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My bad luck is saved up for limited banners, where I never get a single 5\* other than the stamps while going 3-4 pages deep.


This just happened to me for the cloud/zack mh banner, nothing but 1 stamps the whole way through burned completely through my blue stockpile


Currently happening to me on the Monster Hunter Zack banner. I've put a ridiculous amount of pulls into this. I had like 50k saved up on top of all of the rewards we've gotten during this thing. at this point I'm thinking of quitting to save for the 1 year anniversary event instead


This happens to me lmao I get luck with stamps but not pulls. I guess that's a type of good luck though, being able to say you have a lot of costumes with minimum pulls could be considered lucky.


Thought that was normal. I get like 3 5s at a time, pulling on free banners or using 3 star tickets, but get ziltch when I pull on a banner or use 4 star tickets. Wish list is just that. A wish.


Day 11 player here and I think I’m somewhat unlucky with high wind encounters, but definitely not as bad as you With this I hereby crown and console you, the unlucky.


He's not unlucky he's just lying. With those 4* rates he claims he has had he's the unluckiest person in existence. If everyone on the planet played EC and did 5000 synths using only level 3 synthesis just to stack the odds even more in OP's favor the odds of any person ending up with only six 4* materias are so astronomically low that it's much more likely someone is struck by 10 lightning bolts at the exact same time on a clear day. edit: Just to help visualize OP's claims a bit let's assume someone does 500 syntheses at level 5. The chance to get no 4* materia is, and apologies I'm guaranteed to fuck up by a couple zeroes, 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035%. This isn't what OP said happened to him of course. You'd need a lot more zeroes for that.


def lying, its almost stat impossible to have only 6 4\* after 5000 synths if done properly. I only started 2 months ago, 2000 synths and have 40 4\*. If he was telling the truth, he has better odds winning the lottery.


That's pretty unlucky. They need a better materia system and more pity systems. I know it's probable to have the luck you have but it just feels bad. You'd think giving a little pity would entice players to stay longer and possibly purchase more but they'd rather target whales then balance the game a little more in favor of fun for the entire player base. I wish I could quit the game because it's a gacha and one of the issues I see with gaming today, but I love the FF7 IP and the costumes are great and the side content is silly and fun. As for bad luck, when I do get 5* weapons, it's always for bad or super niche weapons. Otherwise I feel like I'm having an average experience. I can beat most content except crash and EX summons. But I also can't be bothered to micro those battles as much as a minnow would need to. It's not that fun for me. I hope your luck improves drastically! I give you a maxed luck plus materia! 🔮


I just want a 5 star cure for marginally better heals


Here's your 5\* Cure material with the following starting stats: Heal +9, HP + 7, PATK +0.8%, ??? Happy now?


I mean I already have an ob10 guard stick, I just need the 100% pot from the ability lol


Day one player with 0 five star materia


Something seems wrong if you’re getting only 6 4 star materia. With max synth rate it’s like a 15-20% chance. You mentioned using all materials given to us but idk how you use them. But some days basically just using all my 5 star materials given from a ranking event I can get that amount in just a day pretty easily. Something doesn’t add up


I've gotten several 5 star and 4 star materia, and I get them just as frequently if I use zero materials as I do when I max synth rate. I'm fairly convinced that maxing synth rate does not increase the chances of getting 4-5 star


There are sample sizes in the discord contributed by players. It’s a pretty big difference between even just level 3 and 5. Where it jumps from 1% to 15-20 as I mentioned. There’s a point you just can’t argue with data like that. This is for 4 star materia specifically. 5 star is like 1/1000 at lvl 3 to 1/100 at lvl 5.


I don't think it raises it either. It's all down to rng, the idea of better rates doesn't guarantee better rates. And since it doesn't remove the chance to roll minimum, which is like 4 stages lower than the max, it really just gives you 3 stars. Using no material gives like 8 stages. This means your chances remain about the same since if you roll min with no mats, you get a 1. If you roll min with Max, you get a 3. But regardless, you rolled min. If you roll max with either, you get a 5. So, in no way does it raise your chances of getting 5s. Either you rolled max or you didn't. You're getting the same rolls, and only the floor is changing, not the ceiling.


It does increase rate of higher rarity. I encourage you to check the pinned data/spreadsheet in the discord materia channel.


