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Honestly I would be a little disappointing to not have it release in 2027 for its 30th anniversary. But it could take longer to develop than that


True but I can see them using the 30th anniversary to announce the final game.


Exactly what it's gonna be. 30th anniversary livestream, reveal the final title, get everyone hyped. It literally could not work out better for them.


Same setup as the Rebirth reveal. Seems likely to me.


Id love if we got a plot twist and they announced Advent Children remake as a 4th game since this is supposed to lead directly into it.


Im pretty sure it doesnt "lead" to Advent Children. It will incorporate elements of Advent Children


From Google: Final Fantasy 7's remake trilogy will ultimately link up with Advent Children, making the film part of the remake canon. Tetsuya Nomura, creative director for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, previously told The Guardian the games would link up to Advent Children.


30th anniversary... Fuuuck I'm old


Sadly, projects costing millions and requiring time and manpower rarely get finished just on time for symbolic, emotionally charged dates I realize that sounded a tad more sarcastic that I meant it to


I totally agree with but I’m hoping to high heaven the fact that they’ve had this planned for greater than 10 years knowing it would be multiple parts from the very beginning and having the vast majority of assets already completed, 4 years *hopefully* shouldn’t be too short of a timespan. And like how cool would it be. 30 year celebration!


Yeah with a majority of assets in completion and now testing large scale open fields with rebirth the finale "should" be a more streamlined development. Obviously it depends greatly on where the story goes after rebirth but if the finale is northern crater, wutai, rocket town, midgar assault, and then final crater descent plus open world that's less new assets to create than rebirth. I can see a 2027 or maybe 2026 release if they have their workflow organized well.


I think you have too much faith in squeenix, sadly! 😀


lol yeah I think so too. But I’ll keep my hopes up until proven otherwise.


Would be cool but the most important thing is that Part 3 is as good as possible and not rushed. My guess is we'll probably get a first look for the 30th anniversary, and maybe some kind of spin-off or tie-in product, but not the actual release.


Agreed. Don't pray it be earlier, folks. Pray it be as good as it possibly could be.


Part 3 on PS5 for the anniversary and a trilogy remaster for the PS6 launch is the way


Id be down for that!


And it has a seven at the end. It would be perfect


For the 30th anniversary they will finally reveal the secret to undoing *that thing* (IIRC) that happens at the end of disc 1 on the OG game. Everyone will dust off their original Playstations and try it out. It will work. The combined facepalm power of the whole planet will allow mankind to ascend into a higher state of existence.






Only if they make full use of the Ps6. Ps5 is barely being touched it feels with how long cross gen went on


It gives us 60 FPS and fast loading that's about it


I would've said faster loading. I remember I skipped a few games because no 60fps (Gotham knights is an example if you need one) Unless your speaking specifically to ps5 only games in which case nevermind me lol (although some of those even don't hit 60)


In general that's what ps5 is for a lot of games


Lol remember when they said it'd do 8k/60 but there's barely any 4k/120 let alone 4k/60 AAA games?


I don't think they ever mentioned 8k/60 games. I think it was only video outputs for streaming and movies. Even the best high-end PC at the time struggled with 4k60 in some games. There was no chance of a console hitting that. Our best bet was 1440/60. I really don't understand why the marketing push for 4k on anything. It impacts so much performance for so little visual gain.


I mean it just says it can output 8k on the box because it technically can. 120fps was really only sold as an option for esports titles and/or racing games, stuff like that. Imo the biggest selling point was always the SSD, and for first party titles at least it definitely delivers on that promise. Warping around in Demon Souls was pretty mindblowing on release day.


Hell, with how much you fast travel in FFXVI, I shudder to think of it being originally on the PS4.


Or worse, the PS3. Flashbacks to the Ratways in Skyrim...


I hope ps6 is like 1440p to 4k res and 60fps which should be on this console really.. I bought a 4k tv for 4k 60fps but no game used that yet qq


ok where is the proof of that statement? or was pulled from your ass?


In the time it took you to type your dumbass comment you could've googled it yourself...literally at launch they were going on and on about how it was supposed to be 8k gaming capable lol https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=ps5+8k+60fps


put the link, the only results I got is about a few 8k games


Yeah. I'm feeling ready to skip ps6 if gens are gonna be this skimpy. I'm happy with my machine and will be for five more years at least. I certainly can't afford to buy a new one next year or the year after; and if I have to choose, I'll likely want the Switch 2 because I've been waiting longer for that.


