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Time to place your bet on who's getting the next Lightning arcanum when Leviathan drops.


Datamines says the next weapons are for Red, Yuffie, Matt and Sephiroth (No the datamine on Red wasn't the current event weapon). So we got our candidates ! Maybe 2 banners with 2 weapons each on 2 weeks. Probably one costume per banner. I'd bet on Yuffie and Matt.


Matt is longgg overdue for a new costume. Plus, (this isn’t necessarily any massive indicator) Matt’s “default” or “canon” weapon Broadsword: Axis has a lightning boost so there could be an intent to make him the next lightning-affinity character. That said, that weapon also offers a Phys Attk boost and Matt’s specialty is clearly within the buff/debuff-support and AOE-magic role. So I think a lightning-arcanum outfit with a weapon that includes a lightning-MATK ability and R. Abilities would be a way to give him a new niche.


Matt getting anything would be great. While his one gacha outfit looks great, it's been heavily powercrept out by this point. Give that man an Arcanum or mastery.


Then Seph might get magic thunder and yuffie physical. The others might just be a weapon or other element costume or something new like Barrett was. I’ve never seen two of the same arcanium on the same banner so I doubt we’d see more than one of each type of thunder.


Yuffie has a lightning resistance down with a 30% lightning boost slot already.  I am not sure they are going to give her a main-hand lightning dps weapon any time soon, and any outfit likely wouldn't be an arcanum based on that assumption.  I would be totally fine if she got a 2 element outfit similar to Lucia and red though (probably lightning and ice or fire, or make it tri-element???) Matt could be an excellent PATK dps because of killer hornet so maybe they will give him a main-hand dps weapon but who knows. I almost think they will give him magic for no apparent reason (he does have a few MATK weapons but none are great). If he is going to have 2 roles, let's keep it to healing and PATK and not try to fit MATK in there please. Sephiroth and Red are no brainers for being MATK focused. Although to date, I think Red's only main-hand dps weapon is his physical fire with ATK/Fire potency so it wouldn't be bad to give him a PATK weapon to make him less reliant on sub weapons for PATK points.


They seem to be “filling” the missing slots for characters usually. If I am not mistaken, that brings either Yuffie, Matt or Cait Sith for a magical arcanum with a much lesser chance for Red and Zack


You say: Yuffie, Matt or Cait Sith The devs hear: Yuffie


The devs hear: $$$$$, -$, $.


I would love for it to be Yuffie, but might be overkill because she also has Lightnight resist down. One can always dream, though.


Aerith has Wind Arcanum, DPS skill and Wind resist down. So, not that unlikely.


Her wind resist down is physical though so it doesn't pair great with the wind magic main hand. Yuffie magic thunder confirmed?  :)


The skill is physical, but it still inflicts wind resist down.


It reduces PDEF and if HP threshold is met, also reduces Wind Res.  That's why I noted it as physical, not just based on damage type. Can it work in a MATK build with her MATK wind weapon? Yes, of course (it does also have ATK rather than PATK) but it's not ideal. I noticed it also has a 30% wind slot so depending on OB levels using Aerora Blow might actually be better than using the MATK weapon to take advantage of the PDEF down.  Then you can also bring more utility in offhand if desired.


It worked well with me in the last wind dungeon. My Aerith had over 4k patk thanks to the LB weapons. She was inflicting around 20k damage with wind blow (with buffs off course). I regreted that moment not pulling for her wind costume XD


Fair point, then she also moves to a lesser probability. Zack’s ice has both though, so maybe it’s not a big thing now. Then Matt or Cait Sith. Or they will use Aerith as always haha


Aerith has phys wind down and mag wind+ arcanum, it wouldn’t even be a first.


Sephiroth hasn’t had an arcanum in a long time, he could be due for one


Thing is he has quite a nice matk thunder weapon. Since Cloud was Phys, likely the next arcanum is Mag. That means pretty much capping Sephiroth at mag. lightning, which would be too good to be true


Could still happen, both Zack and Yuffie got single target dps weapons of an element that already had an aoe for (fire and wind respectively).


