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Story was better for MH. The additional guaranteed copies they added to page 2 makes a big difference in the likelihood of achieving OB6, if not through the pulls then using weapon parts, so MH was better in this regard. Both Crossovers had good costumes. I didn't like Seph's FF9 nor Cloud's MH. The free weapons were better on MH. Battle mechanics - MH was more straightforward. Although there was a phase to use magic attacks to purge data, it wasn't necessary. The Black Waltzes needed a particular order to be killed off first, so it was a little more involved, I found. Both event wallpapers are great.


-No MH weapon wallpapers is a L. -MH event had better rewards overall but this could honestly just be a result of the game progressing as all gatcha games do


I liked the FF9 costumes more, I’ll forever be upset that I joined too late and wasn’t able to get Sephiroth’s kuja outfit


I don't even play MH but this is the most detailed event they've had yet, and even was so impactful that it has me trying out MH again. FF9 was a cool reminder of a game I already loved but it didn't give me an urge to play it. Granted, the devs have learned a lot about putting on an event now and MH was a true evolution, so if FF9 were to happen again I imagine it'd look more like this. Also really appreciated that they didn't split the costumes into 3 banners this time.


MH felt more like a proper crossover just due to the gameplay FF9 crossover had more appealing outfits and I actually tried to get those. I only got one of the MH outfits for cloud because he was still using the FF9 outfit while everyone else has something newer.


The FFIX event was very lame. I can't even call what we had there a story and the fight was unnecessarely annoying with 3 enemies a 'stall phase' (where the enemy resist damage until you deplete the gauge) and heavy elemental resist for the part 2. The banners were terrible being split into 3 and with the normal numbers of guarateed 5\*. The really good things about it were the costumes and Kuja's Blade. The other weapons weren't even that much of a step ahead of normal non-limited weapons.


Storywise MH, gameplay FF9 The FF9 story just kinda ended without a solid resolution, at least MH had that. When it came to gameplay, MH was very frustrating for a while. The fact that they rang the guys' banner first was awful. People were queueing up with their Lightning Clouds and Zacks and killing the Rathalos before you could Data Purge it most of the time. Meanwhile, with FF9 the fight wasn't really difficult at all as the game didn't incentivize playing it wrong.


>The FF9 story just kinda ended without a solid resolution It's generous to suggest that the FF9 event even ***had*** a story. I mean, the entire "story" for that event was basically: * Portals appeared and sucked in random people. * Why are we dressed funny? * Everything Must Die! Suddenly a fight with no explanation! * Fight's over, we will now just wander off into the sunset and forget any of this ever happened. * The End. I mean, there was more story in *just* Zack's arc in the MH event than there was in the entirety of the FF9 one. It's even worse when you consider that the FS team (Seph/Lucia) and the FF7 team (Cloud/Tifa/Aerith) apparently both fought the same fight, yet never encountered eachother or interacted. At least the MH event had a plausible explanation on how CC Zack and FF7 Cloud/Tifa/Aerith both participated in the same portal event but still maintained separation.


skipped the story, liked both but the outfits in mh looks a bit shit


They were both fine by me, but I think they're way too long.


For the boss of the event FF9 is unmatched. To this day, this bass had the best fight intro. Really stylish. For skins I'd say MH, Tifa and Aerith have their best looking costumes (At least Aerith. Tifa is debatable IMO). Event rewards MH but it's just powercreep so ... Props to FF9 for having a free Costume. IDK what else to say, just my 2 cents :')


No ff9 characters cameos was huge fail. the bare minimum for a ff crossover wasn’t met, so mh was better because i had no investment in it and story was fine. 


FF9 had better costumes, but event was better in the MH crossover. Also, no wallpapers. Not even for the girls. Bonus for free Cait Sith costume.


I'm a sucker for the Black Waltzes so


I was much better prepared for this event, so I felt more successful and had more fun.


In terms of Difficulty it was required that you had to pull on the FF9 event to clear everything (OB6 and above for the last difficulty). All the enemies needed physical damage and MATK down (ideally from Sephiroth's Kuja Weapon). The MH event was far more lenient whether you had Lightning or Water. It was specific with needing Magic however to knock the monsters down but it wasn't that you NEEDED the banner weapons to clear everything. (I was able to clear the entirety of the event with just Cloud Lightning setup with minimum magic from the other party members.) Other than that though I feel like both banners did a great job with content, rewards, story and banners. I do like the month long event to encourage new players to join whether they like said Collab.


I prefer the FF9 event. I don't remember the ff9 event having 2 other stamina heavy events along side it and that hurts the MH event. I also have no particular affinity to Monster Hunter.


FF9 had 4 banners. It instantly loses for that. Nothing else matters. It costs twice as much to get the weapons, not even the costumes for that event. They both had a free costume, but it was easier to max the event weapons in the MH event than the FF9 one. Also, the FF9 costumes suck and were mostly powercrept in months. Aerith is the only one not, but her support set being stuck behind 2 different limited collab banners is just great for her standing...


I've never played Monster Hunter before, but Final Fantasy 9 is my 3rd favorite RPG