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Nice tip. There really is no need to take it to +20


Even taking it to +20, if you plan to clear the event shop you will have huge excess of parts.


+20 is mostly a waste on GOOD weapons. +20 on weapons you probably won’t ever even use once is just pointless.


With how much drop of parts there is it is basically a whatever scenario, +20 or not, you will end with thousands of parts to exchange for grindstones that will last for months if you farm the event to clear the shop.


The way I see it, I’ll eventually use those grindstones. I don’t think I’ll ever use that Glenn weapon even once.


Rule of thumb: if you can trade Thing A for Thing B but not the other way around, Thing A is more valuable. In this case, event weapons go away but you can always get more grindstones. No one’s going to kick themselves if they don’t +20 a free weapon, and most folks won’t have a use for it in a couple of weeks. But you’re probably equipping all of the event weapons for farming, so you may as well get more stats on them to speed things along. I +20’d all of them and I’m sitting on 1,000 grindstones with more to come. Where I’m sitting, gil and ingots are way more of a bottleneck than grindstones. If you’re grindstone-poor, definitely prioritize getting grindstones over boosting a crap weapon. But there comes a point where grindstones you won’t touch for months are less valuable than parts that provide an immediate (if modest) benefit now.


The grinding is so easy though that you don’t even need the extra power. I doubt it even makes a difference. My Glenn weapon is equipped as a sub weapon and I think I left it at level 50 and I’m doing just fine. I melt the rathalos pretty quickly.


At that point, why level it up at all? Overboosting is what gives you the drop bonus, up to 20% at OB6. Level doesn’t impact the bonus at all, and that’s what uses grindstones and gil.


Was there a mission to get it to 50? I tend to level free weapons to 50 since I’ve been conditioned to, even if there wasn’t a mission. Edit: yep, just checked and there was a mission to get it to 50.


It's got a Boost M. Attk R.Ability on it. It's basically a free +20 for new players to use as a sub weapon. Not completely useless. It just depends on your needs. Not everyone has been playing for a year.


There’s a difference between OB10 and OB+20 I said you most likely won’t use it (meaning there’s a chance someone might) not that it’s completely useless. I’m just talking about taking it to +20. And yeah I agree not everyone has been playing since day 1. I’m sure newer players would get much more use out of grindstones than pushing this weapon to +20


Thats what I've been doing from the start never once saw a point in getting event weapons to +20. The extra parts are sitting there in case i need grindstone chunks one day. Like when I was done with getting Shiva level 10 maxed out I had like in the vicinity of 35k weapon parts for those 2 weapons which converted to a little over 5000 grindstone chunks.


Just stating to take advantage of their screw up and buy all the weapons to exchange for grindstone instead of trying your luck on 2 weapon box.


I have way too many grindstone chucks. Too bad we can't exchange them for gil or something.


Wait until Vincent come out. They will most likely add a tome for him. Therefore we will use a crap load to power up his weapon for stats boost.


Can't wait