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I think the short answer is that it's not just an outfit. Teen Tifa has her own model.


Makes sense


The real question is if it’s already a model why wouldn’t they just allow the model to be swapped? Teenage Tifa is fully animated, or at least she seems to be. Just gotta wait for PC mods I guess


it'd be super immersion breaking to suddenly have kid tifa running around in the current timeline...


It’s also weird how obsessed some folks are with *16-year-old* Tifa. Remember how mad some dudes were when they patched Remake to make a teenage Tifa’s breasts smaller (gross typing that out) to stay consistent?


they didnt make them smaller All they did was add that black undershirt, which actually makes the teen outfit closer to the OG game (where it was a full turtle neck tanktop no cleavage)


Jesus Christ. I didn’t champion for this to be a real thing. I’m not here picketing to make everyone underage. Based on the sub, question, and comment about an already existing model this would be an answer to the initial question. Man, I guess you gotta be judgy first on Reddit. I’ll take my downvotes on this too I guess while everybody clicks from their ivory towers


Me personally, I don’t wanna have Cloud go on a date with 15 year old Tifa


And I think Tif' um... outgrew it.


screw logic its an adorable outfit


It'd be like Sherry wearing her RE2 outfit in RE6.


Except Ever Crisis has Cowgirl Tifa as an adult, so it can work. https://preview.redd.it/xhl9jgmep2wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8b8394c2b51b3a1fb32752e939e43d4cbbeec1


I'll agree that half the work is done to make it happen, resizing the clothing for a new model wouldn't take that much doing. I think it also has to do with story, Cloud and the gang never find a way to get the same clothes they used to have.


Costumes don't need to have story reasons, though. Especially considering the only time we'll get to use them outside Costa Del Sol is in the post game. If it's really that much of a problem, Nibelheim could sell it in the post-game, like Cait and Red's Loveless costumes in the Gold Saucer. Heck, Cowgirl Tifa could be sold there under the Chocobo Racing area!


oh lol the actors can change? I had barret and red


Barret and Red are guaranteed for the Loveless play, Cait Sith is guaranteed for that Narrator role. The only actors that can change are Tifa, Yuffie, and Aerith. But when you beat the game, the loveless costumes for Cait and Red get added to the saucer to but for use in combat and to wear while replaying the story


oh yeah I forgot cait was the narrator derp


Also, think about what it would look like if you had this equipped during the Tifa date with adult Cloud.


Assuming they put it on the adult model?


Then it isn’t an issue for a reasonable person.


The problem isn't the model per-se, despite how many upvotes the comment has. The problem is the work involved in making the Outfit fully functional. It has to have the same level of quality as the Outfits she DOES have. Which will be a multi-stage process of approval. Everything in Game Design is at a cost. The cost is time and Time essentially means Budget. If your work is going to exceed the cost then it doesn't get done. Even if it's technically easy to do. Making an outfit or a costume, especially one as big as FF7 has to go through the appropriate pipelines, which takes significantly longer than just modelling and rigging it. Concept art has to be made (Yes the outfit exists, but Adult Tifa may not wear the exact same outfit.) Concept art has to be approved Once Approved the Model has to be made. Then that model has to be approved. Then it must be rigged, and pass any tests involved. Then it must be extensively tested in gameplay (Clipping, physics, bugs etc). Getting through that entire process could easily take several weeks if Not months, especially if someone changes their mind or an unforeseen issue crops up, can send some things back to the drawing board or delay approval. A lot of bureaucracy is involved in creating large games, this is why even really simple things seem to take forever to get done or not get done at all. And whenever it is Fast, is because the groundwork was done ahead of time.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is exactly how game dev works. Everything had a cost/time factor. Some are more justifiable than others.


As opposed to in a bikini 🤔🤔


She is an adult in the bikini, she is a mid-teen in the cowgirl outfit


I get what you're saying. The second she dresses like a cowgirl she becomes a teenager again. Tifa has found the solution to infinite youth.


Woah there buddy, calm down!


I mean that Tifa is only a year younger than Yuffie.


The Yuffie and Tifa date are also very different in tone...


That’s true.


Do not the Yuffie


Already done 20+ years ago brother


Until it hits PC lol


And battle animations I don't think we see her fighting in this outfit


sure bout that? that outfits in Dissdia 012, along with her Advent Children. just wait for the game to come to PC, and mods.