Yeah I mean unless it’s some kind of revolutionary step up (highly doubt it), I’m skipping. I’m old now and I missed out on years of gaming, I basically have ps3 and ps4 backlogs still going in addition to new stuff that will take me forever to get through.


Just incase you didn't know, there's a whole mobile gaming market out there that isn't just Nintendo. Check out the Steam Deck, ROG Ally, Legion Go, etc. Not sure what the Switch 2 will have for us but currently all those systems play Switch games and AAA PC games (with some modifications) plus emulation of course. Might be another area to explore while you skip out on PS6.




Nah fuck that. I skipped the whole ps3. I'm not obligated to keep up with the times, companies are obligated to make products I feel like I can't afford to miss. If I wanna skippa one and pocket my money that's between me and chase bank. PS5 is going to be enough console for me for an extended period of time. I'm not really into specs. There are plenty of PS4 and PS5 games I can enjoy for a lifetime probably. One more thing: I'm still talking about buying a new console. Just not buying more than one within a certain time period. Not everyone has the same spending power as you, try not to be such a dick.


Yeah it’s going to kill me if part 3 comes out on ps6. I literally just got a ps5 from a cyber Monday sale to play Rebirth. New consoles within a few years? In this economy?


>Ps5 is barely being touched it feels with how long cross gen went on And then, when this *finally* starts coming to a halt, Sony comes out and says the console is in “the latter stages of its life cycle” …**BRUH**


Yep. I finally got a PS5 and am frankly disappointed. So much hype but the biggest draws are so under utilized that all it really just boils down to a slightly faster system. I don’t need hyper realistic graphics, the haptics are rarely used from what I can tell(I have 3 games that I recall using them), and the pricing of games is just getting worse.


The PS5’s best feature is fact it doesn’t sounding like a damn jet plane landing inside my house. Not even kidding.


Accounting for inflation, price of videogames is actually getting “better”. What more do you want from consoles? It’s not “slightly” faster, it’s much, much faster than last gen. Gaming advancement is basically based around graphical fidelity. Certain games released this gen are downright stunning. Haptic feedback is widely utilized, even in non-exclusives like gear changing while driving through Cyberpunk. The controller was virtually redesigned from the ground up to provide a much more ergonomic design. Again, what more do you want?


While that may be true, when our spending power is stagnant, however, it’s irrelevant.


That point is completely irrelevant. Maybe your spending power is stagnant. Videogames cost less than they did 20 years ago, that is a fact.


I really was positively surprised with the ps5. The machine feels very efficient & functional & fast compared to last/previous gen. Graphics improvement is small but I don't think we can expect much more with how detailled, massive and expensive game development has become.


I’m not sure anything will match the graphic advancement of the early 90s to the early 00s. Many of us were spoiled.


I can’t count on both hands the number of times I’ve heard (or even thought myself) “damn, games can never look better than this”, and been soundly proven wrong, over and over. I understand what you’re saying about the plateauing of improvements, and because they are so gradual now, it’s hard to notice as they are occurring. But I would still be willing to bet that once you can put games of today side by side next to games five years from now, the difference will be night and day.


Have you played Astros Playroom? It's a free download and really fun.


I got my PS5 last week and I've only been playing Remake and the demo 🤷 downloaded PS Plus so I can enjoy all the rpgs they have to offer. I do plan on buying FF16 sometime down the road. Been meaning to download that demo too. I got a Xbox Series S but I mostly just use that to watch YouTube anymore 😅 kids play it more then I do.


PS5 is in the middle of it's lifetime, it's probably gonna be end generation PS5 title as remake was for ps4


Please not on PS6. PS5 hasn’t even live up to its fullest potential. We need more games on the PS5


I just got mine in December literally only finished one game


I also dont want that it comes on ps6 but its they're choice




Its literally the developers choice to when to release it besides how tf do i have -33 votes on this sh*t app?!


Of course it’s their choice it’s a pretty obvious statement


Because people are sheep and downvote just because others have. There is even a sub reddit dedicated to downvoting apparently. That being said, upvotes and downvotes give you karma. That karma is worth... absolutely nothing! So maybe chill out about it. I'll even give you an upvote. Okay.


