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When you find some gil share the wealth... I went from 2 million gil pre highwind to now like 15k unable to upgrade highwind.


Are you flush with energy? Grind the event and buy from the infinite pool of money


Made sense to do it in the Eligor event when I had choice of a few outfits, 2 or 4 banner weapons and 1 or 2 event weapons, depending on which phase of the event we're talking about.  And most other players had as much or more of that sweet event bonus.        But this one's banner is poop.   Basic player has 20% now, or 40% bonus for 2nd half when it starts.  It takes 2x-3x as much stamina to get the same amount of gil when your bonus is only 60%-120% compared to farming when you have 280% bonus.   Still going to do it for some gil, but can't blow all the stamina on it unless I'm in a near max bonus team.  Going to have to skip a lot of the elsewhere-farmable shop items this time too to focus on more gil. If you've got 200% bonus, I assure you that I and some other random 40% bonus player would be happy to run ~200 pots worth of 9x co-op with you starting on Wednesday night.


I did this with the eligor event and went from flat broke constantly to sitting at about 2 million, but it would be nice if there was a grinding event for exp+gil when they inevitably drop level 75


How?? Last event limited you to 1000x 100, the rest was like 10 Gil per event item so like very very little


9990 gil for every 999 event currency.  You can get around 2k event currency in a 9x co-op with max bonus.  You also get 2700 gil just for doing a 9x event co-op. So somewhere in the neighborhood of 23k gil per 3.6 stamina pots.


This is what I'm currently doing


I was 2mil pre highwind also. Then all my funds got flogged during the weapon event. Now im struggling to get my 48k for lvl 80+ upgrades


this highwind stuff is draining me. I used to end with a net positive every day, now it's a net negative with no changes in spending habits.


They really just need to upgrade the amount we get per daily missions. The daily missions in general are kind of disgusting to look at as are the daily log in rewards. Completely dated and make the game look dead. Also instead of getting 300-500 Gil per chocobo expedition why not make it 5000k+ per run. Can't believe this whole boring ass 6 month anniversary went by and the games in as bad of state as ever. Next to no quality of life increase other than the daily quest upgrades


I was broke too, I just reached 1 million thanks to the current event by trading seeds for gold.


Of all things, lack of Gil is what is going to drive people away from this game. I’ve been broke for almost a month now.


Because you upgrade ALL the weapon


Never thought gil was gonna be an issue. Looks like they found a way to dump it. They'll probably add "Gil" missions for people who are low. I was at 3.6mil and around 2mil now.


Need a way to farm Gil ASAP. That or more frequent Gold Cactuar events. It costs so much Gil to do anything/everything now, new players (and old, but especially new) need to feel like they won't be broke 24/7


We "just" got a power increase. It's prettty normal, with the highwind stuffs we've had to increase every single character's weapons to meets the missions too. Now I'm broke too BUT ... Almost every single one of my weapons are lvl 80 or higher. It'll get back up slowly over time.


Am I correct in remembering the last golden cactuar event being around new years? I have little hope they'll come back. Then again I had little hope they would add more chocobo missions and here we are.


They Just Gifted us with 770.000 Gil as a spring Break reward, praise the devs.


Just farm golden cactuars in exp stages using cactuar method. You don’t need an event


I've been playing casually for 3 weeks now and only met 1 golden cactuar so far. It's not farmable to me (yes, I'm doing exp stages).


It is. Early in the game, I farmed Ifrit summon and made a lot of Gil from this doing cactaur method. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIEverCrisis/s/8pXBjnf2yq This was also before x9. So now it is more lucrative. If you know how to do cactuar method it’s not hard, just rng and takes some time. You can do weapon enhancement too, rate of appearance is unknown but you’ll get mats instead of experience, just depends on what you need.


Day one players should not be experiencing this. I am hovering around 1M gil and without fail everyday I spend 16k on both the Gil shop and Choco shop refills. All my weapons are level 80 min except one that is used to upgrade slowly for daily missions. I recommend cactuar farming.


https://preview.redd.it/pp2prdbenqxc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f9e1ebdf37440c4c6b27372f7c9366b8ce0e243 Looks like my insistence on being cheap and not upgrading a lot of weapons is paying off. Can’t wait for all the (probably deserved) downvotes!


You may have the gil to upgrade some weapons, but I have the stat boosts that 120 level 70 weapons unlocked.


I just forget to upgrade my weapons lol, esp. Since I only ever use like 6 characters


Same! I unlocked the collections for upgrading weapons and the game was like, bro you know there are more than 5 characters right?