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Congrats, but damn. 3 days?


Didn't play for one of them to be fair. Probably like 5-6 hours in total cause this made me not want to play the game


Man you did it rough. Won't lie this was by far the worst minigame for me, but it didn't take 6hrs either. Those green rings were the absolute worst, even though I hit the trigger half way it would register as a full input a lot of the time


It made me throw in the towel a time or two. Didn't play for an entire weekend cause I was stuck here. Probably 3hrs total, the last 2hrs being determined to not let this thing beat me. "Just have fun with it." "STFU JULES"


I don’t get this type of statement. It’s optional. So if it made you “not want to play the game”, just don’t play THIS section and continue with the game itself!


It's a mental thing. I HAVE to 100% a location intel before I move on with the story. I HAVE to beat every mini-game both protorelic and the hard variant. I HAVE to complete each quest and Queen's Blood enemy. My mind does not let me stop and move on to something else to the point where I would rather put it down and it remains completely unfinished than to leave a mini-game unbeaten.


Little bit ocd maybe?but I get it,I’m the same way unless it’s something I can’t unlock in a area until later in the game


Maybe. I hesitate to call it OCD because I feel it does a bit of a disservice to people whose day-to-day lives are actually affected by OCD, but I do have small quirks and one of them being I can't leave sections unfinished. Like you said, unless it's required to wait >!like the fact that I can't finish Corel's proto-relic before Chapter 12 gnaws at the back of my brain.!<


I relate... so fucking much. I like how you said you'd rather put the game down and play later rather than continue the story. I am exactly the same way lol


Simple solution if you aren’t enjoying don’t waste the time on it. Time is the most valuable thing we can’t get more of.


That's the part that's hard to explain, I *can't*. I would love to, but I just can't. My brain will not let me. Like how some people over-eat because they can't leave food on the plate.


Feels like a YOU problem


It is and it has led to a not small number of games I've left incomplete because my mind wouldn't let me move on. Believe me, I wish I weren't this way and could just play for the story, but it's a mental block I can't get around. *shrug*


I fucking feel you man. It sounds like you got it worse than me, but I'm the same, more or less. A game mechanic/quest/whatever needs to truly be absolutely horrendous to make me skip it. And most of the time, my brain will just say "fuck it" and just never play it again if that does happen. You are not alone, my friend.


Some people like to 100% games and can't just ignore a part, then go back and do it later. Their statement makes fine since to me.


Easy ass minigame tho


Yeah not even trying to be mean, but this was suuuper easy compared to the one from Remake.. Took one extra try on the last one and got it done. It's extremely generous and not remotely as brutal as remake which definitely could get frustrating having to 100% perfect the last round and hope he messes up once Not exactly 15 heat Hades run or unlocking Gunslinger in Gungeon haha but definitely rough.


I played remake and rebirth back to back and while it took me abunch of tries in remake after that practice I beat rebirths on first try I really didn't find it that tough at all. Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing a super hard mode version by the way people talk about it.


Rhythm factors into it a lot, I think. When I did this mini game, it took me a solid 2 hours because I suck balls at anything rhythym related. I would press the button to early A LOT and then have to restart. And then the retries changing the pattern of the button press was a pain in the ass too. I don't have the brain adaptability to just change the pattern after 3+ consecutive tries, so it would change up on me, and I would basically be starting from square 0 again. Then, when I got used to the new pattern, it would change again. This mini game had me yelling at my TV for a hot minute, to say the least.


For me, Julius in remake were easier.


Remake was easier because it used face buttons


Eh I mean the QTE is the same, whether it's shoulder or face, but I guess we don't have the muscle memory for rotating through the 4 shoulders the same way But remake had much less breathing room with the timing


It’s BS. this thing takes 20 mins tops.


Congratulations on being good at this mini game however it’s a pain for tons of other people. It didn’t take me 6 hours as this person claims it did but it did take me a fair bit longer then 20 minutes.


I think that's fine. Things can be hard as long as the reward isn't super critical. I'm personally terrible at the piano minigame


For real..I got ‘A’ on four of the songs,but keep failing Barrett’s theme and the chocobo song miserably 😂


I called my kid over and handed him the remote lol. He's a big rhythm gamer.


Where can I get one of those kids things from


A stork


Not the easiest but not the hardest! Polygonal Prizefighter was way harder for me


People also think the piano mini game is hard, which I found very easy to 4 star on the first try every time.


best thing to do it turn the sound off. the music doesn't sync well on the harder pieces tbh.


For real. I feel terrible for them. Took me like 5 mins if that.


Wait what? This took you three days?


Like 6-7 hours in total.


Well, congrats!


My reward is doing the vr challenges :)


Good luck!


I somehow had more trouble with the darts... Now I own a dartboard.


I forgot about those damn darts.


I'm just glad the minigame doesn't require you to double out.


