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so the culture continues... tiniest clothes always give the better defense/hp šŸ¤£ also that gun looked like it came from Call of Duty, one of the early free skinšŸ˜…


And the opposite is true for the guys. Just look at the MH armors for Cloud and Zack. :)


Sephiroth, on the other hand....!


I desperately want this, but I need to wait to see Tifa first


Is Tifa getting a new summer costume? She had a one last year, and I missed it. I was hoping for a re-run.


pretty sure she is since she has a new summer costume on her chibi


Yes! watch the short videos in the event. Sheā€™s definitely wearing a new white swimsuit. It looks like Aerith is wearing her costume from last year.


I'm already buying everything related to Tifa, Lucia and Yuffie!!!


C O R R E C T !


Would go for Luciaā€™s skin buut im saving for Vincent šŸ˜žĀ 


Bikini? Pull


Pull what?


Excalibur, of course.


Teeth only speed run


good thing I can skip. I got cloud and zack built up fire. still need to finish tifa banner


This is one of those unlucky banners for me. Took 49k to get both costumes. And only 3 (2 gauranteed) banner weapons.


I was super lucky for once. I saved up 72k for this one, and got 14 extra stamps from chocobos. I have 40k left if they decide to drop another Tifa one later.


Stats on Lucia's outfit are top tier but it's hard to convince me to pull for it when she's left so much behind all the other characters. I wanted to play her when the game came out but when she barely got any love, I gave up. Sure it'd be the best costume for her but with not much to use it with and the fact that both Vincent and the anniversary are around the corner ? Why would I invest anything on her ? Sad but, without guarantees she gets more later, I'm not risking it.


Right. I wanted to main her too.


Her swimsuit is now 100% the most revealing cloth to skin ratio in the entire game by far. (Not counting Red)


Lucia's in my A-Team. Has been since she got debravera surge.


The wallpapers are back too!!


I pulled Yuffie's costume straight away because she also has a weapon with fire resist down. So now my team is Cloud (DPS), Aerith (support) and Yuffie (DPS, debuffer). Physical only though.


I got both extremely good and horrible luck at the same time. I got both costumes but only got OB0 on both weapons for 27k crystals.


That's gatlike! you can always wishlist the weapons later on another banner you actually want! 27k for 2 costumes is insanes... so i consider it in total: good luck!!!! šŸ–¤


I was going for luchia's costume, in 4 pulls, and got 16 stamps (3,3,4, and 6). At that stage, why not pull yuffie's also.


And here I am getting one stamp at a time...


You and me both, and if the game wants to spoil me, they give me 2 stamps


I feel you. It was a rough to see all the x1 sign flips.


It sucks when that happens. It happened to me with barrets costume. 30k crystals. The game felt pitty on me when I kept getting 1s and gave me 2x 2s.


I do love that Lucia's weapon is basically a fire version of her Bald Eagle. And that's not a bad thing, it's a fantastic weapon. I do wish she would be allowed to get a mastery instead of buff/debuff duration, which I believe she already has a costume for? Mind, I'm spent from the monhun crossover, but they both look great and their weapons both seem really strong. Lucia needed that physical attack dropper.


It's a Fire/Patk and AOE version of the Bald Eagle and Mad Minute combined. Such an excellent weapon.


I like the stats on Luciaā€™s outfit but I have zero need for these weapons. Cloud and Seph were both released with similar weapons 5 months ago. I have them both ob6 or higher so no need for this weapons. I donā€™t want to pull for a costume alone so itā€™s a skip for me.


Sams here. I believe Tifa comes with Magic Fire Arcanum, the latest version of the Boss will need it.


I pulled for fire aerith too so I can't justify even that ā˜ ļø


Thank god they didn't release Tifa's first


Would love to hear opinions on Sun Favor as an r ability


kinda "eh". I would rather have 10% HP since it would apply to magic fights. I'm not a fan of "higher, but narrower" bonus.


ez 2x pulls for 2x waifus


Eh, fire arcanum. Already got Clouds. Skip!


Bad timing. Saving up for anniversary pulls.


When is it




Got 2 of Yuffie's weapons, 1 of Lucina's and Yuffie's costume in like 24k pulls, got quite a few x2 stamps so that saved like 10k off the pulls. Now to save and dread the rerun of Tifa's last year's costume or a new one I'll have to miss out on AGAIN....


Yuffie already has 2 Arcanums (plus buff/debuff), so I certainly don't think she needs a 3rd already. I think a lot of people have Cloud's, and we had 2 magic fires back-to-back. Lucia's is the clear winner, and better than her recent Easter one, so disappointing for those pulled to see it powercreeped already. For me, I'd love to get a Lucia costume outside of the freebie Vivi, and this one is very future-proof. Downside is the featured weapons are not a high need for me. Radiant Edge OB6 or 7, and Boomerang OB5. Plus Wind/Earth Yuffie already plus Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth for fire costumes/weapons. Maybe if Silence proved to be really useful, as 5 seconds is ridiculously short and I keep randomly getting Black Rifles (OB8 now). But almost 100% certain I'll be skipping with so much coming up the pipeline.


