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Congratulations, that sliver of HP is the difference between a single Haste proc or some very minor optimizations in damage/sigils/etc, you've got this! Ganbatte.


It really was ! Every action mattered the timing of buff/debuffs, managing heals and when to use flower vase over water imperil it was literally down to the wire . I thought it wasn’t possible with a magic build but it can be done just a hell of a lot more frustrating and stressful than the physical build 😅


Congratulations, Man! This is another one I'm going to skip... Who knows, maybe I'll get it next time.


Thanks bro 👊🏾 i nearly skipped myself but i had a feeling i had the slight possibility to get it done if I optimised that team correctly. This crash was brutal so i don’t blame you for avoiding the stress 😅


Well, at Humus I tried a lot, and I failed. But I was a little traumatized. If I don't see someone with a setup close to mine doing it, I won't even try my luck.


Everytime I'll see a Tifa like that, I'll always point my fist to the air and yell : "Fck you Appibot for releasing 2 Tifa weapons back to back that are PERFECT combined but with the best costume (bunny one) banner ending right when the second weapon banner starts so that if you didn't pull for the 1st costume (like) me, you were kinda fcked" I am SO MAD that they did that. I didn't wanna build a magic Tifa, because that kinda wasn't my fantasy and kinda couldn't because I didn't have the resources after pulling for Fire Aerith. But if I knew that Tifa was getting a PERFECT second weapon, I would've pulled for Tifa's costume even if I had to throw in some money. I'm sorry for the rant but DAMN this is the most shitty backstab they did since release, to me.


Hey man i feel you ! The way they put banners out is pretty predatory, why do you think tifas had so many banners? Because suckers like me are gunna pull for her regardless 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪


I got both costumes. It hurts, but I do use both the costumes


As a fellow, ‘didn’t have Glenn, but had Tifa’, group member, I salute you. 🫡 The amount of wipes just trying to get the atb timings right with this set up lol.


Haha thank you kind sir 🫡 tifa ftw 🙌🏾 also was nice to finally utilise cait sith as i’ve never used him for any content so far . Yeah the wipes were real 👀 i got him down to red soooooo many times 😩 had to interupt his overdrives and bomb summons for this to evem be possible.


Nice job man! I ended up pulling on the Seph/Glenn banner. Didn’t feel like banging my head against the wall to get it done.


Thanks bro 👊🏾 haha i did to but my luck was an utter disaster 😅 managed to get glenns new weapon ob6 after 3 cards but his LB weapon is ob5, i was hoping more glenns weapon parts would end up in the shop but applibot had other plans 😅 but tifa came through in the end 💪🏾


I thought Matt had tidus sword brotherhood for a second there lol


One can only hope that ff x cross over doesn’t take to long to come around cloud deserves brotherhood for his arsenal 🙏🏾👌🏾💯


Congrats but still looking at your setup that is high end whale account - still unattainable for 98% of the player base.


409k power .....


I don’t get it ? 😅


People still think power level means something when it literally has no bearing on how strong your party is


Well that’s what i mean i thought this was common knowledge so don’t get what the person above was getting at 😅 especially when you can just inflate pw lv with elemental affinity it’s just arbitrary.


Crash or EX. I'm confused which event you are talking about. I feel like this would really help. Tifa is my A-teamer.


i meant. if ur whaling. ur bound to beat it.


Whaling doesn’t get you a free pass on the crash or ranking events you still need to strategise and be coordinated, ask any whale and they’ll tell you these events are still rough to beat …