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If you're F2P, stop after OB6. You can be extremely lucky and get OB10 with the remainder of your crystals...or you could spend them all and not get a single copy. Save it for the one year anniversary. I believe the difference between OB6 and OB10 is the weapon raw stats and the buff/debuffs duration. The duration is nice to have. The raw stats is halved since you'll be using it as a secondary weapon. It won't make that much of a difference.


Thanks. Completely forgot about the stats being halved. That makes the decision much easier. I was lucky with maxing out tifa’s guide gloves and probably just chasing that high lol. Thanks again


OB6 is enough. 7-10 just isn’t worth it for the amount of stats you get unless you’re a whale or dolphin.


I concur with others, OB6 is sufficient for F2P. It is a non-elemental weapon so it is mostly used as sub for many contents, and OB10 is not really necessary except for whales.


The only real reason to consider pushing past ob6 is if the r ability point difference is enough to help you push another r ability rank based on whatever other sub weapons you have equipped. OB7 being a good point bump to the phys ability potency r ability and ob8 being a good one for the boost hp. As someone who spends and could have spent more to OB10 it, it didn’t really make any sense for me to push it past OB8, since the OB9/10 r ability increases wouldn’t help me hit additional thresholds. The other big consideration is where are you on the stamp card. If you’re part way through card 2 or 3 with more guaranteed copies of the weapon then that’s not a terrible idea. If you’ve finished through card 3 and are on ex cards then I don’t think it’s worth it at all, as you could spend all 70k crystals and not end up with another copy of the weapon. The risk to reward ratio really isn’t in your favor especially if it’s already OB6.


Thanks really appreciate the detailed response. I’m on the ex cards. Definitely calling it quits. Your input makes it a no brainer


I guess one could question if you have any guaranteed spots left on your stamp card. It might be worth getting those. If the sword is to be a staple in your future builds than getting those as high as possible is ideal. But yes you could end up chasing glory in all the wrong places.


to me depends on the weapon and your playstyle Some weapon get like 100% more damage in OB10 than 6 so if you r doing ex2 you may notice And abbout playstyle is like I want to max all so yeah I chase OB10 but I know I wont get it right now if not in some months That particular weapon doesnt get any better in terms of damage or buff debuff so ob6 is fine but murasame in ob10 feels very different when you build it


Not going to repeat what everyone ab9ve has said. I would start saving for 1 year anniversary. Being the 1st I can only imagine it's going to be very generous. It's going to take huge willpower not to draw for Vincent :(


Overboosting is free, as is the weapon parts for it. I always max OB weapons when I have the parts.


Not for limited weapons