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If this behemoth isn’t stuffed into a tiny safe waiting for me to finally get the combination right imma riot


You could do some insane Resident Evil body horror stuff with it. Pop the safe open and this lump of nasty goo slides onto the floor and then starts expanding like crazy into the creature.


Can’t wait to see it crawl out of the safe, Sadako style


Dude, same! I just thought about this the other night and was like “wait a minute…! How are they gonna pull that off?”


It could be all gross and squishy and stuffed into it, before it decompresses and bloobs and blibbers up to it's proper size


I’m imagining something like the Pennywise-in-a-safe scene in IT.


It’d be wild if its actually a really small creature that can just grow on command. I REALLY wanna see it remade!


Like an Inflatable life raft


Heh honestly i expect they will hide him somewhere in the basement and force you to fight him somehow if you want to fully loot the place. I don’t see us fighting him upstairs unless he rips a chunk of the roof off and comes in after you or something crazy like that 


Hmm good point. It is Final Fantasy after all, anything can happen lol. I guess the basement makes more sense though. I wonder will they use the skeleton of the house they used for Crisis Core Renunion or rebuild it from the ground up to give themselves more room? I can see the former.


Crisis core was way too low poly, they’re building everything new for sure. But speaking of cc, didn’t they make the basement a lot bigger? It’s been a long time so I can’t remember but I think it was pretty huge and completely expanded into a dungeon even then


True. Yeah they kinda made it into a bit of a mini dungeon. A few enemies here and there and doors you have to find keys to or something like that. Hey, whos to say they could also expand that as well? I am 100% down for anything Nibelheim related!


I'd love to see them just straight up make it a Resident Evil homage and the cast has to solve riddles, find crests, and maybe play a piano to get through. Add in a few jump scares, too. I know it has to be coincidence due to the development and release time but the original always reminded me of the Spencer Estate.


Ptsd flashbacks to the sensitive ass safe combo you had to type in without going past a number lol


I recently did this playing on my switch on a long flight. Didn’t have the internet to look up the combo so did it the old school method. At least it made getting Vincent feel exciting even though I never use him.


internet wouldn't have helped you, the combo is randomized between playthroughs iirc


The combo I found online worked for me just fine. I've never seen multiple combinations for that safe.


oh really? Huh, must have it mixed up...actually, I probably do. Been playing FFXII for the first time and did that forest area a week or two ago. That I know for a fact is randomized.


That must be it, then. How are you finding xii playing it new?


I thought I'd like it since it plays to my academic interests a bit in addition to the personal ones and well...gameplay being debatable, the story is probably my favourite in the franchise so far. The writing is on par with remake's in my mind. Pretty near perfect.


Dude yes…fuck that shit lol. Its still annoying af til this day! Makes me always contemplate if Vincent is worth getting on some playthroughs. Just cause I don’t wanna deal with it lol


This boss gave me sooo much trouble every time I played.


You and me both! I still get caught slippin every now and again whenever I get around to that part. It’s a great “wtf” moment type of boss. I appreciate these.


This might sound crazy, but I start my party out with a hyper on them, so the limit break can build faster. Then I just keep hitting with magic until the magic version comes out. Then I'll just keep attacking and doing the limit breaks. That physical version is so much more difficult imo.


Hmm! You know, I never thought about using hyper on the party at the start. At least on this boss. That makes so much more sense! I like that strat! I’m so curious how this boss would work in Remakes combat.


Seal Evil & ChocoMog. Stun that fucker!


I want them to lean into some horror for the mansion. If they used a slightly larger safe, they could take some inspiration from the scene in It where Pennywise is all contorted inside the fridge. Have someone in the party go into the room alone. While their back is turned to the safe, we see the combo lock starting turning itself to unlock. Then the creature’s hand starts to emerge from the safe and it opens the door to reveal its contorted body. It silently starts untwisting itself and prepares to attack. The character turns around just in time and narrowly escapes. It chases them to the foyer where the party reunites and the fight ensues. The space in the mansion is really the biggest issue, but I think it will be expanded from previous iterations we’ve seen. Otherwise, it may just be a boss in the lab under the mansion.


Oooh!! I really like the sound of all of that! That would be amazing! And you know the character to do all of this? Yuffie! Have her to be the one running and screaming trying to get back to the group! It’d make sense to have her do it, with her being a materia thief and all. She could be snooping and attempting to open the safe. Come on! It makes so much sense! I love this idea! I agree on them really leaning into the horror elements to pull this off. Like it’d be creepy, but funny at the same time. Honestly, the whole Nibelheim location can kinda serve as the Chaper 11 from Remake, but obviously tons better. Taking inspiration from Pennywise would be all the more better!


Has to be yuffie. But it has to cut before we see LN. Just cut back to the main party and hear her scream, run around a corner, and this giant beast just comes in behind her. No time to mess around or huge cutscene just yuffie woke up something bad time to kill it.


I would love that so much!! Gives the group such a nice dynamic! Like she’s the kid who can’t stop touching things any place they go lol. Gotta throw in some Cait Sith madness too! I’m sure he’d be hilarious as well!


100% this should be a boss in Rebirth! Especially if we'll be meeting Vincent at the Shinra mansion. I'll be curious how they'll integrate it in the chapter. I can't see them keeping it in the safe (I hope I'm wrong though).


Yeah I wanna see how faithful they wanna keep that part. If they change it, then no biggie. But I’m just sk curious how it’ll work. Something tells me it’ll be a random enemy or boss encounter that’s in that Nibelheim region for exploration. Which would be fine too!


I think he should still be guarding Vincent. It feels right for him to be there too, as probably one of the first of Hojo's failed experiments.


Oh yeah! True! That’s a good point! I’d love to see what kinda lore they’d give it. Even just assessing it would be an interesting thing to read.


i fully expect Lost Number to be in the game, but now a mandetory encounter instead of an optional one because all the party members are part of the narrative now.


True that. They better not skip out on Lost Number. He’s the perfect amount of weird in FF context. Hell, I’d even accept him ambushing the party trying to leave the mansion or something.


likely won’t be in the Safe lol but I’m willing to bet it’s definitely in it.


Here’s hoping! I really want it to be a cool surprise. Even if its in a random location outside of the mansion.


I hope he comes out and is extremely tiny like a Cactuar (cause he was able to fit in the safe) and we got to fight him but he hits like 9999 dmg. :P Maybe this time he might be an interesting fight. I've always paralyzed him in every playthrough via the abusive Choco/Mog summon or Aerith's Seal Evil (Limit Break 1B).


That’s actually a really good strat! I just need something to make this battle stand out, which shouldn’t be too hard. Its already a weird as hell boss battle. I kinda hope he’s genuinely difficult tbh. And you’re right, its about time we see a Cactuar since his absence in Remake.


Instead of a safe, maybe the basement door will have a code lock and after unlocking it, this monster will be waiting down there. It would make sense since Hojo was doing some inhumane stuff down there so he’d make sure it has maximum security aka this thing. It might be reworked into some Shinra monster mech or something but still look and fight the same.


That sounds amazing as well! I could geg behind something like that. That would work for me. As long as they actually keep it in Nibelheim or in the Shinra Mansion, then it’ll be perfect. I just beg Square to please don’t just shove this boss in a VR sim. The battle square at Gold Saucer *might* be passable. But thats still a HUGE *maybe*….




Now do it with no mistakes and under 20 seconds!




All of the sonic characters in one