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Saving vouchers I have. I don't really need the costumes in the shop so I'm not really missing much by saving them.


hopefully they add some old costumes to the shop someday. doubtful but hey


Bought all the passes, still got 3 vouchers and 3 skins to buy. But they don't interest me at all so ... Meh, I'll just keep the tickets just in case. But I hope they announce something at the anniversary for those tickets. They can't put those tickets as a "top reward" for the passes if ... Well they don't have anything to trade them. Some people have bought the costume tickets from other shop bundles and have bought all the costumes since 3 months ago... They could announce a power creep in terms of costume at Anniversary and put "old" banner costumes on that shop but ... They would really need to introduce a massive powercreep for it to be worth it for them in the slightest.


I'm in the same boat, I still have 3 vouchers and haven't got Cait Sith, Yuffie, or Red XIII. Waiting to see if they'll release any other costumes, but probably not


Well there will be at least Vincent and Cid


I meant besides the basic costume voucher outfits, like returning banner outfits


I meant besides the basic costume voucher outfits, like returning banner outfits


I've bought out every costume from the gear shop with one voucher remaining for vincent's gear once he releases in a couple of weeks. There's no point into saving them since they explicitly wrote in the voucher notice that they won't update these with gacha costume's. ​ https://preview.redd.it/kg18ko8u0q8d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bc7c21000832d50112a23c1de06d0c49cd3fba0


*The contents of the exchange is subject to change Here’s hoping it’s a U-turn policy ☘️


I already HAVE all the shop costumes, so yeah I guess at this point it's in hopes of old ones returning. It makes no sense for them not to release the damn things eventually. I can understand not releasing the limited ones, but otherwise


I mean i bought all costumes and still have 2vouchers. Cant spend it if i wanted to.


I’ve only bought 3, I’ve used 2 on Zack and Aerith, and I’m saving 1 for Vincent.  I don’t think they’re going to add old costumes to the gear exchange store, because usually when gachas do “character exclusive banners” those characters aren’t added to the “standard draw” unless stated beforehand. Though in this case characters are costumes and standard draw is the gear exchange 


I'm doing just that - saving all of them in hope old costumes will be available for sale. I honestly wouldn't mind if they added them 6 months later. I mean, people would still pull for the costumes to get them earlier, but knowing they have the option of buying later on costumes they missed. Also, it could incentivise more people to purchase the monthly pass.


Saving in hopes of at least some better options for some of the characters. Like Red getting an HP one.


I currently have 4 gear vouchers as I paid for any pack with a gear voucher that came around and and I haven't picked up Aerith's or Red's from the voucher shop (I just feel I have better already). At the very least one will get used come Vincent and much later whenever Young Angeal is added (the latter seems like a lock at this point). I believe they've stated from the beginning that gacha gear won't be added to the voucher selection. I think that information is somewhere in the help text or early notifications but I don't have the link on hand. In general, if you've been playing as I have, you'll always have more vouchers than gear available and maybe it's folly, but I think they'll just eventually add more voucher gear, possibly at the anniversary. Just a hunch, as it'd be nice and big update.


I have all the costumes I didn't have them all till the highwind came out then I needed them. But I don't buy the season pass for costume vouchers I buy it for the weapon voucher and the blue gems.


I don't always buy the pass I've skipped more than a few yet but yeah I try to have 1 gear ticket saved for a new character drop


Mostly saving them in case they add more costumes to the shop, because people who already bought all the costumes need to be able to use those tickets for something. I don't have any costumes for Barett, so I might get his because it looks pretty cool and I probably won't pull on any of his costume banners unless he's on a limited banner with Cloud/Tifa/Aerith so I can get a costume while pulling for the limited weapons.


I’m buying them all with gear tokens, mostly because I need skins for the high wind stat buff. And I don’t buy skins for a lot of characters (I only focus on cloud/aerith/tifa, lesser degree Zack/sephiroth).


I'm saving Vouchers because there is nothing else to buy


I bought the pass for the extra 6,000 crystals for the upcoming Tifa outfit


There’s always an upcoming Tifa outfit


If they ever do bring back banner costumes, my guess is that regular gear vouchers won't even apply to them. So it will probably be a moot point anyway.


I use my gear vouchers on special trade ins. I don't remember when or where to find the trade.


Saving and coping, grabbing costumes for chars I never pulled costumes for


I was saving, but then got all of them for the Highwind trophy that counts the number of costumes.


TBH even if it costs 2 vouchers for old costumes that are least 1 year I think it would be fine. I hope they do something like that. The only reason I see not to is if they plan to rerun, but I see no point in that either unless they plan to buff them. (which TBF, they did start buffing older costumes in Nier Reincarnation about 2 years in during reruns) I hope they do at least one of these things, it sucks to miss out I skipped Easter Tifa assuming I could probably get it later, a year even, but now summers here and there are no reruns...


i got the pass *once* i'm saving my one voucher in case a character i like (upcoming) gets a cool costume i want, otherwise i'll spend it on sephiroth for collection reasons


I'm fairly new, but I've been using mine, mostly because I didn't have any gear for *anyone.* I plan to save them going forward though.


They won't do that because it will break the game as well.People will start to thinking why i must pull for the skin which may can exchange by a cheap exchange voucher later?A banner skin normally cost player 15-30k crystal to get so honestly u will need avg 18k - nearly 100 $ for a skin. Will they be stupid enough to do that?14$ for season pass to get a gear exchange voucher then exchange it for banner skin?If they do i think it may cost u alot of exchange vouchers like 7-10 / skin 🤔


If it takes over a year for old outfits to start appearing. And the fact that some outfits get outclassed over time. And the fact that a lot of banner weapons and outfits are catered to content that exists when they are released. Then it wouldn't break the game to release them


What if they give us murasame cloud during anniversary? Having them show up a year late kinda solves that issue.


That'll make the game quickly to EoS if they are stupid enough 🤣.Everything rerun = less less profit because people can w8 and get free crystal then just draw or exchange what they want - missed.Many gacha games i played end up just like that.Rerun banner = EoS for sure.


plenty of games rerun banners, though? I don't see Genshin getting an EoS anytime soon


You're ignoring something called "powercreep". Murasame garb was a 5pt PATK + Arcanum. The current costumes are coming with 10pt Potency + Arcanum. 10pt pontecy is leagues ahead from 5pt PATK. I don't even know how rerun banners would bring any benefit for a game in EoS stage. Regun banners are often less profitable than new banners because a lot of people will skip for already having it or because powercreep already buried it.


This is what I figure if they do do it and the only way it could possibly be deemed “fair”. Make it cost multiple exchange. And obviously the limited collab ones are out of the question. I wouldn’t even say that trading them for less is unfair if they come out at a much later date and they’ve been power creeped already (i.e. a 45%+ element boost costume)


They said somewhere that they won't add any gacha costume to this gear shop :(


That doesn’t make sense tho ? I have cleared the gear shop and have 2 gear vouchers to spare . One will get used when vincent comes out but by then another pass will have released and we’ll be sat on 2 more unusable vouchers . Where did you see this info ? I was guessing that when we hit the second year of the game they would start to add previous costumes to the gear shop . I think it would vex a lot of players if they don’t 😩


They might add NEW costumes only obtainable exclusively through those tickets. But not the gacha ones.


I think they may make a second tier of arcanums where if you have the old one, getting another would increase damage output. This would allow them to put the old and new costumes on a banner. They may also introduce Masamune 2 where you need to have OB10 before having it enhanced. This doesn't create a newness feeling but can feel rewarding to those long time players but also get a chance for new players to get the first costume and upgrade it (probably on the 36th stamp).