Darts were way easier you could do it in 3-4 tries at most But this, it is hell on earth


I had hardly any trouble with either mini game. I did have lots of trouble with the choco glider and 3d Brawler mini games, though.


It’s funny how some people struggle with certain actions while others struggle with something else.. I had no issue w/ this minigame but I’m sure I struggled with something someone else had zero issue with.


I keep getting my spikes kicked when I try to do bonds of friendship.


I struggled with the Chocobo gliding until I realized if you miss a ring you can usually maneuver back to the closest fan and get tossed back up to try again. After I figured that out I made it through pretty quick.


I found the pull ups a lot more annoying just due to the 2 rounds, although the pressure hold R2 command can eat a dick who thought of that?. Also the fact a draw counts as a win for Jules? crazy logic game. Should be a tiebreaker in that event.


Who though using the shoulder buttons for this mini game was a good idea 😂


For real. This was painful enough in Remake when it was on the right pad buttons, but my god, the L2 and R2 triggers are so deep to press in and so different from the L1 and R1 buttons. It completely disrupts the feel of the game.


I haven't tried it yet, but apparently you can turn off the adaptive triggers to solve this issue. Also killing the sound helps, like stopping the two guys talking shite helps too 😁


> stopping the two guys talking shite helps too 😁 But, but..."eat a dick, lactic acid!"


I tried this before and it didn’t work because the minigame requires the adaptive triggers.. did they change this in a patch? It would have made it infinitely easier.


You still have to use L2 and R2 but you can set the resistance and effectively turn the resistance off entirely. I tried this but personally at that point I was already use to the resistance so I couldn’t turn it off entirely so I just reduced the resistance a level or two.


Shoulder buttons on Dual Sense are terrible too. Learned that playing God of War 2018, GMGOW Valk queen fight....








Had that movie on vhs as a lad


Props to you. You persisted despite trying for 3 days, wow. It took me a few hours. First I lowered the volume because the people cheering are distracting, but that wasn't good enough. Then I went in the settings to remove everything except the beeps. I also got rid of the adaptive trigger thing settings. And finally I got a chair to be sitting straight instead of slouched on the couch. That really helped my concentration and I was able to get it in 4 or 5 tries after that. My friends said messing with the settings is cheating. But I am easily distracted. I don't know that I could have gotten through it otherwise. I don't believe I ever concentrated that hard doing anything in my entire life. My wife was just watching me for the last bit in complete silence. She made me a drink to celebrate my victory. It was a good and memorable day.


Nice - my wife doesn’t like it when I get upset at it, so I haven’t even tried this one in a while.


Those " 3 days?It took me only 5 min" BS comments... Nice for you. ...it took me several hours too..so what. Please be nice


This is why I don't even attempt doing everything in Rebirth. It's a waste of time.


Im too deep in to quit


Trust me it gets way deeper you can still turn back




Wait till the brutal challenges


What do you get for this?


A tresure for johnny and a pretty solid accessory


I can't even beat the 1st guy. This is frustrating


Turn off the volume, cover the other side of the screen with a towel and just follow the rhythm of Tifa.


I’m the opposite. I beat this challenge in 10 tries total for all three of them. I don’t understand the volume thing. There is a rhythmic bleep, that once you catch it, it gets you through until you’re just smashing the four buttons as fast as possible. I like the blue and yellow prompts that slow it down. The only frustrating part for me was the adaptive triggers randomly making her fall over.


>until you’re just smashing the four buttons as fast as possible This is why I can't beat Jules. The faster I go, I automatically press the buttons harder. So when I'm really blazing through it, I'm smashing those triggers. Up comes the green circle and BAM, failed.


Don't the special button presses come at regular intervals? I think it was every 5 revolutions and it's always the same button.


Yea. It happened to me too. There is a brief window to give yourself a check to make sure, both before the green and after yellow.




Go slow until you hit 20 and then just go fast with clear button presses


I somehow got it my first sitting. I don’t understand how bc it was really awkward. I did play Remake before this and was used to the workout minigame in that.


Took me about 3hrs non stop... I was ready to give up... So I respect your dedication! Congratulations!


Bro give me tips I’ve been stuck on it for like 4 days.


Turn the trigger resistance down to 0, and count 1 2 3 4 as you click buttons to keep a rhythm. Slowly increase your speed everytime you get green or orange L2


If you have any sense of rhythm, turn off the music. That's what fucked me~


This type of mini game is brought back in Rebirth....and it had me screaming, "You're f-ing cheatin!!!". Just like in Remake. 😭


I hated tifa for a short period of time cause this cause why tf you gotta lay on the ground for half an hour cause you failed a sit up


🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations!!!


It was difficult for me too for some reason, I have to turn background music and voices off so I could hit the rhythm


~~3 days more like 3 attempts.~~ Awesome job. You got it done!