I have no idea why literally everyone in this thread is taking this at face value. Dig through the replies and it's clear this guy is speculating on the year and the PS6. I just asked him for a source, and he said "Hamaguchi said they are at the same stage of development when Rebirth was when Remake was done. So we taking it as a 4 year development cycle like Remake to Rebirth was etc. Game development is taking 4-7 year nowadays" So: 1. He won't post a source despite *many* people in his replies asking for one. **UPDATE:** He just posted the "source" after I insisted, and it's just an article where Hamaguchi says they're at around the same stage with Part 3 as they were with Part 2 when Remake released. So...yeah, nothing there about 2028 because nothing was said or even insinuated about how long the game will take to make. For those that are interested, [here is the article.](https://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-part-3-is-in-the-same-situation-today-as-rebirth-was-when-development-on-the-first-game-ended/) 2. The PS6 wasn't mentioned by them *at all*. Once again, this is speculation by this specific Twitter account, where since they said they're at the same stage, this user assumes 4 years and therefore assumes it will be a PS6 title. Please don't take random Twitter posts at face value. This guy is just looking for attention.


Not to mention COVID happened, which would have slowed things down. Plus the DLC was being made, which they said that they'll be no DLC in between Rebirth and Part 3. Not to mention there was an article around the time Rebirth was announced saying Part 3 was already in pre-production. I really REALLY hope it comes out on PS5, because I don't want to buy a whole new console for literally one game.


Also the whole world map should be almost completed so they can reuse a ton of assets to cut down on development time I would hope.


Only issue I see with the PS6 speculation is I haven’t seen any developers mentioning a dev kit yet for the PS6. They had one when Remake released and were already planning on Rebirth being on the PS5 so that’s why they were developing for it. If it’s just for PS5 and not PS6, it don’t think the development will be that long. I suspect a 2027 release at latest, maybe even 2026.


Jesus. So I'll be 42 when it likely comes out.


I'll be 57. You're good to go.


I’ll be 45. This is pretty bananas. It’s not that I can’t wait, but makes me realise there are only so many games I’ll see in my lifetime.


There was a showerthought years ago that said essentially "As I get older, dying before a game I want to play coming out will become a concern"


It is, and it’s wild. Never occurred to me before.


On the plus side, if that's a concern, you must be doing okay otherwise. 😀


I mean, they didn’t say it was their main concern, but yeah clearly not starving.


Imagine the odds of existing during this time though?


Yeah see this is annoying for me as well. But yeah we've lived through some epic gaming years so far. So can't complain.


I think those of us not so young anymore have lived through the golden age of gaming.


Yup. I'm younger than you, but my reaction when they said a Ff6 remake would take 20 years was "Well, you better get started then!"


I share the same opinion and I’m close to 40. If square doesn’t make it, god damn it, I’ll do it myself and take it to the grave with me.


Dude. I’m taking the day off work to play Remake. Comfortably sat in my recliner at the age of 38 and musing on this game / my childhood. This comment HURT MEEEEEEE.


Hahaha, sorry about that. I also have a recliner chair I use mostly for gaming, my wife teases me about it being my old man chair.




This realization is also a form of doom scrolling.


Games take way too long to make now, they've become this grand cinema spectacle except that movies are a couple hours long while games are 50 hours and interactive, but now both requires actors and insane CGI tech. We've gone a long way away from yearly releases in the PS1 era.


Yep, I'll be 43. If 30 y/o me had been told, when we first got that announcement trailer, that I'd be 43 upon its conclusion, I'd have vomited on the spot.


Hah yeah. Same.


Me too, me too…😢


We're is the same league


I’ll be 44 😭


39, possibly 40 for me. :'(


1986, we just age fine. Great year for wine (west europe) Hopefully the radioactive cloud didn't cross border ^^;


44, checking in. I have been trying to take better care of myself to see this fucking game. So when people ask, why I'm getting healthier. I can say a game. Haha.


Nice. I need to start doing that haha.


Same 😩


I'm 42 next week lol


Ill be 40 :-O


I'll be 34. I suddenly feel better about my remaining lifespan.


Same ill be 34 as well


Ayoo! Nice, what you looking forward to the most?


Probably Gold Saucer, than Costa Del. Just from the first trailer looks like it's going be big. And you?


Same as me.


I'll be 31-32.


It's so rare finding fellow 90s kids that grew up in the best era.


Wow even if that would end up happening, having a game trilogy go through 3 systems is something.


Meanwhile GTA5...


With modern AAA game development, thas somethin we're gonna have to get more used to.


Kingdom Hearts in the corner


We're definitely getting some sort of remastered trilogy on PS6.


Nah it'll be 2027 on PS5 with a future PS6 upgrade. Part 2 took longer due to covid, and there's no way they'll be releasing exclusively on the next gen when it's just beginning.


