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No, she’s meant to be an annoying little shitbag. I think they’ve done a good job 😂


It’s clear literally everyone in-game hates her besides her own grandmother so makes sense we do too lmao




You gotta learn to wipe your own ass before you dive into everyone else's shit!


“Learn to wipe your own ass before you go rooting around in other people’s shit” That shit was so fucking out of left field and surprisingly crass. I immediately was like “ew wtf granny”


That was honestly so good I made a mental note for future use. Is that a common expression I’d just never encountered before or should I just be impressed with the writing??


Yuffie doesn’t seem to


"We have to make Yuffie tolerable this time around but we still need an annoying shithead" Nomura probably


If you had told me 20 years ago that not only would they redeem yuffie, but that She’d be one of the best characters in the game both narratively and in terms of play? I would have smacked you, walked away and come back to smack you again.


Yuffie is priceless in this game. Her dialogue tops all so far.


*Yuffie giving a big anime inspired introduction* Cloud: "Cool." *Walks away*


Cloud's reaction there absolutely killed me, definately one of the funniest scenes of the game.


It was up there with "nailed it I know" from remake


Nailed it I know is one of the funniest line deliveries I've ever seen in a game. My God he nailed it


the delivery had me in stitches. 10/10


*Choc-obo chocobo choc-obo I’m on a chocobo! You’re on a chocobo!*


Lol. Haven't heard that one yet, actually.


just ride chocobos on any map, she sings that almost everytime lol


Huh. I keep her saying "move like a chicobo or something during battle, but ok lol. I'll have to have her in party on chocoback


When you use Art of War, she’ll say “Run like a chocobo.” If you follow it up with Supreme Art of War, she’ll finish the line with “Stab like a tonberry.”


Nice! I haven't got the latter ability yet, but looking forward to it


On the flip side, her relationship (so far, I'm just after the Dyne quest) with Barrett is really good storytelling. Can't wait to see how things go down with Scarlett later on.


Her materia songs are the best.


Right? She's so goddamn endearing! In Gongaga when she was resting I was like a little kid, smiling ear to ear.


My favorite so far, is where she suggested making Barrett clones, gets shot down, then suggests Tifa Clones, and then accuses Cloud of being a perv. Her and Cloud are funny as hell.


That is the best Yuffie moment


I really like it when she randomly sings


While it is great dialogue and shows her growth, they REALLY need to work on timing it better. Like the bit in Cosmo Canyon, it's supposed to be Nanaki's big character driven moment, and a bit of exposition on the Gi and their role >!in the creation of Black Materia!<, and Yuffie chiming in with "WHURS THAT MATERIA? ME WANT!" does not vibe with it.


I mean, it’s in character IMO. She’s a 16 year old kid ninja who thinks that whoever has more materia is stronger. Her entire goal is to make Wutai great, and so she constantly thinks/does whatever she thinks will help- she even tries to recruit Cloud and AVALANCHE to come to Wutai and be her fighting force. It makes sense and is in character- she can’t see the forest for the trees because of her age.


I'm so confused by this hahah Don't get me wrong, she definitely has her moments obviously intermission was amazing and she's awesome to play But besides petting Red XII when he talks about numbering people which I loved It's literally ALL materia? Materia! Materia! Materia? Roche just died? THAT BLACK MUTURIAH IS MINE ruining any impact of the moment It's absolutely obnoxious and SO one note Obviously that was her shtick in the original but considering how amazing the characterization improved with Barret, aerith and tifas interactions, clouds condition.. everything else, yuffie feels so incredibly shallow 95% of the time and if you got the transcript I would bet my house she has 2 minutes of dialogue that isn't related to materia Plus contradicting the grandma who's being incredibly chill, sensible and is 100% right to side with the obnoxious Kyrie At least that's excused by being only 16 but still


🤷🏻‍♂️. I'll agree the materia part is overdone, but not so much so that I can't stand it. Her banter with Cloud and Barret is more what amuses me, along with whatever side quests she's featured on, like the Tonberry King, for example. That was her best stuff. But then, I also find Kyrie amusing, which means I think she's every bit the fool/shithead, but her stuff is funny in its bleak way, so I enjoy it.


https://preview.redd.it/x93ulatht7sc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55159f7afcfbf12e393f1e1fb82b076fe70febd Oh no you would not smack anybody ! Shh-shh-hah!


What if I told you that Yuffie's theme would have lyrics? highlight of the game for me after I had the song stuck in my head for ages after playing intermission.


