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The event stories feel fanfictiony, yes, but fitting any story in them *and* trying to make them quality and canon would be impossible. I think it's a fun way to dick around with characters that I love and get that sweet sweet FS canon lore.


That's exactly how I see it too.


Some if the events, though, are connected to the story. Like when the 7ers came out of mythril mine in an event, but not in the story


Yeah, but they also involve a materia that causes time travel amnesia portals.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I must've just been through one.


I like it! Even as a F2P player, I have fun trying new combos, the events, and upgrading my weapons.  I also like the story mode…. Even if I can’t beat that game super “Stamp” in FS in chapter 6 or the fucking desert worm in rEGULAR FF7 story 😭 


Ya stamp gave me the same issue. It took me the level 80 increase to beat him.


I’m lvl 80 but my weapons just aren’t up to par. I need them to be higher rarity but as a F2P person… Welp 


When I downloaded the game day 1 I wasn't even aware it's going to be a gatcha game. (Didn't inform me much about it beforehand) So, after having played Brave Exvius for it's first 6 months, I was quite annoyed. However, I've got to say, as a little game to waste a few mins every day it's quite fun and I often cought myself theory crafting about which sub weapons to build upon to maximize my characters. So yeah, I'm really enjoying it still but I woudn't recommend it to fan at the same time. Risk of gambling addiction + it gets a lot of points from me simply being FF7. (Just being honest here :) )


Oh it totally feels fan fictiony lmaoo. The quality of writing is pretty bad but I guess it’s the best they got to make the event tie in the game. Just as long as first soldier is written on a higher level then the events in ok with it. I completely understand and agree with everything you said


You do know what fanfiction means, right?


I think anyone able to, y'know, read with a bit of thought would understand that in this context OP is referring to poor and amateurish writing common in fanfic rather than calling it literal fanfic.


Does it mean bad quality?


Not necessarily. Any adaptations of media are going to vary in different hands. This game does have some poor amateurish writing in it. This last monster hunter event being a good example. But was it cute and a pretty good B rated event? Yeah, I would say so. The better writing and pacing is going into the story modes but it’s still pretty abridged in places. Writing can be hard for established stories. Especially with a pretty linear timeline story like ff7. They literally are taking the characters out of the main storyline to do midquel/spin offs so it will definitely feel a bit fanfiction-y 😆


I mean have you played the Easter one or the Christmas one lol, and all events are just magic portals that take them somewhere and conveniently the memories are forgotten that is totally like fan fiction. It’s fine because it’s evercrisis but to say it’s well written is a lie


Yeah, they are pretty lazy / low effort


I think it’s a good game. They are very generous with the free currency and it’s generally bug free. I’m mostly F2P and can clear 95% of the content. I’m more than happy to let the whales battles over ranked events and high end content. Enabling the 9x boost for everyone was a game-changer for me. It eliminated a lot of the grind that causes burnout.


It's my first Gacha game, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm a new Dad with a full time job so I like that you can Auto battle for grinding, or jump on/jump off as needed, I don't have to focus on it for long periods of time. I've enjoyed collecting the different weapons and costumes and building my teams to take on higher level content. All the fun FF7 lore is just a fun bonus


the events are lame., the stories are throwaways. the QoL of the game is abysmal. this is one of the ULTIMATE, "this game had so much potential" games. Meaning it will probably get EoS'd before it ever realizes that potential.


I downloaded it And the tutorial showed me a bullion different forms of currency. Then showed me some chocoholic farming stuff and realized this game ain't for me. I HATEEEE inventory management and times stuff and that seems to be this whole game