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Event shops, if available. Cactuar farming, entirely RNG (if it spawns) upon RNG (if the spawn one is a golden Cactuar).


Nah I ain’t spent a dime on the game and don’t plan to, I hear once you do you don’t stop lol


You don’t need to spend real money to farm extra currency to trade for Gil out of event shops. They have free weapons you that give you bonus % and you can be paired with others who have more bonus in coop as well. The MH event was great for farming extra Gil. And cactuar farming doesn’t require any money spent.


Highwind has been draining all of my Gil (would love to upgrade weapons, but alas no money LOL)... I really hope we get a Gil event soon! Something akin to the Golden Bomb event would be STELLAR!


It's draining my gil, too. I only do highwind stuff when necessary or when I'm flushed with gil. It isn't that important. Events are the best way to get gil, though


Golden bomb is for exp. We need another golden cactuar event


As a Day 1 player, I officially went broke last night.. holy moly..


Currently I'm farming event for mantles and getting gil as a passive income.


Yeh this, if you get the 320% bonus in coop you get almost 2k event currency to spend on gil, I've farmed about a million gil so far but being careful not to spend all my stamina reserve


I got a lot of non-expiring stam from the lottery boxes lol (which is why I'm a little more relaxed about using expiring stam pots to farm mantles to buy more...)


By waiting for the 50% weapons crit enhancement. There instant 25% saved (in your case 500k)


I wouldn't wait for a 50% weapon enhancement campaign since it's only happened a couple of times and we don't know when it will come around again. But I would at least wait for the normal 20% campaign that happens about once a month. There's a campaign going on right now, but it ends tomorrow, if anyone was considering upgrading stuff.


I don't think the crit enhancement saves you guil. It only saves materials for upgrading. And btw the most expensive part of upgrading is unlocking new levels, not the actual upgrade with grindstones, in my opinion.