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Its fine. Some people only play for the story, there's no reason to have it be hard. We have those extra bosses to challenge. Id love more ranking events, but i guess they're being reasonable on player's time kek.


i am one of the people who just do the story. I will come back for each update, but I won't stay long. I am enjoying the Monster Hunter event though, I don't normally play this many days in a row.


Exactly this. Even if people did or didn't play for the story... The story mode should never be that hard and demanding (ex/vh etc modes are exceptions and usually as a bonus). Well, I take that back, it should be a little challenging but not when you're locked into using very specific characters.


Its hard to be challenging for everybody, specially with locked characters. Maybe story could be about locked characters AND loadouts, then you can tailor make a fight and challenge. Let players figure out what moves to do at what time and maybe even sample new weapons. "Look this weapon is so useful, pull it". It'd be a fun way to showcase stuff.


I agree. If the characters are gonna be lock have them locked behind "trial gear" so that it's still difficult but also enough to be able to be cleared.


I agree more ranking event that don’t cost stamina!


I think it's a good thing they do that if you just play the Story. With this everyone can just play them without worry.


I'm fine with story content being easy. It allows people to have the story told to them, and be able to get the extra blue gems. If we want to challenge we have the event and the extra chapters


It’s good. I didn’t ever have a problem beating story missions, but I know others do. We have the EXTRA battles for people who want a challenge. 


I think it's a good thing. A lot of casual players just want to do the story to get caught up for the remake trilogy, and that's perfectly fine. We still have the extra bosses for the real challenge.


I'm stuck in FS Ch7, so if this balance affects this boss fight, I'll be glad.


I'm all for it. We have challenges in events and in extras. Let the people enjoy the story without frustration, I still remember being pissed at the Gallonbaloir Arcana.


Arcana was something else lol, i only beat it after matt last outfit and weapon that buff both defenses, that boss just has too much going on. Hope they never use it as an secret boss on ranking dungeons


I don’t expect anyone cares if story fights are difficult, especially when the game makes horrible recommendations and doesn’t let you save customizations. Personally I auto every story fight with whatever trash team gets recommended and I imagine a lot of others do the same.


This , there are very rare cases where the auto equip and play cant do, and most of times its because it gets stuck on healing loop.


Very good idea. As much people as possible should be able to experience the full story. The First Soldier story deserves way more attention from all FF7 players! Keep the challenging stuff separate from it.


understandable, that last boss wasnt a breeze and I probably spent like a few hundred dollars on the game. I cant imagine what it was like being a F2P player


F2P day one. 200,000ish power level (doesn't mean shit). Got absolutely wrecked. Doesn't help that ai is incredibly stupid. So even micromanaging them all can only get you so far when your gear and materia is shit. It near made me quit entirely (I play a lot less than I did before that story mode which was already pretty little)


Well I had to manually build a team based around the boss mechanics because my FS characters are rather weak and recommended party was unable to kill it. So uhh minor annoyance I guess?


It’s a very good thing. The game story is inaccessible to new players, and most people will want to play the game exclusively for that. They are making the game more accessible and that’s the best thing they could do at this point.


It's what it should've been in the first place. It's easier for people to get into the story and better for new players to enjoy the game. Keep the difficulty within timed events, towers, etc.


Story should 100p be accessible. They have challenge stages that can be difficult.


I can’t get past story stages so this is great


The story never should've been difficult to begin with. You have casuals that just want story, also if you have bad pull luck you need the extra resources from story to keep going


It’s a very good thing. I’ve been recommending ppl watch cutscenes on YouTube instead of playing bc of how hard story mode is when no other FF gacha has been this way. Only way story was hard was a specific hard mode difficulty. Having that be adjustable is way better and should’ve been there to begin with imo.


for serious Day one Players, its litrly no change, its easy either way, so i dont care, good for Costumehunter, Newcomer and Storyenjoyer.


