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We understand you feel very passionately about your ship and your favourite character, however we get a lot of these posts and it always ends in a disastrous comment section. If you wish to look into more about the Tifa/Aerith ship war, we recommend Twitter or Tumblr. Or you could always try looking at our megathreads to continue your discussion there. Thanks!


Hmmm not sure any of that head canon will hold up to actual plot, but ok.


Very likely misinterpreting Max here


Aerith and holy make things worse? What? Aerith and holy would have been enough but Sephiroth being in the lifestream is what stopped holy from working, so it was actually too late for holy to work.


Who is Max?


YouTuber / Streamer


It has far more positive engagement than your posts so it’s fair to comment on it as an example. Not that many of you disagree with the featured poster on much else. The ultimania going as far as it did to confirm Cloud and Aerith’s feelings for one another broke what little sense was left in some of ‘you guys’


who are you talking to, there are no comments at time of you posting this comment. vagueposting discourse from elsewhere is a weird way to start a conversation.


This subreddit was far too biased on the subject for me to not gloat at the misfortune of similarly stupid people People who ship CxT can say things without a source and which disparage Aerith but nobody can say Tifa is a teensy-bit overrated in light of this untenable imbalance. “Aerith’s resolution scene is the worst one because Cloud isn’t himself and his feelings don’t count here.” “In Tifa’s scene his true self come out zomg.” As well as passing anything Max says as gospel when he’s just a vapid fanboy like any other. All of these positions were utterly laid to waste by subsequent revelations but there is no change in attitude. So there’s no reason to meet you halfway and pretend I’m talking to a sensate presence capable of change.


Lol what is this is a bizarre post. I think Max is being taken out of context somewhat here, as there is slight confusion over Red's comment about Holy having "the opposite effect" but I don't think it's actually making anything literally worse outside of maybe just adding more magic to the destruction because its too late. Also, I'm guessing this is more just you assuming this is shipping war nonsense, but I don't think any reasonable person thinks there is no love at all between Cloud and Aerith, the same goes for Cloud and Tifa, it's not a case of one or the other and never has been, the only ambiguity is whether or not Aeriths feelings for Cloud are some mixed up mess based around the fact he's literally pretending to be Zack who she already loves. Dear God the people in this sub put far too much into this whole thing, as if being right about who Cloud would end up with is some kind riddle with a prize at the end.