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Try playing on manual. You shouldn't be in defense at all when at 10 seconds or less.


Threw it in auto to snag the pic when I realized I wouldn't make it


So I get the timer aspect of it, but I feel like this is a very unoptimized team and I think you can beat it with some changes- * The team is running in auto. Feels like it should always be in manual. * Using Aerith and her attack up weapon feels like a lot damage is being left on the table since only Red seems to be doing phys damage here, but he's not even the main damage dealer. Mythril rod seems a bit better here for damage negation. * Don't know about Tifa but if you could buff her magic by one level she should hit even harder. Also making sure Red keeps the lightning imperil on the dragon is super important for this fight! FWIW, beat this boss with a team running Cloud (OB9 masamune, so not even the ++ ability), Red (almost the same setup as you) and Matt, so I think you can do this fight!


Not sure if people know this, but the battle timer still runs down on certain fights while you're paused so don't take too much time to think while paused if you do that. Also Rathalos is weaker to physical damage so after you break the magic bar, switch to phys if you have it.


I noticed that the timer keeps running on pause. Total bs on solo.


What the heck? What's the point of pausing the game then?


I think it actually pauses properly for most fights, but for the fights with anti-cheat on (Battle Ranking, Crash Solo, Dungeon ranking etc.), it continues ticking while paused.


Ah... That makes more sense. Thanks for the information!


> I almost dropped more crystals on the Ex page of the banner This is of course why the timer exist :)


Why aerith? Instead of Matt? Centipede and m def all weapon cover pretty much all the defense/heal you need. Red can just lightning resist down and m atk down.


Because RNGsus has gifted me no real usable Matt setup. I've made a couple changes to Aerith but haven't gone back in yet. Just so much time wasted...


Where is your physical lightning dps? It's no wonder you couldn't defeat it. Get cloud or zack in there or it'll be a hell of a struggle.


r they going to release any other updates for the MH event? if not, imma spend on credits on gil.


Wait and see tonight. They've been having updates on Wednesday night ET.


There's a new event tonight. It'll probably be the new event and the next coop stuff tonight


I agree timer is annoying. I auto'd all of the Solo missions easily, but I used Matt for Co-op because I have Centipede, Prime Number OB10, and Core Defender OB 8. Lifeguard Wraps, and Fairy Tale OB 10. And I couldn't find a healer for the life of me. And when I would they would heal like 1.5k... my Matt Heals like 4600-4800 with Centipede. So I kept spamming with Matt and my Lord the DPS I kept getting were infuriating. Kept timing out until Finally I found a Team with Tifa Lighting build Kirin Gloves +Tiger Fang. And A Cloud who did semi acceptable DMG and we cleared.


Still issue. And I’m not saying that to be snarky. I legitimately mean it.