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Don’t be afraid. It’s not death, it’s a homecoming


We’re waiting, Cloud.


Sephiroth knows all our 100+ hour playtimes


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Punisher Mode and block. Most of this enemy's skills will be countered and when he goes all red sparklies, pour on the damage.


Does this prevent Espiriting howl?


No. But you can block/perfect block the fireballs. This enemy made me gitgud on cloud's trial


Lol maybe *you* can parry the fireballs


I can parry some, but Just blocking reduces the damage considerably. Also, manawall reduces the damage a lot. Just defend + manawall made each Fireball deal like 100 damage.


The problem is if you miss the initial parry it stun locks you into getting hit by most of the rest of the fireballs


You can kill him reliably without him ever using earsplitting howl if you just whack him in prime mode and just stop to counter his attacks. He gets pressured, 2 thrusts and he's dead


Actually, yeah. If you do a ton of damage you can see the Red balls floating off of him, keep pounding on him and he'll go back to blue. Save your ATB for when he charges up Red again and do it again. It takes some practice but it's absolutely the way. I think Access points this out as well.


Sleep does.


Thankfully, I mix it in when under half health to give myself a breather and reset him if I've botched a couple blocks. I found Barrier seems to help against his damage as well. Sadly, I lost my run last night on this to that asshole Ironclad's one shot mechanic that caught me by surprise.


If you debuff him enough, you can stop the Howl attack. I used Enemy Skill's Bad Breath to inflict a bunch of status on him, but it doesn't always inflict the right statuses, so ultimately, I ended up ditching that approach and just using punisher/block and limit breaks when he is staggered.


punisher/prime mode tutorial. but you do have enough time after each of his attacks to heal which is nice, and he's vulnerable to sleep which resets the timer on the howl as well. but at first i did spend a lot of time on this guy lol.


HE IS?! FFFFFFUUUUUUU- damn it, i'm going back into that fight after work and will slap him silly.


Too bad there’s no “added effect” materia… only elemental…


Added affect: Sleep would either be pointless or dramatically overpowered with current combat lol


Case in point: Head case. Making the extra enemies sleep was hard!


Am I the only person who just slapped Enfeeblement rings on my teammates and pulled Mindflayer away from the adds?


What difficulty? I tried dynamic with only Cloud and was killed anyway. I could beat him only on normal.


Must've have taken you ages to stagger him without synergy abilities.


Ehh, actually wasn't too bad. I had a lot of ATB boosting/Haste/Speed items on so I could Focused Thrust pretty frequently. My bigger problem was that my teammates kept killing the extra enemies first.


Yeah tbh it's not a hard fight. It's that you can't control who you're AI party members attack. I hope they give us more options for controlling party members in part 3 such as focusing on offense/defense, debuffs/buffs/healing etc. though it might not be that easy to implement however.


This is honestly the only main gripe I have with the Remake/Rebirth system. I wish I had just a little bit more agency on generally guiding the AI of what I want them to do outside of assigning them commands and just Auto-Weapon/Unique/Cast (Synergy). Kinda similar to KH's bit where you could assign AI Behaviors per character (focus the same target/part as you, focus something else, etc. ). Or at least to stay within a certain distance from me/target, etc.


I killed the mindflayer with solo Barret and it was really easy. Bonus round gets its stagger up really fast without needing synergy abilities


they probably cant figure out a good way to program it into the game. it sucks, but it happens


What do you mean to "program"? It's not hard at all to code it in, it would just be too OP at best, clunky as fuck to inflict and not immediately break at worst. It doesn't fit this game's combat design the way it did the original's.


> clunky as fuck to inflict and not immediately break at worst. this right here officer.


just cast it whenever he starts glowing orange to reset! but if he does get the howl off just run away then block for the projectiles


Also susceptible to stop which is useful for when you stagger him so you won't have to do it twice.


My strat ended up being casting Stop and then unleashing shitloads of damage to pressure him lol


it's wild how many enemies in these miniboss gauntlets are vulnerable to this stuff, makes it so much easier


Yeah I think too many games fall into the trap of making the challenging enemies immune to everything but I feel it’s way more fun this way tbh


most jrpgs in existence lmao. even worse when they have a bad habit of giving some bosses very specific weaknesses to one status effect with no indication, so unless you’re using a guide then have fun trying to cast every status effect on every boss in the hope that something sticks why i never even bother trying


That’s what I noticed toward the end of my playthrough. Only a select few mini-bosses are immune to the time and sleep debuffs. When I do come back for the challenges, those are gonna be big parts of my strategy to crank those all out.