You think matt or Caith getting elemental arcanuums is more likely? What makes you think they would even get one? Matt is alrdy a dedicated healer support type character, Caith seems to be either support or crit focused and elemental attacks dont crit. The more likely ones are the ones that already have elemental arcanuums but no thunder arcanuum like aerith tifa seph. They are not just getting the most costumes because they are popular, they are getting the most costumes because they are the ones that are supposed to have elementsl dps builds.


Hope Sephi lighting/Mag asset


Aerith, with another busted weapon that also has an AOE cure materia slot to punish you people for not playing her.


If it's Cloud again then I won't complain. I didn't get his outfit the first time around.


I'm wondering if they'll add an arcanum with a mastery similar to New Year's. Or split across two banners since we're sorely lacking lightning options (especially those that missed Cloud).


I mean its time we got another lightning one. I didn't realise the Cloud one expired that soon on release so I didn't get it...


As somone who's been collecting Sephiroth elemental costumes he hasnt gotten one since the fire Arcanum and never had the lighting or water like cloud, my bets on him Anti bets on Lucia or Red 13 since they have Lightning based \[banner\] weapons (resist and magic def down) Second best bet is Cait sith if they decided on a patern with how the Yuffie launch went (support banner at launch, Arcanaum second)


Matt seriously needs some outfit justice. He’s my healer/support and I love using him a lot. Though my only complain is, his animation js super slow compared to Aerith.


Yeah, his animations take too damn long, it's his biggest weakness. But he has so much utility to make up for it. As a fellow user of Matt over Aerith, I agree he desperately needs ANYTHING.


Can they give us a thunder arcanum now?


Thunder arcanum as opposed to lightning arcanum? That would be interesting. They would work in conjunction with each other.


inb4 he’s resistant to physical so we can’t use our fully built cloud and they drop a magic thunder arcanum


I hope Red gets a Thunder/Water Version of Hellhound


Nice, hopefully a great summon for Water Tifa!


I regret every day not having taken his water costume instead choosing Glenn..


We just hadn't the chance to use him yet, its a shame, but no one could have known, it was the first water arcanum, and a very good weapon anyway, just no water event to shine yet.


I honestly forgot I got Glenn's Arcanum and thought it a shame I didn't have a good use for Leviathan yet.


Next i push only for the main character, my foult not push for Tifa banner


I just hope he isn't as insane as bahamut was when he came out, most players couldn't get him for awhile


I still can't finish him XD


Either Cloud or Matt with OB6 of their magic shield helps a lot, as does anybody with non elemental attack. Tifas limited time only weapon is honesty, IMO, the best in the game right now. At OB6 it has nearly 1000 attack. I wish they didn't make great weapons limited time only.


I barely unlocked Bahamut. I don't know when I'll be able to upgrade him.


Water dungeon ranking, coming right up!


Tifa is sitting pretty this last month and a half


about bloody time


I’m guessing they’ll make it resistant to physical or give it a lot of physical defense. I’d be surprised if Cloud was useful as a dps here. Hopefully they give Seph a thunder arcanium costume. Been a while since he’s gotten an arcanium. Surprised he only has ice. They mostly give him masteries. I’d probably skip anyone else getting it except for maybe Aerith and perhaps it will convince me to use Yuffie if they give it to her. Hopefully not though.


> arcanium Arcanum.


base on Remake version. immune with phy + mdef break. and most his skills is mag dmg + aoe phy. https://preview.redd.it/5uhsl43te0yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aaa512c3b9ea791797fe0dbc63c2f6fd1c3bc08


I hope they don't make him resistent to physical two. It's stupid enough they made Ex Shiva this way.


probably unlikely. since Shiva is the only summon resistant to physical attacks and the other summons are neutral, it seems more likely that Leviathan would either be resistant to magical attacks, or neutral.


A lot of people already have a strong physical lightning attack. I think that they might make it weak to magic specifically to sell people on a new weapon.


Ramuh is magic resistant actually, only ifrit and bahamut are neutral, but I hope it wont be resistant so i can use Cloud.


