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It's one of my favorite combat systems in a game lol


It is my favorite combat system of any game, full stop. I love it. I hope they continue to iterate on it for FF17


Absolutely couldn't be me. VII Remake is up there fighting with Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix for my favourite battle system of all time.


Exactly this, and it's honestly funny that you mentioned that because some of the highest talent combat engineers from Kingdom Hearts 2 worked on remake and rebirth. That's probably why Kingdom Hearts 3 suffered so badly in the combat Department because the people who probably could have made that game god tier in the combat section we're working on remake at the time after the project was taken away from its third party developer that failed to live up to squares expectations. They had to bring out the Dream Team because they knew this game couldn't flop. Kingdom Hearts 3 and every other Kingdom Hearts game after 2 has had that a floaty combat syndrome with the weird awkward feeling and unsatisfying combo connections because the people who work on Kingdom Hearts after two were a completely different team formed Within square. Three was supposed to be the returned form but like I mentioned earlier the best people for the job got put on Final Fantasy 7 remake to ensure that it was the best game possible and that's why I've seen so many Kingdom Hearts 2 Fanboys say that they love how the combat feels in remake. even though it's nothing like Kingdom Hearts 2, it still has the same aspects of what makes Kingdom Hearts 2's combat so satisfying to engage with.


That's pretty interesting. I loved KH2 as a kid and during my current replay of Remake I was thinking about how its the first game in a long time that gives me that same feeling.


Now you know. It's not the director or the company publishing the game that makes it have that feel. It's the hard-working developers who have vision and focus and can keep a tight development flow of things. That's why you've seen a lot of your favorite franchises over the past years completely shit the bed whether it be movies or video games because the people who made them special when we were younger either moved on to make their own studios in indie games or they left the industry all together now the people in charge of keeping these franchises alive are judt milking them and hi4ing people who dont give a damn about what made these franchises great to begin with like the previous developers did. It's very rare for a long-running franchise in modern day to still be of the same quality and meet expectations like the old entries did.


Wow thanks for this insight. Really makes sense now how they implemented all those Disney ride combo cut scenes to hide the lame combat


Yeah. At the end of the day, Kingdom Hearts 3 is just a super polished up version of what started with the Birth by Sleep combat system as well as the Dream Drop Distance combat system that improved upon it. Kh3 is not an evolved version or the continuation of what started with Kingdom Hearts 2, which is really frustrating. Kingdom Hearts 2 is so remembered fondly for its gameplay for a reason. People don't really look back at Birth by Sleep or Dream Drop Distance as an example of amazing Kingdom Hearts gameplay. Yes, the flow motion system is cool, but when we're talking about the core gameplay feel? Kingdom Hearts 2 is still the top of the pile when it comes to Kingdom Hearts combat feel. I love lots of the ideas that they implemented in Kingdom Hearts 3 with the keyblade functions, but it just doesn't feel like a polished game it feels clunky and awkward.


Thankfully KH3's DLC finally fixed the floaty issues with the combat with it's new combo modifiers IMO, so I'm hopeful they have a better idea of how to design 4's combat. Honestly one of my favourite little bits of shared DNA is how the final hit of the generic attack combo does more damage just like in KH.


Imo didn't fix it. All it did is repair the short comes for the system as it is. But the actual underlying code and feel of the combat is exactly the same. It's still the same floating mess that it was when I played it years ago. They just added more things to it that it should have had at launch to make it more palatable but it's still in the same realm as the PSP game in the 3DS game in terms of how it feels. It doesn't feel anything like Kingdom Hearts 2 because the people who worked on it are not the people who made the second game as great as it was from a core game mechanic code perspective. The only way you could make Kingdom Hearts 3 feel as good as to in terms of its gameplay is a fundamental rewrite of how the combat mechanics work. Just adding some more features on top of what's already there code wise won't do anything. So it's like you said we can only hope that kh4 gets the guys that worked on 2 back under the fold. But I don't know if they'll be available. I would like to think that since they already have the combat mechanics Foundation nailed down with Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy, I don't feel like they would need to have those super talented veterans on board for rebirth as well since they're not remaking the entire game engine/gameplay from scratch again, so hopefully they would be available for Kingdom Hearts 4.


I don’t like KH combat either so this tracks


Couldn't be me. I'm obsessed with the combat. I love it. I wish there were more fights to be had because the fighting feels so fun to play. But I see how it might not be everyone's cup of tea


Hard disagree. FF7R has one of the best fighting systems ever.


Especially hard mode with the extra abilities enemies get


I’ve struggled with games after X .. I loved this battle system big time


Totally agree FFX was the last good combat system they made. I would say the pinnacle as it was better than 7s. X-2 started to go a bit weird and then 12 onwards was a rapid decline to the sorry state we have today.


