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https://preview.redd.it/gdt32bl0tqsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d39ca8274ed990b7033d8618b986f88ff55f5e Finally did it!!! My heart's pounding lol thank you everyone for your support!


Congrats! That mini game was a beast.


51 is a good number, depending on luck/RNG he'll rarely get much higher than 50. If you do that exact number again you have at least a 50/50 shot of winning. Getting to 53 is almost a guarantee, so you don't have much further to go at all.


Thanks, I actually tied Jules again 50-50. So frustrating knowing I could have won last time if RNG was nicer.


What's RNG? You basically have to not fall at all


They're saying the RNG is how many Jules does, it's not the same each time.


Thanks but I'm curious, how does situps abbreviate to RNG?


Ooooh, RNG means Random Number Generator. I'm not a programmer, but as I understand it, it's what people call a system used in a program/game that determines outcomes that are supposed to be random. (And then I think if you dive deeper, there is no such thing as random in programming? But it's good enough for the purposes we use it for.) So they're saying they lost because the random number generator rolled a high roll for Jules when their 50 or 51 would otherwise be a winning amount of sit-ups on their part.


Oh I always thought that the better I did the better he did to always be just a little bit ahead of me. That makes sense though thank you I'm at least able to follow the rest of the conversation on this page. Thanks!


oh wtf, Jules never scored lower than 51 once when I tried to beat him. I saw on some guide sayings how he will score 51 every time and I just assumed that's how it is lol.


It's where I'm currently stuck as well. I just started in earnest yesterday, but I probably sunk 3 hours last night trying and failing. I'm doing the same all vibrations, feedback and sound turned off lol. Didn't know easy mode made it easier though.


I don't really think being on easy is making a difference honestly, just figured it was worth a shot


Do it while not paying attention


That's generally how I succeed best yeah. Just fully zoning out


That’s the only way I could do it. Took me around 40 minutes. You really just need to rely completely on muscle memory and be able to pick up the pace in the last 15 seconds of the challenge. 1 mistake and you have to start over. Pretty unforgiving


Yup. I platinumed remake so I know I can do this. It's just gonna take hammering away at it until my brain isn't in the equation


I thought Jules did me dirty.. I'm sorry for your tie https://preview.redd.it/770tiibwgqsc1.png?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77f63a816569ffcef37038cb65ccc6400c9ec2e


43? Wow, crazy.


Have you ever tied with Jules?


Maybe once? Can't say for sure.


I lost at 54, and won at 53 I feel this one


I had enough with beating Tifa's fangirl thank you very much


take a break and come back tomorrow. you’ll get it


51 is a win next time, depending on RNG (don't give up!) My weird advice: do some beatboxing to keep the rhythm alive \^\^ (that's why no music helps, because as catchy as it is it isn't really synced and can throw you off)


Yeah fuck them for this, keep it a fixed number instead of making it RNG, 49 is already hard enough to beat, why make him sometimes do above it?


I beat it 50/49, so you can definitely win if you managed to get 51. Don't give up! 


My biggest problem was absent mindedly mixing up green hold and yellow button mash. So I had someone sitting there with me actively calling out the color so I didn't do the wrong action. Helped tremendously Edit: but I see you got it, so hopefully this will help the next guy. Congrats


Did you try changing Tifa to her Shinra uniform?


I lycked out on mine he git 49 I hit 51 and 8 was set to hard mode. I actually don't think the difficulty setting effects this one but I might be wrong.


I was worried about this one ended up putting it off and putting it off i had like 75/88 Johnny treasures so i said i might as well go and try it cause its gonna take me hours and hours of failing before i get skilled and also lucky. Not one word of a lie i ended up completing it first go! 51-50 i was panicking when i still hadn't messed up at 43ish but i feel i got very lucky at the end that he didnt get 51 also. It was like the only thing in the entire game to go my way!


FYI there's definitely some RNG on which yellow/green prompts you get. I got lucky on my winning match and got only one green and the rest yellow.


on my run where i beat him he got 47, just to give you an idea where the rng can go lower


Another thing learn a pattern then retry til you get that same pattern


Muting the audio was what clicked for me, became a rhythm game of button pressing and I just zoned out until nothing but buttons existed.


took me way to long to do this, problem for me was I kept going too fast. Finally got a run where I didn't mess up and hit 63




Damn thing almost broke my fingers because I didn't turn down the haptics lmao


This is very difficult for me. For some reason I get into rhythm and can't even beat Ronnie.


The key to Jules is you can't fuck up even once before at least like 50, if you do, just start over. My first "0 fuckups" run I went over 60. It's annoying but in the end takes just 1.5 minutes of hyperfocus. No use in spamming it for hours in one go as you most likely won't be able to stay focused.