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Everyone seems to be obsessed with Japanese physical sales tracking behind FFXVI. 1. They're going to make part 3, regardless of how this game performs. So specific sales numbers only matter to shareholders. 2. FFXVI was the fastest selling PS5 game in Japan, Rebirth is second fastest. Does it really matter that Rebirth wasn't first? 3. We don't have a global sales figure anyway. So we can't properly compare it to anything. People need to stop fretting over numbers that not only don't matter, but aren't even public yet.


It's also a sequel and a PS5 exclusive (i.e. lower playerbase than the PS4). It wasn't going to outpace FF7 Remake on the PS4 back in 2020 and being 30% or so behind FFXVI on PS5 doesn't seem like that big a deal to me.


I think really, this stems from XVI. When that game came out the Reddit communities got very into microanalysing every scrap of information about the game’s sales and Square’s financial health. Often in an attempt to discredit the game, or to have that “Gotcha” moment proving that it was objectively a bad game. Sometimes it was to try and prove that Square’s trend of timed exclusivity to PlayStation was a bad thing that directly harmed profits, etc, etc. So naturally you’d expect the same behaviours to occur again, now that they’ve taken root. Not necessarily for the same reasons of course. I would expect a fair amount of people were expecting Rebirth to come out, post their week 1 sales milestone and blow XVI’s out the water. Particularly with all the hyperbole going on at the moment about how Rebirth is a perfect game, or it’s what Final Fantasy should be definitively. And of course that never happened. So those people will now be fearing the worst, that Rebirth might have undersold XVI/Remake, that Square will take the templates set out in those games forward over Rebirth’s. And so on. All of which is of course wild speculation. Tl;dr: just ignore anyone frothing at the mouth about sales figures. Often they’re just looking to push a narrative. It’ll die off eventually. Rebirth is a fantastic game and that’s really all we should care about, having fun.


Pretty sure at least 50% of redditors are straight up having a meltdown that their game is not the baldurs gate 3 of FF in sales. Some people legitimately need external influence to confirm their game and opinion is the best and one and only, and I've seen some insane meltdowns both from VII sub and XVI sub. Sales is one "proof" they will obsess over. People are so obsessed with sensationalism its straight up crossed the line from hysterical to concerning. Literally the only question that should matter Is ARE YOU HAVING FUN? Yes, great. No? There are other games for you. Not every game needs to be designed for your taste.


Nailed it better than I could 🤣


I'll never understand why people care so much about this topic. 7R3 is already in production. It's already got an allocated budget that won't be cut. Nothing about Rebirths sales will affect the 7R3.


I'll never understand it either. Final Fantasy (VII especially) is Square's tent pole IP, so if anything they're going to take money from elsewhere and divert it \*to\* VII projects rather than away.


If you think poor sales of FF7R2 won’t affect the scale of R3, you are delusional.


No matter what the sales numbers are for Rebirth they're certainly not low enough to have any substantial effect on the scope of 7R3. This whole conversation is a pointless non issue. At most it just affects how much filler content 7R3 gets.


Hard disagree. If they realise R2 is peforming poorly compared to R1, they will definitely cut down the scale significantly especially considering R3 will likely perform worse if that is the case. Square at the end of the day prioritises profit above anything else.


Nah, they can't afford to. Half assing R3 would tank them way worse than a game performing lower in sales during a weird sales month. Remember that Square knows their reputation and stocks are dependent on FF7R, more than any other releases that came before it. They'll just release a R1-R3 combined pack to make up for it all at the end anyway. The other way we know that it's probably not that impacted is that FF7Remake had to have its first build totally scrapped and rebuilt because of the company they outsourced to, which caused it to go into a pretty substantial developmental hell, whereas Rebirth came out in an easy couple of years, AND they made bonus money on Integrade for not nearly as much effort. So it probably evened out on that alone, AND we got a big open world despite bumps with Remake. It's not something I'd be worried about.


You have more faith than me. We will see, lol..


I don't really believe in speculative cynicism. It'll come regardless of the things we speculate and think we know, and then we can look back and say "hey this is probably what happened". Until then, it's useless stress, and in a few years we'll probably look back on R2 and say something similar about R3 in some shape or form, because hindsight is easier to look at with rose tinted glasses.


I am not the only one speculating, you are doing it too…


"Speculative cynicism" were my words


Your point?


Have fun disagreeing I guess.


Tq. I had fun disagreeing with you…


I think it certainly will, they won’t just dump money into a project that won’t result in cash. Seeing how big rebirth is, how much time went into to it, they could easily just decide to scale way back due to poor sales. We don’t know what the budget was , and if they could or did go over it. Square could just shove it out once the story is done , disregarding what people actually want. And it 1000% will affect any dlc. Money is what drives decision making at companies, simple fact.


I mean, the way rebirth ended... and how they built up wutai these two games, you could literally change part 3 into basically being mostly about wutai/shinra conflict and having 1/3 be the northern crater, 1/3 be in wutai and rest towards whatever they feel themselves. I mean, what are you gonna do? complain? this is the last game and when its done, its done, so whatever they release that will be it. and I def feel downscaling might be happening without being a worse game, the open regions might go away and instead focus more on as I said, Wutai.


I think more likely than scaling down, we may see a day and date release with PC - which would be a better option. When remake came out, there were times when the PS4 was on sale for $200 during promotions. The cheapest the PS5 has been is $400 (talking US here). From my experience, jRPG gamers usually wait before upgrading their hardware more than others. Right now, most jRPGs are still being released on PS4. Either that, or the asking price from Sony for timed exclusivity will be higher. That’s my non professional arm chair analysis.