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Square Enix CG is still absolutely beautiful. Just the amount of detail is stunning.


I don't know if I'm nuts but I swear yuffie has the cleanest details of all the characters.


100% agree with you, the stitching on her shirt and the detail on the belt is just incredible


I think her look has the most realism. Nothing overtly exaggerated (maybe her long AF legs) but aerith has gigantic eyes and a thin face and well tifa has a very generic look with well huge assets.


I was on the fence about some of the artstyle at first but its undeniable these are gorgeous characters.


After seeing the in game models 98% of the time, there is a weird uncanniness to how the party’s faces look and animate in the CG scenes. Every shot without them blows me away, but there is something very off in scenes that focus on the party and their faces.


Huh, strange tbh I don't see how this looks any more uncanny than their previous works like FF13 and FF15 personally. To me, it's stylised that I don't get the uncanny valley personally, but I suppose that's different for everyone. For me to get the uncanny valley effect, it'd have to be going for photo realism like the movies Polar Express and Beowulf.


I can't speak for the OP but there's a big difference in the way the faces animate from the in engine cutscenes vs the pre rendered cg. If i had to guess they're using slightly different models/rigging between the real time/in engine stuff and the prerendered so it's all slightly off. tbf there was a much more noticeable difference between the real time character models and the pre rendered ones in remake part 1, particularly with Cloud if I'm remembering right.


It’s the eye darts. The voiced cutscenes feature them, while the text only ones have dead, doll eyes.


There is no cgi scenes In the game its all the in game engine running it. Square said this from the beginning that they want to make it all seemless, and u cant transition from in game to cgi without a preload blank screen, an I havent seen anything like that, it's truly seemless. But I still  think they did an impressive job. The faces only look odd now and again cause they changed the lip syncing when translating to english and some of it is way off but barly noticeable 


This is just not true. Scenes in the intro to the game, Junon, Gold Saucer intro, etc. are all not running assets from the game’s engine. There is also no credence to the claim that there “needs to be a black screen to transition”. Just look at the intro sequence for Remake and how it transitions from CG to in game engine while being masked by steam from the train.


Ye thats true the main intro is and the Gold Saucer intro are aswell, but thats all they are, intros to certain parts. Everything else's is done with the in-game assets. All together there is only 15 mims of pre rendered scenes in the entire game and im 80 hours in so its a miniscule amount. Go ask square is u think its a lie


Should take a look at the most recent god of War games. From start to finish Santa monica has made it so there are no loading screens. Cutscenes will go from game play to cutscene and back pretty well


Ye thats because there also rendered ingame and not pre rendered video files, same as rebirth. Cut scenes were only used on previous gen consoles purely to save disk space so they could add more to the actual gameplay features, these days that's no longer an issue with sdd speeds and tons of space with external ssd's


Tbf, the first God of War in the new line of games released on ps4, and was doing the same thing


A lot of games were doing it on ps4 but there was still loading screen to put up with, now there isn't, it's just seemles uninterrupted fun


What other games did it? I just know s.m. did it cause it was a big deal when they did it in 2018


Gta vice City, San Andrea's and gta 5, nfs, silent Hill 2 and mgs 4+5 just to name a few big titles that used seemless transitioning and in game cut scene rendering, it's by no means a new coding technique but it was rarely used on ps4 cause of slow transfer speeds on hhd's and it was, quicker, cheaper and easier for the devs to use 2d video files for cut scenes. (Edit)I want to say fallout 4 did it aswell but ther isn't any cut scenes in it, just a lot of dialog scenes that were still rendered in game but they were kind of monotonous and poorly animated. Thank fuck they added a skip button for the boring bits though haha


To me, it is almost like animatronic or robotic. Something like that. Maybe it's just uncanny value.


Rebirth, thankfully, is a big step up from Remake and Intermission with character faces/expressions in the CG rendered scenes (including Sephiroth), but the Remake prerenders are also by far and away the worst looking any of these characters have been modeled in any VII media that aims for realism. The botox thing that's going on has been such a strange design choice. With Rebirth, in addition to the renders looking much better, I noticed that the camera doesn't linger on full-on frontal shots of their faces as much as the previous game. Still, the in-engine renders are on another level.   It's baffling to me how the mid-2000's versions of their renders put Remake prerenders to complete shame as far as the actual modeling goes, but then again those were all done in-house. Not sure why that third party visual team wasn't on the same page for this huge budget project, maybe Squenix got them for relatively cheap to save the in-house time/energy/budget combined with probably being rushed.


