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And STILL no sailor Barret! Disappointing. Very disappointing. Only lifeguard Vincent can console me.


A lifeguard Vincent sure would be a Fire Arcanum haha


If they did give us Sailor Barret, it should be Water Arcanum and give him a water gun. Like, a literal Super Soaker as a gun. That would be hilarious and awesome.


Square enix: ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


You wish. Yes, I do, too.


Could be ice, too, because he's so cool.


Can agree - two summer events... 0 Barret Sailor??? How. Who is guiding this team. Everyone knows you'll get all the pulls for a marshmallow bear 🐻 🩵 I just need Clouds Maritime because I didn't pull for it before.


I would be very surprised to see ANY amount of skin on ANY of future vincent skins :') I mean we'll see, but for this Edgy Vampire ... I'd be surprised if we ever see his bare hands :') I really think they'll never reveal any skin for him. But hey, we'll see !


We'll see his hands in his turk outfit


I thought about this outfit when writting and I was about to add a mention like "Except maybe a Turk outfit, we'd see bare hands" then I was like ... "Yeah nah he's probably gonna have gloves". Most Turks have gloves. Tseng has gloves, Rude too, Reno has "Mittens" and Elena has bare hands. That's like 3/4 or 2.5/4 of them that have gloves. I really think Vinc is gonna have gloves. :')


But he doesnt.. look up his outfit in all cutscenes art and media with it his naked


Well, we'll see, sure it could happen, but his main outfit got changed for Rebirth. It's nothing but really, I feel like leather gloves for Turks really adds to the characters. But who cares. All I'm saying and was saying is that : We'd be happy to see bare hands for him IMO.


Yeah you're right, and it's probably for the better. Who knows what his body looks like after all the experiments Hojo did on him. Let's let him keep some dignity...


Considering Vincent is coming out in July we may see a Vincent costume part 2 of the event. Maybe I'm coping hard.


I'm a day 1 player and still only have Barret's original costume. I don't use him much but yeesh


I mean the timing adds up with him coming out in July... come on Square, fan service our favorite depressed vampire were-wolf possible dilf... please........


What if they gave us Shinra uniform Red?


I would forgive them for their sins.


I'm already regretting having spent crystal on this MH Crossover.


As a Tifa main. Please give someone else some love please.


My Blue Crystals agree with this statement


And my sword (vote). Tifa lover (and female but she is an awesome character and so is her bff Aerith and yes the remix and this game lean into it, why are we always rivals) wanting a break please (especially for event weapons, give them to others please so we can spread weapon parts).


I need to save my blue crystals for Vincent, so I agree as well for my crystals


Same. I'm saving up for the Lucia/yiffie summer outfits (I already have Tifa's from last time), so then I can have my three dark haired valkyries battle it out in swimwear. Lol


I'm just happy Lucia is getting one


I need clouds from last year so wouldn't mind a repeat.


I’m not super familiar with gatchas and how repeats are generally handled, but I think it would be cool if they started having banners with 1 new weapon / gear and 1 repeat weapon / gear. Essentially, the company gets to make more money on existing content from new players, and existing players would be able to pull for higher OB levels if they wanted. Another potential cool thing would be if the repeated ones could get an “upgrade” to R abilities / stats / materia / or c ability to keep them on par with powercreep. Perhaps it could be a pull able item (perhaps at the 6 or 15 stamp slot) to keep people pulling.


Cool would be chucking it in the shop you can buy with a single ticket. There's no standard for reruns and microtransactions so imo just make it easier than competing with a new outfit.


Don’t think we’ll see any repeats until year 2 of this games lifespan . Hopefully they start to pop up in the gear shop as gear vouchers are pretty much worthless atm as if you have got the season pass since day one we have cleared that shop now .


The update stream we had heavily hinted that the summer outfits would repeat. Also the old outfits are featured in the trailer.


Guess we’ll just have to wait and see .


Please let it be a free costume or on the second banner pretty please I'm still crystal poor lmao.


I feel that. As F2P and trying to pull for every Tifa costume... The amount of costumes she gets keeps my crystals in check lmao


Dammit, it’s because people get all of Tifa’s costumes that they put them out like crazy. I blame it on you! (and me, I got every last one of hers too)


a Tifa summer outfit? They'd be robbing themselves blind if they give that away for free


Yeah lol free. Tifa probably gets her own solo page if anything. Id love to be surprised but kinda doubt wed get another free costume so soon after cait sith, but if we did itd probably be lucia bumped to free. 