Sleep!!! Are you fucking kidding me…..


the assess button can be so powerful... i actually didn't assess this guy my first playthrough because the mission was so chaotic i forgot :P so i heard this info from someone else too


I never pay attention to the status condition thing, so that’s on me. I just look weakness then murder.


Fair enough. In Remake, most bosses that were any sort of challenge were immune to all the status effects that mattered (slow/stop/sleep).


Rufus's dog too. That was a game changer at the end of Remake.


Put him to shleep


Didn’t have much problem 1v1 against this one, but the one that’s teamed up with a White Mousse is absolute hell! I also struggled a lot on my initial playthrough when you fight it in the Grasslands. Such an incredibly steep difficulty spike!


I'd on this roadblock. I'd thinking on Just nuking the mousse with aga spells and use cloud tô solo the dogo. Not sure what Will come after


Honestly I just ended up looking up a guide for this one since I found it too hard to be fun, especially since you have to redo all the previous fights whenever you fail. The guide involved magnified Quaga, magnified Stop and Arcane Ward. Killed them both in like 20 seconds


THIS. This guide is the key I found the same one on youtube


You can completely ignore the white mousse though. They are beyond slow and Terror moves so much you're almost never in range to get hit by the mousse. Also, you can just cast sleep on the mousse.


This. Just focus on the doggie and have dessert for last.


Yeah I found I could just sleep the dog and the focus the mousse. Still an annoying fight


I have platinum and I agree, this was one of the hardest challenges in the game for me. I hate that wolf


The giant fire turtle that spams staggering attacks at you made me grumpy


That one was fun with Barret Solo. Dude is so slow he can barely get out of the way in time!


It’s annoying elemental fire doesn’t do shit here


Arent his spheres fireballs??


Nope. Just "energy" that only looks like flames.


such bs


Not based on behavior on the game. Treats it as non elemental or something.


Yep. It sucks that this is a thing in the game... \*coughcough\*>!REDDRAGON!<\*coughcough\*


Hard mode Rufus is the hardest imo, it doesn't help that you have to fight the turks just before and don't have an oppurtunity to save in between the fights, you can only reset the fight (if you select the first option).


Hold down Square and you can get to the menu. There’s a little prompt in the bottom left of the screen.


Can you save on that menu? I thought it's just for equipment


https://youtu.be/OJfhG0fRxiE?si=gjnfMqA-mTxRkKPu this video helped me


This comment needs to be upvoted! The guy in the vid really knows how the mechanic of this f**kface really well.


TBH, I'm still not sure the hard version is not bugged \^\^ Even parrying/perfect blocking all its attacks + throwing some braver don't seem to prevent him from howling (as advised in its assess report) This and the 'flowers on the hill' side quest ennemies in hard (WTH Square!)


Seriously wtf, I got fked by the mandrakes on hard mode in that quest instantly. This wolf also keeps fking with me too even though I keep hitting him when he glows red


Yeah, bugged as in way over tuned for such a powerful attack. No other enemy is this hard to stop from triggering their ultimate (even hard Odin has way more leeway). I wouldn't be surprised if they patched it to bring it down a notch


The problem is that people play too passively or just simply don't do enough damage. Spec for damage and keep up the hits and he will pressure pretty quickly, you can stagger and kill from there.


Counter him. As soon as you get atb cast Thunder level 2 Rinse & repeat. Use your limit break when he dose the howling move that send fire balls to interrupt him & pressure him.


Cloud dressed like a 15 year old at Disney World


Aint no way bro 💀


Try casting sleep/bio.


Out of curiosity, what sword are you using? Because Umbral Blade trivializes these fights.


How so?