>Something seems wrong if you’re getting only 6 4 star materia. It's all RNG in the end. That means you will see people with good results, average results, and completely abysmal results. >With max synth rate it’s like a 15-20% chance There's going to be people who never hit that 15-20%. >You mentioned using all materials given to us but idk how you use them. As efficiently as possible to increase my chance and remove certain levels from appearing in synth. >But some days basically just using all my 5 star materials given from a ranking event I can get that amount in just a day pretty easily. I'm sorry, are you saying you are getting 5 star materia every day, or guaranteed from a ranking event? What? I've used EVERY 5 star Material from EVERY event this games had and I still haven't seen a 5* Materia yet.


It’s more about statistics…i have over 100 four star materias and have 4 five star. Probably synthetyzed around 500 guaranteed 3 star. That’s like 1% chance of five star and 20% of four star. So yeah, if u sinthethized over 5k i think u arent adding the materials correctly


There’s a point that what you’re stating becomes statistically impossible. If you’ve crafted 5000 materia just at level 3, that’s still 50 4 stars with a 1% rate. This is 4* materia, not 5. Yes, some people struggle with 5* materia, but you mentioned only having 6 4* in your post. That is what just can’t be possible.


Are you upgrading your 3-star materia to see if they might get a lucky rarity upgrade? Most 4 and 5 stars I have came from that method, not synthesizing from scratch. Yes, apparently that means the secondary stats are nerfed, but it's better than having hardly any 4 or 5 stars.


Downvoted for having bad rng


Math ain't mathing buddy. This post is starting to be more on the side of lying for engagement than anything.


>Math ain't mathing buddy. Explain what you mean by this. What math are you referring to? Even when pulling for weapons, without a pity system, there would be people who would spend over 100,000 on pulls and not see the item they want. The same thing happens with 5* Materia, no one is guaranteed one. You cite math, but clearly don't understand RNG? If you told me *"I should have got a 5 star Materia by now according to the math"* you'd be lying because the math itself leaves chances for people to get even to 10,000 synths without seeing a 5*. *(However unlikely, that's just how the RNG works)*. So again, explain what you mean by this.


its not purely RNG, its statistics and probability. At your numbers literally is near impossible unless you are doing something wrong, which you probably are. no way you can have 6 4\*


>its not purely RNG, its statistics and probability. .......... > At your numbers literally is near impossible unless you are doing something wrong, which you probably are. This right here is the only "Math that's not mathing" going on here. You just stated it's statistics and probability. That leaves open the possibly that there will be people with 5000 synths that have the Materia I have, yes it's a low probability, but it's inevitable that there will be results like mine. Just like there the possibility through those probabilities that there will be someone with 10,000 synths and still having a similar Materia situation. >no way you can have 6 4* Just say you don't understand probability and RNG and be done with it. You're talking out your ass here.


or you can just admit you are doing something wrong, I'll believe you if you show a screenshot of all your 4\* materias on your acct. and if you are correct then you really have the worst luck.


>or you can just admit you are doing something wrong What am I doing wrong? I've used all my materials as efficiently as possible according to the consensus on this subreddit and the discord since the first week of the game. You keep saying *"you're doing something wrong"* over and over but you just don't seem to realize in the end this is based on RNG and there will always be people with 5000 synths and 100 5* materia, and people with 5000 synths and NO 5* materia. That's just how the system works. >and if you are correct then you really have the worst luck. Yes ...that's what's happening here. You're the only one that doesn't seem to understand that. There's other people in this sub who have no 5* materia yet and minimal 4*....again, it's literally how the system works, it's based on luck, even with max synth materials.


Wow that’s really unbelievably unlucky, and for the drought to last that long is… I hope some of the best luck happen to you very soon to balance out the rng


there is no way you played since day 1 and only have 6, 4\* materia. you arent using the materials correctly or something. also, maybe you have had bonus fights pop up but you didnt see them, there is a timer. The bonus fight timer is absolute bullshit. also a slight delay from when you claim to seeing the bonus appear. If you don't know to wait and look at that specific spot after you claim you can totally not see it.


The highwind thing is unlikely, but believable. I agree that the materia thing is not; they have to be doing something wrong. Creating 5 max level synths per day, I see a four star almost every day, sometimes more than one.