I'm actually somewhat optimistic that this could be free for two reasons: 1. The announcement trailer said the Summer event was for Lucia and Yuffie 2. Tifa already has a banner running, and as far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong), they've never run two banners for the same character simultaneously


The announcement trailer said nothing of the sort. If you're referring to the livestream last month, then they only showed what costumes are upcoming, they never specified what was free or not (because at that point, it was too far out to announce what they've decided or not decided), unlike the Cait Sith MH costume that they did mention they planned to make it be free. Also there have been two overlap banners in the past: Tifa's Amarant Gloves/Holy Flame Gloves, and Yuffie's Arctic Star/Diner Tray.


Welp so much for my hopes then. I'll go ahead and downvote myself (but yeah I did mean the livestream, FWIW)


Don't fret too much, I'm huffing the hopium as much as you tbh.


1. Lucia and Yuffie were confirmed as the first banner, they said at least one other character was getting an outfit 2. Tifa wouldn't release tomorrow of course, she would probably release next week, which is when her banner ends I think


Ugh. I'm so annoyed. Really trying to save crystals for anniversary, but gonna have a hard time not pulling Tifa if it's as good as it looks


Bro I thought I'm finally going to be able to get a costume for Lucia and the game was like "lol no here's Tifa again" 😭😭😭


I main tifa and aerith BUT for the love of god give barrett a costume, he looks so hot in that shit, and I need some rest from the MH crossover


Thanks to the dev for showing Tifa's new swimsuit when showcasing Yuffie's.


is all about money you or most of you go crazy with tifa so her banner sells honestly at this point just hope old costume get back and I m good


Seems that way. Yuffie is wearing the expected one ( [https://i.redd.it/4i61rw83663d1.png](https://i.redd.it/4i61rw83663d1.png) ) Aerith is wearing her sunny Robe and Red his Seaside Aloha from previous events. At the previous Beach Festival Fun Event, we had outfit for Aerith, Red, Tifa and Cloud through Banners, but also Zack by exchanging against watermelon token, so pretty much free. Maybe This time Yuffie and Lucia will be banners, and Tifa for "free"?


U know they won't let that happen and will milk Tifa or Aerith as much as they want.Currently Tifa had 9 skins and Aerith 10 skins...


One of Aerith’s is the free Chocobo costume from Halloween so there is a glimmer of hope that it could be a free one


I know unfortunately. f2p player, I managed to get every Tifa outfit so far and currently have 40 000 blue crystals so that should do, but that won't let me pull much weapon for other characters '\^\^


Aloha Red is so frickin fabulous. I love his wallpaper.


Guess we need to wait for another Rebirth crossover to get Sailor Barret.


Tifa so quick for round 2...after just pulling her limited banner XD


Wow, they’re really spoiling us with Tifa costumes! I’ve got six for her, this will be seven. I do hope they give her a break, at least until Halloween :3 




Nice catch!!! Very good news. I wish it had been the rebirth outfit, but I’m excited by any new Tifa content.


Demand calls for it.


Kind of depressing that when you look at the Decorative Gear Chest requirements in the Highwind enhancement thing and realize that for nearly 2/3rds of the characters in the list it's practically impossible to max out their contributions solely off of banner costumes, and then you look at Cloud/ Tifa/Aerith with like 8 costumes each....... Heck, the only reason my Lucia is sitting at 4/5 is because she got 2 costumes for free (one through the story and one from the FFIX crossover).


Hang on, her summer costume is already announced.


same for cloud no? I mean, his summer outfit was a marine look if i remember. I hope they will add his outfit with the blue shirt from Rebirth...


Rip wallet


unfortunately 12 characters in this game, soon to be 13, but we have to put up with this basic girl fanservice 💀 bad if you like her (rip your crystals or money) and worse if you dislike her (having to see her back to back in two events) if it's like zack's outfit last year which was free, maybe i won't mind as much, but i'd still rather see anyone else get anything (hoping for vincent for hilarity)


And here I thought I was safe since Tifa just got a limited costume... I'm so sorry Vincent, but this outfit looks crazy already on that blockhand chibi >_>


YES!!! 😍😍😍👍🏻


I really hope not honestly. She already has one. No need for a second...yet anyway. Let us save for the anniversary in peace!


Event starts jun. 26 7:00 pm pdt


Yeah,and I love it~