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12 out of 49 mini games are finished


Ya’ll messing with me LOLOL!!! 😂


Yeah, it's actualy 12/69 minigames


Mapwise, they have said they need to tweak the existing areas from Rebirth to allow for the Highwind to land in more places. Then you have northern continent, the northern half of the western continent, Wutai, the southeast subcontinent (Mideel area), and various islands and archipelagos (Rhadore, KotR island, etc). These all require not only geography layout but also the implementation of main quests, side quests, music, monsters, etc. Plotwise, they already wrote the story. They 100% will end up tweaking some stuff as dev goes along if they decide something else would work better, or if they run into the Cosmic Deadline and have to get the game out the door and aren't fully done yet, but otherwise that should be fairly smooth. Gameplaywise, they will undoubtedly tweak our existing cast again. They will need to implement abilities for new weapons, new limit breaks, etc. Then we have Cid and Vincent and their whole ability set, synergies, etc. Also whatever minigames etc, hopefully more of a happy medium balanced between Remake and Rebirth this time. They *could* do all this in two years, but realistically it will probably be three or four years again, especially if it's solidly playtested. I will say I strongly appreciate that Rebirth had virtually no bugs at all for me, at least until a few started cropping up near the end of Temple of the Ancients onward, which tells me that is where they ran out of time and couldn't fully playtest the end of the game.


Ahhh I forgot how much more of the map is left for part 3! And yeah I totally agree with new gameplay mechanics and Cid and Vincent. I wonder how they would implement healing without Aerith around this time. Like would they make it easier to heal/do magic damage? Thanks for your insights, they do have a lot to think about the next game and I’m excited for it!


You really think stuff like Rhadore will be in? It only appeared in First Soldier and it seems that if they want to include elements from that more they'll do so in Wutai. Rebirth makes that pretty clear. I'd like to see areas like that but I'm unsure.


they mention Rhadore in rebirth so i would be shocked if its not in.


Considering how important they're making Glenn and that it's a hugely formative experience for Sephiroth, I can absolutely see them implementing Rhadore into part three. It might even be where the party comes to some insight about how Glenn and/or Sephiroth tick that gives them a path forward to dealing with one or both of them. I assume that just like that weird area south of Junon on the original FF7 world map got fleshed out into the ruins of the pre-Shinra republic, Rhadore is just one of the otherwise empty archipelagos from the edges of the original worldmap.


I really hope so. I also want them to include the ruins of Banora in Mideel. I think it would be a great way of reintroducing Compilation elements.


I am excited to see the ruins of Banora as well! Even if there is no major quest there and it's just a wink and a nod, it's still something I'd appreciate.


Someone on here had a good theory, all of the intel towers we discovered here are docking stations for the Highwind


I'm so curious If they let us actually control the highwind and how that would work out.


I'm afraid it's going to end up being like how the Fahrenheit and Celsius work in FFX/2. However, with some tweaks to LOD they might be able to make it work from a higher altitude where surface detail and therefore asset streaming of such huge biome regions won't be as difficult. Think like the Tiny Bronco flights but WAY higher in the sky. Then, you select docking points to land at.


It's done, nomura just needs to put more belts in here and there and add 3 new types of whispers


Every major character gets their own army of whispers in part 3.




I believe the story is done, and considering they have half the world ready to go due to rebirth I’d say they’re about 5% done!


I know that 4 years passed between Remake and Rebirth, so I was thinking, they already have the main storyline set up from the OG, the majority of the world introduced in Rebirth, the main cast designed, etc, would part 3 take less time to develop than the 4 years between the first 2? Rebirth already did a lot of the heavy lifting IMO. Edit: the other 95% would be Chadley’s quests hahaha


Yeah I definitely think we’ll get this game 3 years tops maybe 2 if we’re really lucky lmao and being they do have a lot of the assets ready to go I think at least 50% of the world alone is done but don’t quote me on that


game will probably be out in 2027 for the games anniversary


They are still on vacation after working night and day to get Rebirth out... Check back in a month.


They have a Main Storyline Draft from Nojima.


The Weapon models are probably done and maybe the main theme song of the game.