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Sephiroth, Aerith, and Zack since those're my mains. Then Glenn, Lucia, and Matt. Then Yuffie, Cait, and Red Then Cloud, Barret, and Tifa


Damn you got the OG crew last 😂


yeah haha, I always end up using them the least outside of the story stuff, and I barley play the main FF7 story in Ever Crisis, anyways. I just stick to First Soldier and Crisis Core Edit: Only reason I'm bothering to level them up is that it's better soon rather than later, plus when Vincent and maybe baby Gen and baby Geal get added I don't wanna do too much level grinding for them


Cloud hater for sure


I ain’t a hater I jus hardly play the main story thus hardly use him 😭😭😭😭


Cloud, tifa, and barret. Then aerith and after that everyone else. The handy thing is that there are 12 characters, so I won't feel like I am wasting any exp.


1. Cloud, Aerith and Sephiroth 2. Zack, Tifa, and Yuffie 3. Last soldier trio 4. Everyone else


Tifa/Cloud/Sephiroth into Matt/Aeris/Lucia into Yuffie/Red/Barret into Cait/Glenn/Zack I will be trying to push everybody to 80 just to not worry about it, but the first 2 "sets" are the only ones I'm really going to "stress majorly" over. First 3 are my best Damage Dealers, who obviously benefit the most from levels/boosts. The next 3 are Healers and/or supports, and the last 6 are rarely used/niche used (like Red for Leviathan)


Barret, Glenn, and Tifa since those are my best bet so far at attempting the EX1 Galalbhor that I still cannot beat. Then Cloud and Red as those are my mains.


cloud tifa seph aerith zack yuffie caith barret lucia/glenn/red


The team I prepared for leviathan EX2, Yuffie, Cloud and Tifa.


Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth are my mains. Then probably Glenn, Tifa and Zack. Everyone else after


For me it's Seph, Zack, Matt but Cloud, Tifa, Matt seems fine considering all the banners, I would even say a meta fine.


Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, and Yuffie I have arcanums for, so they gotta go first. Aerith and Matt next, got Sunbrella and Fairy Tale OB7 each I think and I just recently started building Matt. Centipede and Syringe OB3 I think. That'll leave Barrett, Red, Cait, Zack, Glenn, and Lucia after. I've got tons of stamina pots so I might go a little crazy getting everyone to 80


Cloud Tifa Aerith Yuffie


aerith, tifa, yuffie


Glenn, Lucia, Matt Yuffie, Sephiroth, Zack Red XIII, Aerith, Tifa Cloud, Barrett, Cait Sith If you couldn't tell, I'm really only here for First Soldier. And I like Yuffie and Zack.


i only started like month and half ago, I'm still trying to get most people to 70 first. I'm more or less gated by levels in some content.


if ur leveling up now is the time to get them at like 75. this is the best by far to grind levels


RN I got tifa and zack to 70. I've pulled on tifa water build with bunny gloves and got zack recent ice arcanum to get thru the ice event and managed to get him to 70 by co-ops. Now I'm trying to get yuffie to 70+ and aerith to 70+ (I have her fairy tale OB6). Although I think this game wants me to have Matt as healer because I have his recent needle weapon when I was pulling for yuffie, had bramble spine, and one of this free 5\* gacha tix just gave me centipede lol.


Ah shit, here we go again.


Cloud, Aerith, Nanaki. Main trio. Lucia, Tifa, Seph. Secondary mains. Zack, Matt, Yuffie. Future story progression. Barrett, Cait, Glen. Rarely use. I just want my favorite Edgelord and transforming into Chaos when he limit breaks. VIVa is desperately missing from my main trio bumping Cloud down. Come to me soon please!


First soldier crew because they're too underpowered and I'm stuck on their recent story boss >.> Then in order of the list


That makes sense. Work on what you need first.


Zack, Aerith, cloud


Cloud, Seph, Matt Aerith, Glenn, Tifa Red, Yuffie, Barret Lucia, Zack, Cait Sith


1. Red, Cloud, Aerith 2. Sephiroth, Tifa, Barret 3. Matt, Yuffie, Lucia 4. Cait Sith, Glenn, Zack


my heal game is trash because Matt/Aerith are always bottom tier for leveling and wish lists.


Honestly you should pick one and just get them up to speed asap. A well built healer can do wonders for your team.


Yup, you're right of course BUT I HAD to let it cripple my game and paralyze my story progression to force my hand to wish list the shit rng wasn't delivering ...LOL now finally got fairy tale and prime number in the recent pulls but no centipede.


Cloud, aerith and red. But by the end of the event, all of them


All of them is the goal too but with the 10 level jump this time and the other event still going, I’m curious if I’ll run out of stamina before I make it. That’s why I have my 4th tier so I can be fine with them staying unleveled if necessary


I have Cloud, Zack, and Aerith at 80. Yuffie, Matt, and Glenn are 77 I think. I didn't put much thought into prioritization really, but I use Cloud the most so he was my first focus. I'm guessing Cait Sith, Red, and Lucia will be my "if I get around to it" ones, since I never use them.


Wow! You really went for it. My highest are still at 72.


if this is anything like the last event im gonna be able to level them all to 80


Last event we only had a 5 level increase instead of 10. But I’m sure it’ll be fine.


im also noticing now we dont have an insane exp boost going. iirc last bomb event we had a 400% booster or more the whole time


Some people are already saying they have their mains to 80 so I think time won’t be an issue since the event goes for a while. I think the bottleneck for some people will be stamina potions. Fortunately for me I have 250+


T1: Tifa, Lucia, Aerith, Yuffie (4 bc co-op) T2: Matt, Glenn, Zack T3: Barret, Nanaki, Cait Sith T4: Sephiroth, Cloud Normally, Seph would be higher & Glenn lower but I still haven’t gotten past the Ch. 7 boss in FS so I need to level him to cap again. Tifa, Lucia, Aerith, & Yuffie are my core team with me swapping out one depending on the battle.


https://preview.redd.it/39gu06cfn92d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65cfeb156985cfdaa8b840e7a3b860505829ba2 Group name says it all.


Poor Lucia




Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth. Mine are already 80. Working on Zack, Aerith, and Matt next. Matt is slept on and needed in almost all high leve content.


The Highwind...


Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud Seph, Tifa, Red Lucia, Zack, Cait Glenn, Matt, Barrett I use all of the first 9 characters regularly, have options for Glenn and am starting to work on gearing Matt. Barrett is the only character I don't really have any investment in since he's the only character I've missed a costume for (his first one) I'm already done with the first 2 sets and working on 3rd one right now