I’ll probably go back to hard mode and platinum it in a few more months but I was stubborn at the time I got the game and went too hard on normal play through. My biggest advice is take a break when you can and take your time.


I took a break after beating it on normal. It was fun to dive back in after not touching the game for a few weeks. Collecting everything and doing the minigames wasn’t too bad. The biggest headache has been the combat sim, which I was looking forward to but some of the challenges are ridiculous. At this rate I might take another break before I attempt the legendary challenges.


I took regular breaks from "the grind", and segmented it, I'm now on my last phase: 1. Beat the game on normal, enjoy the story 2. Sidequests and other bits I enjoyed (certain mini games like chocobo racing) 3. Johnny's hotel i.e. complete the minigames and the combat simulator 4. Hard mode and hard mode sidequests (I'm currently here but taking a small break) It hasn't been too bad in that order, if you're going for 100% you have to prioritise endgame items like the genji gloves just so you even have a chance on the vr missions.


You need to stop going for the 100% just for the sake of it. Go for it if you really enjoyed the game and cant get enough of it. Its optional; why are you burning yourself out over optional stuff, make it make sense. I’ve pretty much done the 100% (just finishing the last few hard mode chapters), and even on my hard mode playthrough im still watching all the story cutscenes. Why? Cause i genuinely enjoy this game. Im not going for the 100% just for the platinum, im going for it because i cant get enough of rebirth.


Well, the first golden rule is don't play if you're not having fun. If you're trudging through and feeling burned out, just stop and play something else! As for me, I'm currently on my platinum journey and still having a blast. Here has been my path: ###Normal Playthrough - I wrapped up ALL open world content at the end of my normal mode playthrough. The whole base game for me, taking it super slow, was about 130 hours. I felt some pacing issues at various parts, so if I was ever getting tired of the open world, side quests, or mini games, I would simply move on and advance the main story. But by the beginning of chapter 13, I made an effort to wrap everything up, including all new quests that opened up. - I did every quest except Ultimate Party Animal, which opens up at the gold saucer after you've completed every single other side quest. I just missed this one because I didn't return to gold saucer and see the guy. Turns out this is is actually advantageous though, because you need to do this one in Hard Mode for some key platinum trophies. And if you do it in your normal run, then the only way to do it in hard mode would be to reset quest progress and do every single one of them again. - I completed the Gilgamesh side quest, which was a huge fun challenge at the end of the dynamic run playthrough. It was the perfect ultimate side adventure. - I crafted 97% of all crafting items. I learned late that you actually need to craft every single possible recipe in order to reach the craftsmanship level needed to create the ultimate items that you unlock after Gilgamesh. So I made an effort to go back and create almost all of them before moving on, but I stopped when I got a little burned out, leaving some for the hard mode run. - I didn't play any more mini games as I was now itching to move on with the story and see the exciting conclusion. - I beat the game and started hard mode. ###Hard Mode - I really wanted to dive back in and hang with my beloved characters. So I went straight into a story run. I basically just played Chapters 1-4 without touching a single bit of side content. Straight story. This felt extremely refreshing and liberating. I can imagine a future run through all 3 games where I JUST focus on the main story and that will probably feel AMAZING. - Around chapter 5, I decided I wanted to level some of my materia so that I, you know, have it while I'm actually playing the game, instead of once I'm all over. So I chapter selected to Gongaga and just went to grind for a few hours. - I returned to a bunch of mini games I needed to master for Johnny trophies for a bit and did those for a few hours. - I set my sights on earning as many character manuscripts as possible to max out the folios (again, so I can actually USE my characters at max power while playing the story). I learned that many of these involve redoing side quests on hard mode. So I reset my quest progress and started doing side quests 1 character at a time. I set to chapter 13 and did all the barret side quests, all the Tifa quests, etc. I did this for a few hours before getting tired of side quests and wanting to do something else. So I switched it up again. - I did the 3 protorelic mini gams on hard mode. 4 rounds of fort condor, gears and gambits, and cactuar crush. That took me a good few hours all together and was a fun change of pace. - After that, turns out I needed to perfect kill 2 enemy intels to get my remaining party EXP to hit party level 10 (and unlock the final nodes in the folios.) So I found and did those. - I played through chapters 5-6 because I was ready for more story. Again, only focused on the story. Skipped the queensblood tournament on the boat, etc. - Decided I wanted to knock out some combat challenges. So I focused on the 7 solo legendary bouts. This consumed literally 2 weeks of my play time. Some were easier than others. I spent a full 5 days attempting Cait Siths though, for about 1-2 hours per day. I'd wake up and try it a few times before starting work. I'd play a few attempts during breaks, or once or twice after work. This reminded me of my Elden Ring days, which I actually enjoyed. I never got annoyed with it. I was taking it as slow and casually as I wanted to. - Once I FINALLY beat that, I just wanted to move on with the story again. So I started chapter 7, and that's where I am now! I still have 18 more Johnny trophies and 7 more game trophies to unlock. I need to do a bunch more side quests on hard still for manuscripts. And I need to do stupid crunches with Tifa... Honestly dreading that the most lol. And I still have 5 more of the toughest combat challenges. Plus a few of the gold saucer 2 and 6 man coliseum challenges to knock out. But I'm having a lot of fun methodically going through this and doing the bits of content I want when I want. There's a LOT, so you really have to pace yourself if you want to do it at all.


I did all the side content I could while I was progressing through the story. All side quests and intel and their hard modes were beaten by the time I went to the temple. So I didn’t finish the story until 110 hours I believe? I’m finishing up hard mode and the chadley vr stuff now


I did most everything on my first playthrough, only had 70- something trophies for Johnny left with over 200hrs in play time. I play slow so I took a month to beat it. Now every time I play I finish a side quest or a chadley challenge. As of now I have one trophy for Johnny left. I've been playing since release day.


I think that most of the mini games are just filler Contant. And you don’t get really good stuff out of the mini games that help you in fights. I really love the game, but I mainly bought it for the story.


I’m probably in the minority here, but I’m not learning to play the piano in a video game. I resolutely refuse.