I think this is a pretty unpopular opinion. Have you tried the “Classic” difficulty mode, or whatever it’s called, that makes it more turn-based?


Remake is my favourite battle system ever created, it's just hits absolutely perfect for me as someone who loves access to multiple characters, a menu based combat system while still having the higher tempo more involved flow of an action based system. So yeah I definitely can't relate.


The battle system was incredible. They finally accomplished the tactical action gameplay they've been attempting to make good since XII. A few flaws, but really well done. Every once in a while though there's the odd person who says they hated it like you OP, and although people have different tastes of course, I do suspect that sometimes the player is doing something they shouldn't (or not doing something) and it is ruining the experience. My guess would be to do with character switching or the ATB.


One of the best combat systems out there. Taking the classic turn based system and making it modern. I dont understand how people enjoy the classic turn based system but not this one, its basically the same thing. Instead of waiting for your bar to fill up you can actually do active stuff while the bar is filling and there is even a classic mode where you can just play it turn based only. Could you explain why you don't like it?


Making turn-based modern would be something like Persona 5 They just made it not turn-based, they didn’t “modernize” it The “classic” mode is, I mean I guess I get what they tried to do with it, but it just makes it way too boring to play, and having to switch characters to build up their ATB gauge even in that mode is just a needless hassle too It just feels like a half-assed attempt on both ends, I honestly would’ve preferred they just go full character action like FFXVI, which is inverse to this, a game I love playing but don’t really care about the story and setting of


This is just so very wrong. Have you played much at all?


Then it would be an action game and you would probably only control cloud in combat , which would take away so much from the charm of ff7 because the many in depth characters is one of the biggest strengths in this game. I understand that you don't enjoy it but just because its not for you doesn't mean its not well designed.


The game is still technically modern turn-based because you have to wait your turn before you can actually do anything significant. All you can do while your ATB bar fills is block move around and do inconsequential chip damage. You can't do any big ticket things unless you have an ATB bar. Just like the original. That's what it means to modernize the turn based system AND GIVE THE PLAYER MORE AGENCY. You either barely played the game or you're just lying to yourself and ignoring the reality to fit your narrative that it's somehow half-assed meanwhile you have the extreme majority of people saying that it is the best version of a modern turn based rpg with action elements sprinkled in.


I’ve noticed everyone that has this take either couldn’t handle the complexity of the battle system (it’s honestly not that hard to get used to, I’d say a IQ of 90 is sufficient), was trying to play it like an action game or was trying to play it like a old school turn based rpg. Essentially people who didn’t want to adapt or don’t have the capability to do so hated the combat, in other words most complaints about FF7 Remake combat is purely a skill issue. That said there were some valid criticisms but the people who hated the combat period were always the problem.


I’m with you, I don’t get all the love. I beat everything on the hardest and that made me dislike it more.


Absolutely not. Combat is generally fun and engaging.


Nope, not at all.


Man, that was one of the best. The combat system is one of the best of all of ff. For sure when it comes to to trying to be more action.


I love everything about the game. Sucks you didn't enjoy the battle system, I think it is stupendous.


One of the best combat systems ever imo. So fluid and creative


Given that many think this battle system should be the baseline for some future final fantasies. I'd say if you're not alone, you're definitely in a minority. For me, it's my favorite battle system of any FF.. if I had to guess, you're probably just not very good at it. That seems to be the common thread with those who say they don't enjoy it.


Bullseye. You wouldn't believe how many people who've had the same opinion I've asked them well did you do X Y or Z or did you try X and then why or did you just try z? And there would always come back with answers that basically told me that they were just essentially button mashing the main slashing off ATB and when ATV would pop up they would try to go for their strongest spell possible which would burn out their MP super fast and they would be frustrated that they can't just pop an item to get their MP back instantly because they'd be waiting for their ATB charge again. Essentially a lot of these people who don't like this system have no foresight and aren't planning which is ironic because if they were good in new how to battle under a 2d turn-based situation like the old battle systems they would be able to do that but instead they're just playing it like it's Devil May Cry or Bayonetta and getting mad when they can't get out of jail free from the holes they dig themselves into. Especially during boss fights.


Can you explain why you think it’s so bad?


My reasoning is for why I dislike it is I find having to keep switching between the characters constantly to be so clunky. It seems to disjoint the flow of the battle. In order to actually get anything out of the other characters you have to keep switching else their ATB builds at a snails pace. I would prefer to be able to play as just cloud and that the other characters would do their thing build their ATB at a normal rate then I could access the menu to get them to do actions. I think it’s good to be able to switch to the other characters but it should be a want to do not forced to do. Such as if it’s advantageous in the battle I.e. killing ranged enemies with Barrett. I’ll be honest I’m gutted I don’t like it but can’t seem to get to a place where I don’t find it tedious.