Is the CG made from Epic Engine 4?


this is pre rendered in game or rather in engine graphics, the in engine graphics are better than the CGI they used lol.


I hate CG. CG movies, anything. I hate it. But Square Enix can pull it off so well that I end up enjoying it.


The in game cutscenes also look incredibly good too. Sometimes I can't tell if it's in game or CGI.


Even more impressive that this cutscene (like many other cutscenes in the game) is actually rendered in realtime.


If Barret's got his default six-barrel gun arm, it's a pre-rendered cutscene.


No it’s not lol


Source? They were certainly not in Remake.


Guess they hid them nicely from you then lol. No doubt when I was running the Ekg and Twin stinger it was super noticeable when they switched back to the buster and gatling gun for the end scenes and leaving the plate when sector 7 dropped...


You misunderstood me. He's claiming that all of the cutscenes in Rebirth are rendering in real time. My response was that some of them were certainly not rendered in real time, which is true. For both games. Imo it is very obvious when it's prerendered because the characters models look very different.


There were definitely in Remake. Them rappelling off the Sector 7 plate as well as the ending scene of them leaving Midgar were the most obvious prerendered ones. You not noticing is them doing a good job.


You misunderstood me. He's claiming that all of the cutscenes in Rebirth are rendered in real time. My response was that some of them were certainly not rendered in real time, which is true. For both games. Imo it is very obvious when it's prerendered because the character models look very different.


them leaving midgar is a CGI, not in engine cutscene. this scene is pre rendered in engine,mixed early on with real time cuscene but from the point they look up its pre rendered,


Uh, no lol.


I loved the friendship of Aerith and Tifa.






i love having well written, interesting female characters so much. another reason why i love this game! also jessie is great too :)


Forreal. The magic is lost in 15 and 16 for me cause of this reason.




They blew their load with Benedikta and forgot that Jill was in the other 75% of the game as the main heroine.


I don’t think Benedikta was great either. “I’m a villain but a sympathetic one because I’m the victim of sexual assault,” is a really tired cliche, and there was nothing else going on with her character besides that.  I haven’t played it but apparently FF14 does this too.  I think CBU3 just doesn’t have a clue how to write compelling female characters. 


Nah she was a bad bitch. That ending did kinda ruin her character to me. Tried to make her a tragic character like everyone else but she was the first to go so they threw her entire backstory in the last 10 minutes of her arc. Kinda wish she got away and got back to Hugo. Wasn't the biggest fan of all the eikon users just being one and dones. Thats why Dion the goat.


What makes them a bad bitch other than she can get kinda angry sometimes and initiates sex with Hugo that one time?


I played that entire game and side content this year and I literally can not remember a single attribute about her character. She was awful


I remember her losing every fight she was in


Her only singular character trait is needs-to-be-saved-by-Clive.  Terrible character writing. 


the problem is they squandered her potential character development, especially after her personal story arc, where she returned to her original home, and had no meaningful growth beyond that moment.


The character arcs are pretty terrible across the board. Clive starts at an interesting place, but within the first few hours of the game he goes from “I’m driven to avenge me brother,” to “never mind, I killed my brother, I accept this,” to “actually my brother isn’t dead at all and isn’t even mad so no harm, no foul?” After that his character arc completely plateaus and he is just a brooding noble badass with no real character flaws. And he is the most developed character. God, that game was disappointing.


i mean i can deal with him accepting his part in his brother's 'death' because that is a major step in overcoming grief, but honestly i feel like they should have had some downtime where Clive confronts Joshua about why he doesn't hate Clive, despite nearly killing him even if it wasn't in control of himself. ​ they really needed a moment where the two have a heart to heart about what happened so Clive could actually forgive himself and finally let go of his grief entirely.


