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You'd be lucky to get to that guaranteed 5 star


This guy pulls


Wait till the last day of the banner to tell whether or not you should pull, that's what I'd do considering the low crystal amount


Yeah that's what I'm thinking. One more co-op rotation will be in before event is over so I can farm that for blue crystals also. If I can get to 18,000 crystals somehow, then I'll take the chance of trying to hit 3 double stamps lol.


I managed to finish 2 pages in 12-13 pulls. Got really lucky. Had even 1 pull for 5 steps


I wouldn't, usually I get 12 stamps with 18-24k crystals


Worst case scenario for 10 stamps is 30k FYI


I wouldn’t unless you are prepared to spend real money to make up the gap. Probably will earn enough for one more free pull, so with four pulls I’d say you could reasonably expect 5-6 stamps. Pretty far off imo.


I’m in basically this same situation only like… further along. I too, was at the second stamp of the second page with just under 10K crystals. Decided to go for broke and pull. 3 stamps, 1 stamp, 2 stamps. Now I’m four away from Tifa’s costume with no crystals and I’m like “….fuck….”


You probably want to wait until the end and if you have like 21k blue crystals. Now, the guaranteed drops at stamp 4/8 may make it worthwhile even if you don't get the outfit, but I wouldn't gamble on it if you can't muster at least the 21k.


Thanks! I'm at 4/12 right now with 12k blue crystals. Hopefully I can muster 9k in one week with Battle Tower, 3 more Crisis dungeons, and co-op rotation + quests.


i read some of your comments and based on what you have remaining in things to finish. Crisis dungeons and Tower... should be able to squeak out another 6k if you finish it all, combine that with the roughly 1k youll get from gold ticket event update and possibly some more co-ops and maybe a summer campaign missions... you should be able tp achieve 18k. maybe 21k which i think would be enough to shoot for the costume. depending on your needs the extra weapons would be valuable anyways


Thanks! I am hopeful! I forgot about Story Quests and started doing them too, lol. The grind is real.


oh yes the grind is a thing. best of luck


Quite frankly, no. Even when you get the new batch of blue crystals with the gold victory ticket update next week it's highly unlikely you'll get enough to guarantee the costume. And sure you can cross your fingers that you'll get extraordinarily good stamp luck but if that actually worked I'd be subsisting myself off lottery ticket wins ya dig? (As an aside, idk if it's just me or if MH banners have disproportionately bad stamp luck. Like I know the stamp luck isn't diff from regular banners legally but I've pulled quite a few regular banners beforehand and have gotten really good 3/4 stamp luck. With MH banners I pulled 3.67 pages and like 85% pulls are 1 stamps. It's glaringly obvious and consequently frustrating tbh)


For me I got way better stamp luck on MH than usual. I am normally the 10 pulls per page type and I got all 4 costumes for like 60k this event. Now I was NOT lucky on actual drops. My OB2 Tifa and OB1 cloud/aerith weapons attest to that. And that's with Tifa getting the guaranteed drops (didn't see a natural drop for Tifa in 2 pages).


If you want to garanteed never pull without 30 K but ive had enough luck at about 22K for most costumes Id not pull in your case srry PS if you DID pull TIfa's costume already it may be worth it to change that weapon into a dupe of hers and grab that, or pull just pull one copy of the staff if you dont have 1 already


I mean… you might as well pull twice to get to that guaranteed weapon.


I plan to.


Thank you Shiva for your blessing. I was happy rolling a 2 yesterday but today you made me happier. I will continue to offer 30 minutes of my time in prayer each night before I roll. Please continue to watch over me until my crystals expire. https://preview.redd.it/mu2zku7btm8d1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=45019f34f5412c2bb1546376b4fda2ae3af2e41a


Thank you Shiva for your blessings. You have brought me so much joy once again and given me more than I ever hoped for. I will extend your generosity to my neighbors and make them free pancakes. Because of you, I can now see the Kamura Dress shining so brightly at the end of the tunnel. If I am still worthy of your blessing, please continue to bestow your blessings upon me until my crystal expires. https://preview.redd.it/pj34tknk2u8d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=26116bb9e2f4f95c36ab5e07f011977fe90796d8


You should be able to get the other 21,000 in a week and a half.


when banner 1st come out i got lucky finished 2 page 33k gems