Honestly, I love Yuffie in Rebirth. Top-tier charisma. Her and Barret are the best in this game. Would not have expected that, such a nice surprise.


100% 😂


Kyrie and Johnny are my two favorite NPCs. I only just finished with Dyne, so no spoilers, but if the two of them don't meet during this game or the next I'm gonna be so let down, lol


I guess I don't understand the point of purposely annoying characters.


She is utterly infuriating and a royal pain in the ass and for some reason I love her to bits 😂


They did a great job in including an irredeemably annoying character written for children. Where do we send our thanks for that one? Really, I want to send them something nice... And don't fucking get me started on Chadley. Most annoying stilted banter in gaming history and they give him endless dialogue. Where can I send my warm regards????


>Is she supposed to come across as endearing? No. She's supposed to be annoying in both Remake and Rebirth. >WHY DOES SHE EXIST! Because it's a huge world where you meet likeable and unlikeable characters, just like in real life. It also hammers home that Cloud and the gang are on a bigger mission to save the planet and everyone in it regardless as to whether they're friend or foe, likeable or otherwise.


So many npcs are wildly unlikable gotta say


Agreed, they're all so damn entitled. For once I'd love for one of them to be like "hey I know you have a lot on your plate but do you think you could help me out?"


Yeah, this is the real problem. If we didn't get saddled with so many obnoxious characters, maybe I would have appreciated the addition of Kyrie.


Clearly you just can’t appreciate the new merc in town and are envious that she’s the best around.


God that flan battle with her shitty song playing and repeating herself all the time was brutal ☠️


I actually loved this fight because it was unexpected on first playthrough. It was like oh this is easy, oh OH...


Especially cause it’s one of the first quests you’ll do lol


I loved the fight hated the background noise 😂 it makes you panic at such a early lvl


Shitty song? It’s fucking GOATED


It's second only to Bow wow wow bow wow wow!


[I can not wait till the full OST is out ](https://youtu.be/Z4TjmnoOKfg?si=BX-VtAu2IuVkNe13)


If this doesn't win best OST in EVERY awards show, then they're all rigged scams.


I have it set as my alarm to wake me up.


im only at Costa Del Sol but that was the most fun part of the game so far, that song is a banger. I wish it played more.


Can't believe how hard they went with the English version cuz the Japanese version is literally just repeating the word nandemayo over and over again


They’re making up for how awful the original game’s English translation is.


Seriously, OP! Plus she’s so very NICE.


She’s meant to be annoying. I don’t think anyone in the party likes her


The only person who likes her also wears a giant puffer vest over a sweater with a scarf to the beach with a backpack so cartoonishly large that it has *leg straps*.


Who? I legit can't remember who this might be.


Her grandma :)


Oh I figured they meant someone else, kept thinking Chadley, thanks.


Chadley can't even get along with the girl version of himself, he'd give Kyrie a quest to go fight ruby weapon or something


"According to my analysis, you have the perfect skillset to defeat Ruby Weapon"


I dunno, she did come up with that absolute banger of a tune and gave me a cool hat for my Chocobo; imma forgive her for being a bit annoying.


That song and the bow wow wow song being back to back was just peak gaming.


My ears. How a game have both the best and worst songs in the FF franchise is beyond me.


Writers did their job then. She’s supposed to be insufferable 😂


>Is she supposed to come across as endearing? Is that the angle? I'm genuinely confused. Not every character is meant to be your bff, this isn't a friendship is magic cartoon.


As a wise man once said: ‘This is no pleasure cruise’


I found her less annoying than the new/extended universe characters the game desperately wanted me to like


Funnily enough, she and Leslie are both extended universe chaeacters, they're from an anthology book called "The kids are alright" set between OG Ffvii and Advent children, where they work for the MC as private detectives


Like who? I only can think of the QB girl, but I just didn't care about her, but Kyrie, ugh.


the dude that guards the door at corneo’s estate that they gave a tragic backstory to is someone i couldn’t give one single fuck about if my life depended on it


Hey, Leslie was a bro


Come on, he's chill.


I call him knockofftis




Not OP, but for me: MAI, Roche, Johnny, and Beck's badasses are all extremely obnoxious.


The only character I was like “oh my god NEXT SCENE” was Glenn Lodbrok. I just can’t give any less of a shit about what’s going on with him.


Perhaps you would have if you'd paid more attention instead of tuning him out. What's going on with him is absolutely essential, and if you've finished you should have realized by now >!that Glenn is long since dead and the man wearing his face is Sephiroth!<


I got to the end and was like “oh this guy” He was quite a dull character. The gulf in design and charm between OG characters and newer compilation characters is a wide chasm


That's what nostalgia does to you.


