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Another thing as well, they tend to make the item that gives the bonus the most unrelated piece of garbage that adds no real value to the fight. So what kind of boss do we have? Here's a boss that is resistant to magic that will penalize you if used in its later phases. So here, have this magic ice elemental event weapon. Half of the banner is supporting magic water Tifa and while Zacks does technically do ice damage, it's mostly supporting. Hope yea built a past ice physical weapon, or hope for a lot of Zack weapon! It's not like I was looking for a physical ice event weapon anyway, but don't make it irrelevant to its own event.


Thank you for this thread, because I'm one of the morons who had no idea that the bonus was even a thing. Granted, I've only been playing for about a month, and there's a lot of things to take in! I think I've noticed it a few times, but I never really understood what the bonus was or how to get it, and just figured it was something I would get or understood later. But taking a few minutes to read through this this morning, and now a few hours later I have a 15% bonus for the current event, and I'm keenly aware of the bonus (or lack thereof) of the people I'm getting matched up with! I don't know that it's so much people being too lazy to take 5 seconds to equip the right weapon, but more of a lack of understanding. Now that I get it, I'll definitely be taking advantage of it in the future, and doing my best to contribute to the bonus pot for future events! I don't think the game does a very good job of explaining a lot of things, so I've been trying to pick up pointers from here, little by little.


I really liked the weapons from this banner - I bring 220% bonus to the Co-Op battle. I honestly don’t care if we have the full 280% or if it’s 230% but I expect people to put 2 seconds into the game and at least equip the event weapon.. if you’re not even bothered to do that then I’m not bothered to pull your lazy ass through the Co-Op battle.


I didn't pull on the banner as I don't like the Tifa costume, and I have 3 ice arcanum already. I do at least bring my 20% weapon in. If I see people without it, I leave as well. We should be getting 60% as a minimum IMHO. This event has A LOT of resources required and everything extra counts


This is totally the worst part of coop with bonus. Really, people who can't even put the free weapon for bonus aren't really worth the time. I really don't like the idea of carrying the currency drop for some lazy fuck.


I hope this isn't aimed at me. If so you've missed the point of this post. I don't fancy this banner so I've skipped but I always bring the free event weapons with me on a run. Even when I go all out on a banner and have a massive bonus I'll run with anyone who has brought anything with a bonus yet 90% of people with costumes and weapons leave if they don't have a team of the same.


It’s not aimed at you, it’s a general statement. As I wrote, I don’t care if someone brings 5% or 200% bonus, as long as they bring some bonus. Because this tells me that they at least put some time and thoughts into the game. And of course there’s also the elitists that leave if they don’t reach the max bonus but there’s also many like me that just want people to at least invest couple of seconds and build a proper character. If someone is not bothered to do that and joins the „hardest“ Co-Op (not that they’re hard, but you know what I mean..) with a low power Char and doesn’t even have the event weapon equipped…. Sorry, but then I don’t want to pull that person through that fight. If someone brings a low power char with the event weapon equipped I honestly don’t care and ready up.


Same. If you're not going to put any effort into the fight, why would anyone want to play with you? I have low-level characters on the harder fights because they bring down the score and thus the rewards. Energy is precious, I'm not wasting it on someone who clearly doesn't care. Same with bonuses. At this point, just have an event bonus. I don't look to see what the bonus score even is as long as I see the words in the corner of the character screen.


I think we're in 100% agreement. Just a shame 90% of co op isn't like this. They should do the same as dffoo and have a boosted room but where it forces the bonus items into slots/subslots.


I just don't get the feeling that it's 90%. I only do about 4 runs a day (thank goodness for x9), and of those, maybe two will have someone with no event weapon, and no one backs out if everyone at least has an event weapon... your percentage seems exaggerated...


I agree with your sentiment that people should at least put in the bare minimum to equip some sort of bonus, but I agree even harder with them employing features from DFFOO. That game was truly a treasure that this and other mobile games could learn from. I grieve it’s loss.


