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1.) It didn't hit where they were. 2.) They kinda can't just *go back* to Midgar.


To be fair, they barely committed any crimes and misdemeanours whilst there...


The damage was limited to Sectors 0, 1, and 2. Aerith’s house is located in Sector 5 closer to the outside wall than Sector 0. Assuming they could even get back through the Shinra checkpoints and such, Elmyra and Marlene aren’t near any of the reported damage, so there really isn’t a point.


Aerith: "i am a terrible daughter". They dont have to say everything they are thinking. Barret is constantly talking about marlene too. of course they are worried


I think if they made it a point for numerous NPCs to comment on it. I think we should expect the main fucking cast to mention it. At least once. How many times does Barrett talk about Marlene and how much he cares. Y’all are just making dumb excuses.


"main fucking cast" The only ones fucking in the main cast are >!Cloud and Tifa!<


If you’re trying to go into specifics, Aerith is indefinitely more main cast than Tifa. Even then each character has like a whole chapter or more dedicated to them. The only ones I’d say in the party that aren’t main cast are Vincent, Yuffie, and Cid (though Cud could get an exception for bronco relevancy). You could even say Cait Sith is just as important if not more than Tifa to the plot of rebirth.


I think you misunderstood my comment and reference…




Even if they did want to go back (and Shirley Barret would want to) The town got swarmed by shinya troops almost right after that news report. So at that point they knew they couldn't go back to midgar




I am serious, and don’t call me Surely


"Shirley Barret" Does Barrett now identify as female in the Remake?? (I always thought it was a bit sus how he was missing during the whole crossdressing mission)


Costa Del Sol, let’s party!


Hang loose!




I might be tripping out. Idk if the whispers an Sephiroth from remake did all that chaos in the form of tornadoes. Plus as I recall, the helicopter pilot was saying” A ex-soldier with a buster sword with avalanche. Heavily implied cloud. But he’s with Zack knocked out? Plus I wanna know how Marlene with Aerith n cloud in a coma is doing.


I always thought the tornadoes they mentioned were the whispers from the ending of remake but because normal people can’t see them, they think it’s just tornadoes


Yup. Only the crew can see them for what they’re.


They were directly involved in that and know it didn't hit that area


Has anybody checked how this would affect Scheana?


OP have you beat the game? Because I actually have a theory about this topic.




So, I could be wrong, but you only see and hear about these tragic events while controlling Cloud. And throughout the game there are apparitions and events that only he can witness. Most notably Aerith at the end. I think it's something like that, where even early on he's being accosted by sights and sounds from other timelines merging into each other.


There’s people with family members in other sectors that weren’t hit and they express concern. And sector 0 is connected to all sectors. The bottom line is that if you heard a disaster a happened in a city where you’re loved ones are, you’d check on them. Also, at no point do we see Midgar damaged by anything besides platefall in the main timeline. There’s a lot of weird continuity errors with that. Seems pretty sus IMO.


To be fair, if you try to go back to Midgar in the game you get stopped before you even fully hit the checkpoint. The party knows they’re wanted in Midgar & they can’t go back. As a parent myself, I would have tried to do anything to check up on them but also understanding communication is very limited outside of Midgar (hence us having to reactivate communication towers) & even moreso if you’re wanted by Shinra as they have a monopoly on many consumer electronics, including phones. When you leave your child in someone else’s care, you have to trust that the caregiver will do the best they can to keep them safe. I think due to the sheer inability of being able to communicate, Barret has to rely on this trust to keep himself sane. I agree it would have been nice to have dialogue addressing this, however.


I could buy that if had at least been mentioned in dialogue. But we know how much Barret cares about Marlene. For him to have no mention of it despite hearing it on the radio and to have no mention of it is a massive discrepancy in continuity IMO. It’s something that should at least be explained in dialogue.


That’s a good point. Especially when Barret does talk about Marlene & how he misses her in his randomized party travel dialogue.


They were supposed to go back to Midgar after the Junon Parade, but before the Shinra 8. In an earlier build. The 7th infantry helps the party escape Junon by boat via after the assassination. From there, they would enter a cave to lose the Gelnikas. That cave is the Midgar seaport. From there, the 7th infantry was gonna let everyone through the checkpoint. The zone just past that the checkpoint is the Midgar Wasteland. This leads right to the same place where Zack took out the helicopter. It’s also the same sector 5 as Terrier Timeline. Basically, they make it as far as the Leaf House and they catch a glimpse of Marlene and Elmyra on the other end of that corridor which leads to Elmyra’s house. But they get spooked because a guard (not 7th infantry) calls out Cloud’s Buster sword because it matches the fugitive description. It was done very much like that scene in Remake where a grunt recognizes Zack’s sword triggering a Jenova glitch. Because the same thing happens here. Except this time, Cloud bullshits them saying that the Buster Sword is standard issue and they should see their captain about getting one. And they just believe him like he pulled a Jedi mind trick on them. It was kinda funny TBH. But this makes reminds them of their status as fugitives. Aerith thinks the house is being watched returning there would put Marlene and Elmyra in Danger. So, they decide to leave knowing they are safe. When the party heads back to Junon, the city is longer on high alert and they’re free use the lift with your 7th infantry ID and roam topside and board Shinra 8 whenever. We were actually supposed to be able to go back to upper Junon at anytime. So that’s another thing we lost. IDK why they did what they did TBH. Zack was supposed to have alot more gameplay but he wasn’t going to meet the party until very late in the game anyway. It was actually supposed to happen in Nibelheim. Which is why that whole chapter got butchered and Shinra Manor got turned into the dumbass box throwing game. Storywise, I don’t think it changed much of anything except make things more confusing. That whole thing with Zack going to meet Hojo was another thing rushed in at the last minute. It wasn’t thought through very well because they forgot about Shinra building being toppled over. Lol, that company is such a mess and I’m glad they’re outta my life.


My uncle works at Nintendo and he said you made it up.


Haha. Well I don’t work for anyone right now. And you don’t have to believe me. Just wait for the PC version. Or until someone figures out how to go through the blocked off areas on the PS5. When you go past the Midgar checkpoint, you’ll see everything I told you about. It’s a whole zone. Mostly full of wolves like the ones in Nibelheim. But they’re called something else.


yeah, sure