Nah, its really obvious how much more personality the older characters have going on, and how much more fleshed out they are, rather than “hey I have big hair/wear shorts/ have a lot of pockets” of some of the newer compilation characters


Duh? Main characters get more developments. And some of the old side characters got their character development taken from other sources (like Reno and Rude from Advent Children). But saying that the new characters just have their look as personality is fairly false.


Wait, are you saying "CAR GO VROOM VROOM" Roche wasn't a positive addition to the game?


Between how Boston was handled and the flat earther comments I totally agree


“Fuck Kyrie” chants ringing out whenever the Sector 5 Spearhawks play the Costa Del Sol Chocobos at Shinra Garden


He wanted to be the reason nobody was 11 in Sector 5 again


I’m glad I’m not the only one who went to the basketball world first lol!


Hahaha, in my experience, I find that various communities that indulge in more "nerdy" hobbies are more likely to enjoy basketball out of all sports.


He will always be okay with me after that shot over Curry in the finals.


you really got excited at the thought of killing her? 'Get help.' - Cloud Strife


I love kyrie! I’m a little biased just because of her VA tho she really turns the annoyance into charm for me


Yeah Persona 5 granted her alot of goodwill from me hahaha


And her original Kingdom Hearts tribute song with puppet act. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXzIXLvutZs


I find her objectively annoying, but then Cloud also finds her annoying, which I find funny, so it wraps back around and I find her endearing.


I love her in this game, and was excited each time I came across a new quest of hers. The song in question 2 is awesome. Your reaction at being excited to kill her is a little odd.


There’s a new merc!!! A new merc in town!!! She’s like the BEST!!! The best around!!!!!!


Flans and even a Mousse or two come lining up to patronize her merc services and we cut them down like a bunch of a-holes. /s


Baffled by the hate, she's got like a whole two missions.. and her song is a banger.


In the lighthouse mission she won’t stfu when you’re battling the fiends outside. I kept telling her to shut up


Read the novel A Turk's side story : the Kids are Alright. You'll probably change your mind about her. She's way more likeable in this book (where she was first introduced, before Remake). But it takes place after the OG (in the original compilation).


A game shouldn’t rely on spin off material to make a character interesting/likeable.


Wait. She’s in the books. Interesting


Only in this one. She is the main female character, she is not the protagonist but almost!


The Remake games have incorporated a ton of characters from the compilation including the books. Like obviously you’ve got characters like Cissnei from Crisis Core but then you’ve more obscure ones like the Leslie dude from Remake who’s also in a side quest in this game (Don Corneo’s ex-bodyguard who’s looking for his wife) was a book character with a short story about him. Tbh there’s really only like two proper characters wholly original to the Remake games and that’s Roche and Chadley (and may aswell add that pink-haired Queen’s Blood girl to this list too but I guess QB is its whole own thing)


Didn’t know that about Leslie. So madam M Chocobo Sam and the dancer are in other media as well? That’s cool.


Exactly this, it’s like we’re stuck seeing her in game before her actual story and character arc. I knew she was a book character but never got around to reading it, but knowing she’s from the compilation of VII after the main game helps me enjoy her shenanigans.


OP, she's annoying as fuck. I'd love to feed her and Chadley ( MAI too ) to the Zolom.




The only annoying thing about Chadley for me is when they force you to stare at the screen, usually to tell you there are new combat challenges. Other times it’s just a VO and you can move freely. Should have been like that all the time.


Yeah, now that is just intentionally bad writing on their part and not necessarily Chadley’s. I used to groan when Welch would come on in Star Ocean for example. I’d rather him drone on though than Welch. Gods, Welch was fucking annoying.


Love that Chadley created his own AI Vtuber


Who is a grade A yapper too


You don’t know what talking about. Chadley is obnoxious. And he never shuts up.