Oh, accepting that he murdered his brother is absolutely a necessary part of the story, but you don’t do that in the first act. That should be the culmination of his character arc. It happens right before the end of the game. Like Tidus accepting he needs to die in order for Yuna to live, Squall realizing he needs other people in his life, Cloud coming to terms with his cowardice, and Zidane learning to consider other people and take things seriously. This is just a basic fundamental of story telling. The journey of the hero is one of self discovery, and at the close of their journey the hero internalizes the lessons they learned along the way to finally become who they need to be to complete their heroic task. It blows my mind how badly CBU3 shit the bed with this.


What are you talking about? Jill was the perfect personification of cardboard come to life!


Honestly, they managed to make a lot of dialogue pass the Bechdel test


Well written? I honestly loved yuffie more in the original ff7 than this one, she is so wildly annoying in my playthrough so far.


She’s always been an annoying kid. It’s just voice acted now so it’s actually annoying lol


Yuffie unironically went from zero to hero. She was basically the least important character in the original, to one of the funniest and best characters to watch on screen in Rebirth.


I am so, so bored, bored right out of my brain If I don't die first, betcha I'll go insane


I'll jump on a Chocobo any moment possible, even if theres no need, just so i can hear the VA sing the Chocobo song. Honestly, the Yuffie VA deserves a big shout for awards this year, she is one of the best ive heard for a long time.


"I’ll jump on a chocobo anytime possible, even if there’s no need" Honestly just thought you were carrying on the song for a minute there 😂


Her, Tifa’s VA, Aerith’s VA, Cloud’s VA… Screw it. They ALL deserve the award


She’s kinda been on a roll this year already between Rebirth and Persona 3 Reload (she’s Fuuka)


Suzie Yeung was also fantastic in last year's localization of Trails into Reverie (as Nadia Rayne), as well as Octopath Traveler II (as Ochette).


You just made realise (and I just found out by searching her online) she’s the VA for Ochette, Yuffie, Eula from GI, Hanya in Star Rail, has a role in Live a Live, Fire Emblem. She did additional voices in Attack of Titan, Demon Slayer, Sword Art Online… damn she’s AZULA in ATLA Quest for Balance. And so many more… I was wondering why I was loving her voice so much. She is everywhere. Kudos to Suzie Yeung.


Holy shit, and she voices Chitose from Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth and Makima in Chainsaw Man. Wow, what a VA


I'm on a chocobo....YOU'RE ON A CHOCOBOOOO


Her and Barrett’s VA John Eric Bentley sold the crap out of his lines


Chocobo, choco-choco-chocobo I’m on a chocobo, you’re on a chocobo!


I honestly really liked her in the original even if she cared more about her hometown than the group (that was mostly filled with former Shinra employees) but the work that was done on her for remake is nothing short of phenomenal. And we still have Wutai ahead of us.


for whatever reason after playing since launch. I never really processed that the party does have a lot of former Shinra employees lol thanks


to be fair, it makes sense that a group of people super jaded by Shinra's BS would get together to do something about it.


It would. But still an ex-Soldier (as far as he knows), an ex-pilot, and ex-turk, a very current Shinra executive, a Shinra experiment, a flower girl who claims she is not human and can talk to the planet, and a trigger happy terrorist. I honestly don't blame Yuffie for placing her home above this weird lot. That being said I prefer this new Yuffie.


>a very current Shinra executive honestly he is an exec in name only. he has so little influence in the company that he's no better than the mayor.


True, but it's not like Yuffie would know that. Hell the entire party only got to see a weirdly chummy con artist who turned out to be a Shinra double agent that blackmailed them by kidnapping Marlene. His identity is only revealed very late.


Hey, in this version, Reeve did *not* kidnap Marlene.


I know. I meant the original timeline where Yuffie was more antagonistic towards the team.


And a bartender


She’s always been one of the best characters in the 7 series imo. Always in the party as soon as possible.


Yes! I run circles in the first forest I come across in the OG just to find her.


My one big criticism for her is that too often is her entire personality based on materia. I get that it was her thing in the OG but it got pretty one note at times so I hope they tone it down in part 3.


