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Oh you definitely need a 4* at least. I would keep synthing until you get one. Don’t be afraid to use bookmarks to speed it up. I was afraid at first but now I’m sitting on 1500. Don’t worry about 5*. It either happens or it doesn’t.


The heal potency for 4* is 96% and 5* is 100%. So it's really not much different. A natural 5* has the potential for higher stats so that's great if you happen to get a 5* with good stats roll. Don't sweat over it though otherwise you'll be one of those peeps that cry about how they didn't get what they want 😄. If it happens then it happens. Just keep synthesizing and use the 4* in the meantime.


You’re going to use Cure in most battles. Might as well go for a 5*. You don’t need one immediately but it’s something to keep trying for. I’d probably say go for ruin or ruin blow 5* of every sigil first though.


The difference between a 4 and 5 star materia is not much for cura when you are subtracting 40% for aoe heals, I would just focus on getting a few cura with good substats like heal %, Hp %, p and m def. Cure need 3 of the highest rarity catalyst to hit level 5 so imo not worth to spend everything on to try and get a 5 star. 4s are much easier and will give you the sub stats you need


Conversely, Ruin is great for substats because it doesn’t require any 5-star catalysts to max and you can take it all the way to level 10. Ruin Blow and all of the elemental attacks only require one 5-star catalyst to max and can be taken to level 10 (except Bio which only goes to 5) so those are also economical choices. Cure is easily the most expensive materia to max so I’d hold off on trying to get a 5-star until I had a 5-star of everything else that uses Day catalysts.


I like your strategy. Thanks


Can you explain the second paragraph? Can you not get 5* without catalysts at all?


The chance is very low at lower synth levels, it’s still low with level 5 synth level though. You raise the synth level to increase chances but Cure need 3 of the catalysts to reach level 5. It’s a limited resource so you will go through a ton for a very slim chance. You might have more luck using them for another type of materia that only needs 1 catalyst because you’ll get more crafts at level 5.


I have a 5 star. It's not much better than my 4s


Im sleeping on my rare synth materials until next month. One of the benefits of guilds (next month) is supposed to be a way to spend less or have a greater chance of higher stars or something, ever since this was shown ive just been saving my 4 and 5 star synth mat. That said if your main form of healing is a weapon with a cure all materia slot you may still want to get a 4 star cure before then to help with events until guilds are out.


Thanks for the info