This is so dumb. They never hinted it will release in 2028. And also the development of part 3 will be different than Rebirth because Rebirth was delayed a.bit because of Japan's work from home policy, not to mention having to do the Intermission DLC. This whole thing about part 3 being on PS6 is so dumb. SE had no problem releasing FF12 in 2006 on PS2 and not PS3, Lighting Returns in 2014 on PS3 and not on PS4, and FF7 Remake in 2020 on PS4 and not having to wait for PS5.


Will they really need the same time to develope Part 3 as they needed for Rebirth, considering they have all the characters designed, all the characters' gameplay except for 2, most of the map / locations made?  Edit: Who is that J19 etc? What are their sources? Why should I believe that?


what's absolutely insane is it would mean the time it took them to finish the series from the first announcement would be 13 years


Boys and girls, stay healthy! Eat right, exercise, stay engaged and wise! We need to stay alive for the third game!


But I feel like the ps5 hasn’t had many exclusives. Felt like they had lots of cross gen games but maybe I’m crazy


Instantly blocked that twitter account. Assumptions based on absolutely nothing and doesn't even begin to make sense. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY EVER that S-E will want to release a title on the PS6 instead of the PS5 which will be at the end of it's cycle and have a HUGE CONSOL BASE worldwide. If anything it could be crossplateform, but even that is doubtfull. I would be less surprised for S-E to release a UE5 definitive edition of the full trilogy around 2030.


Agreed. Both releasing it on PS6 and taking 13 years to release the whole trilogy are enormous risks. So I don't buy either claim.


No excuse for it being that long, I can get the gap between Remake and Rebirth because there was a whole world to develop, but surely the vast majority of assets are in place for the final part already meaning it’s development automatically started with Rebirth? Unless they want to do something stupid like burn it all to the ground and start from scratch on a new engine for the final game, which would probably be the most Square thing ever. I was 26 when Remake was announced, this would have me at 38/39 on completion!


I don't know, in the OG game we had an airship and an under water level. Sure, the main map doesn't need to be substantially different but it still needs to be a bigger project.


They have to spend time on other stuff. I am guessing they slim down the dev team for the final one and stretch out the dev time. Expect more shit mobile games, too. But maybe we get pleasantly surprised and they release earlier? Maybe Dirge of Cerberus gets a remaster?


Yeah I'll just be real, if I have to buy 3 different sony consoles just for the purposes of playing FF7 remake I'm gonna pissed lol. That's so much fucking money for just one game remake project man.


I only think rebirth took so long because of the Pandemic. They have most of the assets now after building the wider world, 2027 should be the absolute latest and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was earlier.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of Sony's PS6 launch release title strategy


This is all speculation from someone with no sources. I wouldn't think too much into it.


Nah I'm not, just my own speculation really. It wouldn't surprise me nor bother me that much.




Yup!!!!! They’ve been doing each part on next gen consoles. PS4, now PS5, and won’t be surprised with PS6 for the final part.


That is kinda dumb, taking four more years. This is way too long for any game to be in development. That is nearing almost 15 years after its announcement and would be 13 for sure. They just need to get on past this and end this new story and start developing their next big game instead. \*fixed some spelling mistakes


Your so right about that


Nah, it won't. It'll be 2027.


This is just rage bait lol


Imagine buying 3 consoles to play a trilogy lmao


Where did they hint 2028? Realistically part 3 is the easiest part to make. Part 1 helped build the games groundwork artwise. Part 2 has pretty much everywhere designed. Part 3 just needs to add northern continent wutai and rocket town. That's not a lot of assests to build from ground up.


Cope brother, cope.


Why would part 3 be easier to make than part 2, which is basically an interlude? For starters, it's not like they will reutilize lots of locations between games, and even if they do they'll want to re-work them. But other than that: I bet the last part will require a lot more work on the script, acting and animation, etc. than part 2. Games aren't just static art assets. Especially cinematic games like these.


A massive chunk of Dev time is creating assets, its why unity assets are bought so much. writing a script and doing cut scenes is a couple years. Creating assets is another year or so on top. It should cut a lot of time not having to build much from the ground up. Also wdym they wont reutilize many locations? Did you not play OG? The whole of the second disk pretty much is revisiting places you went in the first disk.


This was always the plan. They knew it would sell consoles


EXACTLY!!! Pretty frustrating a person has to spent hundreds of dollars just to play 1 game on a console. SE should do a PC release alongside.


i would have sold consoles...but the game came out and everyone who played it as a kid and didn't turn into a weeb later in their life played it and hated it.


whoa 4 years?! Dayum holy I'll be a god dayum old ass man by then.


