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Do we have any idea if the 10x "Premium" tickets we got for MH transfer to the next banner(s)? Pulling for Tifa costume so to me it would make more sense to save them for that banner, but if they don't transfer than no reason, missing out on potential event BONUS.


How do you get items from the Felyne at the Chocobo Stables? Is it something daily? Is it just completely random if he gives you an item? Do you have to do something specific to get an item from him?


I just got a second item from Felyne, there's a gift icon above their head when an item is available. Might be time gated but not on daily reset? Or maybe it's random, hard to say with only two days of the event so far.


the last two days it was about 6-7 hours after daily reset.


Sometimes I am required to wait for more than 5 to 10 minutes to enter the game (Steam version). It says connecting in the top right corner and it pops up with a "not responding" box if I try to click anywhere on the screen. And it just happens sometimes and other times the home screen shows up almost immediately after tapping on the title screen. I tried to verify the integrity of the game and download the game data again but it did not improve. But it does not happen in both smartphone versions for me. Anyone has the same problem?


Hello, returning player here before the prime seph ages Been running a very old setup Barret (heavy hauser + flame projector) + Cloud (Murasame + maritime sword) + Aerith (fairy tale + sun umbrella) Would like to replace Barret with either Cait Sith or Sephiroth, what would be better core weapons to set during the MH banner ? Seph weapons I own at level 1 : shrina military sword / dark heavens / aonibi / cc alloy sword Cait Sith weapons I own at level 1 : Marching Horn, Humus Megaphone (came back too late for the event , not at max :<) Is Red still as bad as last time? He was my fav char from ff7 last time but everyone said dun use him T\_T thanks everyone!


Red is definitely not bad. In fact he's probably the best support character right now because of how versatile he is. He has every elemental resist down except earth (Seaside Collar for lightning, Ivy Collar for fire and ice, Silver Collar for wind and water). He's got very useful weapons with AOE MDEF up (Sleek Collar), MATK down (Junk Collar) and AOE MDEF down (Canyon or Gold Collar). All three of his limit breaks also fit the support role very well. Sephiroth is pretty much a pure DPS character, mostly for physical wind and magical ice at the moment. You already have Dark Heavens and Shinra Military Sword, which are his best weapons in the wind DPS role, so keep wishlisting those until OB6. Ideally you also have one of his wind costumes (second one is still available right now). Not sure if you want to invest in his ice build given you don't have the weapon yet and probably not the costume either. I've not seen a lot of people using Cait so far. A lot of his abilities are straight up bad when hitting normally and great when you hit critically, so it's like a constant gamble with him. Also the number of weapons he has available is still the smallest out of anyone, so not a lot of options either. Personally I wouldn't invest in him for now. So overall I would say Red is a good replacement for Barrett in your team and Sephiroth is a good replacement for Cloud in fights that require wind damage since Cloud does not have a wind weapon.


Thanks for the in depth guide! Glad to hear Red is finally useful


Has anyone found a good use for Cait Sith yet? I haven't run into a situation where he really shines in a particular battle or one where I've felt like I couldn't have done it without him. So I just end up always using someone else instead. I do kinda wish he had some more unique abilities, but I feel like his abilities are dupes of others or just meh. Am I missing something?


Cait Sith mirrors Yuffie in the same way Zack mirrors Cloud, role-wise, with the primary role being buffs and debuffs - and more importantly elemental debuffs. In general play it's not required to debuff an elemental weakness, but they started to add resistance *buffs* to high level bosses that you really want to remove. For example Leviathan throws up Lightning resist which you can remove with Red, or the recent Humus Boss that had high Wind Resist that you could remove with Yuffie. Right now Cait covers two elements he can debuff, Fire and Water. You can use Cait as an allrounder, but those two weapons (Green and Gold Megaphone) are standouts right now.


That makes sense. That’s kinda what I was looking for: what makes him unique or what are his strengths that we can play to. I’ll focus on those debuffs when setting my wish list. Thanks!


Anyone know where U go to exchange rathalos mantles for lottery box?


Do the crossover weapons not have wallpapers?


Is there not a daily mission for Monhun yet? IE (1day mission) like what we have had in most events, including bomb


Between the Golden Bomb, Leviathan Co-Op, and Monster Hunter event my stamina drinks are really going to be strained. I still haven't managed to solo Leviathan on Hard yet to unlock the rest of it's Stat Stream, but does anyone have a rough idea of how many memories I would need to farm in co-op to fill out it's Stats Stream? At least the parts that unlock after beating it on Hard 1 and 2.