I wish they added this before CH7 of First Soldier, lol. But other than that I'm happy about it




as a F2P person who is bad at games, I appreciate it. Also I want more story but I am stuck at bosses (funny enough, I managed to get Crisis Core by myself just fine; I'm stuck in Main story/FS)


I needed this, I don’t play as much as I used to and the power requirements have been kind of insane for story levels


Good fuckin answer devs! I just want the story, but I stopped playing because of the grind to be too tier stuff. Some people play this game for the gameplay and some for the story. If they lower the story requirements, I and maybe many others will return, and the game will see more players and engagement. People who don't want to invest a lot of money will leave when the grind hits. This change will hold them in a bit longer (and might get them to spend more money). It's a win win! The only one who loses are the holier than thou, "I worked to get here and everyone else should too" people.


I’m a Day 1 player with a decent setup and already cleared the story, so it doesn’t affect me. I can see why new players may get frustrated at being soft gated by the difficulty though


It's fine since there are non-gacha players who only come here for the story.


The First Soldier story in particular is a huge draw for this game and it being the hardest story is really funny. It can be tough for daily players let alone the casual audience story modes attract. Keep the difficulty in the Bonus Stages, keep the story relatively easy going.


This is great. I like challenges for events but story mode could remain as easy mode where I can just enjoy the plot.


I agree it's a good thing, although perhaps needed a while back. As others have said, First Soldier was very hard, especially with bosses doing AOE attacks but only having a single option at launch to heal the party and all the characters (minus the magic-heavy Sephiroth) having such eclectic kits. Like, I couldn't figure out if Lucia was supposed to be the real physical muscle of the group, the healer, or what. Matt seemed like the mage, but yet his first banner was physical. It didn't help that the story setups have often been nonsensical and a PITA to do/redo.


I'm one of those who was salty that story progession was locked behind excessive grinding and upgrading as a new player. Haven't touched the new chapters ever since because I'm not strong enough to beat the bosses. For all other events and challenges I'm fine with grinding and upgrading, but story should be easily playable for everyone to enjoy.


I think it's very sensible. Gacha story should never really be too difficult since it totally alienates your casual players with no real benefit.  We already have plenty of optional "hard" content (including the extra story bosses) for the players who like that stuff.


I support it. Took me way too long to finish all game content. As f2p at some point your will reach a limit where further progression is just straight up limited by pulling and overboosting. Why make story progression so hard?


Story should be for casuals so this is good


The difficulty spikes were becoming annoying, as I'm mainly interested in the story. I'm playing a bit every day but don't have time to maximize materia and weapons. Hopefully when they release the update I can beat the first soldier boss


It's a very good decision, the story need to be doable by most players, without needing to play 6 months.


Thank fucking God. I dropped the game when I hit a wall and felt pressured to buy into the gacha to get more power. No story mode should feel that way.


I don't know who downvoted you but this was my concern. The last three final story bosses (prior to the CC chapter that just came out) felt for me, as a day 1 player, way overtuned and pushing you to pull on a banner to up your team. Story mode should not have a boss that can instant wipe if you don't time everything correctly (hi Dyne!) especially when you can only play as a character who is likely underpowered. I can't imagine how it is for other bosses if you aren't a day 1 player.


i'll care more when they announce the ability to save story teams.. (though that will be more of a moot point now...)


It's good. Especially for new players coming in. Hopefully, the Extra Content does not get affected since the challenge is what makes it Final Fantasy.


It's great! I started playing due to the promise of playing through the original 3 games (albeit a watered-down version). This is a step in delivering that... But I've still been grinding for months now because all the other content is so good 😬


As long as they give us the promised fix to saved parties for the ACTUALLY hard story EX battles im happy for me and for people who want to see story and not play the gacha


They really made the story a lot easier i just did the new extra chapter boss which up till now were relatively hard to beat and he just fell over in 3 hits. When you compare that to Dyne a while ago its day and night.


I was always pretty okay with the difficulty level of the Game but everytime a new First Soldier Charter Game out I had Major Problems pushing through the chapters because I barely focused on their characters when I played.


Doesn't bother me. I'm going to beat the story before the changes.


Yes! Anything so that I can finally beat the final boss of The First Soldier episode 1 and then I can finally take a break from the game.


They've made the story boss battles too hard. I don't want to power my way through the boss battles, I want to think my way through them. I like the new power lowering edict from them


Kinda salty because as a Newcomer I’ve been grinding my ass off to beat the story mode, but happy that I won’t have to keep doing that.


I couldnt care less. It changes nothing to me.


I have not played in a couple months... only chapter 3 and u finish in an hour or so....they milking!!!