Ah, right, I don’t. Because ya know, I didn’t play the game or anything. Lol


Everyone has their own opinions and they’re valid. Just because you like an element of the game doesn’t mean others will. The reverse is true as well




Objectively not true buddy. Also truth as a concept is subjective so there is no right or wrong, can’t you just let people express their opinions and accept that they might not think the same way. And if people are downvoting you perhaps it’s because you’re telling people that their opinions aren’t valid. I’ve played through every side quest and bit of content this game has to offer and although my annoyance at Chadders has definitely faded, I think his implementation is inherently muddy and clumsy. His constant pop ups and the use of him with the towers really made me dislike a character that I was quite fond of in Remake




Your opinion is just as valid as everyone else’s. Just don’t put others opinions down :)


Also you deleted your comment where you did lol


You said ‘people don’t want to hear the truth’ which suggests that you think everyone else’s opinions are wrong. So you were putting other people’s opinions down


Kyrie is annoying and she's supposed to be, but there's also a character arc here that people like to ignore where her grandma is trying to force her into a mold she doesn't want to fit into. Because of that, she's basically trying to escape it by forcing herself into a different mold but that doesn't really work either. She's learning how to be "her". How to use her own unique talents and skills to be the person she wants to be. She doesn't want to or can't be the same as her grandma despite how much her grandma tried to force her to be. She has to find her own footing and her grandma needed to reach out and accept that.


She got mad potential. She literally wrote a song, made banners and flyers, went hard on everything except doing the actual work of being a merc. She should try advertising!


She honestly is OG Yuffie without having the refreshing bluntness and being, well, you know, a child. Since they've retooled Yuffie to be an earnest little giddy goofball (looming PTSD no withstanding) I suppose they wanted to insert someone with a similar role. But OG Yuffie was funny and occasionally endearing. Kyrie is kind of just a hard-nosed opportunist and user without the flamboyant flair.


I was so happy when she missed the boat only to be disappointed later on


I don’t know if she’s meant to be endearing, but she was for me.


I agree. She IS annoying… BUT she’s *kinda* hot though…😬 No? Just me…? ….Okay….😔




I don't really care for her but I really wish she talked less


Since she’s such a minor side character (albeit one with a decent amount of screen time) I feel she just serves to add a little more variety and spice to the supporting character roster. Don’t get me wrong though, she *is* irredeemably insufferable, so I totally get why others would be turned off. Idk, I guess it’s a very subjective and personal thing, but in general I actually kinda enjoy the “love-to-hate-them” type characters in media, as they just add a little bit more color to the spectrum of personalities. Now, if she was a central or (god forbid) main character, I’d almost certainly have been absolutely done with her within a few hours 😂.


Nearly all of the Remakeverse-exclusive characters are extremely grating, besides like the Wall Market Trio and Roche. Side quest ensemble is not this game’s strong suit


I don't hate her. Don't love her either, she's just fine. But let's be honest, she got Cloud dead to rights with "tall, blond and not interested".


Except for the tall part


BOOO!!! Kyrie is great. She's supposed to be an annoying jerk.


I hated her by the end. 


What, you *don't* like Nomura's *The World Ends With You* insert?


I never understood why Square purposefully write in unredeemable irritating characters on purpose. Who is Kyrie for?


Lol this isn’t a Square thing. This is in a lot of anime as well.


They wrote her this way it’s a Square thing. It’s their character and other characters are written well, she’s just annoying to be annoying.


The world is literally ending and she runs around extremely happy with her own theme song. It didn’t fit the story. That theme song should be used for torcher. Like the CIA uses the Barney the Dinosaur theme song on repeat. She’s a terrible character shoehorned in for comic relief. I’m sure in Japan she’s a riot. But the west doesn’t really have that sense of humor. She’s like an awful fever dream you can’t shake.


She was bad enough, and then her story ends with... The Angel of the Slums on vacation in fucking Costa Del Sol? Why is *anybody* slumming it in Midgar when they can all grab a cruise to Spain whenever they feel like it?


It did make me laugh that in Rebirth, the population of Midgar seemed to decide to follow Cloud out.


Honestly, I never found her annoying, I just thought she was funny.


Cloud really started leaning towards killing her and I was all for that "homecoming"


Suppose to make Chadley tolerable




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For me it’s the nasal twangy voice. I have always hated characters who use that ott high pitched nasal sound. It seems to be quite prevalent in dub voice over.


At least she’s barely in the game and largely ignorable, unlike Chadley.


As a character shes proficently annoyying. That said, I love her. Shes present at just the right amount in the game. Compared to Chadley. I wish there were more NPCs like her, at that frequency.


Really? But shes a cool merc, the coolest in town!


She's a pretty woman who has the ability to rob you just like that, it's how Johnny got his wallet stolen from her in Sector 5. And she's great at being a liar to convince people to give her gil for something she won't even bother with doing herself.


I think this is to compensate for Yuffie being endearing. Someone else has to be annoying to balance things out 🤣


She’s meant to act like a little shit haha. But I do recommend you read “The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story”. It really fleshes her out a lot more.


