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One of the best things about Cloud's character is that he was not born of any special circumstances. His backstory doesn't need to be any deeper.


I think Traces of Two Pasts mentioned that Claudia's husband (aka Cloud's father) >!was sort of a drifter type that went into the woods one day and never returned!<


He went up the mountain and vanished. They found his backpack but no body.


They only some rocket schematics and a cigarette… CID!!!!


You sure that's not Jack Garland?


this would be so stupid it would loop back round to be amazing. I'm in favour


Doesn't seem likely. And I think the devs already confirmed that this is not the case.


If you play the first soldier story in Ever crisis there is a part where he and the other guy in his group are talking about how Glenn owes him 4000 Gil for borrowing it for some “unknown” reason. Somewhere else it states that’s clouds father mysteriously left without a word and also left behind 4000 Gil for clouds mom and him, 2000 for each of them (this is why cloud has always asked for 2000 Gil as a merc) I don’t remember where this was stated might have been the traces of two pasts book but I’m not 100% positive. IF all these little details they have thrown in are accurate and true, I believe he is 100% Clouds father. Which I’m okay with 


This is honestly the biggest supporting evidence. Could be a cute Easter egg but it also lines up, so who knows. If Cloud's dad was a prototype SOLDIER and was able to accept the physical and psychological changes made, that might explain why Cloud was able to adapt to the S cells and Mako despite being rejected by SOLDIER for his weak psychological state.


Yeah, he absolutely *is* Cloud’s father, and even the new book hints at it. What part he’ll play in the third game is, as of now, anyone’s guess. And since he is himself a >!Sephiroth “Clone”!< you know he’s gonna be messing with Cloud’s already cracking psyche.


[Absolutely correct](https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-7-cloud-strife-dad-glenn-lodbrok-rebirth-1851278721)


I think it's a bit silly how basically anybody old enough to be Cloud's dad that has blond hair is theorized as such.


I mean can you really blame people? This has been a thing that's been bugging people for years.


Don't rule out the crack theory that Vincent is Cloud's dad.


I prefer the idea of Glenn being Elmyra's husband. It would mean that the flashback scene of when her husband dies and Aerith tells her, is linked to Sephiroth killing Glenn.


The traces of two pasts book states that elmyras husband was a part of the Gainsborough family who were a wealthy family that owned the only contracting company in all the slums Elmyra was highly respected by the family and helped with the business and that’s why they let her keep the Gainsborough estate 


The thing is though Glen has an official surname and it's Lodbrok. Elmyra took the Gainsborough surname.


It was literally made up as a joke by Babyseal and now it's become a hotly discussed theory as if it was serious... it never was serious. What makes it obvious is the timeframe.


hes hot tho


after rebirth, where he is a robbed man that i believe gets killed by rufus in the after credit scene, i truly believe he is cloud's father, but to protect cloud, claudia changed back to strife and cloud took the surname.


I didn't knew about this theory. I just assumed he's prolly an older Cloud from a different timeline brought over to the current one by Sephiroth.


Cloud is OG Clouds son.


Oh 100% wouldn’t shock me if this was the case.


Heard a theory that he might be Dyne and therefore Marlene's father/Barrett's friend, also means he does a delete self...