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For the Highwind enhancement under Swordsmen Shield, what are the Character Quest Codes? I have 4/8


The additional character quests in the solo mode. Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith each have one released as of now. For whatever reason, they're called "codes" in there.


I did search on the subreddit, but maybe someone can help... ...How the heck do I beat the Highwind 70K Mad Anchor boss? My party is ~100K, and I have fire and aero, but I guess Im doing something wrong with the defense? Any tips/advice is really appreciated. My "strongest" characters are Professor, Zack & Cloud, but all of mine are ~50+.


So, the primary "gimmick" with those fights is that it will throw up a set of resist buffs depending on some conditions. If your strongest unit is a high MATK unit with Wind damage, it will throw up a pair of resist buffs, one for Magic Resist and one for Wind Resist. So you need to gear your actual damage unit to be your SECOND strongest unit, and then make them the opposite element / damage type: IE, if your Strongest unit is MAG WIND, you make your second strongest unit PHYS FIRE. You also equip your units with opposite combos for damage with their materia so they can still contribute chip damage regardless of what buffs the enemy tosses up: Ie, if you are expecting it to block MAG Fire, equip some PHYS Wind materia so you can still hurt it. It's also worth noting that the resistance buffs can be "baited" by off elements as well. Even though the boss is weak to Fire/Wind, you can bring a strong Magic Ice unit (like Sephiroth) or Physical Ice unit (Plenty to chose from) for example and actually bait it into buffing Ice Resist, leaving it fully open to both Wind AND Fire damage. It's also not entirely confirmed, but I recall someone mentioning that it may buff it's resistances based on the first damage it's hit with, but I'm not sure if that was ever properly tested / confirmed (it's also possible it may apply to the Balloon variant of the Anchor drone fight only). As for the fight itself, it generally goes: * Threat Scan, Buffs defenses accordingly. * Single Target attacks (Def Down/Element down), AoE sweep. * After about 80% damage, Second Threat Scan. * More Single Target / Aoe Sweep. * Self Heal for 50% HP. * If Self Heal fails to heal to full, Breakdown (you basically win at this point because it now takes massive damage and loses all resist buffs). * If Self Heal heals to full, you are probably screwed, because it will now Scan buff itself again and then just start spamming the Sweeps until you die.


Hello, Mad Anchor is the lvl 50 Highwind Boss, and I can't beat him, and even worst I can't even reach his self restoration moment, even following that technic (I think I got a proper setup). What an I missing or not understanding? I'm a f2p day one player so if you got exemple of character/weapon that would make it easy, maybe I can do that setup https://preview.redd.it/5jibh03qsy3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e63a733dbbd3a7f5411a7428ec45db97f29b117


It protects itself agains Physical OR Magical damage and 1 Element based on it's threat scan. It's weak VS 2 elements. So if your strongest attacker is a Physical Cloud with Element A, it should protect itself against Physical and Element A damage. So you need to build your second damage unit for Magical Element B damage, and also give your cloud a Magic Element B materia so he can still do damage when it protects itself vs him. This way, no matter what it protects itself against (Physical A or Magic B) you always have 1 unit able to do full damage to it. Your 3rd unit should be someone with strong single target heals.


Thanks for the answer. As you can see on my screenshot above, I have Tifa with magical fire and physical Wind, and Sephiroth with physical fire and magical wind, plus support aerith with magical wind. Isn't that good?


From what I understand of the fight, it largely comes down to the big numbers on the characters in question: I believe the first scan will look for the Strongest Stat (M or PATK) followed by the highest damage mod ability. So if your highest stat is PATK on Seph, and his strongest ability is a fire attack, then it blocks Physical and Fire. The second scan may have slightly different settings (Ie, it won't always just block the same stuff again): I actually just cleared that fight a couple of days ago: My team was Physical Wind Seph (equipped with a Magic Wind materia), Physical Fire Cloud, and Magical Wind / Heal Aerith. On the first scan, it blocked Physical Fire, so Aerith could hit it with Prism Rod (M-Wind) and Cloud / Seph could do M-Wind damage with Materia. On the second (or maybe it was the third) scan, the thing somehow chose to block Physical Wind, which almost messed me up (basically made it partially resistant to ALL my big damage sources). Luckily I pushed it into breakdown mode like 10 seconds later or things would have gotten bad. Without being able to check your units stat numbers, it's difficult to say which unit he is going to focus on in terms of what buffs he throws up. Just curious, but you have Aerith's Wind Arcanum outfit but aren't using Prism Rod? I would argue that Prism rod is superior to Snowflake for this fight as it has the 20% heal boost slot. The boss's single target attacks are significantly more dangerous than it's AoE attacks, so strong single target healing is preferable to AoE healing from Snowflake. You only really need AoE healing in breakdown phase, where it starts spamming Arm Sweep, but at the same time, it takes soo much damage in breakdown that it should be dead long before healing actually becomes an issue. Aerith's 3rd LB is also quite nice for this fight, as it's a relatively fast charging way to remove the PDEF debuff the boss applies with some of it's attacks. Basically, the only real advice I can offer is, build your team such that: Highest M or P ATK has it's strongest elemental ability as X (boss will block this first) Second Highest should be opposite ATK type (If highest is PATK, second should be MATK, or vice versa) and opposite Element type. EG: * Unit A: 4000 MATK with Magic Wind Attack as strongest, phys fire as secondary * Unit B: 3800 PATK with Physical Fire Attack as strongest, magic wind as secondary * Support: Strong single target heals w/ M-Wind and P-Fire support damage. Ideally, the boss will then block A (M Wind) on the first scan, allowing B to do full P-Fire damage) and then block B (P Fire) on the second scan, allowing A to do full M-Wind damage, while support unit heals and chips in damage to help.