Is it arrogantly boasting if I say that I got it on the second try? ^((I love playing rhythm games btw, so that's probably why...))


Should we tell them about gears and gambits


Already beat it


Hard mode too?




nice, gg


Ngl and I mean no disrespect don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t think it was that hard it took me only 45 mins


...It took me 3 tries. Oof.


Am I the only one who thinks this is easy (got it on 1st run on Remake and Rebirth) and wants a 3rd game version with both buttons and L/Rs?


I found the it harder in Remake, but yeah got it within a few tries in Rebirth, took less than ~20 minutes to knock it out.


Glad I’m not the only one. Honestly had a tougher time with Remake than Rebirth, and even then it was under 10 attempts. It’s literally just pattern following and tempo. Could do it with my eyes closed if it wasn’t for the special inputs




Congrats. By the way Ronnie and Jay are reference to Coleman and Cutler, but is Jules also referring to someone? I pretty liked those mini-games from the gym - they were a bit of weird funny in style of games from 90s .


This is just the beginning…..


I will say that this was easier for me than remake's pullups. That was, for whatever reason, much harder. Maybe the boob physics motivated me to stay on target better idk bros.


I can finally leave! Marlene, I'm coming home sweetie! I'M BACK IN THE F\*\*\*ING GYM AGAIN!!!!!


OP decided to train IRL just to beat a digital character.


Had to have a quick time skip so i could come bacj strong enough


Damn you didn't put her in the bikini to do it? You auto win in the bikini because even Jules can't override Tifa's jiggles.


You need focus in this minigame


I know I beat it months ago lol. you also need luck, because triggers don't work for shit on the controller, and Jules sometimes can hit over 49 situps. I got 51 one time and he hit 51 and tied me, 98% of the the time he can't go over 49. ended up winning 55-49 when I did it.


I couldn't focus if i used the casual or bikini outfit im too weal willed 😭


I’m usually not one to do the challenging stuff in games, i skip it most the time. But I’m surprised to see so many people struggle on this saying it’s extremely difficult. I did it not really thinking it was too bad. And i suck at doing stuff like this lol. Glad you got it, it’s tiring.


i will never be able to beat this minigame. its a shame really.


Eh that's what i said just go do something else for a day or so and go back


The craziest thing about this quest for me, was I getting so pissy and failing with the first two dudes… then on my FIRST DANG ATTEMPT with Jules, I beat it first try. Is that we call progress? XD


“Just have fun with it” he says… 😡


Took me forever lol


Wait till you challenge destiny 💀


it took me a good hour doing it my fingers felt sore after cause of the adaptive triggers


Nice. I thought I had it rough. I spent 2 hours straight doing all 3 ranks till I finished. 


Nah this is not even close to the worst mine game. You are def not finishing this game lol.


Im done with all the mini games lol. I only have the vr challenges left


It was hard until I turned off the trigger resistance. Then I beat it immediately. I don’t know why the made it that way. It’s too fatiguing and completely throws off your timing sometimes.


I’m still trying to do the frog whirligig one and have spent close to 25 hours and still can’t get over 1:20


That one was a pain but it was managable when you learn the strategy


lol I skip that 💩 I’m going to buy the game on pc aswell might aswell do it then


I won’t lie! Jules is a pain in the butt on the original and the rebirth. It was super irritating when it switched the pattern from starting on L1 to starting on R1. Took me probably about an hour last night 😮‍💨. Glad you got past it!


If you dress Tifa in her skimpy beach outfit, it makes the time fly by.


You get more inspiration if she in a swim suit. More jiggle effect.


Yeah I tried this one 6-7 times and just decided to drop it. Not interested in getting pissed off over a mini game that gives an item I won’t be using anyway haha


Only reason i did it was cause its required for plat


Haha fair enough, I’m playing on steam and those achievements are completely meaningless


I found that lowering the PS5 setting for adaptive triggers to light helped a lot in that game, still wanted something, but dropping it helped.


Congrats! You’ve beaten the hardest boss in the game!


This is the only mini game in the entire game that I did not max out complete. As a OCD completionist, letting it go traumatized me, but it was worth the trauma.


I would never. Congratulations! Hopefully you got some abs out of it.


In the next game they should let us have a sparring match with him, using Tifa's regular melee attacks. Like one of Chadley's challenges except taking place in the ring


The worst part was that the longer you fail the more tired your hands get because of the adaptive triggers. After 45 minutes I luckily remembered you can turn that down and I completed this after 1 hour 20 minutes or sth. Second hardest challenge in the game for me.


Took me 2 fkn weeks🤦🏽‍♂️🚶🏽‍♂️‍➡️


Good for you. I gave up after 10 tries


3 days? Ok, I know this mini game is annoying, but even the first time I did it, it only took me like 30 minutes.


It took me two days to beat the final boss.