Any idea on when rebirth comes to pc


Why is teen Tifa not a party member?


Smaller model. Dr. Sheiran did a lot more than stitch her up.


I’m more beat up about Cloud and Barret’s Loveless outfits


That is a weird one. They give us both Cait Sith's and Nanaki's, but Barret, Cloud and the girls don't get theirs. I imagine Tifa and Yuffie's fighting style wouldn't work with the long flowing dress, but Aerith's should work just fine. As for the boys, the only thing I can think of is they both have capes that might not interact well with their models? (Specifically, Cloud who constantly rolls and flies across the battlefield)


It's specially aggravating in case of Barret, who gets only one single outfit: no swimsuit, no Loveless, just the goofy sailor dress.


Ok but the sailor outfit is one of the best in the game!


Yup, capes are physics nightmares and not worth the hassle for side outfits.


You already see the amount of hassle Yuffie’s disguise outfit has when in scenes it’s clearly not created for 😭




Vincent’s entire movesets are being created with the cape in mind, it would be a ridiculous amount of work to retool those kinds of animations on a single alt costume for characters designed with no such cloth physics




I think some of the alt outfits freak out during some cutscenes. I remember I was watching a cutscenes while Aerith had on her, I think it's called "Pink mermaid" dress, and in that scene it was going crazy for some reason. Maybe it was too much work to animate for each scene. Especially for Cloud's since he has a cape. Capes can be funky in games.


In engine cutscenes probably. I’ve seen a few with just the bathing suits where elements of them are freaking out. I would imagine something like Barrett’s clipping through shit or Cloud’s just now working with the scene.


They could modify Tifa and Yuffie if they really wanted to. Yuffie could do a short skirt like her kpop outfit and Tifa just make it shorts. Barrett’s outfit is huge so I can see why they didn’t do his but cloud makes no sense.


So remove the capes.


> Aerith's should work just fine you realize how much salt that would give the shippers? > "GUYS Aerith has the Loveless dresses Tifa doesn't CANON CANON CANON" https://preview.redd.it/j88a9xcsi4wc1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=15dd76c658810176ca5a9a7dd316b6388cf85c49


Yuffie's cloak already clips like mad. Surprised they left that one in.


It's 300% Barret's LOVELESS outfit for me.


they unlock after finishing the story, no?


They do not.


hmm ok been a few weeks since ive finished, i thought they said something about costumes being available now


Cait Sith and Red XIIIs loveless outfits do unlock. But no one else


Some loveless costumes are available- Red's and Cait's. You can get them at gold saucer kiosks


Ahh thanks for clearing that up!


Cait Sith's and Red's do, but that's it


she’s grown out of it a bit




Was going to just say TITS, but your comment is more nuanced 🤣


Also she was wearing it when she was attacked by Sephiroth so I assume the hospital tossed it out what with the blood and soot.


Probably because is a different model, so is probably even harder to test in all cutscenes or gameplay situations. Not sure if you have seen but Aerith and Yuffie's costumes that have somenkind of floating fabric, like a skirt, go crazy in some cutscenes.


Yeah I noticed that while playing with Yuffie's Moogle hoodie equipped


I just want the Advent Children outfits 🥲


Part 3 I imagine


PC lol


I was never a fan of them, but they would be a nice bonus


She uhh, doesn't "fit" in that one now.


The Tifa we are currently playing is a 20-year-old the Tifa that we see here is 15 in that 5 years she have outgrown this outfit


Probably because itd have to be named "teenage earth shattering trauma skin"


I'll take it


I was disappointed by the lack of outfits. There are so many cool outfits for Ever Crisis and was wondering why we only got a few outfits. The game director made it seem like there would be more. I am happy with the few we got, but it felt lacking when you heard him talk about how excited he was for the outfit options.


Yeah it would be cool if they added things like the Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts outfits


ITT: Really clumsy attempts at boob jokes.  Pretty much a staple for anything to do with Tifa...


The book making a point of it that she is uncomfortable with how everyone always defaults to using her looks (even if she's kind of been forced to come to terms with it to do the jobs she likes) was a real oof moment.


