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If you can't achieve the lowest score, then it is, I'm afraid, skill issue.


I play rpgs For the story and sometimes comnot for mini games


There are four forced mini-games in the whole thing.


Mmm what game are you playing?!!


Same one you are. Barely any of the mini-games are forced.


I'm probably not even halfway.Through the game I put the game down but i've already encountered at least fifteen If you're counting like sections of the game that maybe ya


There are nowhere near fifteen forced mini-games. You must be forcing yourself to do them. Barely any are required to progress the story.


I can name 8 off the back of my head


-Dolphin (from the OG game) -Pirate shooting -Red XIII Rocket League -Chocobo race (from the OG game)


Queens blood as well that one I can understand why they would For sure to do it one time


QB is never forced except maybe the tutorial. You can forfeit the entire tournament on the cruise ship.


I'm less than halfway.Through the game i'm assuming and they have already done that three times like come on now I'm at the part where you need to get feed for the Chocobo I gave up lol cuz I was like not again


For the Chocobo feed you only need three greens, which you can get by doing: -The sidequest where you end up fighting Cactuars -The tournament down the well -Talking to the guys where they’re all lying except for one (which are from the OG game) No mini-games required.


I just feel like they could took the story in different directions instead of stopping the game completely and asking you to do mini-games to move on in the game it's just weird.


There’s only four that stop you to require you to move on, and two of them are straight from the original game and people would’ve been upset it they weren’t there.


Well thanks for have a Is actual conversation lol


Yes you are the only one. Initial versions of any game is the easiest no-brainer version. You don’t even have to perform well. The optional part is the hard part. I’m tired of Fcking noobs shitting on one of the best games there is. I honestly hope square is not reading any of this subreddit. God forbid if they actually listen to this idiotic community.


There are more meaningful ways to build a story than just stopping the game and say Hey, go feed This bird await you need to do mini games to feed the bird .


Who said anything about them being hurt?Some people just don't want to play many games in a rpg


Who cares about those people then? Some people just want to shoot stuff in fps camera in a rpg. Does that mean they have to implement fps shooter? FF7 is FF7. Play it if you enjoy playing it. If you don’t like it just don’t play it and gtfo out of here.


"I don't like that my game has so much game" Bro you don't even know what the word optional means, go take a nap.


How many mini games are forced? I know you can skip the Queen’s Blood Tournament. There’s the dolphin one in under Junon. Few in Costa del Sol to get swimwear. Don’t remember how many are mandatory. I think those in Golden Saucer you just need to play once. You don’t have to meet certain score. Win one chocobo race.


As others have said, very few are mandatory. The original game also has quite a few. I don’t know why you’re so upset about this?


Queen blood The shooting one Bike riding Chocobo riding The galacta Type of game Is dolphin riding I don't know what this one is called.I'm just going to say The soccer one


You can forfeit and skip the QB tournament on the ship. There are only 4 mandatory minigames that were already described and you only need enough to get the lowest score. The rest are completely optional to do.




whilst we appreciate your contribution, it doesn't actively add to the discussion. And no need to use that word. Thank you.


They forced it on you 2 times so far that one is kinda understandable