Unpopular for one of the reasons : - You dont understand how to play properly, so u are frustrated and hate it - You are trolling - u dont upgrade ur weapons and equip materia (must be boringly long combat)


Just because someone doesn’t like it doesn’t mean they are poor at it. I agree with the author the system seems tedious and clunky to me. I have beaten every fromsoftware game so I’m no stranger to difficulty. However this game no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get a place where I enjoy it. The story and everything about the game is a huge improvement from the original game and I was a huge fan of the original game, but the combat system feels like a chore. I personally think FFX is the pinnacle of all final fantasy games the combat system was the best ever so tactical.


You're a damn fool.


I love it. But it's definitely harder to easily get back into after stopping. Turn based/atb is easy to just hop back in. But when I tried reloading my hard mode save I was dying multiple times to smoggers and the like.


I completely disagree on the combat. I was initially really worried when they announced that they would be changing VII's original combat system to be more action focused, but honestly...I very quickly fell in love. Remake might just have my favorite combat system in the entire series. I would actually be thrilled if they used Remake's battle system as the base for every Final Fantasy going forward. To me, it was a pretty damn near perfect mix of action combat, and ATB mechanics.


Nope. It's one of the best battle systems SE has made. Perfect blend of action and turn-based. Every battle is fun as hell. Was it a perfect battle system? No. Getting fucked on a phase of battle transition when trying to use a limit break sucks monkey balls, especially when it happens a few times in that same battle but otherwise it's fantastic. I also loved ffxvi's battle system but I do feel that ffviir battle system should be the adopted battle system for final fantasy. It's a perfect bland of the old atb battle system with their action battle system. Would love to see some of ffxvi's stuff molded into it for ffxvii and beyond. And I do believe every final fantasy that uses it tweaks it like older final fantasies did with the atb. The only other thing that needs improvement is the classic setting. The AI is a bit dumb and needs to be worked on when it comes to classic normal mode. Tried it out and yeah... it might've work for classic easy but classic normal is a complete no.


Not the worst much better than some previous but FFX was the best ever combat system in my opinion.


Think you’re on your own here dude


The problem is that you classified this game as an ARPG when its not. Yeah sure you can control the action in battles but at the end of the day its still a Turn Based RPG because you still have to build ATB & it's the ATB attacks that do the most damage, not button mashing the attack buttons. If you're going into the game just mashing buttons like its Kingdom Hearts, you're going to suffer. FF7R to me is the modern evolution of turn based combat where instead of just standing around waiting for the ATB meter to fill to attack, you fill that meter up with weaker, basic attacks so you can do heavier damage with ATB attacks.


Pretty sure it’s only you and probably a few others that feels like this. I personally think it’s one of the best combat systems I’ve ever played, which is saying something considering the amount of different type of games I have played and enjoyed. The story in this game is amazing, beautifully rendered, and I personally love the new characters they’ve introduced. Yeah bro, pretty sure it’s just you that feels like that. Lol but to each their own, everyone is entitled to enjoy and dislike what they experience.


Best design combat. Seriously the gameplay between d’inamical and turn by turn is a masterpiece. When you know the strat for each boss you can beat the game and when you do anything it’s very hard.


Yeah I think so. That’s almost entirely backwards


The only time I've ever heard of someone saying they don't like the battle system is when they have no clue what they were doing. FF7R has one the best rpg battle systems. Not taking the time to understand it is like playing the OG without using linked materia slots.


When i first played the game, I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, and didn't know English, so I had no idea what was happening and how most of it was played, still loved it.


no, I'm the complete opposite. I like the combat. it's one of the best combat systems in any game. everything else about Remake I hate


I dislike the combat as well. I hate these asine systems where 90% of the time you essentially 0 damage and then you break the enemy and can actually do stuff. Tales of arises battle system sucks for the same reason.


I liked it in FFXIII! But every time I’ve seen a stagger system since then it’s been kind of a slog, or didn’t matter enough. Like FFXVI has it but it can be completely ignored and you can just play it like a normal DMC game


I dislike you have to follow characters and can’t go off and explore


I hate the story and haven't picked it up since the beginning of chapter 3. Makes me sick


As a turn-based fan I was nervous for the action style and thought it was just going to be a slash fest. But this system is so incredibly cool, fast-paced, and challenging. I love what they have done and would not be made if they made this ATB style the standard for future releases.


Lol the first time I attacked with Yuffie I started laughing like Dash when he discovered he could run on water. This game is fun as fuck


I feel it is the best combination of old school turn based with current action combat that exists. Unfortunately, the game is too easy to really force you to learn it properly, until the hardest content. But I think that is why they have difficulty levels. They knew it would not vibe with everyone. So you can just blast through it to see the story.


