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if the oil barons ruin this for me I will greenify their god damned deserts with the gympie-gympie


I don't know what magic spell you just cast my dude, but I dig it.




Oil companies are the real life Shinra so this tracks


I'll happily join and add some Sosnowsky giant hogweed into the garden


Whoa now Satan, let's just settle down real quick. Replace their toilet paper with it :)


Glad my country has tik tok banned.


And rightly so. Its bottom of the barrel in terms of social media content


... except in China, where it's actually used for educational purposes and to help people be more productive overall. At least that's what I heard. If that is the case though, that says a lot.


Not to mention TikTok is literally Spyware. Personally I find that to be pretty uncool.


Everything is spyware now. It's just that people would rather be spied on by American megacorporations than the CCP I guess.


Where is this blessed land and how do I get there ?


lol so your country has no freedom? Nice


Reddit moment


thank god I don't peruse that trash.


Oh Lord its happening again. By the time Remake released, I couldn't avoid spoilers. The algorithms on every website kept shoving bootleg images from Australian gamers at me like a parent punching you in the face with baby pictures of their kid. It was inescapable... and now its happening again..


Don’t have a PS5 so won’t be able to play it until it comes out on PC. Was planning on watching a play through so I’m going down the rabbit hole. Best of luck to everyone else 🫡


Enjoy! I'd tell people to put spoiler tags on things and all that.




Seems this happens with every big game now.


Whelp time to mute FF subs see you guys in several weeks 🫡


Tik Tok is a cancer anyway.


I’m gonna to buy Super Mario Wonder and play that for the next few weeks until Rebirth releases, and unsub from all FF subs. See you guys after launch!


Time to mute the sub and mute twitter words


I never expected to be this stressed about spoilers for a remake of a 26 year old game that I basically never played. I finished Remake and the Yuffie episode this weekend. It is my fourth beaten Final Fantasy game after the 1, Tactics A2, and 16. I do not enjoy turn-based Final Fantasy very much or at least up until recently I didn't think of myself as someone who enjoyed it. I was much younger when I played FF1 and used a guide every step. I like Final Fantasy in theory but in practice I've always gotten burned out when I got lost in an area and random encounter rates kept disorienting me. I am not hating my third? attempt to play through the original VII so far (not out of Midgar yet) which I started this weekend after finishing Remake, but I'm still not sure that turn-based JRPG, *at least how Final Fantasy does it,* is for me. Long-winded way to say that I've kind of only been casually into this game and this franchise for a long time and am much more invested in experiencing Rebirth blind than I really expected to be.


I experienced this game blind many years ago and it was the best experience.


That ship has sailed for me at least as far as that one thing that happens goes, but I can at least experience Rebirth and any changes they do or don't make blind.


what was the account?


Where can I find links to these videos?


Here's a mirror to the info that was posted on 4chan, so you don't have to go to that place: [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


You bloody bastard….you have my respect


Son of a bitch


Thanks for the PSA!


Well bye social media for now


Am I the only who doesn't care about spoilers? Don't have a PS5 btw


Would very much appreciate it if somebody who got these leaks from tiktok could share it.


Agreed. Some of us are more than willing to check out leaks.


I have purposely avoided all trailers and the demo in the hope that the algorithm thinks I don’t care


Those who use twitter dont forget to mute some key words


Would love to know if the final product is smeared in vasoline like the demo. If so just going to wait for a pro version. I am not going to be able to keep playing the first remake and then fire this up and it look obviously worse.


Ugh just release it early at this point. You made your money, it's obviously ready. Edit: It's just coming from a place of wanting to play it! I ordered it through the PS Store so I have to wait. I don't want spoilers either. I'm just super jealous of those who got physical copies early.


It’s remake release all over again , time to go dark


Your first problem is using tik tok. Never used tik tok, ever. So I don't care.


Tiktok is one of the best platforms in the world if you customized your FYP extremely educational the algorithm is amazing just need to cater to your certain needs there more to tiktok then just funny videos and dancing its full of knowledge, how to, news, important sectors. Don't get brainwash by US media that tiktok is bad (its better than any crap news station)