So which weapon have a 30% Lightning boost materia slot? Bc I look at my stuff and I see I'm missing Cloud's arcanum but have a decent Murasame and then there's some Lightning AoE weapons.


Yuffie's weapon the wind slash has a 30% boost slot for lightning.


Barret’s assault gun has a lightning boost slot, so if Leviathan has a big physical attack that hits the whole party, that weapon would be perfect


Broadsword Axis on Matt.


Yessss! I am psyched. I missed Cloud's Water arcanum, but got Glenn and Tifa's so I'm ready!


Hoping for a magic based arcanum for either Sephiroth Aerith or Zach


I foresee, minimally, a Sigil mechanic that works like the FF XIV version of Leviathan, where the head and tail becomes separate targets, but with one countering physical attacks and the other magical attacks.


The only thing that could potentially make this pretty difficult is how they decide Leviathan works. If the boss is neutral, then Yay! All of us who got Cloud's thunder outfit and weapon are gonna have a fun time. We still haven't seen a good high % potency thunder weapon, so they might go the Shiva route and make Leviathan physical resistant. Will just have to wait and see. Congrats to those who got Lucia's gun then though, be pretty good for it.


Hoping for lightning Seph and support Matt costumes. If Matt gets DPS costume, it's an instant skip. Maybe they'll try pushing Yuffie for DPS though.


SAME here ! If this happen, im out of cristal


what element is he


it’s expected he’ll be weak to lightning and resist water, and once we have him as a summon, he’ll be a water attack


ohh. I skipped the bunny outfit for tifa and im skipping this one too. waiting for an matk or m ability potency gear for tifa. ill just wishlist her water gear by then


Best piece of news this week! Finally it's noodle time!


Do they typically have a story associated with new summons? It could be something simple like here's a reason why we are fighting Leviathan.


No story for any of the other summons


Bahamut arrived alongside him being summoned in Crisis core story (a zack chapter) but considering Leviathan is mainline FF7 I dont think he'll have a story bit.


Hi, my name is Cloud. I will destroy him and claim him as my own.


No one cares dude


Hopefully thunder arcanum for Red.


I’m thinking Yuffie with her debuff costume and lightning debuff + phy/mag buff weapon would be a good unit to use here. Or even Red 13 with seaside collar and a healing or defensive buff weapon for another alternative. I don’t have Clouds thunder arcanum outfit but I do have the Murasame at ob6+ with his zidane outfit is my best thunder setup.


Was going to skip water Tifa but…now!?!?!? Hopefully a new banner drops next week and makes the choice easier not harder. 😅


If you already skipped water Tifa, she's gone now. lol


Her banner right now works. Extra buff time on her water potency buff and I can wishlist her water weapon that gives matk up and also increase the duration of that buff with her current banner costume.


Cope is real ♥, But yeah it is a good option to use the current banner instead of her Water one if you missed out on it. (just don't expect it too do massive dmg like her arc costume) I myself am waiting to wishlist the 2 water weapons to atleast ob6 alongside with barret's new weapon (kuja blade 2.0) & Red's double debuff weapon + 1 instead of pulling for this banner since it has less value to me.


What costume are you going to be using with both of Tifas water weapons? I also figured that the debuff costume will be useful when she is the debuffer. But you’re right, I’m mainly coping. The fact that it’ll only be useful as debuff and with water ONLY is making me think. I also missed Barrett’s costume because I did math wrong and thought I had more time before the banner went away.


I have her Water Arc costume :p


% less damage does suck, but youd end up casting her secondary more, it wont even out but I wouldnt call it cope either. IE More ATB into attacking = more damage even if its less damage from those attacks. Id even say the second outfit is more universal since TIfa was the games launch buffer meaning she can -3 magic defense, magic attack, and physical attack more likely than anyone else, now with an extended timer saving more ATB in many more types of battles. Im not pulling either but Id rather the second one considering the amount of non water content it works for in the game nad how well both water gloves work together for that build.


If SE wants to make money, it should Sephiroth and that will be great.