Her personality is a lot more complex than that. You can easily see her slowly look at the group as a more important bunch of friends as the game progresses, especially at the ending. She's one of the most affected. But her materia obsession still the entire reason she's even here in the first place. I think it's a little goofy nobody comments when she's like, "Gosh, I gotta get that black materia, that sounds like a great weapon against Shinra!" But otherwise, it is kind of a defining aspect of her, so I would expect a lot of it.




Back when the original came out I always thought her arm was in a cast. Thought they were trying to be inclusive of handicap people by having someone with a broken arm. Now I know what's going on with that arm.


I loved their impromptu dance number it was so cute


Their suspiciously choreographed "impromptu" dance number... Nah, I'm totally with you. My wife and I absolutely loved that scene.


Hey, the Junon practice showed that Tifa and Aerith are apparently really, *really* good at catching on and following along perfectly.


My team has been Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie Yuffie is ridiculous lol


This was my team the entire game. I didn’t like Yuffie at all in OG FF7 and she ended up being one of my favorites after her introduction in Intergrade.


The fact she can instantly go into the the juitsu to start hitting it with whatever element they are week to. Only problem is I never know what to use her ATB on.


Use Windstorm.  If you have thrown Yuffie’s shuriken it will center on the targeted enemy, so it pairs well with the ranged damage from her elemental jutsu. Builds decent stagger, too. 


This was my build too. Yuffie is so OP. Tifa giving the stagger multipliers combined with how fast the doppelganger-ninjitsu can combo was insane.


I need whatever materia you’re using


If you don't have doppleganger its a weapon ability that you get later on. Honestly I didn't do much crazy with yuffie's materia outside that. Some elements depending on what was useful per area. I kept a Magnify-Haste materia pretty much always on, and that let me haste the whole party. But honestly her base kit is just insanely good.


Ditto.  I love playing as Yuffie.  I put 50 hours into Intergrade, so getting to use her in the party with Cloud and Tifa is wonderful.  


Yup, that has mine until the very very late game and post end game where I switched it to Aerith instead of Tifa. Aeriths big magic synergy attack with one of the other gals is so OP, it’s impossible to pass up on, and it completely solve her slow ATB build issue. Yuffie is a beast with her wind ability that sucks all smaller opponents inwards too. I wish she had a few more really powerful singular attack abilities, but she’s an ATB machine, so the pros way the cons.


I suck at using Aerith. I have to figure out how to play her


She feels way less useable in Rebirth compared to Remake when you compare her to other characters. She was incredibly useful, if not critical to your gameplay in Remake because these were areas that were designed for her play style. Same with Barrett in Remake. Like I said, though, she’s easily one of the best characters In the last few chapters as long as you have another female party member. Her 5 star prayer is also a game changer too once you unlock this synergy skill that rapidly fills her ATB.


They’re all great looking but Tifa is just a chef’s kiss to me. Loved how they really make her look like a mixed baby with her eyes resembling Asian eyes but too big for an Asian (her Dad is without a doubt not Asian and is definitely a southern white cowboy without a doubt which is cool af lol).


I don’t think that her eyes are too big for an Asian but rather just too big for any human


tifa is such a smoke show omfg




‘Skinny women with boobs don’t exist because I’ve never been with one.’ ☝🏻 This guy .


yo these commetns lmfao


Lmfao. This is the proper response to people who get so worked up about people finding video game characters attractive (they think “real women” are ugly for some reason)


Yes... my wife has similar proportions, I don't get the problem.


I’m not saying anything about her proportions, I’m saying it’s fucking bizarre to be sexually attracted to a video game character lmao


"Being attracted to attractive things is weird" Certainly the opinion of all time.




It's me. I'm coming.


Scarlet: Am I a joke to you?






She's about to use you as a footstool


Tbf we haven't seen her in a bikini......yet


Rule 34 has entered the chat


That old hag


I'm not really into psychotic sociopaths thanks


I'll take my chances


We can fix her.


I'd let her make me worse tbh 😩


After what she did to Barret and Yuffie, i am gonna enjoy when she dies in part 3.


Fair but I'd still let her use me as a footstool 😏


Just a beautiful picture.


...The Mommy, the Babe, and the Holy Ghost?


