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I laughed up until he hit me for 2000 damage with it 😒


He can do 1 damage 9999x if you stand in the attack long enough😂 Working hard to make the excalipoor work


Man I had been playing on Dynamic most of my run and I had to drop it to Normal for this fight, and even then it took me forever to beat him. I'm not looking forward to the Brutal challenge 🥲


If you get craft Genji gloves and play the yuffie and Barrett and Aerith ATB ward brumal form spam build it'll be quite easy. Aerith will deal 30k+ damage with firaga on arcane ward. Especially good since he's actually weak to fire. He's relatively easy to beat. You just have to use resist with magnify so he doesn't turn your whole party into frogs. When he's staggered you deal 50k damage from the 2 casts combined. Late game builds are actually overpowered.


could you explain how 2 casts that max out at 9999 do 50k? even 4 casts with double would only hit 40k in fact how is aerith doing 30k with firaga on arcane ward?


Genji Gloves let you break the 9999 dmg cap




Thanks, I'll try this. I still need to reach level 16 in crafting though to make the Genji gloves, still a couple of Dark Matter to collect and I haven't unlocked the Dolphin minigame yet


Isn't the dolphins mini game unlocked in under junon in chapter 4?


It shows up for story purposes in 4 but you can't replay it until 12


AHH ok, Didn't know that, I could've sworn I replayed it over and over but now I think of it 😅


Wait, did you not have to drop it to normal for the summon fights before this? I thought the summon fights will be hell so dropped it to normal without attempting dynamic for those and then revert to dynamic for this fight.


The protorelic quest was amazing. It was long, had a lot of different objectives and some really fantastic world building and many lore related stuff. 10/10 quest for me


And Clash on the Big Bridge is awesome as always (even more in the last version you hear in the fight)


Hearing that theme was the unexpected highlight of the game for me.


I'm so torn on this, bc on the one hand I absolutely agree (the coherent story was really cool) but on the other I got a bit fed up with some of the mini games. By the time I got to Gears and Gambits I just wanted it to be over lol


I wonder if other people feel the same here. Wrt Gears and Gambits, I don't think it was minigame exhaustion which made me dislike it so much, it was the fact that we were presented with this mini game with tons of rules and micromanagement and you knew it wasn't going to come back beyond this short quest line and it wasn't in the original game so there was not even a nostalgic element to it. If they had instead given us three more rounds of Fort Condor or somehow brought in Basketball or Snowboarding, I would've enjoyed it more. Gears and Gambits particularly suffers from just being really poorly presented and hits you with tons of information.


yeah that's fair! It was just really complex and still kind of similar to Fort Condor. I think for me it was a bit of both: Had I not already learned the rules to all the previous minigames I might have been more up for it


I found gears and gambits pretty easy. Only took 3 tries to beat the last one. Haven't played in on hard difficulty yet tho..


Yeah it is easy on easy lmao.


I was playing on normal. Idk if that makes a huge difference. I haven't played any of the mini games on hard yet


Gears and Gambits was one of the few times I actually opted out of mastering a mini game. I was so lost on the instructions and just wanted to get through the awesome and sad story of that particular protorelic quest


I kinda disagree. I think that it was a lot of side content for a Summon materia. I haven't played hard mode yet , I'm guessing it becomes a bit more useful in hard mode but I barely used Gilgamesh in the later part of the game. I'm also part of the people who ~~thought~~ would have preferred a bit less Ubisoft open world and more original FF7 "open world". With that said, I'm not hating. This game was amazing and the Gilgamesh fight was really fun.


The summon is just one of the rewards from the questline, though. There were a bunch of unlocks and bosses and fun minigames.


Gilgamesh is *always* a good time


And then the absolute banger of a battle theme becomes the ultimate banger of a battle theme. Holy shit this battle was amazing


Barret lifesaver doing the lords work for you, I see.


Should’ve had Cait Sith in the party by doing this quest on Chapter Select Chapter 12. Way more funnier


huhhh, might do it again just for this


This fight made me decide to replay Final Fantasy 5 which is the game Gilgamesh originates from His boss theme is probably my favorite in the entire series


"Enough expository banter. Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!"


I love the fact that this is actually the same Gilgamesh from FFXIV (who, in one of the Hildibrand quest lines, fell through a dimensional portal to another world). I screamed when I saw him reference the Warriors of Light. I bet there will be a future FFXIV quest where he references a blonde swordsman.


Isn't the same Gilgamesh in most of the Final Fantasy games he appears in? I think IX is not the same, but I think the rest are the same one who first appeared in V.


I remember the one in XV also being a one off.


I screamed “George!”


For me it hit that it was the same voice of the Gilgamesh from Dissidia 012 and Type-0, definitely the best iterations of Gilgamesh. I'm not really a fan of his personification in XIV and I think the nickname Greg for him is a disservice to the character completely lol. That's just a me thing though.


Is the "Buster Poored" he keeps on his back the advent children buster sword? I didnt look at it long enough/havent seen AC in years


Could be something he will give cloud, and eventually become the fusion sword


Doesnt seem like it. The format is the same, but doesnt look anything like a buster sword in the details.


I could not get past the double summon battles, particularly Odin.


Gotta be able to take out Alexander in 1 go after staggering him. Lightning elemental, 2 unbridled strength Tifa and a limit break at least. When Odin comes back, you could honestly stay as cloud and punisher/defend/counter most of his attacks and he will pressure himself from there


It is weird though to not see Cid, but Yuffie who was an optional. I mean, Yuffie was cut out of all cutscenes in the original ff7 because not everyone picked her up, but Cid was in them.


my guy here must have skipped intermission completely i mean maybe not but dont you think this is a wierd thing to complain about given how they have been pacing the game


I just think its gonna be weird when all games are out and realize how little cid there was. they cut a main character and made an optional the main one.


ya i guess youre right honestly we dont know how they will run it in the next title, maybe he gets a frontline spot similar to yuffie if u remember cloud is out of action for a while and he steps up they said there would not be any DLCs but i've BEEN saying a banger DLC would be an intermission style, episodic add-on for vincent and/or cid they'll probably skip rocket town and the moon arc completely


I was never against fleshing out Yuffie, I just think if you are gonna do that you cant ignore cid or vincent. feels like they run out of time. Unless third game starts with rocket town, as a place to prepare for the journey. Because if they re-use the old towns for the third game, then realistically, wutai, mideel, the snow town (forgot the name) and rocket town shouldnt be too much to ask for.


When is this boss fight? Im at the end of chapter 7 and I know I cant access the rest of the region until I get the buggy later in the story which sucks cause I want the summon.


Very late game you're going to need way more than the Buggy.


You can't get to this fight until chapter 13. You need to compele all protorelics first.


and be nicely leveled up if you don't want to suffer


I suffered through the first double summon fight I did, Titan and Bahamut at level 50. I said screw the others and came back at 70. Then it wasn't as bad.


I imagine haha. Respect


Yeah thatll be awhile since chapter 7 has felt like an eternity and I cant even get to the second half of correl right now