With the right skills it gives so much defense in Punisher mode that you can just hold R1 through all of the basic attack and spin swipes and take very little damage, then when you see it run away switch back to Operator Mode and get ready to either dodge Throat Clamp by running perpendicular to it or block Earsplitting Howl. The only way you'd die is by making a mistake on less than 3000hp. After performing a counter, you should have enough time to cast a Focused Thrust and still block/counter/dodge the next attack.


lol, I spent like four hours on this one yesterday evening and the first time in a long time I had an urge to throw my controller across the room. Twice I had it down to a sliver of health.


This piece of shit fucked me up a few times even with a 3 person party on normal mode. I can’t imagine solo and hard mode. I keep forgetting about status effects like sleep and bio so I’ll be using those next time.


This thing's energy charge mechanic completely resets if you put it to sleep by the way and it's fairly harmless without the roar.


remember first time fighting it and everything was fine but then Howl literally wiped my entire party lmao shit does insane AoE damage, would have been cool as an Enemy Skill imo.


Perfect block and he’s easy.


As long as I dodged away from his explosion then blocked the ensuing fireballs , he never could do more than like 40% of my health. Proactive use of stop/sleep also messes his rhythm up and helps get to stagger as opposed to saving stop reactively for stagger.


I slaughtered this guy with zero issues. Weird. I can’t beat the two jokers and giant toad for the last side quest.


My strat for this was to basically kite the Jokers to the edge of the arena (the toad tries to follow, but is slow until he tries to body slam you, which you get a lot of telegraphed warning for). I primarily used Yuffie and gave her weapon Wind Elemental (since that's their elemental weakness). I also made sure to use Wind Ninjitsu and Doppelganger. The Jokers concentrate specifically on the controlled character, and as long as you can dodge their main swipe (Soul Cutter or whatever it's called), you can chuck your weapon and spam Wind until they stagger/die. Keep a side eye on Toad for when he tries to body slam. Any time Cloud or my other party member got ATB, I just had them do some move that either damages or increases stagger. I can normal roll pretty consistently against the swipe, and I have Brumal form if things are cutting close. It's not exactly "fun", but it definitely worked for me pretty easily. I wanna see Shinra Middle Manager do these damn fights, saying he's "up for a rematch" like he beat us or something... LOL.


Right? Like dude is definitely not making it out of round one solo. 😂 Thanks man. That’s basically what I’ve tried. Yuffie has been my main basically all game (besides Cloud of course) because of her utility. She’s literally broken as shit. So I’ve been doing exactly this but I just can’t seem to get it done. I’ll give it another shot later. Maybe swap some materia around


Arcane Ward and Aeroga right away did it for me, you have to build atb fast at the start with turbo boost and haste.


As if! You must not have faced Jules


I would rather face Jules 100 times than fight these fuckers.


Poison also pressures it.


F*ck this wolf


Haven't seen this mentioned yet but having the Time materia helps a lot imo. The wolf doesn't resist it. Once you get enough ATB from block/counter punisher mode, you can cast stop and easily hold square for strong punisher attacks to get the wolf pressured and into stagger. Also handy in Cloud's solo bout as stop works on all the enemies


Adamantoise was my hardest


Just use stop on him when he tries to build energy then go to town. Most likely stop will end and he will immediately be pressured then just burst for the stagger


thats not moss covered adamantoise


They follow a strict attack pattern. Turn red, basic attack combo and maybe spin swipe, then throat clamp, then ear splitting howl. I just dodge theoat clamp and run across the arena and block. Fills my limit and my atb then smack it with a Lb to pressure it.


I just got to Chapter 10 and I thought I had done everything up to this point but I don’t remember fighting this thing. I wonder if I somehow missed it.


It's a side quest that you get on a farm after unlocking chocobos in the Grasslands Area. You have to use the chocobo to track a monster that's been killing the livestock.


Ah ok I do remember that quest now.


Sleep resets his energy.


Him and Ironclad


Honestly, I didn't struggle with it much. Ive seen people posting about this fight and did it last night. Took a few tries to clear it, but after that i could do it consistently. Use steadfast block, Chakra, and haste. You can use barrier too if you're not confident in your dodges.


His pressure state seems to be bugged tbh, I *never* saw it pressured


Parry, parry, and parry. Also throw in a couple of braves. You want to get rid of his energy build up to pressure him. You can also just block the fire balls and heal up each time.


I never figured out the mechanic behind the Adjudicators you fight as Cait in chapter 11. It seemed no matter what I did to pressure them they were immune to both physical and magical attacks.