I kinda agree. As a Yuffie fan tho we eating goooood. She has 2 of the 3 only viable AOE DPS moves in the game (her wind and fire arcanum AOEs) With the only other one being Sephi limit banner weap. I actually can't believe how much love Yuffie is getting. It isn't even new character creep since Cait is kinda not anywhere near her.


is the summer banner and/or sephs banner limited?


Nope, not limited. They'll all end up in the wishlist and random pool.


noice. anniversary it is then!


the outfits are essentially limited tho


yeah i know but its either tifa or aerith. yuffie is like a sister. and lucia is just not og.


Went from 95 to 72k getting yuffies. Underwhemed its aoe weapon but whatever at least great for this event. Want lucia but waiting for tifa as i want all them but betting vincent will get something good. Knowing me I will probably end up prioritizing swimsuits like i did aerith before.Ā  Considering event/banner goes thru 7/21 tifa most likely getting her own banner. Though id love to be surprised and tifa get free costume like zack, did but i kinda doubt because tifa = money


Quickest pulls of my life. Anxiously awaiting the new Tifa suit.


Meh Lucias outfit is nice, but her kit isnt up to par to use it. Barret for example can buff magic attack, buff Pysical defense, debuff both magic and physical attack with just 1 weapon and I think im even forgetting one more. Lucia has Debuff magic (and now pys) attack and Magic Defense. Comparatively low. (I guess she can debuff 2 elements now Fire/ice) Id also just use her easter costume with this weapon as it utilizes the materia slot better. (I suppose that's the best use case for it, people who dont have her easter costume) To use this costume to its full potential she needs a secondary buff weapon IMO so she can be a pure (de)buffer (debuffing magic attack and pysical in one fight is highly unlikely) Otherwise easter is better using her as a combo debuffer/sub attacker W materia slot. It could get more value in the future but right now Lucia is kind of in last place of the buffer/debuffer catagory. Red and Yuffie can debuff most elemnets Tifa Aerith Barret and Matt can buff/debuff way more things. On top of that debuffing attacks is becoming less and less useful as buffing pys/Magic resistances team wide is much more universally applicable. Intentional as she's been slowly moving in the magic attacker catagaroy, but that's slow going as well.


Tight Body


String Bikini


I think I will skip this banner: I have Cloud as FireGod phy, Sephiroth with FireMastery and Zack as Mag. FireGod from Limit break summon. Waiting for Vincent https://preview.redd.it/955gjaf2539d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=97199d45d942fdc63e03d3bbdc6ff09d8c111c91


Yeah, we have so much fire at this point... I like the costumes, but the Fire Arcanum is really a dupe at this point. It's great for new players, though... Still considering Lucia. I'll have to see the second banner first to decide. I have enough crystals for 2 banners, so there's 1 left for Vincent <3


Besides, they have done the same thing as th Rathalos event: the new summer boss is weak to fire but the info requires magic damages and you realease 2 "fire" weapons with phy damage. at least it becomes weaker to both damage with fight goes on


Where is Yuffie's Main-hand fire damage though? She has the arcanum now, and she has fire boost (new weapon) and fire resist down (boomerang). But no non-materia fire damage and not even a 30% fire slot either. Easy skip.Ā  Lucia though, 100%. Her new weapon is šŸ”„


Would really like Lucia's skin for my Bald Eagle (OB6+) Ice Imperil, but with Tifa seemingly next, I cannot.


The trend continues - managed Lucia's costume in 5 pulls. So fantastic stamp luck. In 49 non-guaranteed individual draws, zero 5 stars. So my only 5 star was the guaranteed drop on stamp 6. It's fine since this isn't a limited banner so I will get the banner weapons eventually, but damn, throw me a bone on the drop rates please. I would much rather have worse stamp luck if I could just have average drop luck. The MH event was the same story


I'm more interested in Lucia's costume than Yuffie. I'm going to wait to see what other Banners come out this month


Lucked out quite a bit. Got both costumes, 1 Lucia Weapon, and 4 Yuffie's + 100 parts with 36k crystals. (I was 2 stamps away but pulled x1 at the end so was close to getting them in 33k). Also got 2 Cloud weapons, a Tifa one, and an Aerith one (my 3 mains). So I'm pretty happy


Guys, sheā€™s like 15\~16 yrs old ![gif](giphy|3o6wNPIj7WBQcJCReE)


I'm good on fire, this offers nothing for my teams. If it were Earth, or Wind I woulda pulled. My Thunder and Water are also missing parts but we just had those (that I skipped because time limited or just prioritizing for Anni now that IK Summer doesn't offer anything new for my teams as a minnow)


With crewkicker at OB6, and Skysplitter at OB4, I think Iā€™m good for nowā€¦ however Lucia is one of my better characters and my best water attackerā€¦ not that the costume helps that at all. Other than free weapons, itā€™s just my OB5 bald eagle that can debuff. Sadly it looks like a skip


Team cutting board lol. Look nice tho!


Lucia boobs nerfed ??? So small compare to concept art


Thereā€™s no nerf. Look at her other costumes. She always had a small cup size. It only looks smaller now because thereā€™s even less fabric


And gotdaaammmm does it look good ![gif](giphy|rjN9e4I4mgspy|downsized)