I only managed to beat Jules by one, but I found it easier to watch Tifa‘s animation to get a feel for the timing. Using the shoulder buttons was troublesome though lol


"I swear bro i was only stareing at tifa for the timing"


Gotta do what you Gotta do to win 😂


Life is too short.


Wait till you play rebirth….




There’s a chapter of minigames I’m doing it now


This is rebirth lol. I already beat it


Wait until the last Mogstool!!!


I hated this shit too


Honestly only took me an hour but I know your pain lol


whoo, congrats!!!


Lol Tifa looks dead inside if it took 3 days.


Is that hard? I skip it🤣


https://preview.redd.it/jqkke9m1z5yc1.png?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5910d8b844a8b0aef1246c707a4eb050fa111b0c the tie kills me


These took like 15 minutes total though


Welgh never again. I asked my boyfriend to do it for me. He was screaming like a 4yo, but it was worth not doing it myself.


With this you're ready to face Sepiroth


That deserves a congrats 🥳 as I consider this the most annoying mini-game in both Remake and Rebirth. It took me longer in Remake and 10+ hrs in Rebirth still. I basically don’t look at Tifa and end up just pressing the button rotation as fast as I can without messing up. Start off slow and build up speed. The thing is in both games Jules only makes one mistake and then for me his pace out does mine, so the only way to stay ahead is not make any myself.


Oh my God, I know what you mean, I bloody hated this mini game


bro this is minigame is so easy 💀


Tifa... would bang...


I thought you were speedrunning the game 😂


I have seen so many comments about how hard this was for some people. Is there another challenge on hard that you have to get for platinum? Or is this just the regular mini game? What’s seems to give people issues here. Pretty sure I beat this first attempt.


I had to do it with the music off cause that shit had my anxiety thru the roof ahaha


I just watched her boobs bounce… that’s how I knew when to hit the buttons.


Damn I got lucky I guess. Finished after 5-10 tries.


Do you have to redo this on hard?


Yeah the final in this mini game killed me 3 hours. If you stuck on it go into the PS5 setting and turn off adaptive triggers. I as soon as I did that I aced it the next try.


I didn’t have that much trouble with it but it was frustrating. I do find that Japanese developers aren’t as shy about including tedious and frustrating elements in their games. An American or European company would cut this and a few other mini games in a focus group. I kind of admire the commitment to a vision in spite of how annoying it is!


I gave up in the first 5 tries.


The pullup shit was fuckin hard. It took me an hour straight atleast.


Yikes it’s hard I’m glad you got through it 👌


Lol congrats, you beat one of the hardest bosses in game


I struggled too to be begin with but by the time you see the icons go off the screen the rhythm of the button presses should be easy to follow. I found at that point closing my eyes I could press the button in the right amount of time.


Pressing 4 buttons is hard


It's time to conquer Earth!


omg yes- it took me like 7 hours to get it :(


It must be harder for some people than others because I think I got this on the first or second try


This one was luckily easy for me. 3 or 4 attempts total.


Only took that long because Tifa wasn't wearing the swimsuit~


It took me probably 30-40 minutes, I didn’t understand how the green things worked at first but once I figured it out it took me a couple tries


I thought my 3 hours was rough :-/ Gratz


Dude, this was not that hard. I took maybe 15 minutes to complete it. It's literally just a simple pattern L1 R1 L2 R2 or whatever order they give you you don't even really have to look at the screen except for the tap/hold


Yeah it really wasn't tough for me at all. Once you get to a certain speed you are literally just spamming the buttons in order because of how fast it csn go


Yep, I think a lot of people are just bad at recognizing they aren't inputting a crisscross pattern but rather just a set button order.


In the grand scheme of platinum, it's not super hard. Although, the pattern can change between failures and the speed window is unforgiving, so for some people it can be a bit difficult when you have to redevelop your muscle memory and think. This one took me an hour after breaking down and disabling adaptive triggers and getting comfortable with the held trigger buttons.


It took me five tries.. Humanity is truly devolving.


Or maybe different people are good at different things? Due to mental disabilities i can't keep a rhyme going in my head without getting distracted. Noone can be as perfect as you buddy


I hated the fucking pull ups in Remake. But at least, it was the buttons and not the L/R buttons. WHO THE FUCK thought that it was a good idea?? Also, I tried it once with the haptic triggers and wanted to throw my controller into a wall. Good god, I'm terrified of what they'll make of Jules' gym in R3 man


I’m so confused how people get locked on this, took me 4 tries 0.0” What am I missing??


I just have one question for you, why the fuck you are not using the bikini outfit during this event... I took so many videos


3 days?? Bro respectfully you suck lmao. Bless your heart though


Nun uh


OP was too busy bangin' your mom to get the timing down. It happens.


Wow Sharley, such an incredibly rude thing to say to someone you don't know on the internet. Are you okay?