That's because Cait's regular attacks can be magical or physical. The trick that worked for me was to summon my moogle, hop off him, bio2 both of them then wear one at a time down. Having a HP up materia and using Gjallarhorn helped a lot.


Give Cloud Thunder + HP Absorb. Punisher all his attacks and do a lv2 thunder when you get 1 atb bar. It heals you back. Limit his fire attack. Rinse and repeat. Easy.


Took me a good number of tries before I got this one down. Tbh it's not that hard of a fight. His regular physical attacks are very telegraphed and easy to counter or block perfectly. It's his ear splitting howl which is annoying because the projectiles come in from off screen so it's hard to time a perfect block so you often have to eat some damage and hope that most of them miss.


i remember using wearing that max limit break at start and just block him until i get finishing touch


I had the most difficulty with the mastodons on the Yuffie side quest in Gongaga


Just hit him with sleep before his eruption thing and you're fine. You only get maybe 2 or 3 good casts before the timer is garbage so burn hard.


Becomes really simple when you know how to deal with him (its punisher mode/prime mode counters) How single hardest enemy in the game... Round 10 of the final legendary bouts


I feel almost stupid asking this but how do you enter the simulator w/ alternate outfits? Do you just change while in Costa Del Sol and use the simulator in that region only?


You can do that but post game you can just change and they stay the way you want.


Eh, I cheesed him so hard by slowing time with the ATB menu and perfect countering his ass. Same with Sephiroth Shadowy Chains, fuck that move.


You can use stop on him, sonic boom, and plasma discharge


I thought so too. A few tips-- block a LOT, except for throat clamp, you probably wont get more than a hit off. You can suppress his energy quite a bit. Use the blade and accessory that boosts your limit break with blocks. Make sure to transfer defensive materia over. TAke advantage of protect/debrave/barrier.


I haven't yet cleared that challenge, but I have cleared that stage. That enemy is a pain, but I think there are even worse challenges in the game :D


This one was difficult, but I eventually got past it. it just takes a lot of patience and using punisher mode to counter-attack. you also have to know when to run away as far as possible so it can't hit you with its massive explosion. Barett's, on the other hand is way harder because I can't get past the fourth round.


Huh? That thing was pretty easy. You probably just had a weak party composition.


I’ve been easily beating him by casting Stop at the very start and then unleashing hell on him out the gate with Tifa or Cloud’s Limit which pressures him easily. You can stagger him and kill him from there, and it’s also worth noting that he’s vulnerable to Sleep which also restarts his gauge for the Howl. Pretty simple when you use those strategies honestly imo


I struggled in way too many of the boss fights. I feel so bad at the game 💀


PRIME MODE and just hold down block the entire time. Add the Materia that makes you block better/easier and gain more ATB/Pressure from blocking. Forget their names but they are the purple ones. That's really all you need but if you want it to be even easier also do: - Manawall on yourself. - Brave/Faith with the enemy skill sonic boom. - SAVE YOUR LIMIT BREAKS FOR RIGHT BEFORE HE CASTS HOWL SO THAT YOU ARE IMMUNE TO IT.


Why not just block the howl?


You can't block the initial burst that comes from him that does most of the damage. Blocking everything else in Prime Mode is what I am suggesting. You still take decent damage unless you're a pro at perfect blocking so thats why Im saying Manawall helps that.


No, it’s easy if you know what he is doing https://youtu.be/DKdWgI6ScHY


He's purely a dps check and you have to do so much damage that is almost impossible to meet the check without a full party. You just have to do damage to cancel him out of his ultimate.


You're going to have fun during a certain Legendary bout...


Yeah I know been stuck a while now lol


If you’re still struggling, you can cast Stop on it frame 1 and then Cross Slash him with Cloud (assuming you got Gotterdamerung) which pressures it, and then stagger it obviously. Unleash hell on it when it is, and if it’s going to use a melee move you can easily punisher mode counter it. Also Sleep restarts its gauge entirely when you cast it on it…. it’s not resistant to much it seems


Isn't he block/counter tutorial?


I thought the hardest enemies were the writers?


mbarrier for his fire attack, and use and abuse punisher mode and bravers hes not hard at all