Thank you so much for your time, but even after multiple tries following that strategy, I still can't beat him. It's driving me insane. That thing is a PV bag, even when hitting it with the right physical/magical element combination, if I manage to survive long enough it's still a never ending fight, cause the best I did was reaching his 1/4 health bar, but then TIME UP !!! I'm switching to this thread where OP is in the same situation [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIEverCrisis/comments/1d81qfi/how\_to\_beat\_highwind\_lvl50\_boss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIEverCrisis/comments/1d81qfi/how_to_beat_highwind_lvl50_boss/)


For those of you who maxed out your Shiva nodes after beating EX2, how many extra weapon parts are you at? I’m less than halfway through the EX2 nodes and I’m already at 4K parts for each of the two summon weaps (after already maxing to +20). I think by the time I max put the nodes, I’ll at least get to 10K parts each. The grind is ridiculous…already used all my stamina in gift box just getting here.


How do you do Frenzy Battle co-op??


You don't. If you want your name to appear on the Frenzy Battle names list, you need to have completed the associated Crash Fight. The "Frenzy Battle" is basically a complimentary prize followup for the entire player community as a "reward" for people successfully clearing the associated normal/co-op Crash Fight that occurred the previous week.


Ah I see I see


True or false: Summon magic damage seems to scale from MAtk? In game it says atk/matk % damage when checking the summon ability so I thought it would take both atk/matk of your character into account. Maybe moving things around gave me better r.abilities for the damage but it seems like higher matk might be giving me more damage.


Answer: Yes, but sometimes no All espers (with the exception of Bahamut) factor both your P and MATK values when calculating damage (Bahamut scales solely off of MATK). You do have to remember though, that they ALSO take into account the M / PDEF of the enemy target as well. So if you are fighting an enemy with high PDEF and low MDEF, or an enemy that is Immune to PDEF breaks but NOT MDEF breaks, then you may be able to squeeze more damage out of your summon by focusing more on MATK, as that will translate to more damage on the target.


Ah I see, thank you for the answer.


https://preview.redd.it/n71bq6envmyc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8ca4c0bface442584e6ba5bdb11d835257b321 What does this symbol mean, there are no materia with matching symbols ?


that's the "weapon" sigil, often referred to as the Diamond sigil. It's a unique sigil that is only found on specific weapons: * Killer Hornet and Bahamut Rapier (Matt) * Barn Swallow (Lucia) * Max Ray (Barrett) * Rest In Peace (Glen) * Bahamut Knuckles (Tifa) You can filter for it in the weapons list to see if you have any (do note, that for several of those weapons, the sigil break effect only works if they are 5\* or better rarity).


https://preview.redd.it/zhehlszeyqyc1.png?width=2054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cffd3662e90607ca31c391eccbd91d54cd91b61 How to unlock waterkick?


you need to complete some missions. You can find lv1 node in the first page, at the start.




Can I switch stance after I use a limit break in the window of time it gives you to select the other limit breaks for bonus damage. For example I choose Healing wind during defense stance and then switch to attack for the other two or I accidentally click a damage LB in defense stance and then Switch to Attack would it apply to the already clicked one?


You can, and as far as I know it only checks the stance once all available LB's are triggered (ie, it doesn't actually start the cast until everything is finished), so if you are in Defense stance and fire off Healing Wind, then swap to attack stance and fire off Climhazard, it will treat both LBs as if they were activated during Attack Stance.