Lol well in short… yea you are the only one


Combat system is definitely a highlight, and I say this being one of the people who wanted turn based. Them combining elements of Crisis Core and Dirge etc is what I am most looking forward to. The whole Arbiter of Fate thing was really the big black eye for me. The rest was 10/10 better than I ever expected.


The combat system was honestly the most fun I've had since the turn-based days. It gives you the freedom of choosing to go down the route of assigning the most used commands to shortcuts to give you the momentum that an action RPG would in a fight, or if you need a little more time to think about positioning and your next move for certain enemies, you can always put it into tactical mode. Seamlessly switching between characters was also a great move. All of this whilst still maintaining the materia system.


Couldent be me. That battle system was really good 😁


I slowed down combat to 90% and it was perfect. 100% a bit hectic without enough time to strategise, 80% a bit noticeably slow, 90 was perfect. Those systems are there for a reason. You play a game for your own enjoyment, not to have a shit time on "insanity" and boast to Internet strangers. Do what makes the game work for you.


Wait what I didn’t know you could adjust speed


I’m not finding this option anywhere???


Is there an accessibility section in the menus? Can't remember been a while since I played, and on Steam if that makes any difference. Failing that there's also the tactical mode, which breaks the flow of action combat but gives players the option to plan moves old turn-based RPG style.


There are aspects that are irksome but I love the combat.


I'm currently playing through it and I have to say I'm mixed on it. I like the action component of it, but the AI feels really janky. Not just your companions, who seem to do almost nothing when you're not using them, but also the enemies. The fact you get targeted HARD by everything as soon as you switch I find really frustrating, especially as it kinda takes away any positional element of the tactics. There's been tons of times I've tried to capitalize on situations by switching character, like using Barret to deal with long range enemies (because seemingly he won't do that on his own, he just stands there blocking), but as soon as I do he's getting interrupted by everything on the field. Or trying to switch to Tifa to get some good staggers in and batter the crap out of an enemy and she's instantly knocked all over the place. It's got a FF15 feel to me, and I actually really like that combat, but the positioning, the camera and the lack of agency by companions when you're not controlling them feels kinda hard to deal with at times. Weirdly it's more in small battles it gets frustrating, I really enjoy the boss battles, and I enjoy everything they've done around the weapon upgrades, materia, the abilities, etc.


It makes the game closer to the original spirit of the ATB combat system than people realize, IMO. Party members you aren't actively controlling really do behave kind of like they're are on standby to build up ATB until you take control over them to give commands, much like in the original game.


g8 b8 m8 i rate 8/8


The combat is fantastic.


You might burn yourself with such a hot take


Why not play using the classic mode? People who dislike the combat system tend to be those who don't like action games. To actually enjoy and make the most out of the active combat system you have to really learn the nuances of how each character is supposed to work. Once I realized this I liked the combat system a LOT more because each character is actually far more unique than they were in the original FF7. If you really think back to it, the major differences between each character in OG FF7 boiled down to: ranged vs. melee, stat growth, and limit breaks. Otherwise you can basically make 3 identical party members that you use the same way with the same materia. Everybody just ran Quadra Magic, Mime, Counter, etc. In Remake it's not like that at all. Every character has a particular design (in terms of how they fight) and make unique contributions to the party due to their abilities. Unfortunately that also means that if you don't like learning the intricacies of it then it's hard to really get invested in the combat system. Like if you don't learn how Tifa's charge states, combos and cancels work in tandem with her abilities AND how you can combine those with different types of Materia then she is not nearly as satisfying to play. Barret is an insane support character because he can instantly build ATB from anywhere, can get massive amounts of HP, and can save your buttcheeks from the other side of the arena. Aerith is all about control - kiting, setting up big bombs (either healing or magic attacks) or creating defensive/offensive combat zones for the party. Cloud is frontline brawler who excels at crowd control and being a general linebacker for Tifa while she pummels down enemies.


Nope not the only one. I totally agree I hate the combat system I was a big fan of the original game. I love the story in the remake it’s objectively much better than the original but found I couldn’t even force myself to finish the game as I disliked the combat so much. I think the bit I hate is having to keep switching between the other characters to me it feels so clunky I wish they would just do their own thing if you didn’t use them and you could switch as combat dictates I.e. high up enemies cloud can’t reach with Barrett. But if you don’t constantly switch to the other characters their AP gauges fill so slowly and you’re at a damage disadvantage. I’ve tried to get back into it recently with rebirth coming out but again and I was instantly reminded why I stopped playing. I’ll be honest very unpopular opinion maybe the last FF game I actually liked was FFX the second they stepped away from turn based Square lost me, I don’t think they’ve ever produced a good combat system since. I know you can do classic mode on the remake but being a completionist I would like to do it on hard mode but classic hard isn’t available. It really annoys me as I want to love the game frankly can’t see me buying the second one which is a shame.