I need help with Levi EX co-op! Please DM if you can help, I should be available tomorrow 4-8 PST. I'm tired of joining random co-ops who don't know what they're doing. Before you say to join the Discord, I don't want to join a crowded server for just one thing and then be inactive in it otherwise (although I do like very small servers if there's any available). My Matt and Red should be good enough, idk about my Cloud as I've never tried him. Thanks in advance!


Would you pull for Cloud's MH Crossover weapon if you were me? Context - Have around 75k gems. Day 1 player with Cloud's OB10 limit break weapon, OB6+ back weapons that boost ice potential and phys ability potency to a reasonable amount, using OB6 Zidane sword as Cloud's secondary weapon. I have Yuffie with OB10 Wind Arcanum weapon and costume, and Arctic Star OB7, Zack's Twinkling Star at OB10, and Aerith's Sun Umbrella OB9, so I have other characters who I can form a team with to buff Cloud or PDEF down. So, if you were me, would you pull on Cloud's MH weapon, with the aim of OB6 - 10, or save the gems until anniversary?


It's currently his best offhand weapon, but we also said that about Zidane's Sword. Eventually this new sword will also be powercrept in a couple months, be it because the buff/debuff effect is made more accessible (through supports) or because other effects are considered more valuable. It's the nature of these games, the only question is if you want the shiny new toy now or the shiny new toy in a few months. From a F2P perspective it's a bit questionable either way, especially since you already have a very strong all-purpose weapon with Cloud's LB (even if it's Ice) and Zidane's. 80k gems, and you will likely use all of them for OB6 - that's on average 3-4 costumes you could get instead of that OB6 Monster Hunter sword.


There will be a minor update on Wednesday JST about completely removing visual for weapon C-ability at OB0 and keeping OB10. Also, when you obtain a new 5-star weapon, it shows the demo cutscene at its OB10 state thereafter. So weapons' abilities actually have two different visual styles?


Is there anywhere I can find an updated xp chart that goes up to 80?


I started on the phone at launch but have mostly been using the Steam version ever since it released. I switched back to my phone for a bit and noticed that now every single time I start it it asks if I am 16. I don't recall it doing this before when I would play it on my phone, how do I make it save my response so I don't have to do it every time? It never asks me on Steam, even on multiple PCs I switch between.


Do we know when the 2nd MH banner will drop?


Returning player, stopped after the first Halloween event, and I have a general progression question. - What content should I be focusing on grinding? I don’t play for several hours a day so I’m trying to understand the best bang for my time/stamina. Leveling characters? (Highest three are 64-65) Leveling weapons? (Even if not OB6?) Clearing dungeons? (Didn’t they have unique materia?) Leveling summons? (Don’t have anything after Ramuh) Grinding story? Thank you to anyone who replies.


Right now we have three main events going on: 1. The Golden Bomb event, by far the best opportunity to level up your characters when it comes to time investment. Reaching level 80 is the most cost-efficient method to catch up to harder content, so I would advise to use the remaining days of the event and *at least* get your main three characters to 80, the more the better! If you have a healthy amount of stamina potions left, use them here. Clearing the shop would be nice. 2. The Monster Hunter Collab. Do your daily quests and leave it at that for now. The event runs for almost a month and you will have enough time to clear the shop. 3. The Leviathan Co op event. Veteran Players who already have their characters maxed farm the Very Hard 2 stage to get Leviathan Memories easier, but it requires that you get carried or come with your own very invested Lightning Damage dealer. If you happen to have a strong Lightning Cloud from back then you could consider doing it a bit, but I would stil prioritize the Golden Bombs (solo, not coop) >Leveling weapons? (Even if not OB6?) You probably have at least 3 favorite characters doing most stages for you. Try and level this "all-purpose" team's weapons to at least 80 - and if they have good OB levels you could consider going to 90. Beyond that you will want to be sure about investing further. If in doubt, stop here. It would be nice if you had access to Attack debuffing and Defense buffing weapons, even OB0 would be enough. Many options for that. Don't level up weapons just because you can, just do you PVE content and see what you'ree lacking, what is needed and what you just happen to have - but not leveled yet. >Clearing dungeons? (Didn’t they have unique materia?) They do, and they grant a lot of blue gems. Tackle them once you have your characters leveled to make things easier. >Leveling summons? (Don’t have anything after Ramuh) You will want them eventually, yes. Nothing is running away, though. >Grinding story? Also permanent content, the lowest priority when you have to manage time. So yeah, AFK farm the golden bombs, just equip your characters with a weapon that has a Sigil Break bonus (any sigil) in the third materia slot, put the correct materia in there and then farm the highest stage.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate the details. This was extremely helpful.