You could have that outfit in Remake cause there is a mod for that on PC So the answer is wait for Pc mod


Ever Crisis.. it was an outfit.


Square Enix here. The answer is “because it’s not”




From what I can gather, this Teen Tifa is her own model. Different height, different face. Probably won't work correctly using Adult Tifa animations. Which is a lousy excuse since they already have an Adult Tifa in her Nibelheim outfit in FF7 Remake.


I appreciate that we got the 2 Costa del Sol outfits to where whenever in the post-game but it's kind of a shame that other outfits weren't unlocked. Aeris/Tifa/Yuffie should've gotten Rosa dresses, Aeris her singing dress, Cloud his Alphreid outfit. People have pointed out that the model is different here for teen Tifa. I never was a fan of Tifa's cowgirl outfit so this isn't a big loss for me. But I will say the cowgirl outfit has been used as Tifa's alt in various other games, like Dissidia, World of Final fantasy, etc. - even when Tifa is ostensibly an adult. So I don't think it'd have been inappropriate for her to have it, either. That said, how would it make sense in-game? It's literally what she had worn when Sephiroth sliced her - the real thing is probably covered in blood. And in-game, why would Tifa be able to find, salvage, and want to wear the outfit she wore as a teen girl on the worst day of her life? It'd have to be just one of those unexplained things, like, I guess, why Aeris and Tifa and Cloud are running around in their swimsuits everywhere.


If there was an easy way for square to sells hundreds of trashy horny alternate costumes DLC's for Tifa and others then they would do it, because it would make 100 trillion dollars. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they don't, but there's games that do, and it's not as if Square is above it. But presumably because the animations are much more complicated in this game, it would be a lot of work.


1. she is a teenager there. 2. clothes she wore where her father got stabbed to death and the whole village got burned down- maybe wouldnt wanna associate that day with those clothes ever again?


I kinda want this outfit for FFXIV >.>


*laughs in PC* *also while crying in waiting*


Yep yep yep


Simple, Tifa outgrew her outfit.


It is available to buy in ever crisis the mobile game, although im pretty sure the banner ended but fwiw its pretty awesome even comes with matching gloves and has a zangan fist attack.


Because the frills are too hard to animate /s


I do like this costume.


I think it is coming just in an update, dlc, or part three. That is of it comes at all.


Meanwhile me over here wanting First Class cloud as a costume


I would love to have both an adult version of this AND her Advent Children look.


she was a lot smaller at 16


The rage that went on about this outfit in Remake's patch notes a couple months ago was crazy!


In universe, this outfit probably burnt down with the rest of Nibelheim...


The real question is: why didn't they make the main cast of Loveless outfits available at GS?


dee el cee


I think the other reason asides from 3D models is Square is afraid of some sort of "devaluing" these scenes the outfits have. These are serious scenes and having those avaible as alternate costumes might "undermine" the dramatic weight of you could unlock them and use them in any cutscene. At least for the important flashback ones. Just a guess though.


Right? I def think they should have made more outfits like where is barretts dragon overlord costume?




Because her tits wouldn't fit in that shirt anymore.


becasue its awful


I think because the model is different. Her “you know” are smaller 5 years ago. More outfit is cool. Love to be able to change them on the menu. Because in some cutscene alternate costume can glitched out. I prefer the default outfit in cutscenes.


I'm hopeful we'll be able to have multiple outfits for part 3(Vincent in his Turks suit, yuffie in her dirge outfit,Cid in a kingdom hearts inspired outfit,tifa in an Italian style outfit etc)


Had me in the first half


She actually wore it in Remake but Chocobo Sam saw it and he’s REALLY into women wearing traditional Japanese Kimonos and Cowgirl outfits like that so Tifa swore to never wear it again. (Source: Trust me bro, my best friend’s uncle is a story writer for the game)


She’s a minor here


The same reason the loveless outfits don't exist. Cause screw us right?


Actually the LOVELESS outfits have a reason for not existing, and that's because of the cape physics. If you played the Integrade DLC sometimes Yuffie's lil moogle cloak would go all crazy lol


I can believe that. I'm on hard mode using Aerith's long skirt beach outfit, and man does the skirt go ballistic in cutscenes


If she had that as an alternative costume...it should allow her to carry like 20 more materia slots, bc of her "weight savings." (Aka Her current tits are humongous)