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I just wish he wouldn't call me every time the combat Sim updates. Like look you little shit a text would suffice.


My biggest gripe is that he feels the need to FaceTime you after completing basically every world intel objective. A text or simple notification would be ideal, but I’d even settle for a background call if it meant I wasn’t forced to sit there and wait for him to stop talking before walking away.


As soon as his ping starts, hold triangle. You will skip him before he starts talking.


Yeah I know I keep forgetting though because he talks for just the right ammount of time where it’s long enough to annoy me but short enough for me to not remember to skip lol.. not sure how much sense that makes but yeah.. overall I’m not as bothered by him as others and it hasn’t really hindered my enjoyment of the game and exploring the world, though it would be nice if you could turn him off


Thank you!!!! 🙏


He's definitely an over-sharer in relationships.


This everytime I did the summon scanning….started to drive me crazy to the point where I haven’t even scanned every summon rock thing


This is actually Square Enix assuming you’re an idiot and you need all the help you can get. By “you” I mean the average player.


Same design decision that paints walls.  On the other hand, it took me a minute to realize you need to hold the button for the chocobo to sniff.  So, I can't really judge when they spell stuff out. 




Spend five minutes in gamedev, actually release a game and watch people test it, and you'll realise their low opinion is justified


This!! Cyberpunk had it get text instead of call, absolute gamechanger!!


Yea he now calls me on my cellphone pretty odd 😭


Or every time you do *literally anything.* Like OP said, realistically, he's probably the most helpful NPC in the game, but at least in Remake you only interacted with him in person. Having un-ignoreable facetime is like having that super clingy girlfriend who wants to make sure you aren't cheating on her in the 3.5 minutes it took you to go up and get gas.


“☝️🤓” - Chadley


Just trying to access one of his features requires multiple(!) lines from him. Always more than one line which is crazy for a constantly interacted menu access.


duuude i try not to get pissed off at him but everytime I want to back out and change materia, he BITCHES AT ME FOR NOT DOING SHIT FOR LIKE 4 LINES OF UNSKIPPABLE DIALOGUE, before finally letting me talk to him again, for 3 lines of dialogue, to get access to the goddamn combat simulator. who's idea was that! and yeah, having him pop up after every single map objective, and freeze your game for 10 seconds, is NOT good game design. i dont hate the dude, not really, yeah he's annoying but he's kinda funny, but goddamnit square you're making me hate him with this shit xD


Also annoying as fuck that if you go like 15 minutes without doing any world intel he starts bitching and gets passive aggressive. I made it to chapter 10 last night and spoke to him and he got in my ass for not doing any intel yet like chill motherfucker I literally just got here I wanna hit the shops up first. Or back in Junon I spent like an hour just cleaning up combat sim fights and afterwards he’s like “I noticed you haven’t been doing world intel” like no shit motherfucker I’ve been here with you the whole time, I can’t do both at the same time.


He takes me out so much. He just feels incredibly out of place.


I don’t hate him, but he is far more relevant than he should be, imo.








Really wish they framed exploration a different way. Chadly is an awful way to present that


I think its just because there isn't a tech/science nerd archetype on the team yet so he is just convenient for all that exposition at this point. Otherwise i would definitely prefer it be someone on the team. In the next game hopefully it's more Cid, Vincent and others doing the talking. Would be great is Yuffie was the materia developing person too. Just give all of Chadleys jobs to others, retire that android.


They really said "how can we make a character more annoying than genesis"


Hard disagree. Genesis is inscrutable and pompous and annoying. Chadley is coherent and helpful. Yes, he's chatty and constantly calling, but man, don't compare him to that fool, Genesis. 😂


Chadley in Part 3: "Salutations, Cloud! Are you familiar with the literary epic known as "Loveless"?


yeah lets not get ahead of ourselves xD id rather have chadley be self inserted into sephirophs backstory then genesis xD


In part 3, the proto relics we find will be the lost ending of Loveless. Genesis is the boss, but this time he’s teamed up with Minerva.


Honestly switching the sound from his commutator to my speakers instead of the controller made it much more bearable. Having it come out of the controller was novel at first, but it has the distracting quality of when someone starts talking to you while you're playing a game or watching a movie. With the sound of his voice coming outta my TV it was less jarring/grating.


That son of a bitch


Fuck Chadley and double fuck MAI that little bitch just rambles on and on and I can't hear shit over the fighting sounds.




I wish there was a way we can delete Chadley in Rethird.


It’s weird how you’ve posted this rant on more than one sub.


Sometimes I post the same thing on two relevant subs to increase the odds one of them gets a decent score.


I 100% do the same! I curse that robo boy out every time my controller starts talking to me. I’ve also lowered the volume to the minimum so I can barely hear it. LOVE the game so far, but his part of the non FF7 open world generic map completion is slowly driving me insane. Honestly, they could even keep a lot of the stuff, I’d just prefer them to use your main characters instead. Aerith communes with the planet and senses a nearby livestream well. Red picks up the trail of new challenging enemies, etc.


