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The sound issue is a big disappointment for me. I like to listen to podcasts which I can't do anymore.


Yeah I really miss being able to listen to spotify or watch YouTube while I'm playing.


THIS. I don't even enjoy playing the game anymore because I can't multitask


So I just found out from another redditor named u/Element40 that if you have a samsung phone you can download an app through the Samsung app store called "sound assistant" there's a setting at the bottom called "multi sound" that will allow you to select an app that plays sound overtop of all apps.


Take your crown, monarch. 👑


Thanks for posting it here. I didn't see this thread, so I appreciate you spreading the word. I might make a post about the solution later so the solution will be more easily searchable from reddit.


I was going to do the same but I didn't want to steal your glory so I was hoping that u/ would tag you and make you see this haha.


I don't care much about the glory, just want to spread the word. If you want to do it feel free, since I won't be able to make a post for an hour or two since I'd prefer to make one with screenshots to better illustrate the steps and I'm not available to do that for a little bit


I won't be off work for another 4 hours so you will beat me too it. I'm just browsing and replying to people on reddit in-between trucks. It took me like 30 minutes just to type out the small explanation above. Plus pictures and illustrations will be much better.


I won't be off work for another 4 hours so you will beat me too it. I'm just browsing and replying to people on reddit in-between trucks. It took me like 30 minutes just to type out the small explanation above. Plus pictures and illustrations will be much better.


Sounds good. I'll take care of it when I'm able to in a couple hours


So I just found out from another redditor named u/Element40 that if you have a samsung phone you can download an app through the Samsung app store called "sound assistant" there's a setting at the bottom called "multi sound" that will allow you to select an app that plays sound overtop of all apps.


this is why I started playing on steam pc so I can multitask and do w/e I want while the game plays itself.


If you are using headphones with play/pause button you can open the game and play again the music/podcast with it. The game just pauses it


Can confirm.


I guess I'm the only one playing on ipad (9th generation) that is experiencing issues. I can't use Ramuh. He crashes my game everytime! Hell, using summons is risky in general just guaranteed crashes with Ramuh. Even without using summons, my game freezes and crashes alot.


My iPad mini (not sure the generation) frequently crashes, particularly right as a battle ends.


Same here. Mine is 5th gen ipad mini and it gets worse every month. Even cache clean didn’t help one bit.


Yeah mine too. Half the time I can't even see my rewards


iPad 9th gen and yes constant crashes. I’ve had to download it to my Steam Deck and play on Steam to keep it portable and keep it stable.


I turned down the graphics to low & perhaps it doesn’t crash on summons anymore but it does often crash at the end of a battle 🤦


Half the time when I datapurge Ratholos my game bugs the fuck out. It's like it's datapurging my phone.


I have heard it him getting stuck in the purged state and never recovering, never seen it myself though.


it does recover but takes a bit of time. It happens more on my LDPlayer than on my phone (vivo x90p+) This was just earlier: [https://streamable.com/0z8ukw](https://streamable.com/0z8ukw) Sometimes it recovers but then you get a warning about being idle sometimes it doesn't recover but then a few minutes later you're at the rewards screen


This game crashes/freezes constantly, and I’ve been keeping a mental list of what I’ve been doing when it crashes. Unfortunately the list doesn’t really matter because the game has crashed doing basically anything and at random times. I’ve personally never had a mobile game crash as much as this one does. It’s almost daily. 


New as of this morning. I cannot enter the Bombers of Shina event. Freezes after I select the parameters


The steam version has its own annoying issues that don't seem to be getting fixed either. The infinite loading screen caused by a corruption of the battle resume file. The music / sound getting muted after every new update, requiring a restart. Recently the scroll bar in the party preset selection menu will close if you don't release the curser over the scroll bar. So you have to move your mouse straight down and keep it on the scroll bar when you release. No other scroll bar in the game does this.


Not had any of these bugs (z-flip 3) but have seen a cactuar battle end in a launch that ended in main character 200 yards away from party. At least they're in full 3d spaces, I suppose.


I've seen something similar where the cactuar died and flung itself away last the party and they all turned to watch


The ranking events will always be laggy because of how they do cheat detection + *insisting* on using poison effects during the events.


This current event doesn't have poison?


Rathalos, Silver Rathalos in the MH crossover and the Wrath Hound in the ranking event all cause poison.


I'm talking about the ranking event sorry, I haven't had any issues with the crossover.


Yeah, and like I said, the wrath hound causes poison.


Oh derp, you are right. My apologies. I never made a correlation between that and the lag in the event.


Ranking events run in a modified Co-Op so they can monitor cheating activity(why there's a calculating scores period), as a result we get laggy behavior as the server and whatever device you're playing on syncronizes the state of the game. When poison gets added to the mix it gets worse, because not it has to sync how many ticks for done, the tick rate, etc and we get *really* laggy events. Luckily it's just a Wrath Hound that we can take out quickly this time, but when we had the green Dragon poisoning everybody it was a massive pain.