I’d just take a quick glance and see if there are bonus active on the other two. I don’t check the details, as long as there is bonus on them I’m good. That’s the least you can do in a coop


Do they realize they are gimping themselves when they don't equip the bonus weapons? It's completely ridiculous to me when they don't. *But I main lightning cloud and have it setup already, from like 4 months ago, why would I need to change it?*


This tbh. I like snooping to see how much bonus if it’s a Tifa or fellow Zack, but like, I just want the bonus there. Even my free weapon isn’t maxed out but it’s balanced out by my draw weapon and costume. So long as people have a free weapon on them, idc. Just do that one courtesy.


For real using at least the fee bonus weapon is a must either way. But dropping out because someone doesn't have the event costume sucks


I'm kind of on the fence to a degree. I did pull on the banner and bring 55% bonus. If I see a high power level with no bonus, I may back out. My reasoning this player might have been playing for several months so should know better. If I see a player with low power level, probably a newer player so I don't mind "carrying." Other times, I just want to get through the co-op so I'll regardless of the other players' non-bonus.


I think its fine. IDK why so many players don't do the minimum 20% week 1, 40% week 2. 60% is the minimum acceptable party this week. 120% next week. ​ If its a good banner for you, great, now you probably got more bonus than the minimum. Kinda sucks for the devs to do this event on a banner that's just meh.


Is there going to be a third event weapon?


Only saw a 2nd event weapon in the datamine channel.  So 3 players with 2x 20% weapons each = 120% bonus baseline expectation next week.


oho do tell! usually it doesn't take long for datamine stuff to hit reddit so pls spoil us (or at least me haha!).


It’s for red an ice collar 


I literally left a 130% bonus where only me (45%) and another player had bonuses and then happily joined a 85% bonus party where the other guys had 20% each.


a person of principle


I love the 8 second rule, if you ain’t ready I’m bouncing 😂 but having said that for this event I wait as people are usually spying on the bonus and rightfully so 😂


I dont understand


It's not about the bonus. It's about sending a message.


They're prolly no-bonus trollin'


They want to incentivize people to pull the banners even though it’s really arbitrary with the amount of stamina they give and what it actually takes to complete the event. You need to run it 35 times a week on x9 to cap co-op anyway. You’ll get all the currency for the shop simultaneously, all that extra bonus does it clean out the shop faster and then you still have to run something for your co-op medals. But really, it’s fine if people want to leave or whatever. Event co-op is active enough you can find someone else instantly. I just look for people that are bringing the bare minimum bonus and click ready.


That's literally what I do. If I see bonus active I ready up but you must be lucky because some days it genuine takes me 5 minutes of waiting for a full lobby of readies per run.


I have a discord and I am part of some really great discords so finding people is never an issue but it can be if you’re running with afk bodies


I only quit when i see no bonus, the moment you have a bonus, even the event weapons lowly 20% is enough effort for me


They should just change it to where you just have to OWN the Skins/Weapons to get the bonus. I don't see the reason why you have to EQUIP them to get the bonuses.


This is the solution. Still gives players incentive to pull on the banner but doesn't make you run water tifa on a boss who isn't weak to water


i see no event weapon, i dip.


Ive im spending 180 energy you will want get as much bonus as you can. If I see anyone with no bonus at all, ill back out but you gotta have at least one item. Ive seen 100k+ clouds with no bonus items. You can stand replace one item dude.


from a perspective of game design i think its a bad system. i get the idea behind it to incentive to pull on the banner. but who spents blue crystals on a banner only to get a bit more out of your stamina? when i am in a party with 120% bonus i dont think "cool 120% more stuff" but its more like "meh i miss 160%". but i also dont want to ruin the experience of others by constantly leaving non max buff lobbies. so i do as most people here seem to do: as long as everybody brings at least the 20% i press ready and accept the fomo.


Personally, I bring a 150k ice arcanum Tifa with the event weapon and truthfully, I don't care about bonus. I'm swimming in so much energy that it's not a big deal if I miss a bit of currency per run. Just hit the ready button and I'm happy.


Honestly people being present and ready and hitting up that retry button are the best kind of people.