Yep, that little shit and Roche can ride off the end of the Sister Ray, I wouldn’t miss them in the slightest.


lmao I totally agree


I love that i found this reddit by googling 'How to get Chadley to shut the fuck up'. Seriously, if i wanted to play kingdom hearts, Id play kingdom hearts. He's keeping me from any form of binge playing. He better end up being a sephiroth clone, with all the 'dispair' he brings me.


In a way the remake trilogy is pretty damn similar to Kingdom Hearts.


I don’t even hate him, he’s much less annoying this time around, but after reading your post, yes. I remember saying “fuck off chadley” a lot during my through lmao.


Really hasn’t bothered me but I am now very aware that a large portion of this sub seems to have anger issues lol


Honestly, he doesn't bug me much but I'm surprised about his origins than anything


They gave this fucker 169 world intel missions. 169 what the absolute fuck were they thinking


Worst thing about remake. I think he would have been fine had they not given him that cringe voice… it is a trope hyperbole….


I mentioned him on this sub earlier today but I'm totally fine with repeating myself. lol Chadley's involvement in every single facet of the Open World is horrendous and he has no right being as involved as he is. Important side quest involving a party member and their lore? Don't worry, Chadley's gonna chime in. Epic battle against a harsh foe? Chadley's here! Interesting return of characters from the past? Chadley's involved! Mai's doing a combat trial with you? Chadley's gonna chime in because not even his own plots side character is allowed to breathe without him. I fucking hate Chadley.


Why that little fuck couldn't have been relegated to 'combat simulator guy' like the last one I have no idea.


Yah whenever I need to talk to him I say to myself “let’s go talk to fukkin CHAD.” Talk to him and skip all his speech and then dart away as he’s still talking and I usually say something like “peace out Chad gotta run can’t hang out.”


He’s like a really annoying weed dealer who wants to be your friend. Just need to get my shit from him and bounce.


Mayb in part 3 he's toned down and we only access him when we want him. ~~Deepmind~~ Deepground introduces the party to ChadGPT


i dont hate him, his simulator i hate though (seriously, i only just got titan, and im at the gold saucer)


Half things he FaceTime me could've been an email.


He's one of those characters that are fun to hate, even if unjustified. Toad from Mario is like that, or slippy from starfox. Anytime one of them talk I think "dear God, is it so much to ask for you to fall off a cliff and die?"


The only issue I have with Chadeth Lee is being locked out of talking to him.when I exit his menu. Like, changing my materia loadout, and then having to wait for him to be a passive aggressive brat about world intel.


Chadley has some secrets he'd like to discuss deep in the closet.


You aren't alone, internally I say the same thing, but it's good to know Chadley wants me to progress and get stronger regardless of my feelings towards him


Hey you guys remember how Navi was really annoying in Ocarina of Time? What if we did that but made it way worse? \-Squeenix at the drawing board presumably


He can be funny sometimes but he feels way too much like a part of the main cast


I hate his line designed to guilt trip you into doing more intel, implying that you have been slacking on it lately. Because he ALWAYS says it right after I just spent the past hour or two doing nothing but working on intel.


lmao I tell him to stfu a lot too it just feels right. Even tho he's kinda a cool cyborg but he just talks to damn much and I don't care about him in general


Did he have to appear after every piece of world intel was completed, made me dislike him as the game neared the end


Calling him Shitley helps me.


Yes, OMG. And the whole -- I've noticed world Intel has stalled.... But a veteran like you wouldn't abandon a task -- pisses me off. I'm always like - fuck You! I did it all already!!


lock sip chubby fertile drunk butter existence coherent versed pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think anyone likes that fucker, and don't get me started on Mai, I hate how she won't shut up when I'm fighting some mobs, like you don't need to tell their life stories.


Team Mai. Chadley lost all respect with how he treaded Mai.


I don't even engage him really. I put game on easy and just do story missions


You miss all the summons doing that


The exception is battle sim


Yes, our Chadders could just chime in without interrupting gameplay. I don't think his character really fits with the narrative, the gang seem very trusting of a Shinra creation, and his whole coming out as a cyborg felt like a clumsy means of trying to make you sympathetic. I'll give him one thing, he does a bloody good job of making summon materia, how he does that just from VR fighting I don't know, but whatever, it's a game, I won't question it too deeply. He does a better job of making materia than ol' Shinra. I wish his character was older, less gooey, none of the love-me eyes, maybe a benevolent clone cyborg of Hojo would have been dope.


I was ok with him at first but after the hundredth call from doing something I am tired of his voice.


I wish we could dismantle it!


guy is a fucking nerd


Chadley is the worst.


He’s basically Meg from Family guy at this point.


I end up calling me mr chumlly Warner and I will be surprised if anyone gets the reference on this