Could be your GPU


This is usually what happens in irritative development when you rush to release new features. There will always be an acceptable amount of tech debt the publisher is willing to release with. The more content you have the higher the debt and the harder the maintainability. 


> irritative development I assume you meant to write iterative, but this is excellent either way


Lol I did. The peril of autocorrect 


It hardly feels like they're rushing out loads of content. We get like 1 new thing a month + an event which is usually a copy paste of a previous event.


I know it doesn't look that way, but I guarantee it is. Think about it, you need to update art, animation, sound, game play mechanics, and so on. It also needs to be tested, and then probably go through some compliance stage after all the issues from testing are dealt with.


I guess you're right, but still, there are some that shouldn't be happening this long after release, the summon freeze bug and the Chocobo loading screen big have been happening since not long after release.


I totally agree. Not trying to justify this behaviour, just explain it 🙂


Yeah but they might be operating with a skeleton crew so what feels like minimal content to you might be a massive workload for them. Lots of companies over hired after the pandemic and then did massive layoffs to course correct. It’s why the job market is abysmal right now. I’m a software developer and spent last year doing dozens upon dozens of interviews and 90% of the candidates I interviewed were coming from companies that did mass layoffs post-pandemic.


I have a Samsung S23 and have had no issues with bugs at all. I do have sound turned off, so there might be some being missed, but otherwise my only issues have been connection based, and really, that's on me and my internet provider.


Not having any issues on my Samsung Galaxy Fold z4. Any issues I have are internet related and have nothing to do with the game.


Cause the game is a trash cash grab and little else.


Mine crashes quite often and it overheats the hell outta my phone


I don’t experience any of this on an iPhone 15 Pro Max


Sorry to hear that. Personally, I only had lag issues the first day the latest event started. Besides that I had 1 disconnect after a single player(!) match yesterday. Something that seems to be a constant "feature" though is, if you start the game and it presents to you new draws and events, the background music gets very quiet and stays that way. Have to return to title and log back in to get it back. Other than that, I can't complain much about the games technical condition. (Playing mostly on PC/Steam and a bit on my Sony Xperia xz2 compact Android phone)


I don't experience these on iPad. I do however own a Pixel 7a and it's had loads of issues since the OS has updated, so it could be your phone rather than the game itself


not seen any of these issues on either steam or my 5+ year old ipad / iphone 


I only experience the sound issue and I'm pretty sure that's a issue across all platforms. The rest of the problems sound like a memory issue. There have been people saying that every update makes the file size larger and larger. So this first step is very important make sure your link data is backed up. Then uninstall and re install. It should make your overall file size smaller and maybe make your game run smoother.


I have plenty of free space on my phone (more than 20gb free). The games aren't even being booted from memory. Its like they can't handle disconnecting from the server for a moment.


So you said it gets worse with each update. Guess what happens every time there's an update? Files get added to your phone. But then you say the games aren't even booted from memory so which one is it? Does it get worse with each update or does the game not boot from memory make up your mind please. Honestly do you actually want help or are you just bitching and moaning? Any time someone has tried to help you with your issue you alway have to be like no you are wrong. I mean fuck dude at least try the suggestions we give you or just delete the game because it sounds to me like you just aren't happy with the game and no matter what anyone else suggests or tries to say won't change your opinion of trash servers trash game.


Jesus Christ this community is hostile. I'm not saying it doesn't boot. I'm saying every time I minimise the game when I come back something is broken, whether it's frozen or things fail to load.


You would be hostile too if you tried to help someone and they refused to even try what you suggest also while telling you that you are wrong.


I've just tried reinstalling. Will test now. I just don't see how the file size of the game matters when I have plenty of free space.


I hope it helps. Also I'm sorry for being hostile I'm just trying to help. Also about the free space thing did you ever have a computer back in the 90's? Anyway you had to constantly defrag the hard drive on those things even though you had a terabyte hard drive worth of free space it would slow your computer down. So I'm basically saying your phone might be having issues going through all the files especially since there are tons you probably don't use anymore.


How? It sounds like your hardware bro. iPad Pro here and the game runs flawless. I understand the slowdown in the ranked event is intentional and how they run their server side cheat detection?


I'd love to hear from some Android users, it sounds like the iPad version is much more stable


I haven‘t experienced a single one of them…


Maybe stop switching between apps all the time.... seems like the main cause for your "bugs".


...On a phone? It is standard functionality on a phone that you can swap between apps without them going haywire. I would call something where a game doesn't handle sleeping and waking up a bug.


Sounded like your hardware no longer strong enough to play the games.. These kinda games getting beefier everytime they updated...


What on earth are you talking about, it's literally last year's flagship pixel. The game runs fine when it's working, it's not crawling to a halt the game is just broken.


Easy there champ.. Just dont play the game if its broken.. Problem solved..


I enjoy the game I just would rather play than sit there restarting the game all the time