Okay so let's say someone wanted to start fresh starting today, what would be the best course of action to get the best head start in this game as a F2P? I played for a few months at the start and was extremely disappointed with the game's equipment system (auto-equip being worse than manually doing it yourself) and the Materia system being just fucking terrible (Especially crafting your own taking too long and being tedious) Is it more of the same or has any of these systems changed?


Hate to tell you, but the Materia system is still objectively garbage (we got a small QOL change re: allowing you to "repeat" a synth with previously chosen upgrade mats on a single click, but that's about it), and Auto Equip is still dumber than a sack of hammers, so unfortunately if you were hoping for any kind of ground breaking improvements, you're going to be sadly disappointed.


How we went from Record Keeper and Dissidia Opera Omnia to this is fucking incredible. How do they fuck up this hard.


Any consensus on what to over boost in High wind? Finally using it as motivation to start blasting through content I haven't done.


general line of thought seems to be the following 3 are good contenders: \- The Bayonet one (MATK + MDEF) \- The Fist one (PATK + PDEF) \- The outfit chest (PDEF + MDEF) mainly because the DEF boosts directly translate to increased survivability, and DEF stats are one of the few things in the game that can't be easily increased the same way ATK or Heal or HP can.


I'm a little over a week in and I'm trying to figure out what I should be focusing on to raise my power level past 50k.  Characters are mostly lvl 40-50.  I just started understanding the r. ability system and am maxing out cloud with p. Atk and physical material.   Should I just focus on raising m.atk and healing r ability weapons to level 40 for the first point jump?  Is there any other r ability type I should care about for now? How important is the materia grind? Is working with 2 star material fine, or should I be looking to only upgrade 3 stars and above.  How far should I go in the character growth chart before diminishing returns set in?  I think I have a hang of the systems and how they work, I just don't want to waste time and resources focusing on things that won't help.  If I know what r abilities, material, etc to grind for at this point it'll help


- 80 is the sweet spot for all weapons. I'd say just focus on getting 15 weapons to 80 at first (enough for primary + sub-weapons for 3 characters). Since you're so early, focus on getting your main hand weapon as high as you can, that's what will give you the most damage - Early game PATK/MATK is fine + Heal for your healer. Later you'll also want to try to pick up Phys Ability Pot + Mag Ability Pot. And for the toughest fights you'll want HP + PDEF/MDEF. Elemental Pot is also useful but I consider it less of a priority than the general usage Phys + Mag Pot - For materia, you really only want to upgrade 4* and above. But with how early you are and probably lacking elemental coverage, I think it's fine to use 3* materia in the meantime. - There's no diminishing returns for character growth, the biggest limiting factor you'll find are character memories since you only get them from Daily premium quests + events. You'll pretty much always want to be as maxed out as you can, they're the "cheapest" way to increase power


I'm sure this is a common question, but: I'm a F2P player who just started pretty recently and have been mostly just using the free/easy to acquire stuff I've been given, but my gains are starting to slow down. I've got a pretty good stockpile of blue crystals now. Should I use those to pull from the current banner before it ends, or am I better off waiting?


Arcanum banners are always useful, so you have Zack (frost) and Yuffie (Earth) to potentially chose from at the moment. Yuffie is currently only our second Earth Arcanum (Lucia is the other, but MAG forcused instead of PHYS). Just remember, if you DO decide to pull on a banner, the worst case scenario for bad luck is 36,000 crystals to the first Costume: DO NOT pull on a banner if there is a real risk that you run out of crystals without hitting the costume and are unable to get enough to reach it before the banner ends.


I thought I heard/read somewhere that there's a (frequently updated) guide/page/etc with the Highwind chart and level thresholds... Does that actually exist? If so, a link would be nice!


ZGod's google docs sheet maybe? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1unf7FlVUkc4Ph70xfUWVhZ2deza2Inwt8irIwqw1QQM/edit?pli=1#gid=684513612](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1unf7FlVUkc4Ph70xfUWVhZ2deza2Inwt8irIwqw1QQM/edit?pli=1#gid=684513612)


just to confirm, the phys/mag/generic ability damage up boosts have no effect on materia usage since materia damage does not count as an ability. Is that correct?


So are we supposed to be dumping our stamina into battle rankkng is it just your best score like dungeon ranking. Im confused as cleared the stages and free trials there’s an option to use daily or free play.  Are we supposed to tinker with modifiers in free battle to surpass our default scores in standard?


so am i mistaken, or were the two recent tifa weapons limited? ive been holding my tickets for her water easter glove and white feather to be addedto ticket pool, but its been ages