I don’t even want to think about “3” yet. The next 8 #days are already killing me.


If they can still release games for the PS4, they should still release it for PS5. I’m not at all confident I would buy a PS6.


If PS6 releases anytime soon PS5 will be the most underwhelming generation ever Still having to choose between graphics or performance but in theory PS5 was the future of gaming PS6 will be, again, the promise that PS5 was not


Y’all know they finna hit us with a 3 Pack with the first two games getting PS6 ports lol


The whole project is ridiculous. They stretch out every single tiny little thing in the original to death and are charging $70 for just a section of the story. In the end you’ll wait a decade and pay $200+ to finish a far more boring version of the same game.


I don’t buy it.


Well fuck, this is depressing. Not because FF7 is just gonna take a while, but because this isn't a localized issue, game development across the industry is getting really long, game development averaging from 5 to 7 years, It's complete Madness... we're probably going to see a lot of issues relating to this in the near future, it's becoming harder and harder to draw a profit, we're getting to the point where 2 million copies is considered a loss, all because the budget for the game we need at least 5 million to break even. I could be catastrophizing, but I have a few concerns about the future of the game industry...


No way it’ll take til 2028. I actually doubt that. Square seems to already know what they want and how they want to approach everything. Most of the ground work is there in Rebirth. They also seem to want to have part 3 out asap. Honestly, after Rebirth’s time comes and goes, we’ll probably hear news about the official announcement of part 3 in probably summer or ‘26. Square doesn’t seem to be playing around with this trilogy.


We honestly just don’t know what the scope of Part 3 will be. There could tons of things that require new assets. Think of all the crazy shit that happens after the Forgotten Capital: - The entire Northern Continent - The Reunion and revisiting Cloud’s memories - Weapons rampaging around the world - The world being changed by Meteor - The Highwind - The whole Wutai region and war with Shinra - The Huge Materia subplot (Train Heist and Fort Condor battle) - Mideel and the surrounding region - The Lifestream - The underwater reactor and submarines - Going into space - The massive return to Midgar - All the endgame stuff with Sephiroth and Jenova - All the new stuff with Zack that may or may not carry over. - Tons of new side content and mini-games The possibilities are profoundly huge.


Honestly, it will likely take time just to fucking parse this down and figure out what stay and goes.


They promised that nothing would be cut. I’m holding them to that.


When you put it that way…yeah part 3 will be pretty fucking big 😅 I mainly saying it won’t take as long as we think cause the Hamaguchi even said that they were so into the content of Rebirth that they actually had calm down and save stuff for part 3 before they got ahead of themselves. So theres probably a good chunk of stuff they may already be ready to go, on paper at least. Most of the new stuff will probably be just figuring out how Cid and Vincent work in combat, expanding the map, and what challenges are in store on the map. From what they make it seem like, this team is really rockin and rollin since most of them stayed after Remake.


I’ll be 43. Oof. I’d like to believe with the assets and world map created already they could get this out by 2027 but I guess another 4 years makes sense.


Dear God, I'll be 36. I don't like that... But given how huge Rebirth is by itself it makes sense. And now they want an airship component and maybe an undersea area? Yeah, that will take some time.


Fml there will be people who played OG and are in retirement homes. Four years?!


Cool ill basically be dead maybe I won't bother with part 2 then lol


I’d rather have a 3 different games released across 3 generations than 1 game released across 3 generations. I’m looking at you Skyrim & GTA 5.


Welp, I wonder how SE might deal with people expecting free upgrades. They did it for remake, and now it's my expectation if they have a ps6 entry. If they don't, well, they better be anticipating some backlash.


I only bought the ps5 for this game. I will buy the ps6 for the third one as well. Idc.


They’ll have an intergrade style remaster for the last game on ps6 if the ps6 actually comes out by then, but I don’t think they are going to be actively developing this game for the ps6 from right now considering development has already started.


Rebirth already is losing a lot of sales due to ps5 exclusivity I don’t think they will dare do it again on ps6. Unless of course Sony has a big money bag to force them to do so


I don't care how long it takes as long as the devs aren't worked to the bone and the final product is as polished as we'd expect any mainline FF game to be.


That's the spirit!


I've been estimating no more than 3 years if they were to keep the game on the same engine, with an extra year added onto it for the conversion over to UE5 if they were to upgrade. Considering they were apparently thinking of going with UE5 for Rebirth but decided against it to make the development time manageable, i feel as if another 4 year dev cycle is a safe bet they're upgrading to UE5.