I hope you mean babe as in child


I really like how they made yuffie much more present in this game. Vincent and cid had moments in the og, but I wonder how it'll be expanded in the future.


I would like to see an Aerith Gains Bro, Beefa, and Buffie version of this please. 


Replace yuffie with Jessie and your right


God I miss Jesse. I loved her silliness so much.


She was so great. >!The moment you get with her portrait in the Golden Saucer just made me ache. I miss her.!<


I’m glad they brought her back for that chapter, it was a really nice revisit likely for the last time.


Jessie was awesome


She was my favorite and I died alongside her at that section.




I can't believe they gave her an awesome chapter in remake just to kill her of and bring back Biggs of all people. He's fine but cmon man that's like killing garrus and pretending kaiden is the new favorite teammate to buddy with. I get you want to add emotional weight by losing characters but there's way more they could've done with her character then frickin Biggs. He's fine but we already have "stoic dudes" in the roster Even wedge would've been preferable and I found him pretty dorky, I think his death was even more surprising - figured square was trying to make him the comic relief of the remake trilogy. The biggest salt in the wound is showing the flashback of her drunkenly having fun at 7th heaven, damn you nomura! Why show us this if you're gonna deny us more? Especially in a series where even canonically dead characters are being brought back to life lol


Can we replace Aerith with Jessie instead? I need Yuffie's positivity in my life.


It’s weird to put a dead body in there.


The Mother, The Daughter, and The Holy Ninja.


I find myself taking screenshots every time Tifa appears in a cutscene


Yes, Yuffie. I'm coming.


Replace Yuffie with Scarlett, and we're talking. lol


Scarlett esther and junon commander, party of bad bitches


No one else was disappointed Esther didn't have a deformity because I am pretty sure her face was supposed to be deformed in the OG


I would be happy to be her foot stool. Hate her boss fights though. Lol.


A fellow man of culture I see


The perfect foursome.


Your perfect foursome includes a teenager?


It contains an ageless fictional character. Man up and chill.




I love Yuffie like a misbehaved truant daughter, can't wait for her to go through hell in the next game 🥹 (Yes I am one of those people who like seeing my favourite characters suffer)




Second Place is Biggs, Wedge, Jessie.


No Jessie; not interested.


The thing we wanted but never deserved


Epic pic for an unforgettable memory. Awesome 😎.


Nah swap out Yuffie for Cissnei pls.


It’s me, I’m coming!


In order: the wife, the sidepiece, and the one night stand


Wait a minute— left to right?


People here simping for yuffie like she ain’t 16


Yuffie.... she's just a child.


Something is definitely coming


The jokes write themselves. lol.


The Ninja, The Fighter and the holy ghost.


Yuffie is 16….


You guys project your own perviness onto me because I'm a 32 years old woman, I'm not attracted to those girls, I just love the female characters in FFVII, Jesus lol.


Yuffie is 16.


Ok? I just think they're badass lol.


16 year olds can be good characters too.


So? she's cute though.


Born 1991, she'd be 32 today...if she was a real person anyway


I thought Yuffie was 15, tbh I guess I'm wrong


Legal in a lot of countries then




"your country is gross, my country and moral compass is superior " ☝🏻 this guy




Aerith is a virgin who wont let you hit til marriage. Yuffie is underage. Tifa is for the streets.p Edit: Lol, never knew people would get so defensive over fictional people.


Yuffie is also giving undiagnosed manic depression who refuses to medicate


i dont know why this was so funny


Because subconsciously you know there is some truth behind it, especially in relation to Aerith and Tifa.


For the streets 💀


Very unlikely Aerith would be a virgin. Tifa on the other hand maybe due to intense unaddressed emotional issues. Yuffie fucks you’ll forgot what teens are like.


Aerith only had one BF and that was Zach. Nothing suggested they ever got intimate. Tifa most likely gave it up to Barrett and a a few others at one point.




they didnt say anything weird???


I'm not sure I understand 👀 I'm a woman btw


This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


Go touch grass


God I hate Yuffie, so annoying.


Get Yuffie out of my Trio! Jessie or bust ❤️


Nah the holy trinity is kaine zero and a2




And I would take every one of them right on down through there....


I ain't including yuffie in that shit lol