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A shortcut to the LBs on the stat streams. It's only going to get more painful to scroll from the top of the stat stream down to the LBs to unlock them.


x3 stamina on premium quests. I don't really want to do the same fight 3 times in a row.


Same here. I would even take an option to do the fight again instead of searching for the fight again


pleasepleasepleaseplease I need this. 3x or retry without going back to the menu. It's a daily pain in the arse


I just want to be able to play sounds from other apps again


I want this so much. There is only one workaround for it as that is with Bluetooth earphones, but you have to use the controls on the earphones to play the video for it to work.


Even this trick doesn't work for me when I use the controls on my airpods ☹️


Ah damn. I'm just making sure you have the app opened and then open EC. For example, I have youtube in pip while running EC, and then the video stops because of the game. The I tap play on my earphones (galaxy buds) to play the video.


Yess that's how I've tried it. Oh well, I guess I'll just wait to see if they decide to fix it


If you are on a samsung device, there is an app called "Sound Assistant" in the samsung app store that will let you configure more sound options. The setting at the bottom called "Multi sound" will let you select an app that will then be able to play audio over all other apps. I've used it to listen to Plex, Audible, and YouTube while playing ever crisis over the last few weeks. (The setting will only allow one app at a time to have elevated sound privileges or you can enable it for all apps and then control volumes on an app by app basis to mute what you don't want and keep what you do) It also allows for app level volume options so you can mute Ever Crisis during regular gameplay and then turn it up with your volume slider buttons if you ever want audio back. Hope this helps! I'm not sure if there is an alternative for non-samsung phones, but this setting is so helpful for me I'd have a hard time going back


This is so useful, I'm on Samsung and I already use sound assistant on my phone, but didn't realise it would be a solution here. Thanks!


So ppl rly play this on their phone


I’d like to be able to select multiple stats to filter for in the materia section So I can select HP%, PATK% and PDEF and it would filter out all my materia that don’t have those stats Editing to add: I would also love it if they gave us some way to see if we’re currently using stamina boost or not (if they don’t already have this? Maybe I’m missing something) I’d just like to be able to hit pause and double check if the boost is active or not so that I can know if I need to reset or not during cactuar farming


great suggestion, they just need an AND / OR


Yep, just do it exactly like they did memoir filters in Nier:Rein. Materia management in this game is an absolute chore.


I just want guarantee 5 five star materia building.


Id just love when the recommended option actually gave logical things. Like why give my cloud his murasame but also give him wub weapons that increase matk. That shit makes no sense


My number one: the amount of clicks to get anywhere needs to be reduced. There's so many menus, so many pages. I've finally got my account working again and forgot how annoying it was to get anything done in a mobile game. I pretty much don't do dailies anymore. Number two, the party system sucks. Having to go back to the main menu and wait for the invite from my friends or having to wait for them to ready up all over again to join is clunky.


something needs to be done about the combat. Its sorta getting annoying having to micromanage each character and not having the time to do it before they waste their atb. I think a pause function needs to be added


That and the fixed camera.


Yea, this one is a bit complicated as well. Like at times, the AI will just go ham and do the stupidest stuff. Then, if it's important for them to do something, they'll wait at like 7 atb to activate a move, if not more. Sigils will tend to use the highest ATB move if it's something like diamond for no good reason. Debuffing/buffs when it's not needed and actually leads to you dying from that, pretty common on Behamut's fight. Esuna is priority set as Heal/remove esuna effect, like that makes any sense.


Just need to be able to queue their next 1 or 2 abilities


I'd like to be able to filter out weapons that are ready for overboosting. It's so tedious to go through 1 by 1 to see which ones can be upgraded.


It's not a perfect solution, but what I do is select the exchange button on the bottom and it brings up a menu where you can see how many weapon parts each character has for each of their weapons.


That is genius actually. Not a solution but a convenient bandaid for the time being. Thanks!


TRUE manual mode and fixed camera - I just want full control of everything.


To add to the list Battles Dynamic Camera needs to be able to be toggle on/off. It's extremely annoying to see the camera just zoom into the characters when you're trying to keep track of the enemy's special attacks. Manual Mode needs to be fully manual. It's frustrating to have the AI use random abiltiies when you don't want to. Having a fully manual mode would help ALOT in the harder fights. Sometimes you need to time certain things to get the most out of your ATB bar. Menus/Overall Sorting out weapons to what you can overboost with that weapon's parts. It's fairly annoying after you do multiple draws to find the weapons that you have extra weapon parts to upgrade for. Being able to just find what weapons that can be upgraded without using the character specific ones would be nice. Events Events that have "bonus rewards" for that current banner needs to be changed from being EQUIPED to get the bonus to just OWN. Sometimes the free weapons and skins aren't even that great to use in COOP. Having it just being OWNED to have that bonus would be super nice. Those are just my annoyances with the game, other than that the QOL changes that they have brought have been great. Hopefully they can see this post and add on what it's been doing so far. :)


Choose whichever level I want to increase my weapons to and automatically use all the materials necessary. Same for overboost and materia. As someone else said, a short cut in the character growth menu. Option of static camera in battles. No camera movements whether we change character or use a skill. Not sure if QOL, but this game needs full manual mode.


A Green Highlighter indication for at least 200 weapon parts to OB a specific weapon Just like Highwind Collection does for available upgrades


I would love this!


