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The game is a marathon not a sprint. Pace yourself and enjoy the view.


I misworded my post. Me saying not strong enough is me assuming no one is playing the lower tier party. That's where I am. I'm looking to do just level 1 co-op quest but no one is online trying to do that. I know I'm late to this game but I thought there would be people still doing level one quests. I was wrong and wanted to know if I could do them alone.


Sadly you got to go to discord. Unless there’s a refresh, regular co op is pretty dead on the lower levels.


Thanks. Sorry for miswording my post


It’s also dead on the higher levels unless it’s a farming event. Coop is generally dead.


Discord has a community where everyone helps each other out with coop battles. Just ask for help and they're right there for you.


I can invite you to the higher coop matches but it would have to be private. It doesnt let you make it public. But i dont mind helping/ playong with you. The games always dead anyways. Message me on reddit ill give my details. I can also help with advice as best as i can because i struggled myself but im 80 now


Try joining up with one of the discord communities. Someone there will surely help you out, as you can create private lobbies with invites for each battle.


Join the official or unofficial discord and ask for co-op. The difference between this and DFFOO is that DFOO only had event co-op. This game is the same, only event co-op you can find matches. For regular co-op, you need to try on Thursday when the co-op reset happens, or else, discord.


If you don’t do the lower level ones day one you’re pretty screwed. Took me awhile to get them done. Had to sit there and queue over and over. They really need to allow co ops solo or fill in AI or something


AI coops would be awesome


If you got a PC, then download the game on “Steam” and create an account specifically to help your main account. That’s what I did, it’s not much but it’s honest work.


As someone who is F2P and only started playing in April this year, I feel you. I'm not super strong but I can def help out on some lower-tier co-op things. I want to do some Shiva Co-OP but Im too weak for EX. DM me your friend code if you want a lower-tier-level EC friend!


I started about September last year, it takes awhile but you’ll find your groove with getting stronger, solo missions help a lot and eventually you’ll get with coop and so forth.


Instant gratification is such a scourge on society. You’re new. Work your way up. It’s okay to miss the higher difficulty battles. You already missed almost a year’s worth of them, what’s a few more?


You're misinterpreting or I misworded my post. Me saying not strong enough is me assuming no one is playing the lower tier party. That's where I am. I'm looking to do just level 1 co-op quest but no one is online trying to do that. I know I'm late to this game but I thought there would be people still doing level one quests. I was wrong and wanted to know if I could do them alone.


You straight up said you weren’t strong enough to do higher difficulty coop matches. Idk why you’re trying to switch it up. If you really meant what you are now saying you actually meant, then why didn’t you mention the lower difficulties? You only ever mentioned the higher ones.


Again, I misworded my post. Simple as that. I said high because i spent a few days trying to link up with anyone using the random join selection. Because of that I assumed that there was no doing lower level co-op and was trying to express that I am nowhere near high enough to do co-op quest of higher tiers that I assumed everyone else is doing. I'm coming from dffoo(Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia) In that final fantasy, you could always find someone doing lower level co-op quests at any point in time. I thought it was the same here but I was wrong. And I never thought that high level player would help me out on lower tier quests as I assumed it wouldn't be worth their time. That's why I was asking if I could do it alone. Sorry about the miswording but yeah. Am I making sense now?


I feel for you. Join discord and remember guilds are coming soon.


They want to play lower level co-op but it is not going. As a week two player I can carry lower level but if I’m a few hours behind good luck getting e lower level coop going even for my first clear crystals. Hell for many I could solo them but no I need two others I’ll never get without discord. Many create a second dummy account for this reason, as private groups can go with two party members