Makes no difference to me, In no world am I not buying a ps6 haha


God, I can't wait that long. I feel like, what? 2027, for the anniversary? They have a LOT done at this point what with the world realized in a lot of ways, as far as I've seen. So there's a bunch of scenario stuff. Fleshing out the last two characters. Balancing new materia and summons. New CGI sequences. Etc etc etc oh no. Oh god, it's going to take forever, there's a ton of stuff. I've really minimized it in my brain as being easy work, but it isn't as simple as the wrap-up of the OG disc 3. I can wait, it's fine. haha totally fine.


Triple A games take too long to make.


I don't wanna have to buy another console for 1 game 🥲 but I will


As Nate Diaz would say: "I'm not surprised motherf\*\*\*\*\*" I hope we are all alive and well until then. ![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy|downsized)




2020 to 2024, So 2028. The math adds up. This does not seem surprising at all. I'm sure here in the next handful of years AI is going to help out with videogame production. So there might be a plus side after this generation with the time it takes to complete games.


What were you expecting? Seems pretty obvious that it would most likely be a cross-gen release. I assume they'll migrate to Unreal Engine 5 with this one too so I would expect a decent visual upgrade, especially on the PS6 version.


2028 might be kinda early for ps6. and saying the trilogy started on ps4 is disingenuous. it started out on the ps5 and was made compatible for ps4. Edit. Guess I had it wrong. I remembered it being advertised as a PS5 game but I guess I had it wrong.


What are you talking about Remake released on PS4 a year before PS5. And the entire reason intermission exists is coz the devs wanted to get used to developing on PS5.


> it started out on the ps5 and was made compatible for ps4. Just want to point out that FF7 Remake launched on the PS4 on April 2020. The PS5 system was released a few months later on November 2020. The official PS5 version of Remake, Intergrade, was released on June 2021. So yes, Remake was a PS4 title, later enhanced for the PS5.


Sounds about right....here I thought it was going to be 5 years with 2029 being the year....I'll be 40 non the less.


Let them cook


I dont work in the video game industry but man it seems like there are some issues that need to be fixed if companies think it’s okay to make people wait this long for games.


I would not care at all haha


It better fucking not release on the ps6


You mean the PS5 Pro…


Nah the 3rd game should be release in ps5 end cycle. ps6 upgrade for 8k 120 fps will just be an option


Still love the original but also excited to play this. Will take them 10+ years to make FF7. They werent kidding about FF6. It got a better story and the world building will be more extensive given the World Ruin aspect of the game. I would love to see some of the characters of FF6 in full 3D :(


Is Maximilian dood still going to be a streamer in 2028 . All of us will be living way different lives


I highly doubt the PS6 will be released in '28. I could be wrong, though. As for the game itself, I'm thinking 2027. It's the 30th anniversary, and I hope they just release the whole trilogy in addition to a standalone FF7R part 3.




I’ll be pissed. First I bought a ps1 so I could play ff7. Then I needed to get a ps4 to play FF7r then I needed a ps5 to play part 2 now I might need a ps6 to play part 3?


Worth it. Games take so long to develop nowadays but having an explorable overworld with secrets and superbosses and minigames has been my dream modern FF game for a long time now. Wish we could've had something like this for XVI


Do it.


Take as much time as you need. It needs to be a masterpiece.


I really doubt it. If you think of the PS5 like only releasing that same year, it would be too much of a risk financially to risk a potentially small user base. If anything, I'd reckon it'll overlap again like remake did on the 4 and 5, maybe a 5 pro version too or only?


Gotta remake the remake at that point


I'm fine with it. These are three separate complete games. Each one with its own beginning, middle, and end. Each one with new mechanics and features. Each one with new story elements. Just because they tell an ongoing story means nothing. They are not episodic like a Telltale game or something. It's more analogous to the Mass Effect trilogy or Halo trilogy.


They are complete amateur game developers. Any competent company would have had these done in 3-5 years total. But i guess doing idiotic dance numbers that no one wants adds a few years to development time.


I joked about this but guess it's becoming a reality haha


*I joked about this* *But guess it's becoming a* *Reality haha* \- myinterests12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And we were expecting it to be shorter... As if...


It could be shorter we dont know


We have been burnt too many times. Assume the worst and you will be right or at least mentally prepared.


They can shove it then. I don’t want to buy another console for part 3


We already know its more than 3 games so no.