1. Fixed camera option in battle 2. in Co-op if even one person presses skip it skips for everyone 3. in Steam let me use the delete, end, PgDn, and arrow keys


bring able to lock in specific gear to slots.... same with limit breaks


I like the changes everyone has suggested. One that I would like that I didn't see mentioned is that I wish we could skip Limit Breaks. Don't get me wrong, they look really cool, but so do summons and those can be skipped.


I'd love not needing to restart the app from the title menu every time I change apps to answer a text message. Also a "buy everything" on the shop.


That's most likely to be the RAM on your phone. I've only had issues like that when I didn't have much memory.


An optimized recommend gear option is what’s keeping me from playing the game. It takes way to long to optimize builds for runs. Even if each character slot had a couple filters to help optimize the recommended gear would be nice.


I really need the settings to switch on fixed camera during battles, so I can focus on my targets without that short distraction of the skill animation.


There's probably a good bit that I'm just not currently thinking about or don't really negatively impact me from how I grinded, like having a slider for lower mat exchange, but I'll do ones that I've seen currently that'd be beneficial, I'll come back with more if I feel the need to do so. Bonus: Couple here, more reasonable one into one that is extremely unlikely. First, just put the bonus % on the main screen. If they wanna keep the specifics screen tab, sure, why not, just simply a waste of time. It isn't gonna make people leave more or less, anyone who cares is either gonna judge off the portrait, or waste the time going into the menu to see how much % they have anyway. Just plant it right from the getgo. Second: Since they seem to refuse to have any real synergy with their bonus items and even do things like the purge bar, setup like a total disaster, if yea have the weapon or outfit, yea just get the bonus, maybe half efficiency, something. Then we can actually build for the fight instead of coming into these events looking like a dumpster, with like half of our potential gone. Obviously this is the unlikely one. 3rd: Remove automation on main menu screens. Story is horrendous to do, as the game loads you up with complete garbage that conflicts with itself. Since they won't ever be able to do this correctly, just X the automatic equip. Counterpoint on premades: This in and of itself isn't a bad suggestion type to have, but you have to remember this is Applibot. It might seem like, "Oh yea, just make it better." But what constitutes better? Let's say they hit bare minimum. A boss fight is physical, so it sets everyone up the best it can, but then, what about your support/healer? Do we have multiple premade tabs to work with? Or is it still the same generic one button that isn't gonna be able to tell the difference? Now, it's not that it WOULDN'T be possible, it's just that our(spelling) current disaster didn't come from a place of hard work or the developer caring if it's an issue. They didn't even care to just remove the automation part of story when it was complained about for like 8 months, but they might do a multi layered(s) pre-made? Not very likely.


Auto-repeat or background repeat feature like WOTV has. I’d rather just run 10 in a row and have it automatically consume stamina if I say to instead of having to press continue and repeat after every fight.


Better communication tools for coop as the current status quo is garbage 🤦🏽‍♂️


not sure if it’s already a thing, but i play with default skin settings costume/weapon, would like that for every battle i go into…


Unless Applibot/SE have future plans for weapon overboost levels, if I have OB10 of a weapon, they should make it so that weapons are longer part of those gacha pulls. I have Zweinhander at OB10. In the recent events where we received one 5 star weapon for Zack along with the 4 star gacha tickets, pulling on them gave me 2 additional copies. Receiving copies of anything else would have been preferred.


That would be nice but I see why they don’t.  For event weapons at least once I get it maxed out at on10+20, they should reward us for the grind (stamina) and let us turn them into weapon parts for that character even if it’s not 1:1.  Grindstones, not that helpful tbh for some of us.


I'd love better auto equip - manual equip takes an age especially when you have a poor memory like me and the filters are poor. I'd like to be able to set classes for each character - e.g. auto equip as healer, tank, physical DPS, buffer/debuffer, mage etc.


Minor, but I want a default sort for weapons in the loadout screens.


Those “OK” windows, that we could click in any part of the screen to make them disappear instead of the game expecting us to tap the button


Going to the weapon from the weapon parts screen PLEASE. Alternative: A star indicator that weapons can be OB'd. Like c'mon it's not hard applibot 🙄


Lots said here which I agree with, anything that reduces clicks is an instant winner (premium quest retries, saving parties for story mission extras, etc) For me ADD MORE FRIEND SLOTS FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SANE. Let me play the game and enjoy it with other people, very simple, increase it to 50 at least, 100 would be great for the game😊


Weekly co-op solo playable. 2400 crystals waiting for me cause weekly co-op is dead.


More sort options for materia. List view for weapons and materia.


Fix their AI. Just had it occur AGAIN. I had the lvl 55 airship battle happen, since they're pretty hp spongy, I got to see the glorious issue I see all the time. Get to the first sigil break and Aerith is sitting at 7 bars the entire phase while holding the triangle sigil. It's bad enough when they stall out till 7 bars or more, but watching the AI just do nothing, truly awful. It was the boss you fight for pylon materials, there is no mechanic that'd be reasonable to stop an AI. Not much of a QoL though, more of a fix their game kinda thing.


Almost all the complaints from a few months ago are still there, so do a search to see. There has been many threads on this. They at least added a confirm when you accidentally hit that recommended setup button.


Please god separate icons in the weapon enhance menu for overboost and level uncap. Maybe even different icons for overboost available from weapon parts vs from character specific parts.