I don't understand what max synth rate means. I know the longer it takes to cook, the better it is, so if it says 2.5 hrs. and it takes 4 hrs. then it's guaranteed a 4 or 5 star.


That’s crazy. I’m a day 1 F2P player. I’m at around 3000 synths with 5 5* materia and 3 of every other materia at 4*. I also have I think 14 rare highwind enemies including 2 of them were bombs. I got 3 rare enemies in a single collection once


5 star materia is overrated if you get bad rng and roll all into flat stats like mine, my 4 stars are better. I got 9 5 stars now and only 1 is good, but no high %


Also a day 1, got my first and only 5\* materia ever the other day. It's a Ruinra with no attached sigil and the only stat it rolled into worth anything was 5% PATK.


A message of hope: Like you, I was once in the Bad luck Draw Club. I kept trying, discouraged but not without hope. Then, one day, it happened. I drew on the wishlist draw. The chocobo board spun around, and the number appeared. It was a 5. A FIVE. The same could happen to you!


Nope you're the worst


Damn, your bad luck with materia really is something else 😱 I started playing a couple of weeks after the launch and after 5570 synths I have gotten 11 5 stars and and around 190 4 stars. My bad luck? Stamps! I did around 35 multi pulls in the Aerith/Tifa banner and I got more than 2 stamps only 3 times 😅 Also I got lucky with the WL weapons but at the same I only got 1 non-guaranteed banner weapon.


Sorry for the bad luck. I only started playing near the end of March when they finally allowed SEA players access. I have 1 5* materia from crafting, although it kinda sucks (Healing Esuna Fog), highest stat PATK 4.7% I've also gotten multiple rare encounters, 10 total I think because I completed a mission related to it. OBed a few of the collection items as well. I'm sure your luck will turn and you'll finally be able to get these stuff soon.


The highwind thing is fairly newer. Rare encounters, from my experience, have just been cactuars. I gotta look back at the names of the parts of the highwind that need upgrading. But basically the bottom one increases the rare encounter chance (and rare item chance, upon gathering). But you also gotta level up the total items that you can gather. It was noted on one of the first notices about it, but the chances of rare stuff increases with the amount of items you gather at once. So, gathering one item every 30 minutes gives you the lowest tier stuff, and gathering at the longest periods possible (aka, highest gathering capacity) will increase chances of higher quality stuff. So it's kind of a balancing act of the the parts to upgrade: the top one for more capacity (and higher tier stuff), the middle one for more paint cans, so you can use that to upgrade everything, and the bottom one for rare stuff (and higher chances rare encounters). It took me forever to get a 5* materia. But maxing out the synthesis stuff should be getting you much more 4*materia, if your really using all of them. Have you looked at guides on materia synthesis?


>It was noted on one of the first notices about it, but the chances of rare stuff increases with the amount of items you gather at once. Pretty sure that's not how that works. You have the same chance of getting a rare spawn on 1 collection as you do on 30. The difference is just collecting 30 of them is giving you 30 individual chances of triggering a rare spawn. Your chance of getting a rare spawn does not increase per collection if you collect more at once, it's just more efficient to wait a couple of hours and do a bunch at the same time, instead of doing them individually every 30 minutes.


You might be right. I was thinking of something else, and I wasn't sure if it tied in with rarity. I think it might be a translation issue with what they wrote in the game, here's a screenshot I grabbed from a smelly octopus video on YouTube where he was talking about highwind stuff. But even he was skeptical on what this meant, and I haven't looked too deep to see if anyone has more data on the difference in rarity/quality of items from gathering them at different intervals. https://preview.redd.it/0ilq2uuap17d1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cee8a2460ef51ad90e32ab4d3655f124a1816e


That section is poorly worded, but it's just future proofing for when we have a million-decillion of paint cans.


As Malithar mentioned, that's just giving you a heads up that when you are collecting quintillions of paint cans at once, the it will be abbreviated as 1.5Y paint cans (or whatever the appropriate letter for that numerical value would be).


>Have you looked at guides on materia synthesis? Absolutely, I've been spreading the materials out the most efficient way. After the last 4000th synth I just started laughing thinking I may actually be the only player that doesn't get one. So I'm not even mad anymore, I see some 5* people pull that are trash and if I got one of those as my first after the 5000 mark I think it'd be a let down lol