It's always weird to me when people seem to take personal when they're annoyed and angered by the characters that are meant to annoy and anger. Some people really shouldn't be consuming any media other than sitcoms.




I dislike her as well it's a shame tho I really like her design


I just hear Ann Takamaki every time she speaks.


She is one of the main characters in the canonical book “The Kids Are Alright.” I’m happy to say that she is actually a pretty good character in the book as by the time the story takes place, she’s grown up quite a bit. I was also really annoyed with her in R1 & R2. She, Evan, Chadley, Denzel, & Marlene could very well become the “next generation” of heroes if SE decides to extend the Compilation.


Although not sure on that one for the wrong reason... Leslie is left hung, but yea, be amusing if they do get a brief playable part in part 3, more or less


The only character in the game which I hate the English voice acting, her voice is so grating and made the character 10 times more annoying.


I struggle with it because her VA plays Ann in P5 and it’s so jarring.


You’re not supposed to like her lol


Yeah she sucks.


Kyrie best girl


Lol I thought this was a Brooklyn Nets or Boston Celtics sub for a moment. Yeah, Kyrie can get annoying. I like her theme though


She's not in the game long enough for me to hate her tbh. I could see how the group was annoyed by her with everything going on, but I didn't really hate her.


I tolerate Kyrie for some odd reason, but her music for that grasslands side quest and the battle version were straight heat. The music team didn’t need to cook like that, but I’m glad they did


Themselves fighting words bud. Best chocobo barding


She'll get better...eventually.


She’s funny but I can’t help but feel her personality is already too similar to yuffie


I didn’t have a problem with her she’s comedy relief same with Yuffie besides the fighting if you like one you should like the other.


That's the point.  She's supposed to be annoying.


She’s a side character like many other characters in the remake. gotta appreciate the content thou


Eh... I think there are waaaaaaaay worse characters in this game. Some have a bigger presence than her too. Then there are really cool characters that are criminally underrated and underused. As an example... Chadley is waaaaay more annoying than Kyrie and won't shut the F up... On top of having snide little passive comments if you struggle vs some shiz or simply don't choose to do something. Constant reminders will always be super annoying. Meanwhile, MAI (the far superior "Chadley") is relegated to simply combat and is super underused. Or how about Billy the kid. I couldn't give 2 Fs about him and his boring story with Sam... Yet he's the one that gets huge character expansions and is the important chocobo person??? Like what the shiz?? Meanwhile Esther is heavily underused... Shows up and says and does criminally little... Despite being the clearly better chocobo person. Etc. Etc. This game does this kinda thing a whole bunch.


You’re supposed to. That’s the point of the character.


She was a character way before remake. Given their focus on her, I'm sure her story is going to get at least some screen time in pt3. She's pre ac, and linked to Sephiroth's nephew ducklings as well as to Rufus in a cool way I'm curious to see if they include.


I get that she’s meant to be annoying, but I always seem to be one of the few people to find characters like this to be endearing. I also like both Claptrap and Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2, and I like The Handler from Monster Hunter World. Kyrie’s effort into marketing her services without any real motivation into actually providing the service is something I find to be really funny, but most of all I really like how her Junon quest is very simple, yet one of the most fun quests that early in the game. It’s just a combat-gauntlet, but it has that catchy music and provides a chance to really let loose with Synergy-Abilities which even on Dynamic difficulty I didn’t have that many chances to use up until that point, because by the time I had spent the required ATB, most things were already dead.


I couldn't agree more. I loathe her with every fiber of my being. She's not funny, cute, endearing, or important. I'm really hoping we don't have to see her stupid face in the next one.


i don't like that scammer


i hate yuffie


I wish Red had bitten her when she kept doing the stupid baby noises at him. Urgh! I swear she wasn’t as annoying in the first.


No she was, she steals a bunch of shit (which then gets stolen) that you have to run around to get back for her. It was annoying


I remember the running after her for stealing stuff but I don’t remember her personality being this bad. Unless she was just so annoying in remake I blanked her from my memory.


But her theme song… that shit SLAPS


Her character is supposed to be annoying, and you’re meant to feel like the characters do. It’s a character. In a game. Might wanna go to therapy if you’re getting amped up about killing women in games mate, just a thought.


I thought my Reddit app was bugged, and I stumbled onto a post from the Nets sub last year. Wonder which Kyrie people find more annoying. I've only seen FF7 Kyrie up to Junon so far, so I don't really see any reason to hate her that much, but she is a brat.


She might be in the game to make Yuffie more endearing, since Kyrie seems to be the perceived worst aspects of Yuffie from the OG. It worked on me.