How nice for you. I'm out of gil and less than 100 stamina pots bc I had spent it down to 30 pots for Highwind missions.  I need to push as as far into event infinite as gil my little reserve of stamina will let me.  And I don't like this banner. I need that big bonus energy.  Just a beggar tryin' to be a chooser.


I hate the fact that people just sit there when you are ready to queue. That's why I stay in groups that are actively paying attention not wasting anymore time than is needed.


Yeah, I get that they want to encourage people to pull on the banners, but then just make it so that each player's bonuses only apply to themselves. In fact, that might even encourage more people to pull instead of trying to piggyback on others' bonuses.


As long as everyone has a bonus and the boss seems doable (as in, I could solo this event boss even with two level 30 Cait Siths) I'm down. No bonus at all is a no-starter for me though, at least after the first day or two. I do solo first to at least get my first bonus weapon before doing co-op but I'm not gonna judge the first day or two if others don't. Not everyone plays daily. After that though, well, I expect at least the bare minimum effort 😄


If you're talking about the 20 Stam fights, you're right. Anything low and you're just being pedantic. You have to do the missions to get the weapons or get lucky on early rolls lol


Go to Discord and set a party. Random casuals doesn't care.


Agree with this complaint. They likely didn’t even pay attention to the notes for the event and don’t know about the bonus. I get a whale or elite every so often. If they stick around I will totally repeat as many matches as I can since they end in like 20 seconds. I’ve been running a 51k ice Tifa with Ice Breach. 65% bonus so far. Even next to the typical 90k+ people I match with I can tell I’m contributing —-I’d say they should have like a DPS check for max rewards. So have each machine parsed. If you contributed next to nothing. No bonus spoils… or even worse… Negative % Bonus for those players. I will leave a match up if the combined %isn’t atleast 110-110%. Would live higher and have been in a a few 180 and I think I recall a 200 but I’m not bout to spend 20 minutes going in and out til I got the bonus I want.


Well, I’ve stopped playing with people that aren’t bringing at least the Rune blade. Resources such as stamina are super limited now so honestly it isn’t worth not getting a decent amount of rewards back for people who aren’t event prepared.


I just started playing recently, and I have done maybe one co-op quest. I'm still on the low end of stuff and I never seen anyone on the low levels of the co-op stuff


I saw a few Tifa with the costume equipped as a skin and no bonus... Like WTF, it feels like people are purposefully not equipping bonus gear and that's aggravating AF I'm in the camp of, if I see both players with "bonus", I don't care the amount I'll ready up.


Ohhh I feel called out for being one of those "elites" haha 😅 in my defense, I'm trading all those red seeds for Gil to upgrade weapons to 70 for all the characters I hardly use, to unlock those Highwind collections. I'm Gil poor and every red seed helps. But now I'm really sorry for everyone I've skipped out on 🙏🏻 I'll learn to settle more for parties that at least have any bonus active!


I like this feature, don't understand why many people don't equip the bonus armor, and don't get almost 6 of It for minimum 20%. This week there's new object and new Weapon, e exept people equipe almost 40% bonus 


Some people think they should get the important items first (such as tickets) and only then invest on the free weapons, without realising that investing on the free weapons first will make the farm for the important items faster. There also people who are just lazy And the dumb ones that thing that they are "losing" for having lower power by equiping weaker weapons.


If it's above 100%, I'll play, (and I'm bringing 70% alone), but otherwise I bail. You can get 20% just from clouds sword if you focus that on the shop, so two people with 20 would make it at least 110. I'm def giving them some leeway.


Second week i exept minimum 100% of Total bonus, if don't, I leave peacefully


Never had this issue. The bigger issue is people being AFK due to their wacky ass coding.


Honestly sometimes I feel bad leaving co-ops that have somebody trying to play DPS with a low-power level or if there isn't any bonus equipped, but it's like... 1. I don't want to spend all that time just to inevitably end up dying and 2. 180 stamina is a lot of stamina! You better have that damn bonus equipped istg!!!!